Friday, October 04, 2013

Government By Crisis

Randi says “The Tea Party is the unleashed ID of Born Again southerners”.   She has been stressing the struggle between the New England elite and the Southern Elite, otherwise known as the “Yankee and Cowboy war”.   It is the right rather than the left, which has this notion of “the limited good” and the reasoning goes “I dare not let YOU prosper, because some way or another that means my “liberties’ will be compromised and I’ll suffer”.   Randi was big on this idea that “liberties” means the right to beat your wife, and to beat your slaves.  It’s the right to administer your own Southern style justice.  I think Born Again Christianity- - as we have knows it for over forty years- - is pretty much toast in this country anyhow, and I think THEY know that, and it scares the hell out of them.  People like Rush Limbaugh and Judy come on with this “the sky is the limit” philosophy- - of how even the poorest rail splitter born in a log cabin can grow up to be President of the United States.  But in reality they don’t believe any of this.  They’re just saying it because when President Obama says “I want to move people from the poor up into the middle class” people like Judy say “The middle class is too limiting.  The President oughta be ashamed of himself for limiting people without hope in this way”.  Clearly these so called true blue "fundamentalist' Christians have pretty much become strangers to the Truth, as well as rational reason.  One wonders whether Grover Norquist and John Boehner were among the original disciples of Jesus, whether they wouldn't make Jesus sign a pledge to teach only the things they personally approved.  You can't even quote the Bible to these people because they'll come right back, "Well, even Satan quotes scripture".   He did it once in the Entire Bible and they make a generalization out of it.  And I would add even in the one time Satan quoted it- - that did not necessarily make it false.  When  you hear terms such as 'President was an anti Colonialist" you know where they are coming from.  They don't want the slaves on the plantation getting any funny ideas.  That's exactly what they mean.  According to them - - unless you wear a powder gray whig and ruffles- - you can't call yourself a revolutionary Patriot.  I don't know what is going to happen in this government crisis we are in.  My belief is that "The script has already been written" by- - - what you'd call God.  You cant fight God any more than you can fight Stephano Di Mira.  Astrological considerations point to another crisis around mid month and this would have been true even Without the debt crisis.  About a span of a week is as close as I can narrow it down.  If you got out of the stock market when I told you to, you wouldn't be worried now.

Moe Kelly calls it “Government by crisis”.  Because congress and the House in particular, had six months to set up a conference committee with members of the Senate to hammer out a budget.  But John Boehner waits till four hours before the deadline and when the democrats laugh at this proposal, Boehner says “The democrats refuse to negotiate”.  All the President can do is make nice speech.  But Moe himself points out that the people are being routinely and persavly lied to.  Some of the lies told on Yahoo Finance chat, are that illegal Aliens will be getting Free medical care.  In fact one big lie is “The liberals have been claiming that now you get free medical care”, when nobody from Our side EVER said that.  Then there is the story going around that the government can access your Bank account in a way they couldn’t before prior to Obama Care.  And with EFT (electronic funds transfer) on their own the government can take money out and put money in your account - - all because of a provision in Obama Care.  And of course there is the claim that for age 76 and higher, the program won’t even let you consider getting a Cancer cure but will turn you over to one of their “Death Pannels” for “death counceling’ or something.  It’s sick.  There are hints that John Boehner has told people privately that he has no intension of forcing the United States to default on it’s debts to others”.  We can hope. 

Unfortunately Moe Kelly’s other story of the morning was about defending an untenable position of saying even though it’s now legal for illegal aliens to get Drivers Licenses, Moe does not recognize that law.  He says that drivers licenses won’t make the roads any safer even though they clearly will.  Moe says “Jerry Brown has flip flopped on the position he campaigned and got elected on in2010 when he said it was a bad idea”.   In response to Jerry Brown’s remark about “The federal government didn’t take action on immigration so I am” Moe does not address that issue had on but does an obscure verbal end run - and Moe says this it is inherently a bad thing to do, to take up the initiative on something where others have failed.  He pointed to Arizona where they sought to enforce federal immigration laws- - which Moe was also against.  Moe also said that he doesn’t like DMV tests to begin with because “It’s too easy to cheat”.  So like- - if we had gun licensing- - Moe would be against that too, if it were at all possible to cheat on a test of gun knowledge and profiency to obtain a license.  Moe then said something about stigmatizing a minority with a special marker on the license.  Moe’s position is a grab bag of nonsensical notions.  He engages in arguments with false premises- - where even if carried though logically - - his conclusion would not even follow THAT logic. 

The top news story of the day was this nutty lady at the Capitol.  Her name is Marian Kerry and she is 34 and she had “mental issues”.  She was driving with a one year old child in the car.  She rammed into the White House baracade- - and then backed up and over a mile and a half not strictly straight trek- - went through Washington past many monuments and ended up at the Capitol building and again ran into a baracade.  Vollies of bullets rained on her- - but the Secret Service people were unable to kill her until she was stopped.  Perhaps they wanted to be extra sure because there was a child in the car.  She was a dental hygienist from Brooklyn.  At one point one of the cops chasing her ran into a baracade and was badly insured.  The story broke about a quarter to twelve.  The capitol was in lock down for about forty minutes.  But there was surprisingly little news about it- - and Randy Rhodes completely avoided the topic on her show yesterday.  The videos we have trickled in at a very slow rate.  First there is the Naval Ship yard and then there is this- - within a week or so - - two violent events near the heart of government.

This is Friday October 4, 2013 and on this date in 1987 while things were really bad between Frank and me, I had sent Pastor Don a letter to talk about it.  And he’d read it, but I sensed a definite emotional detachment with his for the first time, which only grew.  When I really needed his feedback and advice about something he was kind of AWOL.  Of course the weather the first few days of that October were just like now- - hot and dry.  I was dozing off after noon when Nora came in to tidy up.  I noticed that the Santa Anas had kicked up and how hot it had gotten outside when I went to the liquor store for cigarettes.   In soap land,  Will Horton won’t forgive Nick Fallon, but he’s perfectly happy to forgive the Di Mira family and go on as if nothing had happened.  E J has now “authenticated” phoney medical records in case anyone snoops around about brother Chad's cancer- - - and apparently he’s supposed to feel guilty about a lie he didn’t tell about something that doesn’t exist anyhow.   Then this whole Kayla rape thing with Jack has now come back into the script with sudden “crisis” perportions.   It’s kind of funny how all the family members and friends have officially “blacklisted” Jack Junior from spending so much as one night at their homes, as if somehow this is going to “teach Jack a lesson” if he feels completely isolated from the family.   The psychology is screwey.  

I was reading up on the Commodore 64 computer that didn’t come out till August of 1982, which surprises me.  It had better market success than I had thought, in large part because they were able to keep their prices down to below six hundred.  Both the Commodore 64 and the Atari 8000 computers were eight bit.  The commodore had 64,000 bits of RAM, which is only logical.  People say that computer prices have “come way down” and computers used to cost $1,500 or two thousand dollars.  This clearly was not the case, even thirty years ago.  The Apple II debuted with a price of $666.00.   They say that Steve Wazniac worked for Apple from 1975 on and spend almost his entire carrier there.  But I heard he worked with Xerox on G U I technology in 1974 and that he helped Bill Gates write the DOS code (disc operating system).   The game series of Atari was 2600 but the Atari computer was called the 8000.   They speak of this major arcade gamer crash of 1983, which is news to me.  Arcade games were really bit up to about 1992.   They used to have the big arcade center at the Buena Park Center before they remodeled the whole place- - for reasons I still have yet to fathom.  As to Zach and Cody having arcade video games in their home- - even at the time this was considered austentatious and strange.  Dan Di Marco had a video game console at his house (when Lobo was still his dog) in the summer of 1983.  Rom of course brought his Atari console to the Bosc house when he moved in in early 1984.   I certainly never heard of any video game recession then.    


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