No, you can't bend them with your hands, but there is a control on these TV's where you can increase the circular curve of the screen. However one should note that this curviture will be useless unless the curviture of the screen matches the optics of the camera lens. It could well be that in 'Panivision" or something, that the optics will work. Ideally you should see straight lines as straight to the eye ball. If you see distorted images, you're throwing your money away. Actually the programmers of Google Sketch use the pure straight line trig algorithm which strangely I was taught to replicate in a summer 1964 art class where I didn't particularly like the teacher anyhow. What Sketch does is make the edges of pictures appear unnaturally pointed and geometrically distorted- - when viewed on either too small a screen or from - - too far away. You see the problem. It's pure trig. Cameras have curved lenses- - but Sketch works on a straight trigonometry algorithm. So on a flat screen to "make the image look right when viewing the sides of a wide screen at increasingly obligue angles- - - Sketch puts in "adjustments" or compensations. The bottom line is that a curved screen will not automatically give you 3 D viewing pleasure. By the way they are working on glasses free TV, which strikes me as trying to design a traditional air craft without wings. It's kind of inherent with the process. I can think of a glasses free method using cerrorated rough edges- - - but again unless you are in exactly the right spot- - the whole thing is shot to hell anyhow.
People are now asking not whether but when the Soviets are going to invade a province or two of the Eastern Ukraine. Some would say that "lying low" like biding your time after Germany invaded England, can be for one purpose and that is- - if you are militarily weak - - you bide your time till you get stronger if you know the world tide of oppinion, and particularly that of the United States is in your favor. But here we don't have that. We plan to make new CUTS in our military on TOP of the cuts engendered by the Sequester. Hence if we are going to strike back, there will never be a better time than now. There was talk after Germany took the Rheinland, the Sudatrenland, and the whole of Austria, "Well if they should invade Poland, that's where we are drawing the line. Well, if we draw it at Georgia and Russia crosses it, we draw a line in Syria and Assad and his corhots cross it, and we draw it at Crimia and Russia crosses it- - what's to make Vladimir Putin think that this "learned apathy" on our part won't carry over when he decides, at a date of his own choosing- to invade the two Eastern Provinces of the Ukraine that contain Russian speaking people. Putin has already proven he's a whole lot more "bull headed" and set in his mind set than this President is. It's almost scarey when I think of how wishy washy President Obama is. This notion of "never letting any criticism get to him can work against you, you know. I get the feeling Obama just doesn't CARE about much of anything- - and if he does care about anything- - he's keeping that a dark secret.
The Federal Reserve should immediately STOP all of this "buying of debt instruments" and let nature take its course. In fact, if Governor Rick Perry of Texas and others are right- - a hike in interest rates just might be the best thing for this economy. I said to Judy maybe a year ago "If they don't want to lend money now at current rates, we should allow those rates to go UP to a point that they WILL begin lending this money out so that this money gets into the general circulation building up the gross domestic product through real commerce- - and not just an exchange of financial instruments, which doesn't contribute anything to the economy. There are two dangers. The first- - as a by product of a good thing- - is that MORE money will be in general circulation in the business of ordenary Commerce. That is - - and Judy should like this - - the Principle is that if you have Oil or you have Real Estate or Capital- - you have a Right to receive remuneration for supplying others with that comodity of yours, who have a need for it. And the people who get it should be happy to pay a little more for the right to GET it. It's my tax hike principle. People would gladly pay for example four percent more in taxes, if in turn their overall business activity and earning power goes up Ten Percent. But with all of this money in circulation there is a danger of demand pull inflation. This is the old kiddy car train example. That is- - the cars of the train are connected by loose rope- - and as you pull the front of the train forward the portions of the rope will begin to tighten up. Now the taughtness of the rope signifies the unemployment rate. And I mean keeping Honest Books, and counting all of those who have for now given up looking for a job would ideally Like to be Employed. Capish? So when the string is "taught" in all connective areas - - this would signify an unemployment rate down below five percent, which it was in the early days of the Nixon administration when people were thinking "Nixon isn't good for the stock market". Ah - those were the days! When the last bit of rope tightens up the caboose will start to move. As this point demand pull inflation commences. It's a problem but a pleasant problem. It's like an older man who takes viagara and now can't decide which woman he wants to go out with tonight. Now here the analogy is a little like a person like me drinking alcohol. Alcoholism wasn't built in a day. It took time. And a little bit of inflation isn't going to kill us. In fact it will cure the OTHER problem generated by tighter Fed rates and this is interest rate generated cost push inflation. So in fact it's like maybe you have a hangover but take a little spiked orange juice and Tylenol and you're fine. Because you get to "stick it to the lender" as money circulating engendered demand pull inflation takes hold- - it effectively reduces the "Real Interest rate". Again a little bit of this is OK. Just don't let it get out of hand. As bad as all this SEEMS it's a whole lot BETTER than what we've been experiancing in this country for the past Five-odd years. (Selah)
Abigail was told by her female doctor that she was not pregnent. If it were me I'd be as happy as a chimpanzee leaping about on the furniture and swinging from the chandeleers. Abigail's reaction was far more subdued, and one gets the distinct impression she was actually - - dare we say it- - disappointed. One is tempted to say to her "Does a House have to fall on you??" But now we get the idea that the doctor was on Stephano's payroll and Stephano may have paid this doctor to Lie to Abigail to say that she was NOT pregnent. When in fact she still is and "didn't have a stomach virus". Now they intend to "bring Chad back" doing kind of a "Uriah" job on Chad- - and sticking him for a paternity that he is in fact not responsible for. And if the Bible is any guide, the shall we say "ffailure to consimate the marriage" penalty is - - Death. Let's hope things don't go that far.
Well, it could be said of us, "I hope we're not too Messianic - or a triffle too Satanic". But I want to talk about a different "Monkey" song - as in "Me and My Monkey" by John Lennon. The key line has to do with hyperbolic Optics we discussed in the last posting. The line is 'You're inside is out and your outside is in". This is the part which in addition to being something the Mind can't physically grasp- - the math on this whole thing doesn't pan out. Also with the motor boat analogy and the "lake' as the Ether- - this theory WOULD support a hyperbolic view of Optics but this too is wrong because we have Since learned that with a zero Viscosity of Ether (unlike, for example, water) this situation could never arise. How the translucent spherical screen theory still is alive and valid. Here you have what would have to be called elipses- - but they are not hyperbola. By the way there is one line in "Over the Rainbow" that is certifiably False. It's the line "Birds fly over the rainbow - why oh why can't I?" No they don't. Birds can't fly over the rainbow because they have the exact same Problem that we viewing from the ground have. Think about it. This translucent spherical screen theory of course will allow you to view the screen from Either Side of that screen. But we advanced this "inside-outside" theory where in fact - - somehow - - if we could get "out of ourselves" in this (subsequently disproven) "Realm" what I call a Non Matter Realm or a Non Material Universe realm- - or if you will Hyperspace. Since Disney now owns Lucas production - - any term used in Star Wars is not something I'm sure I even want to be associated with any more. We gave Hyperspace the axe as an entity a while back, if you've read ALL of our writings - - - . (Has anybody?) Other uses of the hyperbola for graphic illustration and hyperbolic trig- - they are all still quite opperative. But we just over extrapelated the hyperbola into the area of Optics and "Physicality" in an area we just couldn't substantiate.
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