Sunday, October 06, 2013

A Recapitulation of Time Tested Truths

People who say they want to “mend fences” but repeat the same mindless platitudes over and over again - - aren’t serious.

The Bible is not written in “code”.  There is no “secret translation” of the Holy Scripture that the clergy are in possession of that the rest of us know nothing about.

Microwaving your meals won’t give you cancer.

A vaccine for a real disease is better than to shun it for the imaginary virtues of a deranged person.

The only difference between licensing a gun owner than licensing a driver of a car - - is that you’ll more prevent a higher percentage of deaths with the former rather than the latter.

Sex isn’t any less awkward done for the first time on your wedding night in a fancy hotel room, as opposed to having it at age fourteen in an unused school restroom.

The rich have not “transcended their need for money” as Chuck Smith claims.

The only difference between Mitt Romney taking over corporations and bankrupting them and throwing its employees into the street and running off with their pension funds - - and a Drunken Sailor blowing all of his shore money in one night in a poker game is - - that the Drunken Sailor has higher ethics.

Jesus never spoke the words, “How hard it is for the poor to get into heaven”.
God doesn’t speak in King James English.

If you burry a seed - - you give it a hope for future status that it never dreamed of before.

Don’t be too quick to dismiss something someone wrote in their autobiography book- - before them became famous.

The only difference between the typical info-mercial and a television Christian evangelist- - is that the first one is more dependable and trustworthy.

If Jesus were alive today, I believe he’d say becoming a tea bagger is inherently less trustworthy than becoming a liberal.  That’s because there’s not nearly as much money in it.

People with a backbone never allow themselves to be provided with answers to questions they never asked and frankly don’t care about- - as opposed to the ones they originally were asking.

Stealing from people about to retire isn’t any more ethical- - because the perpetrator isn’t using a gun or wearing a mask.
When anything becomes poisoned - - it’s only prudent to stop consuming it.

Perhaps the worst trait a prospective Christian can have is a spirit of humility.

It’s the innate nature of stupid people in a majority - - to isolate people who are smart- - in order that any true verbal discourse not be “conducted”
George Wallace would be unacceptable as a tea party member today.  Because after all - - in time, George Wallace evolved- - at least a little.

Evil sexual predators hide their true nature- - - evil leaders of major religious movements- - to one degree or another attain success to the degree that they are able to conseal their true intentions from the people - - until it is “too late”.

Many rapists out there enjoy “conversation” with their victims – while torturing them.

A nut that doesn’t “fit in” is a disaster in erecting a political structure.

No bolt is secure when dependant on a nut with thread-bare arguments.

Birch makes a fine canoe but a poor governing board.

Jack Deveroux is a saner individual than Father Eric
Insanity is doing something 41 times and expecting a different result.

If Ted Cruz wasn’t in politics – he might make a good vacuum salesman.

The tea party loves Jews.  They think they make good hood ornaments.

Latinos apparently don’t have the constitutional rights that a stack of money has, such as Free Speech.

They say that to err is human and to forgive is divine.  Well how about this one.  To enjoy the beauty of nature is human- - to create the beauty of Nature- - is Divine.

For Neil of KFI - - forgiveness is not a personal reconciliation with an old enemy - - it’s a business transaction, kind of like legal immunity - - only you end up surrendering more.
Without all the commercials - - and the annoying music- 
- and the promotions for his food show- - the Jesus Christ show verbal content could probably be etched on a half dollar.

If it’s true that “those who can - - DO and those who can’t -  -TEACH “ what does this say about the “moral skills” of the average “teaching ministry” on Sunday morning?

Rush Limbaugh has never seen a book on “Great Moderates of America”.  By the same logic I guess you could say the Indians weren’t very well off before the Pilgrims arrived- - because there were absolutely no Reservations.

   You know what a “reservation” is - they are things that aren't always reliable, and not even Jesus Christ himself - by his own words - - says anyone is able to 'reserve" a seat in heaven., You read the Bible don’t you, so you know this.

A reservation is a hedging of your bets because deep down these people on the right aren't sure they even believe in the American system.  A reservation. That’s what you’re not supposed to have when you’re taking the oath of office.  (“Huh”?)

A Boehner that has been in a rigid state for more than four hours and is unable to discharge his duties- - needs "medical help".

If the Republicans can prolong this recession, they prolong their "recess" from political reality.

With all their vast funds, the tea party may be able to buy elections and buy their own kind of justice, but they can't buy favor form God for themselves in the afterlife.

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