Sunday, October 06, 2013

Long Time Al Qaeda Terrorist Captured in Raid

The biggest story is obviously the capture of this long time Al Qaeda terrorist- - who still looks like a young man.  He is the one who bombed the US embassy in Kenya in 1998 that President Clinton did retaliation bombing for back then, to much criticism by people like Rush who say that “all Clinton did was bomb an aspirin factory”.  The man was captured alive in Tripoli in Libya.  The guy worked with Bin Laden for many years, but his wife claims that he left Al Qaeda in 1998.  She went on to say she believed her husband was innocent of all charges.  There was also an unsuccessful raid of a house in Somolia - - to capture someone from that newer “Al Shabaz” (?) group- - but that raid was unsuccessful.  This was the mastermind behind that armed attack in that Mall in Kenya a couple of weeks ago.  An administration official said that “These raids work out better when they are some simotaniously because that way the enemy doesn’t have a chance to prepare.”    Naturally if I’m the President I’m desperate for any bit of news or something to boost my ratings in the polls.  Perhaps these two raids can keep people’s minds off the fact that so much of the government is shut down.  However now they are hiring back a majority of Pentagon workers.  In a bi partisan move- - the House and Senate both voted to restore the back pay of furloughed government employees.

This is Sunday October 6, 2013 at one thirty and I was just confirming that Google translate did everything that Leo Le Port says it can do.  There are now a vast array of FROM languages and INTO languages, in their native script, even Bengali.  There are a lot of new inventions now.  There is this “cool pillow” that has ice or something in the pillow itself that apparently somehow stays ten degrees cooler all night long- - and is supposed to work great for night sweats or some menopausal malaise like a headache or something.   Then there is the pontoon bicycle.  There is this platform thing- one pontoon thing on each side of the bike, and you can literally ride your bicycle across a body of water like a bay or something- - apparently in reasonable time.  Then there is the folding electric outlet thing- - which makes all the sense in the world.  It is a surge protector that doesn’t have to sit on the floor and consume space.  But you can plug in all your cords and fold them back to each side- - and it’s apparently a lot safer than these old style octopus type plug things- - that won’t overheat- - and of course people worry about bending power cords pushing furniture too close to the wall.  Then we have the crazy kitty invention.  This is some mouse thing under a yellow plastic tarp thing or something that runs around to and fro- - in random directions and speeds, pre programmed- - and it’s guaranteed to drive your cat crazy for hours-  and is said to be good for revitalizing older cats.  They are making increasingly extravagant claims for backyard hoses now.  You know, about how light they have become.  Now they can cure psychological depression with magnetic waves- and he apparently isn’t a nut.  Then there is that medical device that treats you with long wave EM waves.   Of course as you know I am not happy with my Google blogger numbers but I have never been able to “click” on the whole computer social scene anyhow.  The trouble with all these Tweets and things is that people’s attention spend is measured in milliseconds- - and they get bored, and I suspect they give zero thought to all these Tweets they do- - - and sometimes when you read comments in chat rooms or whatever they appear nonsensical.  Leo has apparently been in Europe these past three weeks and has taped all of his programs in advance.

John Boehner doesn’t need to bump off Obama and Byden to exercise the power of President’ all he needs to do is- - create this debt crisis and Obama will be forced to bend to his terms because it seems constitutionally,  John Boehner is the one with the power here.  And apparently the Presidential approval numbers are slipping as this crisis deepens.  Of course Boehner has hardened his position from what it was last summer when he said he had no problem with a "clean Senate bill".  But he's grooming himself for the day when he can say to Heritage Foundation 'I'm the one who brought President Obama to his knees".  And the voters will hear him say this and say "There is a natural born leader".  Boehner walked all over George Stephanopolis today on “This Week” winding up for long winded political lectures, as if he forgot where he was.  Boehner is completely unbending on this.  He kept saying he wanted to "Have a conversation" but his memory is really short.  The President met with him a couple of days ago.  President Obama gave in to John Boehner last time on the debt crisis- - and once you give in to a terrorist once, it sets up a precedent for doing it again.  On Meet the Press- - their reporters are less easily hoodwinked by the right wing.  But the ABC people were implying that Obama would somehow "be a more responsible President" if he bowed to John Boehner's ultamatums.  But you can't hijack something and then say "OK, let's negotiate about it" and claim - as ABC news appears to believe- - that your occupying the moral high ground.

It used to be on these "self awareness" programs there was a libertarian streak to some of them, but in general they preached tollerance and love of your fellow man and the rights of all men.  No more.   I got up at five thirty this morning in time for some of that KFI nut buy before six.  Well the tea party people have a firm hold on that program, and the host was agreeing that “amnesty” for illegal aliens is a bad idea because “If this minority keeps inundating our borders – they will become the majority- - and us real Americans will be in the minority”.  Of course the idea of "driving down the wage base" or otherwise being a "threat t American society as we know it' is silly since the net migration off Mexicans into this country right now is - Zero.  There are as many leaving as coming, hence - no threat.  But don't expect these people to be rational.  This is classic racism from way back- - all the way to the idea of housing discrimination and Negroes moving into white neighborhoods and somehow driving down real estate values or something.  The caller resented the “sense of entitlement” minorities have, who have been in this country for ten or fifteen years.  I happened to think that his argument would work well with Christianity.  Instead of “Citizenship is a privilege and not a right” you could say “Joining the Christian Church is a privilege and not a right”, which is basically how so many of these people act- - with many people including Me.   There was another call fielded on this show about Henry Kissinger and Prescott Bush and Joseph Mengele conspiring together to assassinate President Kennedy in Dallas- - - and they all had quarts watches and could synchronize their shots to the second.  You know- - a long time ago I heard some TV evangelist say that the health of anything- - even a Church- - can be gauged by how easily it repels evil and doesn’t let it get a foothold.  A strong body can repel these strange “virus thoughts’ or whatever that creep into church doctrine.  I don’t know if this KFI host was always the right wing nut job he is today- - but this is all that show has become.  I mentioned a bit about how the Bible is no friend of these people- - not really, because they say the Devil employs Bible verses when it’s useful.  But I happened to think that in the minds of these whackos like this guy on KFI - - and others on that station, for that matter- - everybody who isn’t like them is Satan.  Their fear of “the Other” is classic xenophobia- - and they should get medical treatment.

 I had a dream last night- - where I think I was living back at my family’s old house.  And my brother had a lot of Christian friends over- - and we were scheduled to go somewhere in the evening- - but then they got in a white van and left and later on evening fell- - and I thought of going to a bar and first getting drunk, and if I got lucky I’d buy some illegal drugs on the street and deliberately overdose because I wanted to end my life because “even in a crowd I felt all alone”.  And I remember at night pacing up and down the front walk to the house- - just cursing God because “He brought me to this point in my life where such a move was even necessary”.   Just about as I was about to get in a car and drive off to a bar- - the white van returned in the driveway and they were all back and the dream ended.  Perhaps in this dream I was like President Obama “driven to a point I didn’t want to be at”.   Occasionally some dream will serve as a catalyst for “focusing my thoughts”.    The weather continues sunny, dry, and in the nineties around here, as other areas in the country- - such as the western plains, are ravaged by diverse storms.  Hurricane Karen turned out to be a dud.  Pat Buchannon was ganged up on four to one by the Mc Laughlin group when he tried to say that global warming was a myth.  They showed all these walruses congragated on this one small piece of land.  They'd like more space but all the ice flows they usually have at their disposal have vanished, and I haven't heard Pat's explanation for that.  Only that "the globe has been cooling for the past fifteen years since 1998".   The American People in general are in a major state of Denial now - about a lot of things, and when the history of this period is written down- - the tea party will look so highly out of touch with any sort of economic, social, or ecological reality - - people of that time will be unable to believe it.

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