Saturday, September 13, 2008

Johnny Wendell had it as his topic this morning the idea that a John Mc Cain victory in November may in the end not be such a bad thing. It's pointed out that this economic mess we're in as a nation now is only going to continue to get worse and worse. Loan companies won't be in a lending mood any time soon, and as long as they are tight with a buck, this period of economic constriction is only going to continue. People forget that pre Palin, the slogan among democrats was voting for Mc Cain would mean a third George Bush term. What if that became a reality? Wendell argues that this would only be fitting that Mc Cain would inheret the economic mess that Bush created. Of course he'd have to face a more stridently democratic congress and senate thest next two years. And in the year 2010 there's another election and by that time almost two thirds of the senate could be democratic. This would really be a good time to impeach and convict Mc Cain and remove him from office then and he'd go down in disgrace like no President has before him. Perhaps at that time we could impeach Palin, too. Wendell believes that in terms of programs the President wants, the next congress would not be at all cooperative with a President Mc Cain. This would extend to their choice for supreme court justice. It's pointed out that whoever is President next year will in the end be taking blame for the recession be it Mc Cain or Obama, much as Nixon was eventually saddled with the Viet Nam War. Of course you know, don't you that it was Johnson who privitized the Fanny Maes and Freddy Macs in 1968 to conceil the cost of the Viet Nam war that was ballooning our deficet. This enabled Johnson to go out with a surplus his last year of fiscle 1969. People are bothered because the government appears to be bailing out Fanny Maes and Freddy Macs but in reality they never should have been pritivized to begin with and we'd never have the problems we have now. Whoever is president next year will have to raise taxes, and I think even Mc Cain will see that raising taxes is the only pragmatic thing to do. On the other hand if Obama wins this year, Wendell believes that Sarah Palin will be nominated for president in 2012 and win. I don't see that happening but Johnny does. Personally I think this "rope a dope" stratigy has its limits.

The other big item of news now is this new wave of Caging that's going on all over the country. Mc Cain's forces are having absentee ballots sent to people likely to vote for Obama as President. But there is a wrong address or the wrong city office is referenced. The idea is they hope voters will ignore these mailings and so their names can be crossed off the voter rolls. The media is trying to keep it a close race so that they can maximize their ratings. Of course we all saw Sarah Palin's performance on ABC news the other night. She couldn't answer a basic question like to comment on the Bush doctrine. This is the doctrine of anticipatory attack against a nation. Did you also note how eager Sarah Palin was to be President? She apparently didn't bat an eye when asked to be on the Presidential ticket with Mc Cain. There are roomers that she wasnt even on Mc Cain's top ten choices but that some "guiding hand" picked her. Of course you know that the way the media works now is they don't ask the hard questions any more because the candidate will never come back to that program again but go somewhere where they ask her soft ball questions. There is no news divisions any more, only "info-tainment". KABC doesn't mind showing us a train wreck for over an hour straight with no commercial breaks. Yet all that time we didn't even know basic facts like how fast the trains were going, how many were on the train, or what kind of fuel was that that exploded. Neither did we have much information on the percent of the people who were injured. If they could cover that story for over an hour straight with no break- - what if that time were spent telling us some new medical or scientific discovery or some new computer program- - or having political dialog of some sort of grilling a politician with questions? That hour (and it was probably more) could have been used for all sorts of things instead of consigning us to twenty second sound bites. Essencially all they had was "fill" material all that time. You know what that's like.

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