Wednesday, May 01, 2013

President Obama Approves Abortion Pill for Over the Counter Sales

Rush Limbaugh after ten was talking about this new “Plan B” morning after pill that is now de-regulated so that fifteen year old girls can get it over the counter without their parents’ knowledge or permission.  Rush and the Republicans are understandably upset about this executive order, apparently, by the Obama administration.  It seems like government encroachment into the private relation between parents and their minor children.  Of course I hve heard these drugs aren’t exactly safe and do all sorts of things to mess up your body.  Of course Rush Limbaugh will make anything political and say it’s just another in the “feminist agenda’ the Obama administration is a slave to, and just another way to garner female votes.  I’m really not sure whether women as a whole will look fondly on such family encroachment.

That Mark Sanford guy is back again.  He was the congressman or whatever from South Carolina who was mysteriously gone for a week or so and claims he was “Hiking the Apolation Trail” when in truth he was in Argentina visiting his exotic lover there.  They published all of the love-letters exchanged between the two of them.  From the content of these it seems like an almost endless game of cat and mouse.  But now the people of South Carolina don’t care about any of that.  Divorce or the lack of it, is not high on political considerations of the far right.  But now we are told that “Elizabeth Cobert” is being “funded by a lot of outside money”.  That’s funny because nobody minded when Mitt Romney was burying Newt Gingrich with a massive influx of money.  But now suddenly it’s wrong.  And according to Rush “The people of South Carolina resent others telling us our business”.    Rush then went on to express at least anxiety about whether the US House will go democratic next time around that that “We could end up with a one party system in this country”.  It’s one party now- and it is the Republican party because they literally run everything now.  President Obama is indeed a four year lame duck President and I dare say is the most impotent leader since Andrew Johnson.  It seems as if 42% of the people of this country think Obama Care has already been repealed or never went into place to begin with.  Many people believe the Affordable Care Act was overturned by the Supreme Court, or in some other way.  Fifty percent of the US population would either like to abolish Obama Care or else radically change it.  I guess in a straight break-down of pro and con only 35% of the people support it- - and at least forty percent are dead set against Obamacare.  It takes little imagination to see how these facts could be adverse for House democrats next year.

We do have some fresh news on those two bombers.  Johar Zarniaff - - has these three friends - - Kate and Philipe and- - some weird name like Fez or something.  Anyhow these three came over to his fraternity dorm at the college and his roommate let them in.  Apparently the three of them settled down and smoked pot and watched a VCR movie.  But they conthiscated some incrimidating evidence from Zarniaff - - such as fireworks with the explosive powder removed from them- - as well as the whole back pack that Tameron had been walking around with - - and other computer stuff and they were going to stuff it all in a black trash bag and get rid of it somewhere so the cops wouldn’t find it.  Someone said that is NOT illegal for a party or parties to know a specific crime will be committed and so nothing to stop it.  On the other end of the exchange- - it seems there are various Moslem friends that Tameron met in Dagistan when he traveled there in 2012 involving a really nice looking Mosque and also some disgrunteled boxer like himself from Canada that “turned radical” the same time Tameron did.  They now say that Tameron received some specialized foreign help as to just how to construct these tombs.  Meanwhile Senators such as Lindsey Graham say that “Obviously the FBI has fallen down on the job by failing to nab Tameron, and from now on they need to – up their game”.  I’m not sure what they mean by that but apparently the FBI has been too passive in not pressing suspects or harassing them relentlessly enough over periods of months.  Many innocent Americans would disagree with that, but this is what Lindsey Graham alleges.  To the tea party it’s “Whatever we can use to make this President look bad”.  Basically he’s already a political corpse.  It’s pretty much impossible to make him “look” any worse than he already looks.  (Selah)

Here is a little comic relief.  Paul Ryan has reversed his position of adoption of children by gay parents.  For Paul Ryan, adoption of children by same sex parents is A OK now, but he’s still against the idea of gay couples getting married.  He’s all for committing yourselves to an impressionable child, but he doesn’t trust those same two people to commit themselves to each other.  I guess I find this whole idea of the tea party “going gay” as just a little too ironic.  You wonder what will be next.  You have people who at once embrace radical left issues AND radical right issues.  The gay population is only around three percent (Christians say it may even be less than that) and yet you have the Republicans piling on to secure some of that three percent voting constituency.  Personally I don’t even think the tea party is that hard up.

They are talking about putting eyes in Robots with the structure of fly eyes to give them a broad panorama of view.  My understanding of how fly eyes work is their lenses do not focus to a point but rather that their compound eyes give a pixilated panorama of the world.  Of course in a sense any device with RADAR can “see”.  Today’s cars are so sophisticated that now these complex features are included as standard in some models.  They can detect swerving out of a lane and warn the driver without any sensors in the road itself, which for a long time people thought was necessary.  They can see if they are getting too close to a car in front of them or if something else comes into their path.  Apparently the safety record of these automated cars is so phenomenal the only time there is ever an accident in one, is if the human driver manually overrides the controls and tried to extricate himself from the problem.  People have stated that if all of the highways were filled with these automated “predictable” cars, the world would be any safer because the unpredictability factor would be vastly reduced.  Of course I’m not sure how the insurance industry would like it if - - people didn’t even own their own cars.  Because if you didn’t own them and weren’t responsible, then you would never be sued, hence you would never need liability insurance.  This “brave new world’ may be here sooner than we think.

I was out listening to Dennis and Keith talk, swapping horror stories around here.  The staff doesn’t like Dennis, and I’m not sure why except it’s their own guilt that is the problem.  Let me explain.  Dennis likes to do favors for people to earn small change, such as to wash their car.  But then they act snobbish tword him and aren’t grateful to him and won’t even say thank you.  And Dennis complains often he’s worked hard on hot days and not offered a lemonade or anything.  Dennis said today that this is the worse place he’s been in in terms of “personal care”.  It seems when some woman like Roselyn falls - - the staff asks the residents to pick them up at three o clock in the morning.  Of course Marsha had that slip and fall on a wet floor and broke six bones.  That was a year ago and she is still in pain and needs more surgery.  There was a stretcher in the lobby getting ready to pick somebody up as I left here.  Jay finally made that trip to the hospital and has been gone the last several meals.  This morning I used the red shampoo and I noticed that Nora or somebody had watered it about three to one so it was a much thinner consistency.   It just dawned on me that you can’t really use the under-score key on the computer as intended without going into strikeover mode, and I forgot how to do that.  You can’t back up and keep typing.  Of course I feel kind of guilty hearing about the woes of others knowing I lack the fortitude just to quit smoking, which would instantly solve my money problems.  Dennis says is the lymphoma doesn’t do him in than the Dilaudid will because that stuff wrecks your stomach.  He says that Janet’s coffee makes him sick to his stomach.  Meanwhile Vince, [blank's] husband, is under-going dialysis and he may not have a bright future without a kidney transplant.  All of these times when Dennis gets into one of these lectures, I often remain silent, for the simple reason that I have absolutely nothing constructive to contribute further.  Dennis has just about said it all.  His story is obviously not My story.  Chalk it up to “The ways of the Lord are mysterious” or something.  Dennis is a living embodiment of the expression of “You can’t keep a good man down” because he’s beaten all the odds as far as his medical prognosis as a cancer survivor.

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