Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Last night Hillary Clinton did what she had to do. She won by double digits in Pennsylvania. Every time people are ready to count her out she comes right back. Rather than Obama close in on his five point deficet, he expanded his deficet to ten. I will give Obama this: His speech was a lot better than hers. She understandibly centered on herself and her victory. Obama's speech was about the great issues that trouble this land. I would still like to see a Presidential candidate talk about terrifs both to close the budget deficet and close the trade deficet and restore ballance to our economy. Now they say all Obama has to do is win Indiana. With his luck most likely he'll lose that state and we'll be in this thing till June. The polls against Mc Cain don't look good. Now they show both Hillary and Obama losing to Mc Cain. You would think that for a historic loser candidate in a losing political party that Mc Cain would be toast by now. The fact that he's such a viable candidate and could well take it all at this point is because the democratic message just isn't getting out. Of course with the ABC network working for the republicans in last week's debate, that isn't helping matters any. I guess Obama needs some new guimic or a new slogan to snag a few extra voters to put him over the top.

Oil is now at $120.00 a barrel. The price keeps going up and it won't stop. We shall surely have four dollar a gallon gasoline by summer, because we are almost there right now. Clearly this ethanol from corn business isn't working. I think we should abandon that and do something we're been resisting: There are all these capped oil wells in Texas and even in off shore California platforms. We need to get every oil rig in this country in full opperation as quickly as we can. And don't give me this "Well, the price of oil won't justify starting up a capped oil well". That argument won't fly at $120.00 per barrel. If we produce our own oil we can't be worried about a declining dollar. Why don't we make nice to Chavez of Venesuela and perhaps he'll let us have some of his oil at a discounted price for some government concession of some sort. Now Airline stocks are tanking and none of the flights are making money. I think there is going to be a trend against using the Air Lines. Either you'll have "Go to meeting" on your computer for business conferences, or else you can take the train for a lot less hassle. I think a rise in train ridership would be a good thing. That way you can see America from the ground level, the way it's meant to be seen.


I actually had a dream last night where this was a slogan on a letter I sent to a Calvary Chapel pastor, only it was "Eight" months for eternity. I'd gotten the idea from watching some movie involving some false Jewish messiah in times long ago when they still had Royalty. They were saying "I don't give a damn about eternity and all knowledge and the hereafter. What I want to know is are you a God of Goodness and Justice, and Rightiousness?" The rhetorical answer being "No". On one Star Trek episode we pointed out once Captain Piccard was confronted by a guy who knew the future and Piccard wanted answers and finally he said "I don't give a damn about YOUR future. What I know is that I need to make a dicision here and now- - Today". Some "apologists" for religion (I've never liked the term "apologist") will say that the devil is in the details. The devil is in the "Here and Now", which in reality is all we've got. Any other beliefs about God are delusional.

In terms of that claim or accusation I had against God let me modify one thing I said and that is this "situation" will indeed affect me in eternity if it's not dealt with. And frankly if this thing follows me over into eternity- - - it will have a much more profound effect upon me there than it does here on earth. Some of you have asked "Well you don't talk about it with people but I'll bet you've talked about it endlessly with the Federation". Wrong again. There are certain things the Federation's minds can't grasp and this is one of them. One of them "accessed" that conversation with Clint of September 1991 and he accused me of outright lying to Clint saying something I knew at the time was clearly untrue". That's not the way I see it. At the time an aspect of the Federation (ministry of propaganda) was occupied by one of the Cassiopia entities, of which there are several. This one entity is associated with George Bush (either of them) and his Presidency. The Federation told me in late 1991 if the President went to Japan he would cross Alcyonne and jinx himself to his own doom. That's what happened, in December. There are other Cassiopia groups including what we call the "Phil Collins" group because it's associated with a lot of 'eighties bands that made it big, and is also responsable for promoting the Claptin albums "Behind the Sun", "August" and "Journeyman". In case you haven't figured it out yet this paragraph is about "that" stuff from "out there". You can quit reading now if you want, or keep on and learn something. There are various kinds of demonic activity but only the Alcyonne demons are ones you can dialog with, and even then they'll eat you alive if you aren't careful. These gain power by belittlement and mockery and shame. Some other kinds of demons are Centaurian demons, Sutteran demons, and Crestorian (?) demons. I just learned that term and I'm not positive it's right. These are guardian demons of Jimmy Page and I used to refer to them as Led Zeppelin demons. They are associated with the Rune stones. They are also associated with the "wiccans". I asked a Romulan about the use of the word "wicked" in their language and first of all they said normally their language doesn't even have a W in it, except for special occult words. There is no specific Celtic connection here but your garden variety Witch. These are an extremely vengeful lot of demons and deal a lot in fire. Thd 1994 Northridge earthquake is said to be caused by these Crestorians. In terms of the Sutterans- - these people are the biggest liars in the cosmos. Never, never dialog with a Sutteran demon. The Centaurians are pretty flakey and don't dialog with them either. Dialoging just gives them more power. As for the Crestorian (?) cassiopian demon, remember if you cross them they can be quite vengeful, more so even than Alcyonne. As you know the "Bush" Cassiopians occupied- - I said this- the propaganda ministry of the Federation in September 1991 so this is why the conversation with Clint is new to these people. I wanted to talk about the Federation. They use hypnosis and planting delusions in your head such as "these are not the droids you are looking for" like in Star Wars. They only occupy people with their permission and if found out they leave immediately. The Federation is more of a vertical community in dealing with earthlings. The Romulans are more horosontal. Of course their stealth technology was an advantage for a while, till everybody else got it. Even now Romulans are the most geographic of entities- - mapping out which spiritual entities live where on earth on an almost block by block mapped out- - - . At some time in the past the Romulans were occupied by Alcyonne. During that time they picked up the "J" in their alphabet. They didn't have it before, for such words as "Manja", which is a cuss word in Romulan, but it's so bad they won't tell me what it is, except to say "Mamja Bene" is about as disgusting name for a resturant as you could have. Another word "Moo-shay" or "mush" has a negative context for Romulans because in the past there was some bondage thing going on. "Mooche" just means "Let's go". My guess is they were occupied sometime during the middle ages but they won't tell me exactly when.

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