Sunday, September 21, 2014

So How Close Are We To "The End"?

I didn’t know that Psychic Sylvia Brown had died - - “cast off this mortal coil” or whatever.  But I didn’t need a psychic to tell me that Sylvia’s karma - - was in free-fall, kind of like Elvis the year or so before he died.   But in terms of playing footsie with news stories trying to guess “who will be found alive and who is dead” like in that mining case - - this is an elementary trap I never fall into because I don’t play that game.  I am ahead of the learning curve on news stories for sure.  If I have a preminission I’ll tell you - - and if I don’t - I’ll say that also - - and if I turn out to be wrong I’ll admit that too.  The last time I goofed and said someone was dead when they were very much alive was Patricia Hurst in the middle of 1974.  I remember writing the letter but I don’t know to whom - - of if I even sent it.   Sylvia claims she’s an expert on angels but tells us near nothing about a Video claiming “I could tell you all about the ranking and organization of angels but it would bore you”.  My response is “bore me a little because any information you told me would be new to me”.   I can however tell you she was “one of the good guys” and that she was “taken out” probably by the Alcyonized sutterans, although there are a few other candidates.  She and Bones have a lot of common enemies.  She died November 20th of last year – which I don’t mind telling you was a bad period, cosmically.  In terms of her teachings on “vibrations’ and “tuning in” or “the plane of the after-life floats three feet off the ground” - - such things are not in keeping with my teaching- - because the aether as we know it is not involved in psychic travel or karma.   The only even tangential metaphor of “frequency of vibration” would pertain to “psychic down-shifting”, which we have discussed.   The reason why I felt led to check out her stuff again was because of one statement she made in 2007 or so that “most people are in their last karmic incarnation”.    So according to her “The End” would not be far off.   I remember the first time I took the whole idea of “past lives” seriously was in early October of 1981 on one of these “Unsolved Mysteries” shows on a Saturday night.  I was intrigued by the notion actually being a real possibility.  It was a month or so after that (after the dog died) that I bought a book I doubt I still have called “Discover your own past lives” where you are to relax and drain all the negative emotion out of your body- - and then allow your body to be alternately filled and then drained (emptied) by plasma liquids of various colors, each symbolizing some karmic quality of the soul.   I think the psychics in general have been run off by dark cosmic forces “in the air” lately, which these psychics are no match for.  (Selah)

This is Sunday September 21, 2014 and I was debating between the rose and the straight tan, and went with the tan.  It’s 3:30 and the SF ‘49ers are playing the Arizona Cardinals and the Arizona Cardinals are winning on their home turf 20 to 14. And on the other channel we have Seattle and Denver in what could be called “The Sequel to the Nightmare”, which was the Super Bowl.   The news there isn’t good with Seattle beating Denver 17 to 3.  We had coffee break after two and I had two cups.  I am calling this file “finality” primarily because it’s completely clear that Dr Levy is not coming back since he’s missed the fourth weekend in a row, where he gave no hint he’d be taking even one week off but the last thing he said was “I’ll have more time on the weekends from now on” but obviously not for us.   He was talking about that twenty thousand dollar endowment he would get - - for months now, and brought it up the last time he was here and said he thought he’d be receiving that very soon.  Dr Levy is a big talker.  I watched Face the Nation on computer and have marveled how Bob Sheefer had tached to the right the past few weeks, from what he ever used to be.  He keeps saying “Shouldn’t have Obama refrained from telling the Enemy what we would NOT do”.   And all of the discussions involve getting that forty nation coalition to come together and bomb Syria.   Iran will not be helping us and doesn’t seem to care.  And Assad would rather bomb the moderates we refused to arm last year, than take on ISIS.  The thinking by Lieberman and others is that “If we do a lot of bombing and show we mean business the other nations will come around- - and the moderates in Syria, once they are armed and trained, will be a valued fighting asset.  I see a whole lot of wishful pie in the sky thinking here.  The underlying principle seems to be to forget any lesson we’ve learned from any of our other failures and forge ahead as if all was well - - once again.  But now there is at least one new terrorism group we have to worry about called “Corison” or something.  Despite the fact that I heard about three other terrorist groups mentioned besides ISIS, we seem completely fixated on defeating ISIS, as if they were the only game in town.  Have we learned nothing?  If somebody died and left me to be President I’d just end all hostilities in the area and get everybody out of there.  After all for a whole year- - we didn’t care- - nobody cared about the growth of ISIS as it was taking over all that territory to begin with.  Anybody who even hinted at support of any new Mideast conflict was considered crazy.  If by chance we HAD BEEN interested in the area then THAT would have been the time to take action, while the problem was still “Fixable”.  But now I see no way we can win.

Meet the Press this morning had Grover Norquist.  The whole fact about Governor Brownback being in political hot water in Kansas was up for discussion.  Norquist’s response was that “Well due to tax cuts and things like the quarantine of funds by the government- - the economy has shown signs of growth.”   So let me get this straight.  The stagnant economy is NOT the major driving issue with the voters this fall.  Strangely this is not the first time I’ve heard these sentaments from Republicans that “Well, if the economy has shown any growth at ALL, well it’s NOT because of Obama- - but measures of the red state governors.  But they showed a chart that revealed that there is no link between either cutting or raising taxes on economic growth- - and they showed this wavy line for the economy and various red and black dots- - seemingly at random - - placed on the graph showing hikes and cuts in taxes.  I could not see any trend- - but I didn’t have that long to study the chart.   In other news there is the latest guy jumping the White House fence.  This guy actually got inside the front door of the White House before being apprehended by the secret service.  It’s said that security was thinned out because they were all on the heliport or something on the south lawn of the White House, seeing the President and his family off.  Dianne Feinstein states that there is a SF ‘49er player who has been convicted of a felony on an assault and battery charge, and the guy is playing today.  I don’t see how this huge epidemic of domestic violence could come literally out of nowhere in the past few weeks.   I think it’s a good thing to keep in mind that the Media can make an issue overnight out of anything when they hype it all the time, just like they did with the four beheadings.

 I watched the Mc Laughlin report and wisely they avoided the top three topics we’re all sick of, mainly Congressional laziness, the NFL, and ISIS.  They talked about the Ebola virus in west Africa now in at least five countries.  There was concern for the safety of our troops.  Then it was Putin.  The Ukrainian president spoke before congress making a plea for Military and other aid.   Pat Buchannon said that if congress voted out any aid bill involving lethal aid that the President would veto it.  The question for me and the free world is “Do we really want to live the rest of our foreseeable existence in a constant fate of fear?”  It’s too similar to that boy in that Twilight Zone wishing people into the corn field and doing worse things to them but nobody dares complain about it.   There was a completely stupid article among many I read in the afternoon saying the key to defeating ISIS is “never get angry and never fight back”.  That only works with someone like Bill Halliday where HE has all the power and you don’t have any.  It’s something you haven’t talked about and if you confide to Dad or anybody about it, he takes the enemy’s side.   If someone points a gun at your head and says “Don’t attract attention to yourself - - stay calm” and you look and see nobody around, you pretty much don’t have a choice in the matter.   I don’t think ISIS is that powerful, and my reasons for being hesident to have United States involvement have nothing to do with this highly misguided psychological principle.  The final segment was on Hillary Clinton showing up at the Tom Harkin annual steak barbecue, and if I didn’t mention I saw video excerpts of that on line a while back.    I called Judy back at seven wishing to pick up the thread of our previou conversation when she called near the beginning of the program, but of course she was gone now.  With her and Paul it’s almost a case of “speak when you’re spoken to” and “Don’t call us- - we’ll call you - - and demand top priority when we do”.   It’s kind of a power trip.    I’m feeling like crap knowing I have very few cigarettes left and will be out for the next ten days.  And of course factors working against my quitting RIGHT NOW and making it stick are- - my attitude and anxieties and tensions - - their negative attitude- - and having no idea what basis they’ll figure out that I’ve quit and knowing if I smoke so much as one cigarette several weeks from now they’ll go “tisk – tisk - - weeks of progress all RUINED now”.  That’s how they operate.  Oh - - and also a coffee shortage and a food shortage - - and by the way what ever happened to those B vitamins that were  supposed to make me feel better.  Obviously those have been off the RADAR screen for a long time.   But this afternoon I was looking at George Washington’s blog and got bored.  Then there was some Washington journal on United States preparedness for war and that thing also bored me. 

I had the Ed Schultz show on a while and the Chris Matthews show on a while.  I also watched some of the Texas governor’s debate.  The climate didn’t seem as right wing as the vibes from the Kansas debate.    The Republican is pro life, which is actually a point in his favor.  But we don’t get much “news” that is actually that- - meaning news, that I haven’t heard before.   And I’m not much fonder of the liberal “echo chamber” than I am of the conservative one.   It’s coming up on five to two.   Dr Levy is listed as a regular “Senior topics” class Saturday’s at nine AM.  I wonder if Dr Levy ever told Sarah that at the beginning of the month.  Of course- - you know Dr Levy hasn’t been here since the week before Labor Day.   My mattress has never been NOT “too hard”.  Last night it was the usual.  I got coffee from Glen and paid him four cigarettes.  There the egg salad sandwich in the east wing from Donnie.  There was Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune.  Then it was two ABC comedies because nothing else was on - - not Dateline, not CSI, not Bones, and not Chef Ramsey. 

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