Monday, April 21, 2008


We have been waiting out this six week interlude between presidential primaries. All of these events have happened between Obama and Clinton. Tomorrow we get to find out what it all means. I have always had the preminition that when all is said and done, Clinton will be the victor over Obama. Time will tell whether I'm right. I'm one of those people perhaps from being around the "World Net Daily" crowd lately, who feel that perhaps we should give Mc Cain a second look because the left-wing agenda of the democrats may not be to my liking in ways I've gone into in the past. I don't like the potential to interfere with family structure, or the relation between parents and their children, and I don't believe the institution of marriage should be tainted with homosexuality. I don't want government spending to go up; I want it to go down. I am against some massive expansion of Socialized Medicine. I haven't heard "grandpa" Mc Cain speak much lately and since 7.2 was off the air at ten o clock yesterday I missed John Mc Cains interview.

Another long interlude we have is the basketball play-offs. We all saw the Lakers beat the Nuggets yesterday afternoon. Now we should all take a two month long nap and wake up for the N B A finals in June where the Lakers will be playing whoever they are playing. The whole NBA play-off system is just one that takes too long from start to finish, over two months.

My Mom got another computer last Saturday and we took the HP one she had with Vista on it back to Cosco and they gave us back our money. She got it the Friday before we went on Daylight Savings Time, and in that whole month and a half period did very little with it. I am getting the vibe that she just isn't interested in having a computer.

Last Saturday night I awoke at about ten to one when I thought I heard an ex room mate saying something. I'm not sure what was a dream and what I was actually awake to hear. But a thought about God, an accusation against Him, popped into my head. It isn't the first time this accusation has occurred to me but I consider it a "deal breaker" type issue. (other "deal breakers" people might have would be joining a country club that admits Jews, or perhaps a conscientious objector in World War II, if there really is such a thing) A theologian would tell you it doesn't affect my Christian salvation but I see it differently. I'm not going to share the issue with you. I consider it personal. Let me just say it centers around whether God has the cajones to take on Satan in a fight for who is supreme. In all of the Bible there is only one old testament that even deals with this "issue" and then not as directly as I'd like. The only reference I've heard to this old testament story is in one Gene Scott sermon and also in a Jehovah's Witness illustrated book for children, where they watered the story down. The only person I've even talked to about this specific issue with no sugar coating- is Clint, that fourteen year old boy back at my old apartment in September of 1991. I was restless and stepped out to the patio for a smoke and noticed the full moon in my eyes. I realized it was Passover night. There was a guy there, Bill W, who said it was his last night here. It wasn't; I saw him this morning. There is also one movie that deals with this "issue" with God I have. And the movie ends in a shocking, bloody death. That's what happens when "issues" aren't dealt with. I thought "Well, since I have the goods on God, I should sleep well the rest of the night. Instead I had the following dream.

Last night I had on some Law and Order episode I just wasn’t tracking with. I had a dream after I went back to sleep. Dad was really mad because this one family wasn’t getting the proper respect for all the sacrificial work they had done for the church. And there was this one teenage blond who for some reason made me think of Lisa Simpson, and she married into the family and Dad as much as said she didn’t appreciate their family legacy. Also Dad made some snotty remark, “And then there are these grandkids who all they want is on Christmas morning to be taken on a sleigh ride”. I am thinking (a) why is this a sacrifice? And (b) where is the snow? In this same dream and I think I’ve had the following part recurringly. I began complaining about family gatherings giving off bad vibes starting around Thanksgiving of 2000. But the situation only got worse and I would come to dread holiday and often holiday gatherings would often be combined with church worship services. Around the first of March of 2001 I moved in with [Pete Richards] in some house in southern Fullerton and got used to all of the stores and libraries and stuff around there. There were one or more roommates but I don’t especially remember then. It only lasted a couple of months. Also starting in 2001 I would go on these long vacations like five or six weeks with parents. Only I think they were trips to the hospital to have brain surgery done on me or something because I’d come back feeling strange and disassociated from my past with gaps in memory.

The following material was typed Sunday April 20th.

This is after six. This time the plug ins did not pop up but an orange thing on the blue bar did and I also got an “unused icons” notice- - twice. Gary managed to get over half of the cigarette I was smoking for just a dime. This dashed my hopes probably of limiting my post dinner cigarettes to four. Normally the price of cigarettes is supposed to go up when they are in short supply, not down. On the ABC news they had building trust between horses and teenage girls. There is world wide food hoarding going on, hoping to drive the price up higher. People are penniless and starving right now. This is one case where I could justify stealing from another. What US farmers should do is sell our food to these poor countries if our farmers are always so broke and can’t get a decent price for their food as they always complain. I missed the Mc Cain interview because station 7.2 was off the air this morning at ten o clock. “The Ten Commandments” apparently is not on tonight. For dinner we had turkey with stuffing in short supply and cranberry sauce. A nice meal. I had seconds on the turkey and peas but they were out of stuffing. We had strawberry ice cream for desert. I went to the bakery for a large coffee that was actually hot in the evening two days in a row. Ebert and Roper are coming on now. How much is Roger Ebert paying to have his name on the show title after nearly two years?

Here’s a word to the wise. The more fundamentalist Christians find out about me- - the worse it makes them, as well as God look. I’m official charging God with a misdemeanor, of which I’ll elaborate later- - maybe. Conduct unbecoming a God. Some may say “Perhaps you’re asking something unreasonable of God”. My response is that if I were asking it of a person it would be reasonable, and the last time I heard, God had more resources than a person. Here’s another thought for you. If you judged my life on how many “mistakes” I made because I didn’t know the future, it would pale into insignificance the mistakes of others who made mistakes around me, not having to even know the future. Medication is late tonight. Watch out, I may go psycho!

Let’s discuss last night’s Sixty Minutes program. In the first segment they had a story of great bravery of our troops fighting the Taliban in Afghanistan. While the story is fine as far as it goes certain questions were left unanswered. I would have liked to have seen maps and charts demonstrating why and how the Taliban got to be as powerful now as they are in Afghanistan. I would have also liked to seen a prognosis of the future of just how many troops it might take to defeat them or even whether that would be possible. The second story was the closest thing to pure bullshit I have ever seen on Sixty Minutes. They said that if you had gastric bypass surgery it would cure your weight problem- - . Actually what they said was that if you were three hundred pounds going in you’d end up as a slightly overweight two hundred pounds. They said that none of the people actually ended up skinny. My response to that is that it’s a glandular problem and this proves it because even eating much less food they are still unable to obtain completely normal weight. They then said that the surgery procedure cures diabetus in four to seven days and well before the weight comes off, and that it’s a universal cure for excessive cancer rates. They said that merely snipping off a portion of the duodenum (small intestine) cures diabetus. This lie is right up there with the notion peddled in Africa that circumcision will keep you from getting AIDS. They formerly said that the procedure was only for dire, desperate cases where nothing else works, but now they want to leagelize the procedure to broaden it’s usage for these other things. Usually they have some “balancing factor” talking about the down side of an issue but they’d lead you to believe there is no “down side” to this issue. The obvious one is nutrition. Clearly eating only a fraction of the food you had before would open you up to nutritional deficiency. As to that guy who craved cheese cake- - - cheese cake would be the first thing I’d head for. And if I got filled up on that then I just wouldn’t eat anything else. If I were a sugar junky before I’d see absolutely no reason to change now. Their third topic mystified me. They claimed this painting of a famous battle by Leonardo Di Vince is buried behind another large painting in this place in Milan or Florence or wherever, and they have been “working on the problem for thirty years”. Why don’t they just get someone to take the other picture out and end this mystery right on the spot? I don’t see the problem. If it’s there they’ll find it and if they don’t it wasn’t there.

I just bought three cigarettes from Gary. It’s past nine thirty in the morning and we all know I had extra money last week but this week there is that 24 plus hour interlude where I am without cigarettes. Gary in the past has offered eight for a dollar and sixy for 75 cents. He’s wised up and no longer has those bargain rates. Today I bought three for fifty five cents, with another thirty cents for at least one more cigarette later.

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