Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Well, if I had been playing the market my instincts would have been good. I was thinking when the market was down "just" 69 points this morning that it was a pretty good time to step up and scoop up real bargains in the market. The market closed up over 140 points. Commentators were saying how the market was bearing up well today under the recent pressures. As you know, the bull is dead. Mayrol Lynch was bought out by the Bank of America, and Lehman Brothers went under. Now there was the question whether A I G insurance would survive. I was thinking that the government, despite what politicians of both parties were saying, would end up being bailed out by the government, and that is just what happened. A I G was another one of those companies that's "too big to fail". Of course what nobody wants to see is someone like Sarah Palin shooting her mouth off about the economy, something she obviously knows nothing about. If she did she wouldn't have left the city she was Mayor of in hock for twenty million dollars for that ice rink. She is the queen of payola and ear marks. Mc Cain is part of the Keating five, so he is in no position to comment on the economy either. But what we have seen lately is the disappearence of Joe Biden. When he was chosen I thought "Well, the Democrats have got themselves a real attack dog now, something that Obama is weak in". But instead we hear from Rush Limbaugh of all people that Biden's press plane is virtually empty because nobody cares what he is doing or saying. We have to remember that it will be Biden that takes on Palin in their debate. Mc Cain will have to go it alone in his debate with Obama. Now we hear that the "contract" or agreement on the debates is kept strictly secret and the agreement will not be made known to the public. We know the candidates will not be allowed to address each other directly. Rush Limbaugh has a point in saying without taking risks there is no responsability. But it's the really big corporations that neither take risks nor assume responsability when the bottom falls out of the market. Many born again Christians speak of themselves as being above any risk of failure. Like some cosmic hand has personally assured their prosperity. And as you know there are no bigger cowards as far as taking any risks is concerned, than a born again Christian. The connection here is that some people are willing to "play the game fair and square" while others cheat. The facts are that America's economy is fundamentally unsound because it's built primarily on debt and speculation, rather than an honist day's work. We in America don't "produce anything" any more. We just shuffle paper around. With all due respect, people like Rush Limbaugh have no idea what it's actually like to work for a living. He doesn't even serve his public but is a shill for the corporate big interests. If we want to bring back values, we should do that. And the first step is getting someone as president and Vice President who aren't in their hearts fundamentally crooks.

You know I was praising God the night Obama was nominated. But since then things have done nothing but go down hill. Sarah Palin is the biggest nightmare ever to hit the political scene. She possesses everything we would NOT want in any political states person. I can't but help think her spell over the American public is going to end soon. When I made my famous deal with "God" back on May 23rd. I really bought a pig in a poke. Of all the deals I have offered God why did he pick this "fleece" to honor? I didn't even ask that Obama win in November but only that me be nominated by his party, a fact that was almost a certainty anyway as of May 23rd. Of course Sarah Palin has her religious faith in the Assembly of God. But it's a heretical offshoot that was declaired heretical in 1949 thanks I'd guess to its "dominion theology". Remember this couple is a member of an Alaska secessionist group, too. Obama in any other year would be ahead 80% to 20% by now. That's how fundamentally bad this ticket is. But the American public is fundamentally stupider than anyone dared guess. So instead the media has their "horse race".

There is something I learned in psychology about a child of three or four going through the "imprinting" stage where he can be "warped for life" or whatever. We see this in politics now. If you were to ask a grade school kid how long Sarah Palin has been in the public eye, I bet few would say "only two & a half weeks". My guess is they'd say "Oh - five years or something". Yet we are all imprinted to think Sarah Palin is some established "standard" in politics. You get the same thing in religion where at some point- - I'm guessing after the Second Jewish Revolt of 135 AD, that people "got over their shock of the event" and invented Christianity, and having invented it they chose to give it immortality so they "cannonized it" and declared its writings sacred- - such that the "profundity" of these events around this time- - that no future event in the history of the world could ever be deemed worthy to compete with it. I hope this isn't the case with Sarah Palin. How interesting that Bob Woodward's book knew nothing of Sarah Palin. If he had known I suppose (I speak in jest now) that he would have spent at least a third of his book "answering her political charges". No doubt Bob Woodward expected when his book came out it'd be given a lot more press than it's gotten, which is almost none. Bush would be on the mat hanging from the ropes about to go down for the count. But as in the case of the Jews in 135 AD, it's likewise with George Bush now. A negative is turned into a positive. Now Mc Cain bills himself as "something new" and a "mavorick". He is anything but, with his 90% record voting with Bush. But the American People are so completely stupid they can be sold this pig in a poke and eagerly buy the product.

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