Friday, September 26, 2008


I thought of doing this blog before the debate tonight because I sense that the prolog was more revealing than the actual event and basically I was right. If you ask me who won the debate my inclination is to say the moterator, Jim Lerrer won it because he kept trying to get the principals to get to the nitty gritty issues and talk to each other. It was p0inted out that in the foreign policy part of the debate apparently Obama said, "Senator, you're right" eight times. Giuliani portrayed it as a "lessen in foreign policy" delivered by Mc Cain. Obama said he would talk to Amajinidad of Iran "without pre conditions" but then added that of course you would need "praparation" to get all the diplomatic proticols down first. On the subject of Georgia both agreed that we should forcefully oppose Russia but Mc Cain was the more forthright of the two and perhaps won the one upsman contest on this issue. On Iraq I think neither candidate stressed that it's time for the Iraqi to stand up and be counted and that we should incourage nationalism of the Iraqi people which will in itself repel foreign overatures and influences. One must remember that Iraq fought a war with Iran for eight years, so the danger of some Shiite influence is minimal here. Mc Cain scored some points, bogus or not, in saying he could cut defence cost overruns. Obama failed to stress enough the 90% support Mc Cain has given Bush these eight years and how Mc Cain is tied to Bush. I don't know of Obama explained clearly enough that there was a change in local Iraqi policy just prior to the surge where a segment of the population agreed to work on our side, and in turn, we in this country finally understood local concerns and motivations. In terms of the bail-out agreement Obama spelled out his concerns about the agreement, and his hopes for provisions and safeguards that would be included in it. I still don't know where Mc Cain stands on the bail-out agreement. In terms of health care neither candidate fingered the drug bill Bush got passed as the biggest boondoggle and give-away to the medical insurance companies. Also the idea of volume discounts for drugs and dickering down the price wasn't mentioned. Obama correctly stated that we need to fear a bomb in a suitcase more than we do one being launched by a missile.

(Released September 26th. 2008)

Gypsey (Moody Blues) Yahoo Edit
Beggars Farm (Jethro Tull)
Too Much Time on My Hands (Styx)
Bitter Creek (Eagles)
Shape Changes (Jefferson Airplane)
Milk and Honey Days (Fever Tree)
Eats (Brownsville Station) (?)
Piggies (Beatles)
When You're Hot You're Hot (Jerry Reed)
Indiana Wants me (early 1971 artist)
Jessica (Almon Brothers)
Magic Bus (The Who - Live at Leeds)
Second Impression (Emerson Lake & Palmer)
Third Impression (Emerson Lake & Palmer)

This album was released throughout the Federation at 10 AM Sirius A time, that runs on New York time on the 39th. anniversary of the release of Abbey Road. The front cover has the sub title of "Bush Babies - The Next Generation" and the print is all red on black background, which is fitting considering- - . Also included on the front cover is the symbol for the demon Asmodeus. There are numerous "clues" on this album- - and also on the back cover which seems inspired by the cover of "Return of the Rocker" by Elvis, with a visable Kennedy sign, but also other items like cheer leader pom poms and a sign to vote No on proposition 8, so you know I didn't write this. WDRV radio this morning played some interesting songs from the psychedellic era. Tracks one through five, and track seven were previously released a month ago on a limited basis as a "Six Pack". The last two tracks were also included on an album called "Strange Places" released in January of 1990, which featured some old Hotel lobby like from the movie Key Largo or something with potted palm trees around and some gangsters hanging out.

Important dates to look for in the future is an event next Tuesday which will be key in determing future events. The next key date is October 6th. which should be a Monday, and the next Thursday, October 9th. is another key date. Another "key date" is in the past May 23rd. and unless the deed of this date is somehow "undone" dire events will follow, but progress is being made in this area. My watch-word for the day is "Look out for unintended consequences".

The title of this album is based on the idea that going up in the repture will be one hundred million people because scripture says "Behold he comes with ten thousand times ten thousand of his saints". I think this is originally from the Book of Enoch. This album is featured by a number of abrupt starts and stops in the music.

Thursday, September 25, 2008


Let's summarize the points that Randi Rhodes has been making about this investment trust co. bail out bill. First of all not at stake are the fates of Fanny Mae and Freddy Mac. These have already been bailed out. Furthermore, Bear Sterns and A I G have already been bailed out. Goldman Sachs is reorganizing to become a bank so that they qualify for FDIC insurance. So just what is the 750 Billion for? Presumably it's to just throw around to whomever Hank Poulson thinks is deserving of the money. So it looks like there are three provisions that should be in any deal or else it's a no-go. The first is that C E O's should be fired without a "golden parachute" and the ones that remain in control should undergo a drastic cut in salary. The second provision is that people who actually took out the Mortgages should be allowed to re-negotiate their loans so that the lending institutions can re-coup their money. And the third is that they should only get 150 Billion or one fifth of what is proposed. That way a president Obama will have control over the rest of the money and force these lending institutions to be on their best behavior. Even doing all of this the deal is still very generous. But what I don't understand is why Mc Cain and Obama are so quick to jump into the swim of things. Both would be better served by trying to pin the whole thing on President Bush as we said inour last posting.


Let's return to our virtues. Of course the image of justice is that she is blindfolded and that things are weighed impartially in the ballance. Impartially, like fairness, are words we don't hear often enough. There is a scripture that goes "God is not a respecter of persons". I wish people would contemplate what this means. Of course implicit in justice is honisty. People should go to get a fair and equitable deal. Some say that to be fair is to be obsessive. Show me how being unfair is better. Another comcept I'd like to discuss is ballance. Things are weighed in the ballance and so both sides must be made equal. Implicit in this is keeping emotions in ballance. I'm sure cops have to face this every day of their lives. There is no room for undue anger of "Huberous", which is kind of a wrathful pride. There are other emotions such as delusions of grandure that Christians also suffer from when they are psychically out of ballance. Certain principles we would call of supreme value, which means that there is no value higher. Do you believe that we are all children of God and that he made us and that human life is precious and sacrosanct? If so and you're Abraham you wouldn't sacrifice your son to gain the favor of some God who, according to the movie, he didn't even know the name of. In this case the issue of justice and the right to life supersedes gaining favor with some God. Some may say "Well, to meet out justice might involve some divine wrathfulness & we must prevent this at all cost". It's the words "at all cost" that are the sticking point here. The book of Revelations talks about divine wrath as a means of establishing justice, and who am I to second guess the revelation of God. In this case establishing justice is of greater supreme value than God keeping his cool. Furthermore one must not misuse the term "ballance". Certain scriptures are meant as absolutes and not to be "ballanced off" by another scripture. Hence I don't have that much respect for a certain Calvary pastor who is always doing "ballancing acts" with scripture he comes accross, or Jesus on KFI who say that promices of God have to be "ballanced" with pragmatism. If God says something it's either true or it's not. And if it's not than God is a liar and it's best to find that out now. Likewise if President Bush says something it's either the truth or a lie, and we should acertain to find out which quickly. One will note I did not include grace as a virtue. Follow my logic. People who say they are for grace will also tell that it's free. And if it's free than it has no market value. Grace can be likened to the jewelry that Liberace wears while playing the piano. It has nothing to do with the quality of his piano playing. Grace, as we have stated before, can easily be used as a lever to manipulate people. Hence grace is A-moral. It all depends on how it is used how moral it is. Not all lies are "malum en se" as Gordon Liddy might say. Lies are evil if they distort a "whitness" to some event where you are sworn to tell the truth. Lying to a friend how much you paid for your Mercedes doesn't fall into the category. On election day I do believe a politican's honisty should be heavily weighed. Any congressman this year is leaving themselves extremely vulnerable in taking such a giant bail-out step this close to standing for re-election.

According to Jeopardy, Aristatle taught that moral virtues could be differentiated from philosophical virtues. As for myself I don't see the difference. Today Thom Hartman was talking about five moral virtues both political parties appeal to in campaigns but the list is highly skewed in favor of the Republicans on a four to neutral basis as I see it. The one virtue that both parties agree on is care verses harm. Nobody wants to do harm. Everybody favors care and compassion. Another is fairness and recriprocity verses the alternative. This is a Republican one and the best way to illustrate it is affirmative action and the quota system, by which white people are discriminated against. Another so called virtue is Unity verses Diversity. The republicans will say that being IN "the group" is superior to being OUT of "the group". Another is authoritarianism verses anarchy. The final one is purety and sanctity verses moral corruption. If these were the five virtues, the republicans would win every time.

Let me tell you about my list of seven virtues. I have discussed them before but now I could like to include their polar opposits. The first one is Faithfullness and fadelity. This is being true to a virtue or a principle. It is loyalty to that deserving loyalty. The polar oposit is obviously being a flake and an oppertunist. The second virtue is Hope. Going along with this is seeing the positive and not the negative in everything. This is such an important quality I put it on my list largely because of the attitude of my family which wallows in negativity at virtually every turn. In World War II the Andrew sisters talked about accentuating the positive, because they knew this is what it took to get the job done. There is saying "When there is life there is hope". You can turn it around. "When there is hope there is life. The next virtue is compassion or charity. It's polar opposits are abusive behavior and apathy, which in most cases is not "benign neglect". It is sowing good karmic seed into the world. The fourth virtue on my life is courage. This comes to facing up to some moral challenge that requires one to do the right thing regardless of the personal cost to onesself. It's polar opposit is cowardess and those who make up lies and excuses for things they feel "convicted" about. The fifth virtue is Justice or the pursuit of rightness and fairness, which should be inquenchable. Some people say that justice and fairness are not important, but they are usually autocrats. The sixth virtue is perseverence or patience. This is not being patient with something that is inopperative. For instance on March 24th. 1976 I "gave my heart to Jesus" but waiting for any blessing from this act is as vain as vaiting for Hell to freeze over. It's patience in the sense of "not being weary with well doing". It's strength and perseverence tword a goal, or dying in the attempt. Some call this one "Fortitude". The seventh virtue is prudence or wisdom. You will note that anger is not "malum en se" or evil in itself. But lack of many of these virtues can and does result in anger. Anger often is not looking far enough into the future to see the probably results of your action. Some Christians might say that "sacrifice" is an inherent virtue. No, sacrifice is like anger in that it's all the context in which it is used whether it is a moral cause or not. Just as if you ask a gardener he will say that "harm" is not always a vice if it's used against unwanted weeds or preditory insects, so sacrifice is no virtue, if you sacrifice something of great inherent value, for something cheap and transitory. Perhaps getting to the point a Christian might well say "Jesus laid down his life for our salvation". The problem with this is that if you have a mass murderer who is being sentensed and another alien being steps out of his UFO saying "I will pay the price" first you better check to see if the space alien is a mortal being. If the being cannot die or be killed, then he cannot pay the price, even were suchy a thing advisable to begin with, which it would not because it violates fairness and individual responsability. The other thing is some say Jesus always trusted God. It is physically impossible for an omnicient being to either Trust or Not Trust because he knows everything that is, and as such can neither "speculate" on one thing or the other because he knows the end from the beginning. Gene Scott for similar reasons cannot "sacrifically give" as he tells his congragation to. He lived on a dollar a year salary with an unlimited expence account and as such no matter how much he chose to "give" he would just take from his own seemingly inexaustable expense account. Have I clarified things for you?


The big news is that John Mc Cain has "suspended" his campaign. In my book if Mc Cain is not at tomorrow's debate, he should step down as republican standard bearer because he has abrigated his duey to run for President. Others have point out that "You can't just decide to suspend being President" or as Obama says "A President will often be called to do more than one thing at one time". Mc Cain flaked out on David Letterman and I don't blame him one bit for being put out. It can be argued that George Bush is wholly responsable for this whole deboccle because he set up the "ownership society". This was the waving of ordenary regulations so that poor people could buy a nicer house. But the fact is when Bush was confronted with the need to amend these policies the regulators were told to butt out, and even State laws were declared unconstitutional, when they tried to install their own regulations. The point is that Bush is doing this bail out just like he did with the Iraq War. He's trying to rush congress, just like with the Patriot Act, into passing something it hasn't fully investigated, with no checks or ballances or oversight. As to this notion about not having tomorrow's debate- - obviously this is to buy Mc Cain time because he hasn't prepared, or perhaps because Sarah Palin hasn't prepared for her debate. This whole bail out bill is just "buying time" untill after the election when then it's OK to have it all fall apart. It was pointed out that Herbert Hoover did something very much like this in bailing out the Banks in 1931, but it didn't work then and probably won't work now. The President gave a good C Student speech last night. There was nothing extrordenary about it but he did make some rudamentary points we've heard many times before. I have a feeling this whole bill is going to be passed with almost no changes because what this president wants, this president gets. Mc Cain doesn't know how he'll vote but he acts as though he did and his vote is so urgent it merits the suspending of a campaign. But I don't see why Obama doesn't complain more about the way he's been one-upped and manipulated by his opponet.

Now we hear that Sarah Palin consulted with an African witch doctor who is responsable for the burning of 25 witches in Tanzania. Supposedly he's really a Christian and he "drove the spirit of witchcraft" out of Palin. There are other reports that Palin has had one or more sexual affairs. Of course everyone is wondering why Sarah Palin has been kept isolated from the Press. Have we ever had a situation like this year in any previous political campaign in the history of this country? I don't think so. Those of you looking for "signs" look till next Tuesday because I predict something will happen then, on the 30th. that will more so than imagined now, illustrate just what a bad decision we will have made if we go along with this Republican business bail-out package. I repeat: there is something we don't know now that if we did know, and we will next Tuesday, we'd never in a million years do this thing.

Monday, September 22, 2008



So many people wish 9 - 11 had never happened or that we could magically go back seven years on the callendar to before it did. Before them the Bush adminestration had no direction. My family is never so "in their element" as when there is some "crisis" in my life that I'm supposidly ignoring that wasn't there the day before- - the day before they invented it. I don't know about you but this past astrological month of Virgo has really sucked for me. I'm happy now to be in a new season. Perhaps the fall will be more auspicious, because really from the git go of the summer solistis things have been rather jinxy for me. Have you noticed a few archetectural features missing in the democratic landscape this year. Ted Kennedy is gone. And his absence is sorely missed. Also Tim Russart is dead and is no longer around to ask those incisive questions of his about the candidates. But what I'd like to know is "Where is Joe Biden"? We've heard very little from him. He seems to have dropped off the radar. Also we've heard precious from either Bill or Hillary Clinton. Which brings me to my major theme and that is- - the Democrats made a major mistake in not nominating Hillary for President. You don't look for Superbowl candidates based on a football team that peaked in September. And you don't look for a Presidential winner based on a man whose campaign peaked in February. Since the start of March, Hillary consistently beat Obama in the key head to head contests. And the chickens are coming home to roose. Obama continues to suffer from that deficet of not being strong with either white women, or your typical lower working class blue collar Reagan Democrat, such that the rust belt is noted for. My reasons for favoring Obama over Hillary last spring were based on a number of key misperceptions. Most importantly, I viewed Obama as the next Jack Kennedy, whose campaign would catch fire and he would gain momentum with each passing month. Both Jack Kennedy and Franklin Roosevelt ended up governing more to the left of how they campaigned, once they got in office. But we're hearing how Obama made a secret deal with the Iraqis that he would keep the troops in that country as long as Bush or Mc Cain would, despite what he says in public. In May I had no way of knowing about the massive reversals of positions by Obama discussed in the previous postings. Some other areas such as abortion, I thought Hillary was too extreme, and yet Obama favors killing the baby even when it is out of the womb. Hillary would never have done the massive cave in on issues that Obama has done since June. If Obama was not afraid to take on Hillary, why does he seem to cower in the presence of Sarah Palin? I'm puzzled as to why Mc Cain gained strength by "going back to his base" and yet Obama thinks he can win by moving to the right all the time alianating his own base.

We have the issue of the economy now. To put the situation in metaphorical terms, it's as though in the spring of 1945 it looked pretty sure that we would defeat Japan in WW II but then we dropped the bomb, and suddenly the whole contest is in doubt because maybe the Japanese are praying now to their Emperor-God, whom we are suddenly afraid of. That's what it's like being afraid of Sarah Palin. Some may say I haven't attacked John Mc Cain with equal vigor. Well obviously a member of the Keating Five who has as his assistant a person with a "Golden Parachute" from Hewitt Packard, who fired a bunch of employees but rewarded their CEO for doing a bad job- - obviously this affects Mc Cain's credibility. And absolutely under no circumstances would I vote for Mc Cain. He's spent so much time supporting Bush bills in the past and supporting deregulation- - that now to come in and say "I'll make it all better if I'm elected" is nothing short of silly. Obviously we should hold hearings into salaries of C E O's and start investigating the most obviously guilty. In your personal life if you run into money problems you cut expences and try to raise income. But not the government. I don't have the vaguest idea how or even if we can pay for this giant bail-out plan of Government. People say to "let market forces have their way" would be unspeakable. But others say that nothing we do now, even this massive bail out plan of lending institutions, will even work in the long run. I cannot even fathom how an additional half a trillion dollar government expenditure will affect our solvency as a government. What Obama needs to do is start naming names of the most culpible people who deserve to be in jail. I don't know why O J Simpson is walking around free with all his millions that he owes to the Browns and Goldmans. Maybe we should bring back debtors prison. What we do know is that Mc Cain is almost an architypal "crook" that whatever mess we're in mow will only get worse with Mc Cain as president. We will be going from the frying pan into the fire on so many levels. In fact, Mc Cain is probably guilty of stuff right now that he could be thrown in jail for. Obama has to get really specific and spell out all of the nitty gritty detales of this financial mess and start naming names and dates and places and pointing fingers- - if he ever expects to win the White House.

Saturday, September 20, 2008


A lot of us lately have had a "Come to Jesus" moment when it comes to the economy lately. We realize without the intervention of some Higher Power we cannot help ourselves. This is now the case with the national economy. But as Jimmy Stewart says in the movie "Actually, it's just money that we've loaned to ourselves". We should think of yesterday's intervention as a "United we stand; divided we fall" type of thing. The government has intervened in a massive way to buy up all these shakey mortgage loans which are themselves bought and sold like comodities. Only now you can pick them up for pennies on the dollar. If the mortgages do not default, they will be worth a whole lot more than that in money markets, and the tax payers rather be on the hook for that money might actually see a profit in the coming future. President Bush knew that he had to act soon. Candidate Obama has pointed to various proposals he's made in preceeding years which, he would have it, if they were followed we wouldn't be in the crisis we're in now. Seeing it is how it's "money we owe ourselves" another thing to keep in mind is "There for the grace of God go you and I". But the thing is if these big lending institutions like Goldman Sachs or Morgan Stanley go under, we will all suffer in the wake of their destrutions as the waves ripple out. You know that. Johnny Wendell was saying "perhaps a bad recession wouldn't be such a bad thing". As exhibit A against Johnny's notion I give you the plot to "Sunset Boulivard". You remember when that William Holdman character was told by his agent "The best thing that could happen to you now is to lose your car. That way you'd be forced to sit behind a typewriter and come up with something decent". If you've seen the movie you realize "It didn't work out that way". Some advice deserves to be tossed in the waste basket two seconds later. There is such a thing as "The urgency of Now". We are living with the urgency of Now, with the national economy. Help has to be timely or it will be useless. You know the addage, 'A stitch in time saves nine". You don't wait till your car is smoking before taking it to a mechanic. If you do it may already be too late. If you're an Obama fan you think like Mal Evans (who died in Jan. 1976) who says that the government should let the free market prevail and let the chips fall where they may and let each rich person suffer according to his own karma. Johnny Wendell may think a recession is a nice "time to take a vacation" or something or to "reorder the priorities on your life" but the fact is if these people really had their ear to the ground they would have done what I recomended a couple posts back and start buying up stocks at these low rates and get real bargains. Also my judgement was sound in saying that now is a time to sell or short oil futures. Just think how rich I'd be if I had money.

Judgement is also a factor with Obama and Mc Cain on how they conduct their campaigns. At the end of the day it's a good thing to say "I backed the right horse; I bet on a winner". Obama for one can't say that when it comes to success or lack thereof of the Surge in Iraq in 2007. I said in February 2007 on "Man's misguided guest to be God" that I thought the surge would work. My big problem with it was that apparently the move bypassed congress. I would hope none of us would wish failure on the other political party just to further our own success. If you are you are not being a Christian, and I recomend you see your local pastor and have a talk with him about it. When we hit the top of the oil futures market, I said so. I think it's just wrong and probably unpatriotic to wish failure in Iraq on our troops just to further your own political aims. There is one Bible passage against the "Nya- - Nya- - " people pertaining to the nation of Edom, who taunted Israel when they were "getting it". As the following editorial states- - Obama's rather bull headed stance on the subject of the Surge of 2007 is a major area where he exercised faulty judgement.

We need to keep the people of Houston and Galviston in prayer. Over half the people in that area are still without power, and some in Galviston may not have electric power for weeks. Kids can't even attend school. People's travel is restricted and people in Galviston who were evacuated are not allowed to return to their homes.

A friend of mine who gave me a loan of more money than I expected today had an anti gay flyer. There are a number of points that merit repeating. Marriage is not just for the couple themselves, but for society as a whole, with the knowledge that kids will be raised in a proper environment. As Hillary's book states "It takea a village". If just isn't the parents but a whole neighborhood that determines how moral a kid will turn out. Also marriage protects women. It does this by saving them from man's more beastly instincts, because some men would "accumulate" wives only to either ignore them or abuse them, and in the end society would not be served.

Here is the editorial that has been edited with one sentense added, and you smart ones should be able to find that one with no problem at all.

Mr. Obama's "new kind of politics" - which was based on telling the truth, being a principled politician and treating one's opponents fairly - collapsed once he secured the nomination in June. He reversed course with dizzying speed on NAFTA, FISA, public financing of campaigns, whether the D.C. gun ban was constitutional, meeting with rogue leaders without preconditions and the unity of Jerusalem. He even qualified his Iraq policy by stating it would be "refined" according to "conditions on the ground." Most recently, in light of the economic downturn, Mr. Obama stated he might reconsider implementing the tax increases in his economic plan.

Mr. Obama appeared authentic during the Democratic campaign as a liberal champion: In running to the left of Hillary Clinton, he was passionate, fiery and convincing. Yet since his mad dash to the center, he appears uncomfortable: He stammers and stutters in response to questions rather than speaking forthrightly. The polished, Ivy League-educated senator now uses "folksy" expressions. This downhome speaking manner is geared toward attracting white, blue collar voters - and is not in consonance with his impeccable oratory. He is now packaged and artificial And that ain’t no way to win no campaign no-how.

Mr. Obama stated that voters need not be spooked by his thin foreign-policy resume, but should look to his judgment. These statements were cheered throughout the primaries when the Iraq war was going badly. But once the surge succeeded, Mr. Obama has been unable to convince Americans that his judgment is in fact sound.

For weeks, Mr. Obama refused to acknowledge the success of the surge. Now, he acknowledges it at last, but still does not admit that he was initially wrong in his opposition. Clearly, his judgment on foreign affairs is often overcome by prejudices or expediency. Again, he set the terms of the debate and then failed his own test.

Many voters and critics are still asking: Who is Mr. Obama? He has told us who he is through his record and deeds: a liberal politician who will abandon all his principles at the drop of a hat in order to be elected. This is not new or fresh: It is precisely the "failed policies of the past" that he brilliantly identified, but cannot surmount.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


There is just too much chaos today to get all the information in one posting. Thom Hartman is talking about all the other government bail outs of people and corporations that is going on. Either the tax payers will have to pay for all these bail outs now, or else our children and grandchildren will have to pay for them. Governor Swartzenegger is in the news afresh now because he plans to veto the hard fought and heavily wrangled over state budget hammered out by our state legeslature. Even though the current bill contains no borrowing, and the dreaded one cent sales tax is not included, still Swartzenegger plans to veto this bill because it over-withholds people's state incom taxes, and it also dips into the "rainy day fund" for reasons our governor does not consider valid. What this means is that even if the democrats should successfully override the veto- - Swartzenegger still says he plans to veto every other spending bill associated with this budget bill so that our state government will be in a state of continuous chaos. As such there are moves afresh to recall this governor, the same way we recalled Governor Gray Davis before him.

There are certain economic statistics the media isn't telling us. I've heard from one source on the radio that our federal budget deficet is now projected to be over five hundred billion for this year. I never heard that. Certainly such a high figure should be a fair topic for our current political debate as to whether we should raise or lower taxes. Another statistic I've still never heard is the one that says we have spent two consecutive down quarters as far as corporate earnings is concerned. So far they will not even acknoledge that the G N P has gone down one bit. The government is still calling what we're in as a "slow down" rather than a full blown recession. I would only imagine that somewhere down the line before November the truth about this economy has to come out. If you looking for economic advice from me right now, my advice is to buy Gold because I think you'll find todays rates will turn out to be a bargain looking back from a year from now. If the democrats want to play a little dirty all they have to do is play the fear card and say "If the Republicans get elected your social security and medicare coverage is in grave jeopardy". There are so many old people who vote, as well as those near retirement, certainly accusing Mc Cain of wanting to privitize health coverage and social security are safe cards to play.

What they are saying now is that oil prices will continue to decline till the day after the November election, and from that day on, President elect Mc Cain will laugh in everyone's face as prices climb to new highs. There is talk that the "trooper gate" scandal they are investigating now with Gov. Palin, will be put on hold till after the November election so that "bias" is not introduced into the campaign. Of course if the Republicans win the investigation will never be held. Now I hear that Palin was lying about something else. She's saying something went wrong with the tele-prompter during her concention speech. Now the democrats are saying the tele-prompter was working just fine and that she made the whole thing up.

Thom Hartman reminds is that "the surge in Iraq is working" because we are paying people in Anwar privince not to shoot at us, but "If we don't get out of the country soon they're going to start shooting at us again anyhow". Meanwhile in Pakistan they have said they will not allow U S incursions over the Pakistani border in pursuit of Al Qaida. Meanwhile there was that Sixty Minutes feature that stated that the Afghanis hate the United States now more than they hated Russian troops who occupied their country because of all the people we have wantonly killed, and that the Russians were more humane. I'm just saying that the perverbial "rug" we are shoving everything under, is getting mighty lumpy. One wonders when there is a day of reconing when all the dirty secrets of the Bush Adminestration will come to light.

OK folks, I think I've found the loophole I was looking for in my prayer to God last May 23rd. I was going to reproduce the text here but let's just say one line that struck my fancy was "We need Obama nominated so as to give the American people a real choice in November". I thought if the American People had a choice they would go for Obama in droves. God proved me wrong. God made a fool of me. Part of my deal with God was to defend and preach Christianity and to defend anyone who calls themself a Christian whether I liked them or not. Let me ask you something. Do you believe God knows what is in our hearts? Despite text on a page, do you think God was smart enough to know "what I meant" by my saying I wanted to be involved in the preaching of Christianity and defending it? Jesus on the radio once said "If there is a church filled with flakes and hypocrites, you should join it and change it for the better" - - and perhaps lend it credibility. My hope and prayer was that if I were involved in the preaching of Christianity, I could preach it right and not from the corrupt motives of others. But how can my voice compete with Sarah Palin? Millions upon millions of people see her and her life and her phoney veneer and hypocricy and lack of believability. How can a "vessel" like her restore credibility to Christianity? She is making things worse at a far faster rate than any blog of mine could hope to make things better. People will look at her life and deeds and conclude "I knew Christians were a bunch of flakes and Sarah Palin is my proof". Can I not come back to God and accuse him of malfeasence or "bad faith" in executing my prayer?

Much of what we know about Catholic Popes including Pope Pious I, who was the nineth pope, comes to us from a book compiled in the middle ages called "The history of the Popes" (in Latin) As such the excommunacation date of Martion at 144 AD is probably from this book written centuries later, some say by Jerome. We know now that not only is "The Christmas story" omitted from Marcion's scripture, but also any reference to the second coming of Christ. I find this amazing. Could my own "theatrical fantasy" of weeks ago be truer than I dared believe? That the "second coming" portions of scripture were about someone besides Jesus who spoke of The Son of Man in the 3rd Person, perhaps John the Baptist? One of these passages I have always been fond of. Where there is the saga of the unfaithful survant, who eats, drinks, and parties and doesn't do his job but instead beats up and mistreats his fellow survants. What will the son of man do with such a survant when he comes? How would Mc Cain stack up here? (Let us meditate on this truth now- - - )

I have believed there is a Rat on the premises here. Someone hired by my brother of the female perswasion. I won't narrow it down further than that, who reports everything I do such that when I talk to my brother he is forearmed with a version of "the truth" told by someone else, whom he believes more than me. People from the Federation such as Stewart Sutcliffe say this person is culpable, and not to trust her or give her any amunition. When you suspect a Rat, their every action and glance you view in a different light- - "forearmed" with what they are really thinking.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Well, if I had been playing the market my instincts would have been good. I was thinking when the market was down "just" 69 points this morning that it was a pretty good time to step up and scoop up real bargains in the market. The market closed up over 140 points. Commentators were saying how the market was bearing up well today under the recent pressures. As you know, the bull is dead. Mayrol Lynch was bought out by the Bank of America, and Lehman Brothers went under. Now there was the question whether A I G insurance would survive. I was thinking that the government, despite what politicians of both parties were saying, would end up being bailed out by the government, and that is just what happened. A I G was another one of those companies that's "too big to fail". Of course what nobody wants to see is someone like Sarah Palin shooting her mouth off about the economy, something she obviously knows nothing about. If she did she wouldn't have left the city she was Mayor of in hock for twenty million dollars for that ice rink. She is the queen of payola and ear marks. Mc Cain is part of the Keating five, so he is in no position to comment on the economy either. But what we have seen lately is the disappearence of Joe Biden. When he was chosen I thought "Well, the Democrats have got themselves a real attack dog now, something that Obama is weak in". But instead we hear from Rush Limbaugh of all people that Biden's press plane is virtually empty because nobody cares what he is doing or saying. We have to remember that it will be Biden that takes on Palin in their debate. Mc Cain will have to go it alone in his debate with Obama. Now we hear that the "contract" or agreement on the debates is kept strictly secret and the agreement will not be made known to the public. We know the candidates will not be allowed to address each other directly. Rush Limbaugh has a point in saying without taking risks there is no responsability. But it's the really big corporations that neither take risks nor assume responsability when the bottom falls out of the market. Many born again Christians speak of themselves as being above any risk of failure. Like some cosmic hand has personally assured their prosperity. And as you know there are no bigger cowards as far as taking any risks is concerned, than a born again Christian. The connection here is that some people are willing to "play the game fair and square" while others cheat. The facts are that America's economy is fundamentally unsound because it's built primarily on debt and speculation, rather than an honist day's work. We in America don't "produce anything" any more. We just shuffle paper around. With all due respect, people like Rush Limbaugh have no idea what it's actually like to work for a living. He doesn't even serve his public but is a shill for the corporate big interests. If we want to bring back values, we should do that. And the first step is getting someone as president and Vice President who aren't in their hearts fundamentally crooks.

You know I was praising God the night Obama was nominated. But since then things have done nothing but go down hill. Sarah Palin is the biggest nightmare ever to hit the political scene. She possesses everything we would NOT want in any political states person. I can't but help think her spell over the American public is going to end soon. When I made my famous deal with "God" back on May 23rd. I really bought a pig in a poke. Of all the deals I have offered God why did he pick this "fleece" to honor? I didn't even ask that Obama win in November but only that me be nominated by his party, a fact that was almost a certainty anyway as of May 23rd. Of course Sarah Palin has her religious faith in the Assembly of God. But it's a heretical offshoot that was declaired heretical in 1949 thanks I'd guess to its "dominion theology". Remember this couple is a member of an Alaska secessionist group, too. Obama in any other year would be ahead 80% to 20% by now. That's how fundamentally bad this ticket is. But the American public is fundamentally stupider than anyone dared guess. So instead the media has their "horse race".

There is something I learned in psychology about a child of three or four going through the "imprinting" stage where he can be "warped for life" or whatever. We see this in politics now. If you were to ask a grade school kid how long Sarah Palin has been in the public eye, I bet few would say "only two & a half weeks". My guess is they'd say "Oh - five years or something". Yet we are all imprinted to think Sarah Palin is some established "standard" in politics. You get the same thing in religion where at some point- - I'm guessing after the Second Jewish Revolt of 135 AD, that people "got over their shock of the event" and invented Christianity, and having invented it they chose to give it immortality so they "cannonized it" and declared its writings sacred- - such that the "profundity" of these events around this time- - that no future event in the history of the world could ever be deemed worthy to compete with it. I hope this isn't the case with Sarah Palin. How interesting that Bob Woodward's book knew nothing of Sarah Palin. If he had known I suppose (I speak in jest now) that he would have spent at least a third of his book "answering her political charges". No doubt Bob Woodward expected when his book came out it'd be given a lot more press than it's gotten, which is almost none. Bush would be on the mat hanging from the ropes about to go down for the count. But as in the case of the Jews in 135 AD, it's likewise with George Bush now. A negative is turned into a positive. Now Mc Cain bills himself as "something new" and a "mavorick". He is anything but, with his 90% record voting with Bush. But the American People are so completely stupid they can be sold this pig in a poke and eagerly buy the product.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Johnny Wendell had it as his topic this morning the idea that a John Mc Cain victory in November may in the end not be such a bad thing. It's pointed out that this economic mess we're in as a nation now is only going to continue to get worse and worse. Loan companies won't be in a lending mood any time soon, and as long as they are tight with a buck, this period of economic constriction is only going to continue. People forget that pre Palin, the slogan among democrats was voting for Mc Cain would mean a third George Bush term. What if that became a reality? Wendell argues that this would only be fitting that Mc Cain would inheret the economic mess that Bush created. Of course he'd have to face a more stridently democratic congress and senate thest next two years. And in the year 2010 there's another election and by that time almost two thirds of the senate could be democratic. This would really be a good time to impeach and convict Mc Cain and remove him from office then and he'd go down in disgrace like no President has before him. Perhaps at that time we could impeach Palin, too. Wendell believes that in terms of programs the President wants, the next congress would not be at all cooperative with a President Mc Cain. This would extend to their choice for supreme court justice. It's pointed out that whoever is President next year will in the end be taking blame for the recession be it Mc Cain or Obama, much as Nixon was eventually saddled with the Viet Nam War. Of course you know, don't you that it was Johnson who privitized the Fanny Maes and Freddy Macs in 1968 to conceil the cost of the Viet Nam war that was ballooning our deficet. This enabled Johnson to go out with a surplus his last year of fiscle 1969. People are bothered because the government appears to be bailing out Fanny Maes and Freddy Macs but in reality they never should have been pritivized to begin with and we'd never have the problems we have now. Whoever is president next year will have to raise taxes, and I think even Mc Cain will see that raising taxes is the only pragmatic thing to do. On the other hand if Obama wins this year, Wendell believes that Sarah Palin will be nominated for president in 2012 and win. I don't see that happening but Johnny does. Personally I think this "rope a dope" stratigy has its limits.

The other big item of news now is this new wave of Caging that's going on all over the country. Mc Cain's forces are having absentee ballots sent to people likely to vote for Obama as President. But there is a wrong address or the wrong city office is referenced. The idea is they hope voters will ignore these mailings and so their names can be crossed off the voter rolls. The media is trying to keep it a close race so that they can maximize their ratings. Of course we all saw Sarah Palin's performance on ABC news the other night. She couldn't answer a basic question like to comment on the Bush doctrine. This is the doctrine of anticipatory attack against a nation. Did you also note how eager Sarah Palin was to be President? She apparently didn't bat an eye when asked to be on the Presidential ticket with Mc Cain. There are roomers that she wasnt even on Mc Cain's top ten choices but that some "guiding hand" picked her. Of course you know that the way the media works now is they don't ask the hard questions any more because the candidate will never come back to that program again but go somewhere where they ask her soft ball questions. There is no news divisions any more, only "info-tainment". KABC doesn't mind showing us a train wreck for over an hour straight with no commercial breaks. Yet all that time we didn't even know basic facts like how fast the trains were going, how many were on the train, or what kind of fuel was that that exploded. Neither did we have much information on the percent of the people who were injured. If they could cover that story for over an hour straight with no break- - what if that time were spent telling us some new medical or scientific discovery or some new computer program- - or having political dialog of some sort of grilling a politician with questions? That hour (and it was probably more) could have been used for all sorts of things instead of consigning us to twenty second sound bites. Essencially all they had was "fill" material all that time. You know what that's like.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Today is April 30, 2008 and of course it’s the anniversary of Adolph Hitler, Eva Brown, Joseph Goebles and his wife and family in Hitler’s bunker. It is said that any day Hitler dies is a Jewish Holiday. May first, ironically is a Russian holliday for I’m not sure what reason. I don’t know if they just appropriated it from the pagens or what. In school on May day we would make flowers out of construction paper symbolizing spring. I guess the question this year is whether any demonstrators will be beaten up by cops. This is more of a posting just to "see where we've been" as a people and note "how far we've come" and what we can do about it, more than it's about anything new or profound. Phil Donahew was on the Stacy Taylor show. He’s a reminder of course of the past. People say it’s like the ‘eighties now but it’s really not because in the ‘eighties we had talk shows like Donahew to raise our collective consciousness about pressing national issues. On the network news there would be open criticisum of the Reagan administration talking about the homeless crisis or the farmers crisis or whatever. A lot of the political reality of today was only a pipe dream in the Reagan Adminestration. You will remember that the House was democratic the whole period of the Reagan administration, and the Senate went democratic the final two years. Back then there were liberals like Michael Jackson on a major radio network. You didn’t have this stranglehold the conservatives have now over the media. Donahew was pitching his new movie about a paralyzed veteran from the Iraq War. It’s apparently a movie about the War from his point of view. I’d like to insert something from an E mail at this point on the blog. OK let me just summarize. (transmission problems) Bush is obsessed with this Iraq War and like all obsessions it clouds your judgements to the point of being unreasonable. I don't care if we're winning; I don't care if we're losing; it's time to get out as soon as physically possible. Of course Thom Hartman talked about some important “Fairness” doctrine that was repealed in 1987 and another related (?) law that was changed by the Clinton administration in 1996. But we are talking about the Iraq War. Instead we’re talking about showing a teenager’s bare back in a magazine photo. There seems to be more uptightness about sex in society today than there has been in fifty years. I suppose in some ways this is a good thing. Some of these mothers you see with their hard faces complaining about today’s loose morays, you wonder whether their brains were transplanted from fifty years ago or something. Back, say when I was eighteen, I never would have dreamed that women my age would be so uptight one day. In light of all this I’d peg the chance of republican victories in November as excellent. As bad as this recession is- - and it figures to be the worst in nearly thirty years- - it doesn’t seem to be tilting votes in favor of the democrats. You still see John Mc Cain holding his own against either democratic candidate. If the recession gets worse- and it no doubt will- - I don’t think this will change, because for the first time in either my generation or my parents generation, economic affairs have become divorced from Presidential politics. The people look and see that President Bush is doing all he can, short of instituting a negative intrest prime rate. I just wish I had one of those six hundred dollar checks going in the mail next week. It’s been said we use sitcoms like drugs today to take our minds off problems. What’s worse is that people are STILL buying things they can’t afford- - just to try and take their minds off the fact that we’re in a recession. There is a lot of “living for today”. This Iraq War is the most cleaverly marketed war in American history. It’s a shadow war that unless you have someone in your family who is actually stationed in Iraq, you just don’t care. All people ever hear from politicians of EITHER party are reasons why we have to stay in Iraq and how getting out is unthinkable. If a politician hints they’d like to end the war they get thrown back at them ten reasons why dire things would happen in that country “and it would be all our fault”. Donahew said that Nazis like Goering came up with the notion of merchandizing fear and seeing protesters as the bad guys. People on the right speak in comparison fashion to World War II as if they had actually lived through that war. Nobody short of an octogenarian is even old enough to remember that war. This is a classic case of “false memory sidrone”. But somehow there are warm fuzzy feelings associated with World War II. It’s like they’ve received brain implants of dead people. The big question now is “Where is all of this going?” Where are we headed as a people with reactionary attitudes such as we have? I can’t say for sure but you know as a fact that you never wind up where you think you are headed and there is such a thing as “the law of unintended consequences”. An obvious consequence is the loss of our civil liberties and “becoming like the enemy we are fighting”. Obviously President Bush’s vision of “democracy flowering throughout the middle east when they see what we have accomplished in Iraq” isn’t any more of a reality than Chuck Smith’s vision of Born Again Christianity breaking out in Israel. I have predicted darkly that we will indeed get into a war with Iran in the next administration. We aren’t dealing with the real frustrations of the Islamic peoples. We’re like a parent who complains about the conduct of his teenager and yet passes up chance after chance to talk to him or her- - and both parties continue to stew in their pent up frustrations and resentments. Till finally some crisis event comes along, and right away the adult looks to anyone to blame for this event other than themselves. But it’s also a fact of political reality that “the people aren’t ready for a new war with Iran”, at least- - yet. What the right is hoping and praying for is another 9 – 11 that we can somehow blame in Iran as an excuse of going to war with them. But I want to emphasize that some of the danger out there is REAL. But all that means is that NOW is the time to prevent the next war BEFORE it starts- -by negotiations and accords, and just plain old getting to know each other better.

I'd now like to take a stroll down memory lane back to late summer of 2004 during the Republican convention. Even at that date it seems I wasn't too enthusiastic about Bush being re-elected, even though I did end up voting for the President in November and considered myself a loyal Bushy through early fall of 2005.

President Clinton is in Presbyterian Hospital in NY and he plans to have quadruple by-pass surgery. When you’re famous when you hiccup they all jump. Clinton was having mild pains in his check and they did an angiogram this morning and saw the acute warning signs. It’s all that junk food he eats. Someone remarked that he had been losing weight lately. Yesterday I called Judy about file search and she said she didn’t even know what that was. Is she kidding?

Zel Miller was a governor of Georgia as you know. I also learned today that he was a segregationist and a friend of Lester Maddox. Today on KABC Curtess what’s-his-name, head of the guardian angels was on. I never knew the guy was so right wing. He referred to Arnold Swartzenegger as “Bill Clinton on steroids”, and Curtess mocked his choice of Nixon for a role model saying that Nixon was regarded as socialist by Barry Goldwater (which isn’t true) and he started all these programs like the environmental protection agency and social programs like the negative income tax and wage and price controls. Curtess also spoke of giving demonstrators “wood shampoos”, beating them over the head, and saying protestors aren’t very tough today. It was Curtess who also said that his favorite convention speech was Zel Miller’s.

Last night at the convention it was Governor Pataki. Isn’t “Patak” a cuss word in Klingon or something? After this they had the usual film documentary. George Bush spoke on a specially constructed round stage. He unfurled a lot of new social programs extending education and health care. And he also talked about his step by step reasons for going to war in Iraq. But at a key point in his speech a demonstration broke out. It turns out some outside protesters came in and were being shouted down. He spoke till 8:15, which was just over an hour, and after this there were balloons and confetti, and then the commentators got their turn. They are now saying Kerry is so far down in the pools he’s going to “implode”. Both Sean and Curtess were saying this. Kerry spoke at midnight and these two called him “emotionally unstable”. I disagree. Kerry just made the same points he’s been making, hoping it will stick this time.

Will and Grace were on at nine. Football is on right now. Before one I had this computer on doing word searches. On the soap operas Bo has asked an Irish judge to allow him to exhume the rest of the bodies, starting with Abe and Roman. Belle and Philip are headed to Green Mountain. Jennifer had a boy. On Passions, Sheridan fell into a snake pit and now her mother is down there with her.


What we see playing out on the political scene is nothing short of a Greek Tradgity. Berock Obama has disowned his long time pastor of twenty years, Jeremiah Wright. This is the Pastor of whom he had formerly said "I could no more disown my pastor than I could disown my own White grandmother". The way in which Jeremiah Wright has gone public the past few days has been an occasion of offense to Obama. Wright said certain things like the government is responsible tor AIDS and Pastor Luis Faracon is one of the most important people of this age. Well, I'll have you know that the Federation has finally seemed to find its gonada and endorsed the Pastor for his statements about- - for instance- - the CIA bringing crack cocaine into the ghetto. The Federation is not a pro Jewish entity as you may know. What we have a case of here simply is another King Saul case of disqualification to be King for "failure to go the whole nine yards" to put it simply. Obama doesn't want to pay the price to be president. So I say, echoing the words of Ramses II in a famous movie "Judge now where Obama is everything I said he was- - and that it's Hillary who is destined to be the nominee". We've been saying all along that Hillary would beat out Obama for the Party nomination. The only question in my mind is how she would do it. I don't think Hillary paid Pastor Wright to "go public" at this key juncture. I believe it was just karma coming back on Obama, and don't try to blame anyone else for your problem. Obama thought he was "a new kind of Black". Only like Clarence Thomas before him, "The new kind of Black" couldn't exist today were it not for "The old kind of Black", those in Pastor Wright's generation who had to fight for everything they got. This Greek Tradgity is going to play itself out because now I'm going to vote for Mc Cain in the fall. Of the five leading candidates for president on the Democratic side, Chris Dodd, Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, Berock Obama, and John Edwards- - four of them are excellent candidates. But no way in Hell was I ever going to vote for Hillary and God Himself knew that. I can only speculate how many millions are like me. You know- - I'll forgive an awful lot in a man if he shows signs of bravery. My two chief complaints against Christianity is that they are cowards and hypocrites. Some have said that Reverand Wright is a "narcicist". To this I say look in the mirror. Christianity was founded by one of the most narcisistic men ever to walk the face of the earth, Jesus Christ. He was practicly the inventor of "Don't do as I do; do as I say". You know- if Mc Cain has "gone conservative" I'll say "Well, he knows which side his bread is buttered on". It's too bad Obama didn't know which side his bread was buttered on. He was happy to hang out with Pastor Wright while he was a nobody. But like Moses and Ramses II - - the time came when Moses said "You know I have all this position and power and military and intellectual training I got from Egypt. But I'm going to chuck all that and just say it's "God" that brought me where I am". If you want another example- - do you think Judas never suspected what Jesus Christ was all about before he followed him. And then there comes a day where Judas is "embarrassed" by a speech Jesus made and he might be an embarrassment in the social circle. Some may say of Pastor Wright "Well there are certain situations where Wright should just take a back seat". Well, don't you suppose there are certain situations where "I'd rather not take Jesus with me?" He's just kind of an- - embarrasment. You know now Obama can write a book called "Why I have now turned against Reverand Wright" and make a lot of money trashing his old church. Isn't that the sort of thing we love here in Hollywood? It's kind of like Tom Keefer alias Fred Mc Murry in "The Cain Mutiny" where he craps out at key moments and gets a massive attack of cowardess. All he is thinking is "this will make a good book someday". I will forgive an awful lot about a person if I think they aren't cowards and aren't hypocrites. Mc Cain may have his faults, but he's proved himself to be an honorable man who loves his country. Of course you know that Hillary going out the gate had a built in 45% of the population who would Never ever vote for her. The democratic party is going to have to live with that reality come November. Of course- I know of no one who would consciously vote for a lying, cunning manipulator of events like Hillary. Say what you want about Mc Cain, he's not basing his whole campaign on The Race Card- - the way Hillary has done. She has pervailed by fighting dirty. For her it's been victor at any cost. And that cost will be John Mc Cain being sworn in as President next January. This one became a link the minute I moved away from the space. He’s the long time E Street Band keyboardist who died of skin melanoma. This was on April 17th. 2008. He had the Dylan sound. We often throw out mysteries without answers like we did with the "channeling Hammingway" thing a few posts back. I was thinking of Dylan as the person who might die. But this keyboardist has that Dylan style. I was thinking when I made the Hemmingway allusions "Some of you might be thinking of Bruce Springsteen". In terms of psychic hits this is kind of a tangent near miss.

The Federation does have "dog fights" with ships in space, like Star Wars, and they like Star Wars, prize themselves on their manoverability and deadly accurecy. The key to having a good air force is to do what Israel does. Draft out the best people from other branches of the armed service. Sixty Minutes featured the Israeli Air Force. The way they work it is everybody gets drafted but the best and the brightest then get drafted into the Air Force. But from there only a handful get selected for the really plumb assignments, including occasionally, a woman. These pilots are known for their precision accuracy with minimal collateral damage, but spend their days bombing suspected personal targets trying to “take leaders out” from the other side. They showed cockpit footage from the 1981 raid on Saddam’s nuclear reactor in Iraq. Now people are speculating they’ll do the same thing to Iran. In some ways the Israeli Air Force could be equated to Star Wars fighters fighting and firing with precision accuracy. Of course the “Federation” imagery and “Ziggy’s Air Command” kind of draws on this Star Wars imagery. I’m trying to correct as I go but I’m making a lot of spelling errors today. Of course Jim Cooper is said to have come up with the term Ziggy’s Air Command, even though the “real” Jim, or as Biblotrists might say, the “antitype” did not appear on the scene till late July 1980.

They interviewed Justice Scalia. He was an only child and was spoiled with all the love and attention. As an Italian it’s unusual not even to have any cousins. But he made up for it having nine children and they are all successful today. Whether it’s the “Jesus Gene” or the “Conservative Gene” I don’t know. It’s that Bovian influence where all your children turn out blessed because you love the Lord. Scalie was making sense with his “Originalism” till he began talking about Bush and Gore in Florida. Then he just said “Well Gore is the one who brought it to the Court and we could hardly refuse it”. Is he saying Gore should have let the process play out? Scalie had absolutely no legal reasoning behind his decision; it was apparently strictly political. Also Scalia says that torture is OK because it isn’t officially “punishment” and therefore doesn’t fall within the eighth amendment. This is totally screwy reasoning on his part.

Saturday, April 26, 2008


This represents John Kerry's America. Plus the other states for which there is still hope. The states that are beyond hope and should be kicked out are Utah, Arizona, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, and South Carolina. It's a thought, anyhow.

I was re-reading Donald Regan's book, but I imagine others agree, that there are two things that really stand out about the personality of Ronald Reagan. One was that he was obsessed with his image and how things said to the Press would affect his poll numbers. The other was that Reagan surrounded himself with people who made his decisions for him. Reagan was not a "hands on" kind of President the way most men are today. The legacy of Ronald Reagan is still alive and well and we still buy into most of his myths about "free trade" and "deficets" and just ignoring AIDS and other health issues, and shredding the Constitutional civil rights safeguards. It seems that these days thanks to Rush Limbaugh and his voter insergents, the Democrats, both of them, have slumped in the polls in any contest against Mc Cain and people who were not formerly inclined are not considering voting for Mc Cain, and I confess I am one of them. What Obama needs to do is start acting more like his mentor, John Kennedy. He needs to come back swinging when accusations are made against him. This "nice guy" routine is wearing thin and the public just isn't buying it. People are sold "notions" as they say in EST, every day of their lives and once they get a notion about something or someone it's hard to dislodge it. People still believe that Al Qaida is out to take over America. People still see non White races as a threat even in this enlightened year of 2008. They say some OCD people are afraid to venture out of their house to go on a date or even shop for food. Many people in the red states are afraid to venture out from the security of their long held prejudices. Mc Cain can afford to throw the Blacks a bone now and then. Some centerists (like myself) will take comfort from the fact that Mc Cain occasionally differs from the Bush-Chaney-Rove line. I guarentee you Hillary's approach in Indiana is to white people to muster up every ounce of racial prejudice they have.

When you see the Jeremiah Wright interview on Bill Moyers, he appears to be a most reasonable man. I think he has one thing wrong. Christianity is and always has been about culture war. St. Mark who knew Jesus lived in Egypt and was an African and the founder of the Coptic church, as we have said, the earliest church. When these ideas about Jesus being alive came to Rome- - Rome took over. It was their goal to wipe out Jewish culture and I don’t want any to be misled about this. Most “missionaries” of the past despised the cultures they preached to. If the Jews had been more like Westerners, then we would all be good Jews today. Since I only saw the first half hour watching it on computer and they were just playing the controversial sermon when the transmission broke off, I don’t know what the Reverend said later on about his words. But clearly the man is not a hateful man and cares about both his country and the gospel. But he also admires the culture of the African peoples and this is absolutely no reason to fault him. I think the people who, for instance, talk about the Latinos “taking over” our culture one day- - are full of bullshit. I’m not the least worried about my culture and if it becomes Latinized in the future, which it won’t, then it must be because I think it’s superior.

Three New York policemen, two of them apparently Black, were acquitted for unloading 31 rounds of gunfire and killing a black man on the eve of his wedding day. They say the number of shots is irrelivent; it’s only what is going on in the officer’s mind. I don’t like this “paranoia escape clause” provision of the law. Now they are making laws even for private citizens, that if they feel personally afraid or threatened, they are free to fire away. Of course they are going to "feel more threatened" if it's a member of a non white race. Being a policeman is a lot safer than many other jobs. The proof of this is when a cop does die they suspend everything else on TV and cover his funeral. What if they did this every time, for instance, an individual who had taken VIOXX or CELEBREX died from the drug. The answer is obvious. They say that one death is a shame but a thousand is a statistic. That's how we relate.

There was a shack attack on a man in Salana Beach near San Diego, killing him. The tri-athlete suffered gigantic wounds in both legs from a single bite. He was wearing a wet suit and the shark thought he was a seal, attacking from below Naturally this will only feed the waning panic about sharks. I told this to Phyllis. Christians are sensitive people and the idea of their being evil in the world- - bothers them.

Mc Cain has spoken up and said those anti Rev Wright commercials playing now in North Carolina are wrong, and he doesn’t believe in that kind of campaigning. And Reverend Wright will appear on the Bill Moyers program at nine o clock. I think black people need to fight back although this guy has lighter skin than I do. I don’t have any immediate plans to blog. I was going to talk about my own “Gift that keeps on taking” meaning mental illness, and an inability to break out of my family’s shadow. Dad is still alive and well with his proclamations still in effect from the grave. The Holy Spirit seems to be a person like "Billy Babbit" who stutters and is deathly afraid of what his mother, (or the Devil) might say or think of him if he does wrong. So basically the Holy Spirit gets a pass in my life not to be there to defend me, because it doesn’t even know who the enemy is. I need to learn to come out swinging should my mental fitness ever be questioned- - particularly if I’m ever in a situation where I need to defend the Faith.

On Days of our Lives, Eva was captured. Kayla came in on them having sex and then there was a gun wrestling match and Eva fired the gun and was disarmed and Bo and Hope came in and they were joined by Abe and Roman who got information from that same guy, information they could have gotten weeks ago before any of this happened. Now Eva is going to jail. Meanwhile Stephanie is being kidnapped after almost having sex with Max. John is entertaining Nicole, or was. To be frank John Black is turning into an asshole these days. This makes two women he’s dissed. He had no intention of all that romantic crap he spewed about going to NapaMonte Carlo or something. The shocker of the day is that Victor knows where Brady is. He’s always known but played this shit-ass game of his. Now he’s kicking both Nicole and Clowie out of the house and questioning his son why he is “siding with others against the family”, like some kind of crime boss. to stop off for wine tasting before jetting on to

On the Randy Rhodes show and BS news they talked about Clinton math and how she really hasn’t won the Popular Vote. Even if Hillary counts Florida she still hasn’t won. In addition none of the “uncommitted” votes in Michigan can go to Obama. They say Pennsylvania has the second highest oldest population figures. “Except for any state Mc Cain is visiting”. And they’re trying to spread the roomer that Hillary’s idea of a dream ticket is her and Mc Cain on the same ticket. Clearly if you are looking for a candidate who doesn’t make a habit of lying, you have to exclude Hillary. Now they are saying that there were voting irregularities in Pennsylvania and they hurt Obama excluding people who voted for him. I wish Hillary wasn’t associated with “Rovian” tactics. Some would say "Well the Republicans are aiming their guns at Berock Obama now". That's right, because Hillary might be mistaken for a Republican in some quarters. There is also a roomer that Hillary has privately decided just to sit 2008 out and let Obama lose to Mc Cain and them come back and run in 2012. Meanwhile Mc Cain is campaigning in places like Selma, Alabama, praising Black protesters of 1965. He’s also been in New Orleans saying he’d have handled the Hurricane Katrina fiasco much more compassionately than Bush handled it.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Last night Hillary Clinton did what she had to do. She won by double digits in Pennsylvania. Every time people are ready to count her out she comes right back. Rather than Obama close in on his five point deficet, he expanded his deficet to ten. I will give Obama this: His speech was a lot better than hers. She understandibly centered on herself and her victory. Obama's speech was about the great issues that trouble this land. I would still like to see a Presidential candidate talk about terrifs both to close the budget deficet and close the trade deficet and restore ballance to our economy. Now they say all Obama has to do is win Indiana. With his luck most likely he'll lose that state and we'll be in this thing till June. The polls against Mc Cain don't look good. Now they show both Hillary and Obama losing to Mc Cain. You would think that for a historic loser candidate in a losing political party that Mc Cain would be toast by now. The fact that he's such a viable candidate and could well take it all at this point is because the democratic message just isn't getting out. Of course with the ABC network working for the republicans in last week's debate, that isn't helping matters any. I guess Obama needs some new guimic or a new slogan to snag a few extra voters to put him over the top.

Oil is now at $120.00 a barrel. The price keeps going up and it won't stop. We shall surely have four dollar a gallon gasoline by summer, because we are almost there right now. Clearly this ethanol from corn business isn't working. I think we should abandon that and do something we're been resisting: There are all these capped oil wells in Texas and even in off shore California platforms. We need to get every oil rig in this country in full opperation as quickly as we can. And don't give me this "Well, the price of oil won't justify starting up a capped oil well". That argument won't fly at $120.00 per barrel. If we produce our own oil we can't be worried about a declining dollar. Why don't we make nice to Chavez of Venesuela and perhaps he'll let us have some of his oil at a discounted price for some government concession of some sort. Now Airline stocks are tanking and none of the flights are making money. I think there is going to be a trend against using the Air Lines. Either you'll have "Go to meeting" on your computer for business conferences, or else you can take the train for a lot less hassle. I think a rise in train ridership would be a good thing. That way you can see America from the ground level, the way it's meant to be seen.


I actually had a dream last night where this was a slogan on a letter I sent to a Calvary Chapel pastor, only it was "Eight" months for eternity. I'd gotten the idea from watching some movie involving some false Jewish messiah in times long ago when they still had Royalty. They were saying "I don't give a damn about eternity and all knowledge and the hereafter. What I want to know is are you a God of Goodness and Justice, and Rightiousness?" The rhetorical answer being "No". On one Star Trek episode we pointed out once Captain Piccard was confronted by a guy who knew the future and Piccard wanted answers and finally he said "I don't give a damn about YOUR future. What I know is that I need to make a dicision here and now- - Today". Some "apologists" for religion (I've never liked the term "apologist") will say that the devil is in the details. The devil is in the "Here and Now", which in reality is all we've got. Any other beliefs about God are delusional.

In terms of that claim or accusation I had against God let me modify one thing I said and that is this "situation" will indeed affect me in eternity if it's not dealt with. And frankly if this thing follows me over into eternity- - - it will have a much more profound effect upon me there than it does here on earth. Some of you have asked "Well you don't talk about it with people but I'll bet you've talked about it endlessly with the Federation". Wrong again. There are certain things the Federation's minds can't grasp and this is one of them. One of them "accessed" that conversation with Clint of September 1991 and he accused me of outright lying to Clint saying something I knew at the time was clearly untrue". That's not the way I see it. At the time an aspect of the Federation (ministry of propaganda) was occupied by one of the Cassiopia entities, of which there are several. This one entity is associated with George Bush (either of them) and his Presidency. The Federation told me in late 1991 if the President went to Japan he would cross Alcyonne and jinx himself to his own doom. That's what happened, in December. There are other Cassiopia groups including what we call the "Phil Collins" group because it's associated with a lot of 'eighties bands that made it big, and is also responsable for promoting the Claptin albums "Behind the Sun", "August" and "Journeyman". In case you haven't figured it out yet this paragraph is about "that" stuff from "out there". You can quit reading now if you want, or keep on and learn something. There are various kinds of demonic activity but only the Alcyonne demons are ones you can dialog with, and even then they'll eat you alive if you aren't careful. These gain power by belittlement and mockery and shame. Some other kinds of demons are Centaurian demons, Sutteran demons, and Crestorian (?) demons. I just learned that term and I'm not positive it's right. These are guardian demons of Jimmy Page and I used to refer to them as Led Zeppelin demons. They are associated with the Rune stones. They are also associated with the "wiccans". I asked a Romulan about the use of the word "wicked" in their language and first of all they said normally their language doesn't even have a W in it, except for special occult words. There is no specific Celtic connection here but your garden variety Witch. These are an extremely vengeful lot of demons and deal a lot in fire. Thd 1994 Northridge earthquake is said to be caused by these Crestorians. In terms of the Sutterans- - these people are the biggest liars in the cosmos. Never, never dialog with a Sutteran demon. The Centaurians are pretty flakey and don't dialog with them either. Dialoging just gives them more power. As for the Crestorian (?) cassiopian demon, remember if you cross them they can be quite vengeful, more so even than Alcyonne. As you know the "Bush" Cassiopians occupied- - I said this- the propaganda ministry of the Federation in September 1991 so this is why the conversation with Clint is new to these people. I wanted to talk about the Federation. They use hypnosis and planting delusions in your head such as "these are not the droids you are looking for" like in Star Wars. They only occupy people with their permission and if found out they leave immediately. The Federation is more of a vertical community in dealing with earthlings. The Romulans are more horosontal. Of course their stealth technology was an advantage for a while, till everybody else got it. Even now Romulans are the most geographic of entities- - mapping out which spiritual entities live where on earth on an almost block by block mapped out- - - . At some time in the past the Romulans were occupied by Alcyonne. During that time they picked up the "J" in their alphabet. They didn't have it before, for such words as "Manja", which is a cuss word in Romulan, but it's so bad they won't tell me what it is, except to say "Mamja Bene" is about as disgusting name for a resturant as you could have. Another word "Moo-shay" or "mush" has a negative context for Romulans because in the past there was some bondage thing going on. "Mooche" just means "Let's go". My guess is they were occupied sometime during the middle ages but they won't tell me exactly when.