Wednesday, January 30, 2013

A Brief Review of Ultra Right Wing Madness

This is Wednesday at ten after three and the biggest story of the day is one that should gladden the hearts of right wingers everywhere and I heard hints of it yesterday.  But I’m not even going to dignify it with a response or even write down here what it is.  The thing smacks of a put up job every bit as much as that stunt by Nicole yesterday on Days of our Lives.  She did something which could easily get her landed in jail and convicted of a felony, that’s unless two people who about despise her right now decide not to file charges.  I have the funny feeling this news story was topic A on the Rush Limbaugh show this morning, and knowing Rush he was probably so giddy he could hardly contain himself.  Yesterday the President flew out to Las Vegas spending five hours on a plane all to deliver one speech in immigration policy and then spend five more hours flying back to Washington the same day.  Hasn’t the President ever heard of “Go to Meeting’ or other technology?  Some of these politicians consume enormous amounts of jet fuel and act as though it doesn’t cost anybody anything.  Randy Rhodes and everybody else on our side of the ledger only want to have an intelligent discussion on things like gun violence in America and also the immigration problem.  They are “issues” of society that need to be dealt with sooner or later, and it might as well be sooner.  Then after these two items are dealt with we can set our sights on more uplifting goals.  The Obama administration wants the best and the brightest to come to America and have the opportunity to prosper and serve our country well.  But those on the right like Judy are only looking for an issue.  I told you two weeks ago that Judy disparaged the fact that I even had Chris Matthews on and he was discussing the gun issue on his show.  But if you think Judy’s position is strange, I really don’t understand Dennis Prager.  If there is anyone who can make Rush Limbaugh almost look not that bad- - it’s Dennis Prager.  He’s the guy as you know that thinks it improper for his son to lounge around in basketball shorts - - but should adorn attire more proper.  Dennis is the guy who like Gingrich seems to want some generic or “Brand X” religion for all Americans to adopt.  Because for people like Dennis and the tea party right- - it isn’t the condition of the human heart that uplifts society but rather the presence or absence of “A Religion” without particularly caring what it is-  in the specifics - as long as they’re in conformance to tea party principles.  Now Dennis is saying that it’s irresponsible to call 911 if a robber breaks into your home and expect that local Law Enforcement will handle.  The only “responsible thing’ to do is for each citizen to go out and buy a gun and shoot the bad guy- - and if you’re unwilling to take this action then you are “behaving irresponsibly” and presume- - thence forth no longer to be called an American - - or something.  Of course this radio station, formerly KIEV of Glendale, has been a bastion of the far right since I was a teenager, and probably longer, so I shouldn’t be surprised.  So these people who used to be moderates like Hugh Hewitt and Dennis Prager now end up there because KABC was to liberal for Dennis.

On that last posting of mine - - I left out “Alice In Chains” as part of the group of relevant grunge rock groups I was referring to.  I guess their number one song is ‘He’s come to kill the rooster”.  The trouble is with Americans is that they see a lot of killing, but it’s all pretend, and death isn’t real for them.  Likewise some of these right wingers who have never been in either Law Enforcement or the Miliary are self appointed experts on war and the taking of human life.  But they don’t realize that for the Sandy Hook cops- - this whole grim scene was one of the most traumatizing experiences they’ll probably ever face their entire life.  How would you like to be the one surviving little girl in the classroom- - covered with the blood of her dead and dying classmates all around her.  That’s one little girl who’ll be in therapy for a long time.  And still the right wing is cold and heartless enough to claim that Sandy Hook never happened and that it was all staged by professional actors and props.  But these people are sick birds anyhow.  Remember they charged the Obama administration of leaking its own classified documents to try and make themselves appear more macho before the election.  Or that President Obama gambled with people’s lives in “Opporation fast and furious’ in some supposed “new gun use event” for the sole reason of it being an excuse to “Take American’s guns away from them”.  And then we have Bengazi, which we heard about endlessly.  And of course there is Judy’s remark of “President Obama raised taxes on the rich and then went off to Hawaii”.  And there is the charge that President Obama had a gay lover in college.  And of course President Obama conspired to make energy prices as high as they were last year because he “hates the oil companies”.  Dennis Prager accused Obama of saying that “We don’t people to have guns to defend themselves”.  I guess I’m also wondering whether Dennis Prager has bought into the whole pipe dream that with a few AR 15’s that a few super patriots could hold off the whole US Army.  Nobody has ever spelled out exactly how that one is supposed to work.  But these extremists are now in complete control of thirty states and as long as this situation exists, none of the rest of us can feel safe.

Well the meteorologists have been explaining this roller coaster weather in most of the United States.  One day it’s “too cold” for an ice rink in Wisconsin and a week later that same rink is melting.  Chicago weather has been extremely yo yo.  The rash of tornadoes is explained by an unusually strong mass of warm air in the southeastern United States.   Israel launched an attack against a convoy of armlements headed on its way from Syria to Lebanon – intended for use by Hez Ballah.  In other news Patty Andrews died today.  She was “the one in the middle”, which gave her added status, I guess.  We have the news of the antequaited system of national gun cereal number tracing.  None of it is computer but if you’re lucky you have microfilm, or else aging, tattered records and gun stores that have gone out of business, and a lot of frustrating time spent on the phone.  There is a national prohibition against streamlining the system sponsored by one republican and one democrat in 1986 and was tagged on to another bill.  Meanwhile the problem with the batteries on the Boeing 787’s is worse than anyone dreamed.  At the Federation they are busily putting the post positive spin on the 787 situation, because the Federation maintains friendly relations with “The Skyway Group”.  Meanwhile there is a push by some leftists to include gay rights as a part of any new immigration bill- - so I guess some gay lover automatically gets citizenship along with the person applying for it, or something.  Sounds nutty.  We don’t need to borrow that kind of trouble.  We have just passed the one year anniversary of when I got my rebuilt computer.  Of course just as significant was the work on it that was done several weeks ago.  Channels 7 and 4 had one of their classic high speed auto chases.  I don’t get it.  Any time some joker jumps on the baseball field doing whatever antics they never show it- - even if it’s only for thirty seconds, and yet they will suspend any and all commercials, and even Network News, to “keep coverage of this crucial news story”.  People who jump on to a baseball field aren’t breaking any criminal laws.  Yet these high speed drivers run red lights and sideswipe cars to beat the band, and they get rewarded in the media for it. 

Here is the tally of songs that "Pink" claims that John Lennon sang while My soul was occupying his body.  They are "an unspecified ammount of material at the BBC" plus the standard issue songs of "You Really Got a Hold On Me", "Money", "All I Gotta Do", "Tell Me Why", "I'll Cry Instead" , "You Can't Do That", "I Call Your Name","When I Get Home", "Slow Down", "Leave My Kitten Alone", "I'm A Loser", "Baby's In Black" and 'I Don't Want to Spoil the Party" for my not so graceful Exit song.  The news now is that of these songs John Lennon himself is claiming that I personally wrote one of them, which is "All I Gotta Do", but "All I Gotta Do" is a song Kurt Cobain says that Lennon referred to as "One of those Make-a-Songs". Apparently "I obviously wrote this song because I'm the only person who knows that the song was inspired by the Sherrels".   Because John has this theory that really good songs come "From the Spirit" but some songs, according to Paul are just "work songs" you record for the current album and then forget.

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