Tuesday, April 30, 2013

A Problem Is - A Lack of Moral Fortitude

The host heralded this story is the worst medical horror story you've ever imagined.  Well, I don't know about that.  I've heard some real hum dingers as far as medical horror stories.  There are countless cases of cutting off the wrong leg.  There's the Austrailian doctor who cut off a baby boy's penis accidentally in the process of a routine circumcision.  There are the cases of people waking in the middle of an opperation while they are still cutting into you and feeling everything.  This case today is a Pennsylvania abortion doctor who's been plying his trade for thirty years in unsanitary, filthy conditions.  He routinely violates the state mandated 24 week limit.  I'll tell you for sure, babies can definitely feel pain at 24 weeks.  I regard what Roe vs Wade did aside from the non existant legal basis for it, as unleashing a Holicaust of major proportions where they say that forty million lives have been terminated.  Forty million - Innocent lives.  I've heard a tale of one partial birth abortion where it was a Born Again Christian having it done and therefore somehow "That makes it OK".  Chuck Smith was noted for giving thumbs up on some woman having an abortion on a recent call in show.  In this case the doctor drugs the fetus- which almost sounds humane compared to the old "salting out" method they used to employ.  At least he "puts the fetus down" peacably, like euthanizing a pet.  But of course it doesn't always go down that way.  And we know how hard President Obama has fought personally in "Wrongful life" lawsuits.  The President actually supported legislation where the fetus was termanated outside the womb, in the event it wasn't already dead after a late term abortion.  This particular doctor just jabs the spinal cord with a sharp surgical instrument right through the spine of the infant, instantly killing him.  Of course we turn a blind eye to abortions enforced by law in China.  James Dobson has reported being there and seeing a premature baby fighting for it's life- - knowing that if he didn't die of natural causes the government would just kill it anyhow.  We know the President is positively spineless in his support of rightious causes.  For instance with the whole crisis with Wisconsin two years ago and gutting the Unions and stealing from Pension funds- - the President said and did not a thing.  Now there is this big British bank scandal where - - people were defrauded out of literally trillions, and the President does nothing.  It involved all of these investment swaps derivitives and unethithical leveraging of funds.  This is perhaps the worst Presidential administration in terms of big business prosecutions that we've had since Herbert Hoover.  We just told you how the President just a few days ago signed a bill into law that would hamper efforts to get after insider trader scandals.  The President himself says making a decision on whether to take an innocent life growing in the womb as "Above my pay grade".  Perhaps the solution would be to cut his salary to a dollar a day.  Of course any immigrant out there (and I don't mind if they're called illegal aliens)  they would sell their souls to get the sort of Expense accounts the President luxuriates in involving hundreds of millions of dollars and flights to nowhere- - expending God knows how much hydrocarbons into the air.  But fear not.  Now I hear they have new ways of extracting fuel from the ground- - so we can extend this wonderful era of exploiting a nineteenth century fuel with all of its hazzards well into the 21st Century so that we too can have pollution and smog figures like Beijing, which people like the President and Michelle Bachman alike so admire as a model for this country to follow.  (Selah) 
 Sometimes in a chess game you'll be faced with an un planned swapping of Queens.  I employ this strategy myself if I feel the game is stagnated and that without His queen that I would have the advantage with other players on the board.  If liberal and conservative were to play "The Asssenation Game" I'm almost tempted to say "Bring it on" because we would definitely get the better end of the deal.  Their side is wholly dependent on a few charismatic leaders, and you know who they are- - who issue all the tea party "fahtwahs".  Our side of a movement of the people and is much more a real "grass roots" movement.  Stewart Sutcliffe (one of those dead Beatles) agrees me in one thing.  Only he put it even more succinctly than I had been thinking.  He said that "Government's problem is that oppressive government IS basically a religion.  Government IS the religion of the masses and has been throughout world history.  There are your usual resident myths of course like Mithraism and the closely related So Invictus or "Unconquered Sun".  These are vague beliefs that affirm such things as the supremicy of their leaders and that leaders are divine and therefore infallable, and that you can achieve a type of Immortality if you will "Lay your life down for the State" such as Vladimir Lenin suggested in the saying "We are but dead men on furlough".  Just between you and me I thought the purpose of the founding of THIS government was to get away from that sort of thing.  But getting converts is no problem.  It's as easy as shooting fish in a gold fish bowl, and make no mistake about it - - one mistake and you get shot.  According to one caller today when the Nazis went about to round up the Jews they would order the people into their houses and close all doors and windows, and if you but looked out the window at what they were doing you'd be shot.  "Dead men tell no tails".  No wonder the cry in that Judgement at Nuremburg movie of "We didn't see- - -we didn't know".  The thing is that government leaders who preach a Religion that "human nature is intrinsically bad and needs some overload to "tame the laviathin in each man" the truth is that the government Knows that the average Joe out there is on a moral plane far more elevated than they themselves are.  But they can exploit this "compliant" impulse to "all just get along" to their own unfair advantage.  And it doesn't hurt to exploit prejudices against Indians, or Blacks, or Jews.  Rome had it easy.  Here you have all this Pursian and otherwise pagen mythology floating around- - but ""Add more than a touch of hate at a racial minority.  Preferably a whipped and defeated one who is in no position to fight back.  I know.  We can say their OWN GOD has judged them!  Ingenious!  And therefore they can fake an "event" of this powerful God now giving YOU a chance that had been offered to others first, but somehow they are undserving - - and besides, they can't fight back.  (Selah)
This is an overcast Tuesday April 30, 2013 at seven minutes to two and they interrupted the soap opera again with one of their never ending series of auto chases.  I went out and had a smoke.  I noticed that the volume in the big room was turned up to double or triple the normal and I guess whats-her-name was holding music class in there.  In the soap world the bad guys are way out ahead of the good guys.  By the way Sonny is an even bigger asshole than Will is.  They were all jubelent over their little Watergate style break-in today.  I just got to wondering when they are ever going to have time to schedule the birth of the baby, which is already overdue I bet you.  In other “trends” I still haven’t received that long awaited blood test.  I still have that May 7th Social Security appointment hanging over my head.  They didn’t use to schedule sequential year back to back audits.  And of course the phone company crisis goes on.  The news is pretty stagnant.  It recycles like undigested food in the stomach.  You hear the same stuff regurgitated over and over again by Randy and the other talk show hosts, like a broken record.

I had some dream last week where there were all of these Christian (?) borders in this one house and there were about four to a room- - and there had to be twelve or fifteen in total in this house.  There were several dressers in this one room I was in and I got two drawers in one dresser for my stuff.  At one point I called Mom on the phone and I asked her how anybody could live like this with people practically crawling all over each other and no privacy.  Mom said about maybe she had a situation like that in college or something.  I’ve had a couple of other dreams along this vein in the past several months- - and don’t know what they symbolize.  Not Paul or anybody else I expressly knew was in this dream, but I feel he was involved somehow.

Finally we have Michael Jackson's doctor, Conrad Murray - - going on trial today, or rather the AEG or whatever publicity company that stood to make more money from a dead Michael Jackson than a live one, apparently.  Col Tom Parker was telling someone about about how his only client just died, and some other businessman says "Good carrier move".  These rich people have more morals and no heart.  Whatever the lyrics are to 'Death on Two Legs' by Queen - - they apply to these people.  They will work their client to death not so differently from working a galley slave to death in the Roman Empire.  All these people see, as well as eat, drink, and breathe, is Money.  If they try and attack anything about Michael Jackson's past, it's completely irrelivent.  Certainly his sexual tastes or proclivities is completely irrelivent.  But also the whole child molestation scandal, whatever you think of it, or for that matter how he raises his children, or whether his children look like him - - this is all completely irrelivent.  And whether or not he smoked pot at age seventeen is as irrelivent as it would be to impute that to Trayvon Martin, as some justification as to an event to befall him one ill-fated evening.  And what if they say that "Michael Jackson was not in control and everybody knew the drug had control of his mind".  Rather than this being a defense, it's the thing that will surely get you people convicted.  That's the point.  Drugs were peddled to their star- - perhaps playing on a weakness or an emotional problem they exploited.  No ethical doctor would administer this drug and then not monitor the patient.  It's unheard of and would get any doctor in a hospital fired.  Yet these rich AEG people feel because they have so much money they're like Sheldon Addelson or Grover Norquist or somebody like that- - and they are above the law.  Michael Jackson is entitled to a Day in Court by a jury of his piers.  And lets hope that he gets it.  If he does, his Estate and loved ones will get at least some of that which is coming to them.

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