Wednesday, June 08, 2016

Sometimes You Can Judge a Book by its Cover

Sometimes you can judge a book by its cover.  Sometimes "first impressions" are the ones you should be guided by.  Sometimes things are exactly as they Seem.  I didn't like Hillary the first time I heard of her and that impression has stuck.  I liked Bernie and every subsequent thing I've learned about Bernie Sanders has only strengthened that belief.  Paul and Judy picked me up and they were pretty much on time a little after four.  I complained that I had offered to let Bill have my key to keep the room locked during dinner and such but Bill turned me down so I left the room unlocked.  Paul encouraged me to vote when I had told him I hadn't .  Clearly as a Republican Donald Trump would be my only choice.  If I had been truly independent I could have asked for a democratic ballot but this was not the case.  Mom was having problems with her medication delivery.  We got there and Mom was supposed to be out waiting for us but she wasn’t.  Paul went and got her as Judy and I waited on the sofa.  The place was filling up for the dinner crowd even though it was not yet four thirty.  This was the least satisfying dinner we had.  The best thing about it was going to the salad bar and loading up on their stuff and ranch dressing.  I ordered a large “crab cake” and green beans, some very disappointing “red cabbage”, which would have been better raw.  It was some ungodly shade of pinkish something.  There were potato wedges I used butter on and I got one dinner roll but there was no option for more.  I had two cups of coffee. Mom had the briscit, which I wish I had had.  Mom, for once, was actually waiting in vain for a second cup of coffee to warm hers up but we never got it.  We had some small lemon square thing for dessert.  There were no pies, cakes, or ice cream.  They must be undergoing budget cutbacks.   Paul and Judy separated once again and I went with Mom to get her evening medication including her oral anti-biotics for her ears.  Why not just use ear drops?   Then we went to her room and she turned on the TV for the Nightly Business Report.  Their graphics have improved from when I used to watch the show back in my apartment.  But she had the sound cranked up really loud.  Paul and Judy came in.  We talked about politics and Paul and Judy said there were down ballot conservatives I could have voted for.  I wasn’t interested.  I suggested they could vote for Gary Johnson.  They voted for Ted Cruz because his name was still included.  Paul would turn the sound down and to parodies of the commercials they showed.  Mom now doesn’t remember anybody she voted for except she voted for Harris because she didn’t want to vote for somebody with a Latino name.  It grew rather warm in her apartment and the air conditioner didn’t appear to be working.  I looked at some of the magazines she had out but I didn’t take any home.  The bottom line is that Hillary is now the Presidential Nominee of the democratic party having won in New Jersey and here in California by a decisive margin.  Today I read an article saying “The revolt of the Bernie Sanders left is much less of a factor than people feared.  I suggest that this is because Trump’s statements have been so bad that people out of sheer fear of the Unthinkable- -are rallying around Clinton. Judy agreed with me that Trump does things for the sheer shock value and the media is giving him more coverage than "Hillary and all other republicans combained".  But people get burnt out on shock value after a while.  After a while Mom got tired of us and Paul thought it best that I get home for medication.  They gave me an orange, which I ate later that evening.  When I arrived I checked out the room.  Nothing had been stolen.  For some reason the weather seemed cooler back here and the building was certainly cooler.  When I did get my medication only Glenda was ahead of me.  Thom mentioned that he knew I had been away and then I remembered the iron pill at dinner I missed.

 (a few days ago) I wish Thom Hartman would get off of this uppity pedestal he puts himself on like “Don’t tell me how to run my radio station”.   This lady mentions the Clinton crime bill and all of a sudden Hartman is accusing her of “Bashing fellow democrats” and we don’t allow that here.  The thing is that conservatives don’t pull this kind of bullshit in general.  You don’t hear charges of “left wing trolls” for the most part.  The phrase “right wing troll is a leftist construction.  Just let people state their opinion as the title “Free Speech” suggests.  By the way, “Free Speech” is having another of their fund drives,  Donations will be muted just like last time by the fact that this is such a political year.  Speaking of “muted” this is a good word to describe Barock and Michelle Obama’s remarks about race.  Yep.  Back in the sixties people like Mohamed Ali and Robert Kennedy were much more strident about matters of race which you don’t have today.  There aren’t the same role models for Blacks you had in the sixties.  It was pointed out that people who spoke strongly for the Black cause ended up assassinated.  I don’t know if this is coincidence but it seems like there’s a pattern.   It’s just that people like me now have an excuse to come out of the woodwork with another Black icon gone like Mohamed Ali.  

This is Wednesday June 8, 2016.  Yesterday it was John in the wheel chair talking about all the smog in San Barnadino and he also spoke of a red sky at sunrise and sunset.  As you know I used to have visions of that “other life” of this guy named Richard who lived in San Barnadino among other places.  And one thing in my memory was the red sky at sunrise that came early like around five thirty in the morning.  Other cities this guy lived in were Bishop, and San Diego State and also various houses along the Fullerton-Anaheim border.

Let's talk about my prophecy book God's Winepress, and notably the cover for starters.  The front cover is dominated by a heavy line showing the stock market- - with a downward direction but it also forms an "M" for melinium.  Above this line are newspaper headlines such as "Millions Missing" and all sorts of disasters and things like "Suicide" or "Dope Raid" and one headline says "New Hope".  Below this is a mostly white background.  The cover front and back is blue and white.  I originally thought of doing it in Olive but Laura didn't like that color and I asked her "What color do you want?" and she said Royal Blue, so that's what it is.  There is a drawing of a cluster of grapes and a wine goblet with a DCLXVI for "666" on it for the Antichrist drinking the wine of God's wrath.  There is talk of "properly aging this wine".  There are also nine other words on the cover in smaller print.  On the back there are other things like "Who is the Antichrist???" with three question marks.  In the book I note the Trinity as a false Satanic Doctrine used by the Antichrist and I liken him to a three headed snake.  When I list various Cults I notably omit Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses and Seventh Day Adventists, which most "Jesus people" regard as cults.  I refer to the passage in Isiah 63 as "The man from Edom with his robes dipped in blood" as being about the Antichrist and not Jesus Christ. I also speak of Moscow as being the Third Rome and the Second Rome is the Byzantinian Empire where there were a lot of assinations.  I speak of the Antichrist as Communist and at one point I predict Breshnev will die "and there will be a rapid succession of leaders" and one might infer then that Gorbichev would be the Antichrist.  I speak of Esau and Edom in the Bible and King Herod as Evil who pretended to be a follower of Jesus but in reality was trying to kill him.  I speak of the Temple that King Herod built as being Evil because Jesus condemned it.  On the back there is also the words "What does he want?" with tire tread tracks from a tank that are gradually pushed down by the thing above it.  The word "God" is done in a negative or white print on a black background and upside down it looks like "009".  There is also a 51 OHM thing when seen upside down.  There is another occurance of the number nine when there are six swasticas in a row followed by a cross at seven, and then squares eight and ten are peace signs that border a spiral shape thing in the number nine position.  This is like the rapture or something.  Below this there is a drawing of Mt Aararat deliberately from the Russian side and there is writing on the creases of the mountain that are a mirror reverse of "Death to Baal".  At the right there is a hand and finger pointing leftward.  There are lines above the mountain depicting an opening up of Heaven.  To the right there are line drawings that look a little like Viet Nam and the Ming Kong delta- - but they also look like rivers of blood flowing downward.  There is kind of a John Lennon connection where I almost predict his assasination.  I quote from the Bible of a two horned Ram and a he-goat.  This he-goat comes from the "islands to the west- - accross the sea".  Mark David Chapman visited Hawaii shortly before he shot lennon.  Lennon had two last names, John Ono Lennon, hence two horns.  I also make predictions.  I say there will be "continued violence in India" but that South American nations will throw off their military governments and install democracy.  I speak of Russia boycotting the LA Olympics in 1984.  I speak of Japan and China as the only bastions of freedom and democracy in the world.  I also speak of Russia invading Turkey in 1981.  This is the biggest error of the book.  However a few months ago there was news that Russian and Turkish troops were actually engaging one another in a possible precurser of WW III.  I also predict that any European Union would break down because there would be too many disagreements among each other.  We see this happening.  I speak of Esau alias Edom as the ultimate sell out and betrayer.  I alss make a strong case in the early chapters for Free Will for the Rightious and it's the first appearence of the "Cosmic Funnel" which I got from Jim Morrison.  The Saved have Free Will but those trapped in sin, don't.  There are other aspects of the book I have gone into.  The Walls of Jericho is something I go into because it's a city of sin and prostitutes behind walls.  I speak of those Outside the Wall of being the ones with virtue.

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