Monday, September 22, 2008



So many people wish 9 - 11 had never happened or that we could magically go back seven years on the callendar to before it did. Before them the Bush adminestration had no direction. My family is never so "in their element" as when there is some "crisis" in my life that I'm supposidly ignoring that wasn't there the day before- - the day before they invented it. I don't know about you but this past astrological month of Virgo has really sucked for me. I'm happy now to be in a new season. Perhaps the fall will be more auspicious, because really from the git go of the summer solistis things have been rather jinxy for me. Have you noticed a few archetectural features missing in the democratic landscape this year. Ted Kennedy is gone. And his absence is sorely missed. Also Tim Russart is dead and is no longer around to ask those incisive questions of his about the candidates. But what I'd like to know is "Where is Joe Biden"? We've heard very little from him. He seems to have dropped off the radar. Also we've heard precious from either Bill or Hillary Clinton. Which brings me to my major theme and that is- - the Democrats made a major mistake in not nominating Hillary for President. You don't look for Superbowl candidates based on a football team that peaked in September. And you don't look for a Presidential winner based on a man whose campaign peaked in February. Since the start of March, Hillary consistently beat Obama in the key head to head contests. And the chickens are coming home to roose. Obama continues to suffer from that deficet of not being strong with either white women, or your typical lower working class blue collar Reagan Democrat, such that the rust belt is noted for. My reasons for favoring Obama over Hillary last spring were based on a number of key misperceptions. Most importantly, I viewed Obama as the next Jack Kennedy, whose campaign would catch fire and he would gain momentum with each passing month. Both Jack Kennedy and Franklin Roosevelt ended up governing more to the left of how they campaigned, once they got in office. But we're hearing how Obama made a secret deal with the Iraqis that he would keep the troops in that country as long as Bush or Mc Cain would, despite what he says in public. In May I had no way of knowing about the massive reversals of positions by Obama discussed in the previous postings. Some other areas such as abortion, I thought Hillary was too extreme, and yet Obama favors killing the baby even when it is out of the womb. Hillary would never have done the massive cave in on issues that Obama has done since June. If Obama was not afraid to take on Hillary, why does he seem to cower in the presence of Sarah Palin? I'm puzzled as to why Mc Cain gained strength by "going back to his base" and yet Obama thinks he can win by moving to the right all the time alianating his own base.

We have the issue of the economy now. To put the situation in metaphorical terms, it's as though in the spring of 1945 it looked pretty sure that we would defeat Japan in WW II but then we dropped the bomb, and suddenly the whole contest is in doubt because maybe the Japanese are praying now to their Emperor-God, whom we are suddenly afraid of. That's what it's like being afraid of Sarah Palin. Some may say I haven't attacked John Mc Cain with equal vigor. Well obviously a member of the Keating Five who has as his assistant a person with a "Golden Parachute" from Hewitt Packard, who fired a bunch of employees but rewarded their CEO for doing a bad job- - obviously this affects Mc Cain's credibility. And absolutely under no circumstances would I vote for Mc Cain. He's spent so much time supporting Bush bills in the past and supporting deregulation- - that now to come in and say "I'll make it all better if I'm elected" is nothing short of silly. Obviously we should hold hearings into salaries of C E O's and start investigating the most obviously guilty. In your personal life if you run into money problems you cut expences and try to raise income. But not the government. I don't have the vaguest idea how or even if we can pay for this giant bail-out plan of Government. People say to "let market forces have their way" would be unspeakable. But others say that nothing we do now, even this massive bail out plan of lending institutions, will even work in the long run. I cannot even fathom how an additional half a trillion dollar government expenditure will affect our solvency as a government. What Obama needs to do is start naming names of the most culpible people who deserve to be in jail. I don't know why O J Simpson is walking around free with all his millions that he owes to the Browns and Goldmans. Maybe we should bring back debtors prison. What we do know is that Mc Cain is almost an architypal "crook" that whatever mess we're in mow will only get worse with Mc Cain as president. We will be going from the frying pan into the fire on so many levels. In fact, Mc Cain is probably guilty of stuff right now that he could be thrown in jail for. Obama has to get really specific and spell out all of the nitty gritty detales of this financial mess and start naming names and dates and places and pointing fingers- - if he ever expects to win the White House.

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