Wednesday, September 24, 2014

It's The Same Old Rosh Hashana

President Obama yesterday kicked off his new bombing campaign of ISIS in Syria for the first time.  But Rush and Hannity say that ISIS isn’t getting any weaker but just as strong and dangerous as ever.  It’s funny how politically acceptable it is to bash a President just because he has a D after his name rather than an R.  If you analyze their words there is very little difference between what Bush says verses Obama.  The whole bombing campaign and war effort in general has been mocked by Rush Limbaugh, just as Rush mocked Clinton’s military efforts.  The Pentagon has put out a video of the bombings that just took place showing missiles being launched and bombs falling and cities being destroyed.  Clearly “we’re all pro war now”.   The President insists that he already has sufficient power to bomb Syria or any other military actions he elects to use.  Personally I’m not up on the notion of a twelve year old war resolution being sufficient- - given the Constitution and all, but those in the know insist it’s OK.  “But if you insist, then I must be wrong”.  Now there is a fifth beheading by ISIS.  This one was done to a Frenchman in Algeria, where France still has a strong link.  The President apparently gave a tough speech but no matter how tough he talks, the Republicans will never buy into it because they are actually taking out campaign ads accusing the president of jeopardizing our security, and indeed his foreign policy popularity has never been lower, and has now fallen more than his overall rating.  So the party tea leaf readers sense vulnerability.  Norman Goldman joked that these videos “show our tax dollars at work” and he has a point.  If the slogan works for highway improvement- - why not war?   One caller asked that since Turkey is a NATO country how come they don’t just consider any threatening of Turkey’s borders a threat on NATO?   I still have this intellectual problem of how you can “bomb an idea back to the stone age”.  Somebody needs to explain it to me.  Because no matter how many we kill- - as the right wing says “They will just call themselves something else.  So Al Qaeda has moved its headquarters first from Afghanistan to Yemen, and now they are headquartered in Syria and calling themselves Corizan or something.  I thought that was how the mafia referred to as their mistresses.  But they are just the Al Qaeda under another name, according to Rush and Hannity.   At this point I would think he’d be relieved he’ll only be in office for two more years.  Then it will be Hillary’s problem.

I guess some new Apple I Phone software update causes cell phone users not to be able to make outgoing calls.  Sean Hannity said “surely they must have Beta tested this- and it would be no time at all before Apple realized there was a serious coding flaw in the program.   You would think.  Now they say the I Phone six plus is an aluminum phone and prone to bending.  But on the good news front Apple stock is down less than one percent on the news.  OK Stop the Presses!  India has just put a space craft in orbit around Mars.  I wonder if they are going to do it for their gurus can have a nice quiet place to meditate.

\In Ferguson, Mo - - there were riots and protesting last night once again.  And they finally got around to telling us why.  It seems some memorial to Michael Brown was set on fire by someone wanting to cheese everybody off.  So I guess there were signs and teddy bears and flower arrangements people had done a labor of live over- - and now it was gone.   But now Sean Hannity informs us that the President should not have mentioned Ferguson at all, and in this I agree, but not for the reason stated by Sean.  He said “It is now an established fact that race had nothing to do with this shooting”.   In other news there are other features of proposition 46 besides the raising of the cap on medical suits to account for the inflation we’ve undergone in this state the past 35 years.  It seems that it’s easier for Law Enforcement to get medical records, and it also requires the drug testing of doctors, which I’m all for.  I think doctors are a crucial enough occupation to merit close drug testing to make sure these surgeons are fit for work.

Tonight Rosh Hashana starts.  Today is September 24, 2014 and of course the Jewish New Year begins at sunset.   Joe said “Well that’s another reason for Dr Levy not to come if he’s taking the next ten days off for Jewish holy days.”   I feel like singing “It’s the same old song - - “ because the term “New” is strictly in name only, because it’s a seamless continuation of the same old bad news.   In one bit of possibly good news however A T & T finally sent me a piece of mail I could act on profitably.  They want to improve my internet speed and “Bring me into the U-Verse family” for just $26/00 a month or something.  This would mean I would save about seventeen dollars a month - - every month for a full year.  So they will have locked themselves into that decidedly lower rate, and will put money in my bank account, and I can stop walking this financial tightrope I’ve been on so long.   Meanwhile in the racing industry now it’s OK to kill another driver.  I guess it’s “assumed risk” or some such thing.  The LA Dodgers can clinch the division tonight if they beat the Giants in the “rubber game” at Dodger Stadium, showing live on local TV on channel 56.  I’ll be watching.  “All of the models are now forecasting an El Nino now”.  First they said it was on - - and then it was off- - - and now it’s on again.  Fine!   I can’t remember the last time we got “more than normal rain” but it may have been in late 2010.  In other news, the military wants to be sure and pray for enlisted “man” Bradley Manning’s hormone therapy.  It’s just this “Brave new World” age we live in now.

Today’s message of the day is “Don’t get overconfident”.   Brought to you by Stephano Di Mira.  He sent a photo of Christine’s nemisis Susan today as kind of an advisory warning.  It turns out security at University Hospital is still as loose as a whore house in Tijuana and Teresa was able to march right into John Black’s room and shoot him up with a hypo of some drug she secured guaranteed to “put him down before he says anything” and in her mind nobody will be any the wiser.  She freaked out like a paranoid having a melt down with Brady saying all of what must have seemed to be “crazy stuff” about John Black.  It isn’t as if Brady isn’t fully able to put two and two together just as Christine and Daniel did.  That’s now three people that will “have her number”.   Unfortunately this time Samantha isn’t emerging from the closet with a smoking gun- - although that would be nice at this point.  But now for the important news.  I made it to Glen’s room for coffee before he left to go to the 98 cent store.  I told him a half hour and it was thirty-five minutes.  By the way I’ll make a deal with Christine Di Mira.  I’d like to be her prayer partner.  I’ll pray for her if she will pray for me.  God wants us to live in this world “for the duration”.  That’s the way it’s always been, “As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end, Amen, Amen”.   I’ve thought about the words to that hymn- and it would “work” for the Church of Satan actually.  It is in my cosmic interest to rout for the LA Dodgers tonight, and no I’m not going to explain why.  I would just say that- - to paraphrase Clinton “The age of big left-wing protests is over”.   So it’s just a matter of settling in for the long haul.   Rush Limbaugh this morning really lit into a woman who expressed the sentiment that “There is just too much perpetual war and how come we can’t spend our tax dollars at home because we have a lot of problems, economic and otherwise right here”.  This was enough to hear for Rush to go on a long rant- - where he attacked “the lazy 47% who get some form of government assistance”.   Rush claims we have spent twenty-two trillion on “The war on poverty” in the past fifty years “and all we’ve done is to teach a whole generation on how to be lazy and unproductive and not look for opportunities when they come around”.  So I guess the short answer is “It doesn’t matter how much of our wealth we sacrifice for war.  Period”     Rush Limbaugh spoke of how “The democrats were always criticizing the war when Bush was prosecuting it- - and their grounds for complaint were groundless because Bush did the job he set out to do”.  I guess- - OK I’m not the brightest light bulb in the box but - uh - “Then how come we’re still fighting the same war eleven years later?”

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