I was just watching again that "Ring of Fire" program where Mike Papentonio says that the worst thing about the Media is not that stories are slanted in their coverage, but rather that certain stories just aren't covered At All. Foremost among these is the Trans Pacific Trade Agreement. This is a bonanza for the corporate media and the drug companies, and a nightmare for steel workers and environmentalists. Ed has been and is talking about the South Korean agreement that is BAD for steel manufactures in this country. And Ed says "We need a do over". He says that agreements of this sort are modified all the time. Ed Schultz was talking about these ways of flagging down watchers by Saying "Breaking News" when it's just another non update of the Malaysian flight or something. Ed says "Obviously plans disappear all the time- - but the question is it news or just the garden variety pink noise of irrelivent events?" Ed says that one thing he's never done is to Plant s story in the news that probably isn't true but he would LIKE you to THINK it's true because it would boost liberal ratings. For instance saying "We're closing in on ten million newly covered under Obama Care" this would be false. So are you "closing in on ten million" if it's five and a half million. "The Media" had me believing only a million and a half were now covered. I've been led to believe the thing was a complete flop given the stated goal of covering forty million uninsured or something. Of course FOX news is a master of psychology by "Making stories Sound like they're intelligent and thoughtful- - but are really the furthest thing from it. Of course we don't do first hand news reporting any more. This is the heart and soul of traditional newspaper reporting in days gone by in the Big Cities. Bet feet and eyeballs on the scene with first hand reports, such as they did accomplish with coverage of the Ukraine protests, where we in the West actually got to find out what the facts are. And if there were any live coverage reports out of Venesuela we'd like to hear and see those, too. But right now it's coffee time and I"ll be back.
Some of the tea party perswasion may say to me "You know, don't you that that proposed Economic Plan of yours is going to raise an Awful Lot of extra Revenue for the Government that we don't need". "You don't say!" That's the general idea- - to get the deficet down, and to have money for spending the money for programs we need to spend it on. This government for the most part does not have a spending problem. It has a revenue problem and my plan fixes it. Ed Schultz says this should be the "easiest" year for Democrats to win in Congress simply by running against Obama and the Trans Pacific Partnership. Ed says, "The issues are clearly on our side". Amen. But you know I've thought about it and what we need is "Obama Care for Gun Owners". Suppose we required every gun owner to carry "Wrongful Death Insurance". And we would also wave the whole idea of eighty percent efficiency. We are giving Insurance companies free customers and they can CHARGE WHATEVER THEY WANT. And frankly- We Don't Care! And of course I"d hire a lot of new IRS agents out there to troll gun shops to make sure new gun owners were signed up for the insurance. And a good guideline for premiums was take these mass shootings - - and project a graph out say five years into the future- - based on gun violence growth in the past ten years.
I was watching stuff on C-Span yesterday and it got so depressing I had to turn it off. People are saying that Syria is "different' from Tunesia, or Libya, or Egypt, because "various nations" are supporting Assad and keeping him in power. We are told how "confused" and "divided" the Rebel forces are against Assad in Syria, and of course by "certain nations" they mean Russia, Iran, and now- - Iraq. A lot of the support for Syria right now is coming from Iraq thanks to out eight year war there. It's like that Disneyland book I have where they have these farrel cats there that only come out at night. But they don't make any effort to get rid of the cats because they keep the mouse population down quite nicely, thank you. I think if I were taking over management of Disneyland maybe I'd change the name to Simpson's Land, or something. And instead of Mickey Mouse- - I'd be selling Santa's Little Helper hats and tee shirts. It's like the mongoose in most of the Hawaiian Islands controlling the Rat population, all except for Kawai, where they never had the moongoose, and you see Rats all over the place. That's what Al Qaeda was in Iraq. It was the mongoose keeping out the rats- - mainly these pro Syrian Hez Ballah and Shiites. Now we are plagued with these in the Mideast, and what are we going to do. Now we hear Putin may invade Estonia. That's one Roomer. The other fact is they are already doing live fire military manovers right off the Eastern border of Ukraine, and I'm surprised we haven't matched them weapon for weapon - - tank for tank, on our side.
said that in WW II that gas ration “A” cards only allowed a family three
gallons of gasoline - - - per week! How
did people drive to work? I
figured that green would be a good color for this file in light of it’s being
the first day of spring. I heard an
oldie but a badie term just now “Islamo-fascism”, which I have always been
intrigued by the sheer stupidity and inappropriateness of the term. Some jerk-off suggested that if we were to
celebrate Malcolm X’s birthday then we should celebrate George Wallace’s. The reason why this such a completely
idiotic idea is that Malcolm X was unique and a gifted prophet and orator and-
- gave Black people a new image and self respect and lifted many from the
shadows of despair and got them in nice suits and to be responsible citizens,
and not dependant on the government. And
when Malcolm changed his mind on racial acceptance for all he was in a position
of great prominence and took a lot of flack from his own people for that. He was also one honest man among a hierarchy
of people somewhat hypocritical, morally speaking. People like George Wallace in contrast were a
dime a dozen and did nothing for the White man.
He was just one out of a hundred other redneck politicians out
there. Perhaps if he too had repented
and changed his views on race after his 1963 “stand at the gate of the door’
speech- - and supported the 1964 Civil Rights bill- then maybe we’d have
something to talk about. But not
now. Not when he’s practically on his
death bed and everyone has forgotten about him- - then he repents.
Many fear that certain of these fundamentalist Preachers out there will live forever. But they don't. But there are times when you're around them forward time progressed with glatial speed. But
ding dong the wicked witch- - meaning Fred Felps is dead. If you knew who he was you’d know he’s one of
the most despicable people on the face of the earth saying “God hates fags” and
“Thank God for dead soldiers” at military funerals. Or to quote Henry Morgan, “What I’ll do on
your grave won’t pass for flowers”. Contrary to ignoring the death of this scourge of decent people, this human slime, we should whoop it u as a time for major celebration. Remember in the Ebonezer Scrooge movie where Scrooge said "I'd like to see a little emotion upon news of my death", so the ghost of Christmas Future showed all these people partying and whooping it up and swapping swopping stories about what an ogre he was. When you think about it- - Christianity is one of these "Emotional vampires" that psychologists attribute to various "toxic people" in your life. It's like all these sermons where the preacher says "You need to open your wallets and give, give, give - - ". And you might say "I am not sure if I'm generous or not- - but one thing I know for sure is that you and your Church are a bunch of takers. Because- - every time I need help and look to you people- - I never get it, but boy do you look to Me when times get tough! When I think about what a "racket" this whole BS crock is about the cross and the blood- - and damnation and sin and Hell - - and at times I wonder how I or anybody could have fallen for it with not one shred of actual Proof!
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