Today is June 13, 2006 and yesterday was the 12th. anniversary of O J Simpson committing a double murder. Denise Brown says she no longer hates OJ. I don’t see why there is any reason to change her mind after all these years. I can’t imagine that OJ apologized. The deeds he did that night as just as evil now as when he did them.
Tropical storm Alberto hit the Tampa-St. Petersburg area of
I guess a favorite pastime of Republicans is to quote things that no Democrat ever actually said. The latest one like this is that Al-Zarcowe’s death was just a “Stunt”, like it wasn’t real or something. No democrat ever said this. There are few if any democrats that actually want
Randy Rhodes was talking yesterday about all of the ways in which government collect information about our lives. Of course they have their sattalite microwave “listening in” devices to hone in on key words in our phone conversations to know when to actually start gathering evidence for prosecution. They know all about us from key loggers and tracing our steps in the internet. They know our date site history, our banking history, and various interests of ours, such as have we ever visited a Secular Humanist site. George Bush won’t be treated kindly by the History books. He will go down as the most Orwellian President we have ever had.
Of course we could have had Zarcowe back in 2002. We had three chances to get him at least and each time, according to Al Frankin, the President vetoed the plan to capture him. Of course if we had captured and killed Zarcowe earlier, before the war, our grounds for going to war would be vastly diminished. Of course we let Bin Laden slip through our fingers at Tora Bora. Every liberal agrees that if we had stayed with the war in
If a soap opera just yesterday on the 12th. anniversary of the OJ double murder, there was a gross misscarriage of justice on Days of our Lives. You have an eighteen year old, Chelsea, who's sole purpose seems to be to break up her parents' marriage. She wants her Dad to break up with his wife, Hope, and marry her slutty real mother, Billy. She got into one problem with the law and had her drivers liscence suspended. Her father, Bo signed a thing to reinstate her liscense and then lent her his truck to drive on Newyears Even to be out on the road with all the drunks. He only did this because he is weak and wants to deny his newfound daughter nothing. She runs over and kills Hope and Bo's son Zach, who was five. She says she felt a bump but didn't even stop. Other lies were told by Bo and Billy to try and cover up what she did. Chelsea is a girl who has never had to face the consequences of anything she has done. So what does the Judge do in this case? He gives her essentially a suspended sentense with community service. Now she's already complaining about that. Bo and Hope's other son, Sean, who is about twenty, never got to testify. Hope's testimony was muted because she was hoping to save her marriage and not say anything too antagonistic about Chelsea, or Billy, or her husband, Bo. The defendant, as in the OJ case was not put on the stand at all. Like in the case of OJ her testimony would be so torn to shreads it would have been a major melt-down for the defence. This "soap opera" justice all took place in a one day trial, with no jury.
If you read the top posting on "The Ten Commandments" you see I make reference to a guy whom I took an instant dislike to who came to a Bible Study about the first of May 1980. My feeling tword him at that instant was a definite indication of things to come that his presence would not bode well in my life. On October 8th. 1987 I found out just how "ill" the omen was, when this individual committed an offence against me, breaking a Biblical commandment. But I don't blame him alone. There's lots of blame to go around including "Pete Richards" (an alias) an an unnamed pastor whom I've referred to a few times in my blogs. You've heard the expression "That's not a threat; it's a promise". Here's another one: "On the day that you break that oath will be the last day you live". (Ten Commandments, the movie) And then there is Dr. Phil who says that when parents punish a child that child should know with utter predictability the consequences. In my own childhood I've found punishment to be rather unpredictable both as to when and if you're punished, and sometimes who is punished, and often the penalty is more severe than you imagioned. If you're wondering about the nature of this "offence" against me- - - well, there were "warning signs". There were "vibes" that I tried to ignore. The offence was committed at the "Bosc house". Oddly enough when I told parents about it, they somehow tried to make it out that it was partially my fault. That's just how they think. Since I officially "forgave" this individual- - - Let me phrase that another way. In the 1990s a pastor known as "The Asshole from El Paso" committed an offence against me or a series of them that ecclipsed the event of October 1987. Oddly enough, about the time of this "offence", Nicholas was conceived- - - right around the ecclipse of a full moon. I know, you thought Nicholas was a fictional character from one of our skits. "Surprise!" You've heard the riddle, "why does a dog lick itself in the groin?" The answer: "Because he can". That seems to be an answer for a lot of things people do. "Because they can". You just have to trust people less. Trust is like currency: If you overextend it you pay for it later.
Karl Rove has escaped indictment for his part in the Valerie Plame ( ) affair, ie. outing her when she was trying to investigate whether Iran had nuclear secrets. I guess this shouldn't come as any surprise because they had been stalling for months. Considering how our President likes to micro-manage everything in our Government it's a wonder the investigation took this long. Now Randy Rhodes is talking about some video of Iraqi tanks gunning down civilians set to the music of "Mystory Train" by Elvis, with superimposed laughter in the background, and the video can be found on the internet. Randy has a tendancy to ramble and I'm not sure how or if this is connected to the Karl Rove story. Of course there is still the outside possability that the election of 2000 was actually stolen from Al Gore, who won the popular vote, as the democrats charge. I just remember at the time I thought "The preponderance of the evidence" favored Bush but not even I was "convinced beyond a reasonable doubt". Bush has always, since day one, acted like he had this huge "Mandate", which he has never, ever had.
He's the fiddler on your darkest night
Rome is burning but that's all right!
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