Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Two Key Court Rulings Out Today

A three judge panel overturned the gerrymandering of congressional districts in the entire state of North Carolina.  They said the bias and the racism were carried out with surgical precession.  North Carolina is a purple state but the results are red.  It would be nice if every court in the land decided to make the same ruling about gerrymandering in their state.  Then a district judge overturned down the suspension of the Trump ruling saying that the dreamers only hat six months to get their act together and leave the country.  Apparently Attorney General Jeff Sessions spoke of the illegality of the Obama decree back in 2015.  He also placed an inter-locqatory provision on this ruling saying he can be fast tracked by one Court before the ruling of another court is played out.  So this ruling will go first to the ninth circuit court of San Francisco and then to the Supreme Court as fast as possible.  Norman Goldman is on now.  He believes the republicans are in disarray this year.  But we’ve heard sentaments like that before and somehow they all manage to rally around and protect President Trump.  Two Republican congressmen have thrown in the towel here in California.  One of them is Ed Royce, who used to be our congressman but his district was redrawn.  The other congressman is Daryl Eisa or however you spell it.  He’s an ultra-conservative and I thought I heard he had a criminal record of some sort.  Lots of Republicans are choosing not to run in 2018.  They don’t want to be associated with the Donald Trump ship of state when it goes off the rails.  Think about it.  

 The Christmas decorations are still up around here. 

This will be a nonpartisan commentary about U.S. politics, as viewed by an American historian who is disgusted with the profoundly corrupt U.S. Government — not merely the political Parties, but the billionaires who effectively control them. Not everyone who finds Trump and the Republican Party to be beneath contempt is a Democrat. All that this commentator is is a democrat — a person who is opposed toall forms of dictatorship, including America’s own.

Key factors are now coming together to indicate that Donald Trump’s Presidency is already doomed, even if he survives to the end of his term as President. His remaining chances of being elected to any public office are near zero; even his success with the Republican Party has doomed — tainted for years, if not ended — that Party, made it not just repulsive, but increasingly repulsive, both inside and outside the United States; and, here is how, and why, this extraordinary phenomenon is happening:

Everyone knows, by now, that Steve Bannon, who was reliably reported (both before the election, and, in even deeper retrospect, after the election) to have been absolutely crucial to Trump’s election, has recently become instead the total opposite, Trump’s enemy — out to destroy both Trump and his family. A book will soon be published from him, that’s sure to spill lots of disgustingly putrid beans, beyond anything previously wafted by the public, from these now rotting but powerful targets.

The well-connected political reporter Michael Wolff has also recently come out with a new book (excerpts here), in which many of Trump’s aides already anonymously leak damning testimony of Trump’s personal stupidity and psychopathy.

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