Thursday, January 31, 2013

The First Ten Days

President Obama has been in office for his second term ten days, as of today, and in that ten days he has been amazingly adept at turning the political dialog around.  He is now the highest he’s been in the approval polls he’s been at in four years.  The stock market is challenging its old highs of 2007.  Consumer and other activity continues to rise.  Dianne Feinstein has offered her comprehensive gun regulation legislation.  In it all of the old assault rifles people own now will be “grandfathered in”, which means no government official will come after you if you posess one.  In fact owners of AK 47’s and AR 15’s should be happy with this provision because that means the market value of the guns they now own will only continue to rise with time.  Some have suggested that like driving a car, that the gun owner oughta have to be required to buy some form of “gun liability insurance” and hence it would be the private insurance companies that would sceeen you a whole more lot thoroughly than any government agency.  Those who have seen the movie “Double Indemnity” are well aware of that.  They say that there were only 278 justifiable homicides or whatever in the entire country from people protecting themselves with guns.  So the figure for defending yourself is very low.  All the rest of the deaths are gang bangers or accidental shootings of relatives or what have you?   Now there is some woman who claims she feels really secure holding an AR 15 in her hands when five masked and armed thugs break into her home, the little woman can wield a great bit assault rifle and pick them off one by one while her crying babies seek comfort in the same room.  Of course this woman could not provide one example of what she was talking about.  Randy pointed out that she might as well throw a grenade into the room with the five thugs.  Because there would be such richochet bullet spray the room would look like Swiss cheese when she finished, if she survived that long.  From where I stand, her odds of surviving the whole ordeal would be improved if she had no gun at all.  For a long time we have been speaking of the Future as a good thing.  Clinton’s “Building a Bridge to the 21st century” was a winning slogan in 1996.  One of the Future Shock books even foresaw the day when gay marriages and any kind of “mixed family” would become the norm.  In “The Third Wave” it talked about conducting business from your home.  This is something that’s only been practical on a large scale since the advent of “Go To Meeting” and similar computer programs.  I have a book called “Visions”, which talked about the future that I think I got about fifteen years ago.  I should go back and read it sometime over again.  Rush Limbaugh wants to deny legal Latinos the right to vote for 25 years.  Rush is obviously thinking ahead.  Does Rush also seek to raise the voting age to thirty?  And the nitt picking still goes in in Senate Comittees.  John Mc Cain, who’s getting older and more crochety all the time- - was grilling Chuck Hagal about his opinion of “The Surge” in Iraq that took place six years ago.  Does it matter?  I can’t help but feel that some of the “culture shock” Born Again Christians express is because they never expected to be here in earth anywhere near this long.  There was one book that “positively proved” that the Rapture of the faithful would come on September 3rd 1994, or some such thing.  Sometimes, as Brady Black found out today - - someone can look you right in the face and lie like a rug.  This is how it is with those on the right.  And they aren't beneathe appearing very intellectual and factual when they feel they have to.  They can bowl you over with scripture references and bad linguistics, and even a little numerology from time to time, to "positively prove" their point.  I guess people on the right will have to pull their heads out of that right wing echo chamber of FOX news sooner or later. My big turn around came in the fall of 2005 when I listened to nothing but right wing radio - - but the facts still managed to trickle into my brain and I saw the Truth.   People say that the murder rate in Chicago is up and claim because of this - Illinois strict gun laws are of no avail. However for those of you who know anything about geography, Chicago is not that far from the Indiana state line, and the metropolitin area flows right past that line.  Though I suppose those of us from the North Side would not consider that area a "proper' area to venture into.  But Indiana is one of the most conservative states with gun laws accordingly.  A sixteen year old girl who was a majorette or something in Obama's Inauguration was just killed within the past week or something and that is a tragedy.

Let's talk for this paragraph about basic fairness and common sense.  It’s now 10:25 on a comfortable, sunny, cloudless day.  I was drowsy in the morning listening to Stephanie Miller after breakfast.  Moe Kelly was on and I guess that Wayne La Pierre guy head of the NRA was giving testimony all yesterday.  He complained that the gun laws now on the books aren’t being enforced and tht the  Bust administration was far more aggressive in going after gun law violators than is Obama.  If that is true, it only means that President Obama as with Wall Street, has also catered madly to the gun crowd doing any and all things to appease them – up to the past month.  It seems that George Zimmerman is running kind of a racket spending as much of other people’s money to live high on the hog as he can before his trial, and that he is seeking to delay the Trayvon Martin trial for as long as he can so the incident won’t be as fresh or as poignient in people’s minds.  It seems what were once black and white photographs are now in living color and showing a lot of blood.  But Moe Kelly says that a lot of this stuff Zimmerman would bring up is irrelivent like whether Martin was busted for or even used marijuana or whether or not he was suspended from school.  If I shoot someone in cold blood and call it self defence, the whole history of the victim is rather irrelivent at that point because I’m not mulling over the victims entire history in the seconds that I’m making the decision to shut him.  But it seems that this is a lot of what Zimmerman is spending his time doing, trying to get something on Trayvon.  But the expenditures of money are impressive and there is even a category called “Living expenses”, which is $56,000 a month or something.  It’s been eleven months since the incident.  Meanwhile Mike Tyson is now acting as a character reference for Lance Armstrong.  Tyson, former heavy weight boxer, is calling Lance Armstrong “an awesome man”.  But of course some character references are worth little.  Rush Limbaugh for the longest time tried hard to associate himself with Mike Tyson, to “ride in his coat tails” if you will.  Even though Tyson just served four years for rape and also bit a man’s ear off, and that’s just the stuff we know about.  But I’m not tuning in this hour.  I’d still like to know where Mike Meloy has disappeared to.  I can’t seem to find any outlet on the internet that carries him.  We need people like Mike Meloy on the air.  Sure he's a hell of a lot more strident on a lot of issues than I am, but I don't like feeling all alone out here on the cold fringes of the political spectrum with only Stephanie Miller and Randy Rhodes to keep me warm, which, come to think of it, wouldn't be a bad situation.  It's like you always want to look to your left and see "someone else" further out than you are.  It gives you a feeling of comfort like someone is "standing guard".

That guy who faked the female voice was on the Dr. Phil show on today.  Dr. Phil said that “He is a man who isn’t necessarily void of knowledge of right and wrong.  But he does seem top be able to slip between the worlds of Fantasy and Reality with great ease”.  I’m wondering if Dr. Phil might say that about me, once he gets to know the real me, and some of my writings.  But they wanted him to do “the voice’ and he was unable, which makes me wonder- - and Moe Kelly wondered just how the hell the guy could have pulled off the scam anyhow.  Moe reasoned that “eventually over a period of months the guy is going to laugh at an inopportune moment, or cough or in some other way reveal his real voice.  Some have said that the Notre Dame player is really gay and is hiding it because if he hopes to get into the NFL they would never tolerate a gay player.  I didn’t know that the NFL was necessarily that straight, but maybe it is.  But Moe Kelly states that even a player who just won a Super Bowl ring and was being "in your face" with it - - if said player announced that he was gay, some people may approve right then- and his team mates probably wouldn't object in the blush of the moment, but that player would still have Hell to catch next season in the regular work a day world.

There is one guy who lives in this building who suffers from “Two of everything” sidrone.  There were two movies that were big hits- - or two Clark Gabels or two Jayne Mansfields, or whatever.  Many people are fascinated by a “mirror universe” and having lived through 2012 many liberals think they were living in one all last year.  As you may or may not know, there are subatomic articles known as quarks, that often more in "mirror patterns" with seemingly no way of communacating one to the other how to choriograph their little "dance".  Of course perhaps I “over extrapolated” with my notion of a realm of “anti life’ and “anti karma”.  Because these are things philosophers and the theological community debates.  They really aren’t for scientists.  Scientists go with what is physical and provable.  The idea of “less than nothing” isn’t as far fetched as it sounds if you first stipulate that the ether or some say “aether” we live and breathe in all the time is itself possessed of substance and isn’t really “empty space”.  As such then the concept we even have of “Zero” is an artificial illusion.  And if there is one thing scientists do like to do it’s to get behind the illusion to find the truth.  When I was talking about High and Low pressure systems, it was first necessary to define terms to make sure we’ve got them straight.  Even the terms clockwise and counter clockwise can get confused depending on whether you are looking UP at something or DOWN on something.  And in a world where increasing weight differential from the ambient aether- - - is that really a HIGH you are looking at- - or the lowest of LOWS.  We say that fine -  - lows have rising air- -  but if you’re upside down that “air’ or “force” is really falling.  And actually it’s not a LOW but a HIGH that in your inverted mass reference frame of mine seems like a low.   We said in a long treaties Months ago that normally we are used to what you’d call an Inside - - looking Out - - point of view.  We are IN our bodies looking OUT at the world.  In this other realm the concept of being OUT - - - looking IN - - is an alien one to us.  We normally don’t associate the word OUT with “Locality” or the word IN with “great distance”.  There is another, shall we say, geographic difference.  We all share in common looking from a certain "point of view" outward what indeed IS "the outer reaches of space" or "the event horizon" or what have you.  With these people - - the "event horizon" varies with each individual depending on "where they are headed", and I don't care to explain what I mean by that right now.  But these are among the many linguistic and geometric pitfalls we’ll have to overcome.  People who advotate hard or unconventional theories better be prepared to answer a lot of questions by people who desire to test whether you have thought everything Through.  This may indeed an uncomfortable number of Yes and No questions.  These should be answered immediately, without hesitation. There is one venue where obviously "looking in" is SOP and this is when players are playing a board game such as chess or scrabble.  Here those on the outside manipulate- - as with a god like hand- - the players on the board.  And there is no question of needing to "travel" over distances to communacate with each other.  Everything you need in terms of "equiping yourself mentally for the task" is right within your respective brains.

This morning I got up at 5:37 and shampooed and turned on Bill Press.  I had Stephanie Miller on.  Breakfast almost set a new record for lateness.  We had oatmeal and Denise opened the packets of sugar for Irvin as is the new policy- - to make sure he doesn’t save them, but he and I only do that so we’ll have them on our sereal because the sugar isn’t out yet then.  We had grape juice yesterday and today.  There was a really long wait for our coffee and when we got it it was really week.  It would be incorrect to say running through my grounds here makes a better coffee.  It makes a LOT better coffee cup than what they were serving us today.  We got served our main plate at 8:02, which now surpasses the old second place.  Of course 8:09 is first place, the all time record, set maybe two weeks ago.  Of course if you’re in a foot race and you pass up the man in second - - you are NOW the one in second place.  But if you’re in a foot race and you say you just passed up the man in LAST place, we know you’re lying because if you had been behind him YOU would have been in last place and not he.  We had a fried egg and a piece and a half of French toast.  I thought of knocking on Glen’s door but didn’t.  I did sign the list to go to Wall Mart tomorrow, which was out at last.  I guess I’ll buy the really big can of Master Chef for six dollars and something- and save even more money, which is always a good thing.  Right now I’m going to check out C-Span.  Chuck Hagel is on, and he said that that in 2012 there were more troop losses due to suicide than there were to combat deaths in Afghanistan. 

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