Thursday, January 31, 2013

The First Ten Days

President Obama has been in office for his second term ten days, as of today, and in that ten days he has been amazingly adept at turning the political dialog around.  He is now the highest he’s been in the approval polls he’s been at in four years.  The stock market is challenging its old highs of 2007.  Consumer and other activity continues to rise.  Dianne Feinstein has offered her comprehensive gun regulation legislation.  In it all of the old assault rifles people own now will be “grandfathered in”, which means no government official will come after you if you posess one.  In fact owners of AK 47’s and AR 15’s should be happy with this provision because that means the market value of the guns they now own will only continue to rise with time.  Some have suggested that like driving a car, that the gun owner oughta have to be required to buy some form of “gun liability insurance” and hence it would be the private insurance companies that would sceeen you a whole more lot thoroughly than any government agency.  Those who have seen the movie “Double Indemnity” are well aware of that.  They say that there were only 278 justifiable homicides or whatever in the entire country from people protecting themselves with guns.  So the figure for defending yourself is very low.  All the rest of the deaths are gang bangers or accidental shootings of relatives or what have you?   Now there is some woman who claims she feels really secure holding an AR 15 in her hands when five masked and armed thugs break into her home, the little woman can wield a great bit assault rifle and pick them off one by one while her crying babies seek comfort in the same room.  Of course this woman could not provide one example of what she was talking about.  Randy pointed out that she might as well throw a grenade into the room with the five thugs.  Because there would be such richochet bullet spray the room would look like Swiss cheese when she finished, if she survived that long.  From where I stand, her odds of surviving the whole ordeal would be improved if she had no gun at all.  For a long time we have been speaking of the Future as a good thing.  Clinton’s “Building a Bridge to the 21st century” was a winning slogan in 1996.  One of the Future Shock books even foresaw the day when gay marriages and any kind of “mixed family” would become the norm.  In “The Third Wave” it talked about conducting business from your home.  This is something that’s only been practical on a large scale since the advent of “Go To Meeting” and similar computer programs.  I have a book called “Visions”, which talked about the future that I think I got about fifteen years ago.  I should go back and read it sometime over again.  Rush Limbaugh wants to deny legal Latinos the right to vote for 25 years.  Rush is obviously thinking ahead.  Does Rush also seek to raise the voting age to thirty?  And the nitt picking still goes in in Senate Comittees.  John Mc Cain, who’s getting older and more crochety all the time- - was grilling Chuck Hagal about his opinion of “The Surge” in Iraq that took place six years ago.  Does it matter?  I can’t help but feel that some of the “culture shock” Born Again Christians express is because they never expected to be here in earth anywhere near this long.  There was one book that “positively proved” that the Rapture of the faithful would come on September 3rd 1994, or some such thing.  Sometimes, as Brady Black found out today - - someone can look you right in the face and lie like a rug.  This is how it is with those on the right.  And they aren't beneathe appearing very intellectual and factual when they feel they have to.  They can bowl you over with scripture references and bad linguistics, and even a little numerology from time to time, to "positively prove" their point.  I guess people on the right will have to pull their heads out of that right wing echo chamber of FOX news sooner or later. My big turn around came in the fall of 2005 when I listened to nothing but right wing radio - - but the facts still managed to trickle into my brain and I saw the Truth.   People say that the murder rate in Chicago is up and claim because of this - Illinois strict gun laws are of no avail. However for those of you who know anything about geography, Chicago is not that far from the Indiana state line, and the metropolitin area flows right past that line.  Though I suppose those of us from the North Side would not consider that area a "proper' area to venture into.  But Indiana is one of the most conservative states with gun laws accordingly.  A sixteen year old girl who was a majorette or something in Obama's Inauguration was just killed within the past week or something and that is a tragedy.

Let's talk for this paragraph about basic fairness and common sense.  It’s now 10:25 on a comfortable, sunny, cloudless day.  I was drowsy in the morning listening to Stephanie Miller after breakfast.  Moe Kelly was on and I guess that Wayne La Pierre guy head of the NRA was giving testimony all yesterday.  He complained that the gun laws now on the books aren’t being enforced and tht the  Bust administration was far more aggressive in going after gun law violators than is Obama.  If that is true, it only means that President Obama as with Wall Street, has also catered madly to the gun crowd doing any and all things to appease them – up to the past month.  It seems that George Zimmerman is running kind of a racket spending as much of other people’s money to live high on the hog as he can before his trial, and that he is seeking to delay the Trayvon Martin trial for as long as he can so the incident won’t be as fresh or as poignient in people’s minds.  It seems what were once black and white photographs are now in living color and showing a lot of blood.  But Moe Kelly says that a lot of this stuff Zimmerman would bring up is irrelivent like whether Martin was busted for or even used marijuana or whether or not he was suspended from school.  If I shoot someone in cold blood and call it self defence, the whole history of the victim is rather irrelivent at that point because I’m not mulling over the victims entire history in the seconds that I’m making the decision to shut him.  But it seems that this is a lot of what Zimmerman is spending his time doing, trying to get something on Trayvon.  But the expenditures of money are impressive and there is even a category called “Living expenses”, which is $56,000 a month or something.  It’s been eleven months since the incident.  Meanwhile Mike Tyson is now acting as a character reference for Lance Armstrong.  Tyson, former heavy weight boxer, is calling Lance Armstrong “an awesome man”.  But of course some character references are worth little.  Rush Limbaugh for the longest time tried hard to associate himself with Mike Tyson, to “ride in his coat tails” if you will.  Even though Tyson just served four years for rape and also bit a man’s ear off, and that’s just the stuff we know about.  But I’m not tuning in this hour.  I’d still like to know where Mike Meloy has disappeared to.  I can’t seem to find any outlet on the internet that carries him.  We need people like Mike Meloy on the air.  Sure he's a hell of a lot more strident on a lot of issues than I am, but I don't like feeling all alone out here on the cold fringes of the political spectrum with only Stephanie Miller and Randy Rhodes to keep me warm, which, come to think of it, wouldn't be a bad situation.  It's like you always want to look to your left and see "someone else" further out than you are.  It gives you a feeling of comfort like someone is "standing guard".

That guy who faked the female voice was on the Dr. Phil show on today.  Dr. Phil said that “He is a man who isn’t necessarily void of knowledge of right and wrong.  But he does seem top be able to slip between the worlds of Fantasy and Reality with great ease”.  I’m wondering if Dr. Phil might say that about me, once he gets to know the real me, and some of my writings.  But they wanted him to do “the voice’ and he was unable, which makes me wonder- - and Moe Kelly wondered just how the hell the guy could have pulled off the scam anyhow.  Moe reasoned that “eventually over a period of months the guy is going to laugh at an inopportune moment, or cough or in some other way reveal his real voice.  Some have said that the Notre Dame player is really gay and is hiding it because if he hopes to get into the NFL they would never tolerate a gay player.  I didn’t know that the NFL was necessarily that straight, but maybe it is.  But Moe Kelly states that even a player who just won a Super Bowl ring and was being "in your face" with it - - if said player announced that he was gay, some people may approve right then- and his team mates probably wouldn't object in the blush of the moment, but that player would still have Hell to catch next season in the regular work a day world.

There is one guy who lives in this building who suffers from “Two of everything” sidrone.  There were two movies that were big hits- - or two Clark Gabels or two Jayne Mansfields, or whatever.  Many people are fascinated by a “mirror universe” and having lived through 2012 many liberals think they were living in one all last year.  As you may or may not know, there are subatomic articles known as quarks, that often more in "mirror patterns" with seemingly no way of communacating one to the other how to choriograph their little "dance".  Of course perhaps I “over extrapolated” with my notion of a realm of “anti life’ and “anti karma”.  Because these are things philosophers and the theological community debates.  They really aren’t for scientists.  Scientists go with what is physical and provable.  The idea of “less than nothing” isn’t as far fetched as it sounds if you first stipulate that the ether or some say “aether” we live and breathe in all the time is itself possessed of substance and isn’t really “empty space”.  As such then the concept we even have of “Zero” is an artificial illusion.  And if there is one thing scientists do like to do it’s to get behind the illusion to find the truth.  When I was talking about High and Low pressure systems, it was first necessary to define terms to make sure we’ve got them straight.  Even the terms clockwise and counter clockwise can get confused depending on whether you are looking UP at something or DOWN on something.  And in a world where increasing weight differential from the ambient aether- - - is that really a HIGH you are looking at- - or the lowest of LOWS.  We say that fine -  - lows have rising air- -  but if you’re upside down that “air’ or “force” is really falling.  And actually it’s not a LOW but a HIGH that in your inverted mass reference frame of mine seems like a low.   We said in a long treaties Months ago that normally we are used to what you’d call an Inside - - looking Out - - point of view.  We are IN our bodies looking OUT at the world.  In this other realm the concept of being OUT - - - looking IN - - is an alien one to us.  We normally don’t associate the word OUT with “Locality” or the word IN with “great distance”.  There is another, shall we say, geographic difference.  We all share in common looking from a certain "point of view" outward what indeed IS "the outer reaches of space" or "the event horizon" or what have you.  With these people - - the "event horizon" varies with each individual depending on "where they are headed", and I don't care to explain what I mean by that right now.  But these are among the many linguistic and geometric pitfalls we’ll have to overcome.  People who advotate hard or unconventional theories better be prepared to answer a lot of questions by people who desire to test whether you have thought everything Through.  This may indeed an uncomfortable number of Yes and No questions.  These should be answered immediately, without hesitation. There is one venue where obviously "looking in" is SOP and this is when players are playing a board game such as chess or scrabble.  Here those on the outside manipulate- - as with a god like hand- - the players on the board.  And there is no question of needing to "travel" over distances to communacate with each other.  Everything you need in terms of "equiping yourself mentally for the task" is right within your respective brains.

This morning I got up at 5:37 and shampooed and turned on Bill Press.  I had Stephanie Miller on.  Breakfast almost set a new record for lateness.  We had oatmeal and Denise opened the packets of sugar for Irvin as is the new policy- - to make sure he doesn’t save them, but he and I only do that so we’ll have them on our sereal because the sugar isn’t out yet then.  We had grape juice yesterday and today.  There was a really long wait for our coffee and when we got it it was really week.  It would be incorrect to say running through my grounds here makes a better coffee.  It makes a LOT better coffee cup than what they were serving us today.  We got served our main plate at 8:02, which now surpasses the old second place.  Of course 8:09 is first place, the all time record, set maybe two weeks ago.  Of course if you’re in a foot race and you pass up the man in second - - you are NOW the one in second place.  But if you’re in a foot race and you say you just passed up the man in LAST place, we know you’re lying because if you had been behind him YOU would have been in last place and not he.  We had a fried egg and a piece and a half of French toast.  I thought of knocking on Glen’s door but didn’t.  I did sign the list to go to Wall Mart tomorrow, which was out at last.  I guess I’ll buy the really big can of Master Chef for six dollars and something- and save even more money, which is always a good thing.  Right now I’m going to check out C-Span.  Chuck Hagel is on, and he said that that in 2012 there were more troop losses due to suicide than there were to combat deaths in Afghanistan. 

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

A Brief Review of Ultra Right Wing Madness

This is Wednesday at ten after three and the biggest story of the day is one that should gladden the hearts of right wingers everywhere and I heard hints of it yesterday.  But I’m not even going to dignify it with a response or even write down here what it is.  The thing smacks of a put up job every bit as much as that stunt by Nicole yesterday on Days of our Lives.  She did something which could easily get her landed in jail and convicted of a felony, that’s unless two people who about despise her right now decide not to file charges.  I have the funny feeling this news story was topic A on the Rush Limbaugh show this morning, and knowing Rush he was probably so giddy he could hardly contain himself.  Yesterday the President flew out to Las Vegas spending five hours on a plane all to deliver one speech in immigration policy and then spend five more hours flying back to Washington the same day.  Hasn’t the President ever heard of “Go to Meeting’ or other technology?  Some of these politicians consume enormous amounts of jet fuel and act as though it doesn’t cost anybody anything.  Randy Rhodes and everybody else on our side of the ledger only want to have an intelligent discussion on things like gun violence in America and also the immigration problem.  They are “issues” of society that need to be dealt with sooner or later, and it might as well be sooner.  Then after these two items are dealt with we can set our sights on more uplifting goals.  The Obama administration wants the best and the brightest to come to America and have the opportunity to prosper and serve our country well.  But those on the right like Judy are only looking for an issue.  I told you two weeks ago that Judy disparaged the fact that I even had Chris Matthews on and he was discussing the gun issue on his show.  But if you think Judy’s position is strange, I really don’t understand Dennis Prager.  If there is anyone who can make Rush Limbaugh almost look not that bad- - it’s Dennis Prager.  He’s the guy as you know that thinks it improper for his son to lounge around in basketball shorts - - but should adorn attire more proper.  Dennis is the guy who like Gingrich seems to want some generic or “Brand X” religion for all Americans to adopt.  Because for people like Dennis and the tea party right- - it isn’t the condition of the human heart that uplifts society but rather the presence or absence of “A Religion” without particularly caring what it is-  in the specifics - as long as they’re in conformance to tea party principles.  Now Dennis is saying that it’s irresponsible to call 911 if a robber breaks into your home and expect that local Law Enforcement will handle.  The only “responsible thing’ to do is for each citizen to go out and buy a gun and shoot the bad guy- - and if you’re unwilling to take this action then you are “behaving irresponsibly” and presume- - thence forth no longer to be called an American - - or something.  Of course this radio station, formerly KIEV of Glendale, has been a bastion of the far right since I was a teenager, and probably longer, so I shouldn’t be surprised.  So these people who used to be moderates like Hugh Hewitt and Dennis Prager now end up there because KABC was to liberal for Dennis.

On that last posting of mine - - I left out “Alice In Chains” as part of the group of relevant grunge rock groups I was referring to.  I guess their number one song is ‘He’s come to kill the rooster”.  The trouble is with Americans is that they see a lot of killing, but it’s all pretend, and death isn’t real for them.  Likewise some of these right wingers who have never been in either Law Enforcement or the Miliary are self appointed experts on war and the taking of human life.  But they don’t realize that for the Sandy Hook cops- - this whole grim scene was one of the most traumatizing experiences they’ll probably ever face their entire life.  How would you like to be the one surviving little girl in the classroom- - covered with the blood of her dead and dying classmates all around her.  That’s one little girl who’ll be in therapy for a long time.  And still the right wing is cold and heartless enough to claim that Sandy Hook never happened and that it was all staged by professional actors and props.  But these people are sick birds anyhow.  Remember they charged the Obama administration of leaking its own classified documents to try and make themselves appear more macho before the election.  Or that President Obama gambled with people’s lives in “Opporation fast and furious’ in some supposed “new gun use event” for the sole reason of it being an excuse to “Take American’s guns away from them”.  And then we have Bengazi, which we heard about endlessly.  And of course there is Judy’s remark of “President Obama raised taxes on the rich and then went off to Hawaii”.  And there is the charge that President Obama had a gay lover in college.  And of course President Obama conspired to make energy prices as high as they were last year because he “hates the oil companies”.  Dennis Prager accused Obama of saying that “We don’t people to have guns to defend themselves”.  I guess I’m also wondering whether Dennis Prager has bought into the whole pipe dream that with a few AR 15’s that a few super patriots could hold off the whole US Army.  Nobody has ever spelled out exactly how that one is supposed to work.  But these extremists are now in complete control of thirty states and as long as this situation exists, none of the rest of us can feel safe.

Well the meteorologists have been explaining this roller coaster weather in most of the United States.  One day it’s “too cold” for an ice rink in Wisconsin and a week later that same rink is melting.  Chicago weather has been extremely yo yo.  The rash of tornadoes is explained by an unusually strong mass of warm air in the southeastern United States.   Israel launched an attack against a convoy of armlements headed on its way from Syria to Lebanon – intended for use by Hez Ballah.  In other news Patty Andrews died today.  She was “the one in the middle”, which gave her added status, I guess.  We have the news of the antequaited system of national gun cereal number tracing.  None of it is computer but if you’re lucky you have microfilm, or else aging, tattered records and gun stores that have gone out of business, and a lot of frustrating time spent on the phone.  There is a national prohibition against streamlining the system sponsored by one republican and one democrat in 1986 and was tagged on to another bill.  Meanwhile the problem with the batteries on the Boeing 787’s is worse than anyone dreamed.  At the Federation they are busily putting the post positive spin on the 787 situation, because the Federation maintains friendly relations with “The Skyway Group”.  Meanwhile there is a push by some leftists to include gay rights as a part of any new immigration bill- - so I guess some gay lover automatically gets citizenship along with the person applying for it, or something.  Sounds nutty.  We don’t need to borrow that kind of trouble.  We have just passed the one year anniversary of when I got my rebuilt computer.  Of course just as significant was the work on it that was done several weeks ago.  Channels 7 and 4 had one of their classic high speed auto chases.  I don’t get it.  Any time some joker jumps on the baseball field doing whatever antics they never show it- - even if it’s only for thirty seconds, and yet they will suspend any and all commercials, and even Network News, to “keep coverage of this crucial news story”.  People who jump on to a baseball field aren’t breaking any criminal laws.  Yet these high speed drivers run red lights and sideswipe cars to beat the band, and they get rewarded in the media for it. 

Here is the tally of songs that "Pink" claims that John Lennon sang while My soul was occupying his body.  They are "an unspecified ammount of material at the BBC" plus the standard issue songs of "You Really Got a Hold On Me", "Money", "All I Gotta Do", "Tell Me Why", "I'll Cry Instead" , "You Can't Do That", "I Call Your Name","When I Get Home", "Slow Down", "Leave My Kitten Alone", "I'm A Loser", "Baby's In Black" and 'I Don't Want to Spoil the Party" for my not so graceful Exit song.  The news now is that of these songs John Lennon himself is claiming that I personally wrote one of them, which is "All I Gotta Do", but "All I Gotta Do" is a song Kurt Cobain says that Lennon referred to as "One of those Make-a-Songs". Apparently "I obviously wrote this song because I'm the only person who knows that the song was inspired by the Sherrels".   Because John has this theory that really good songs come "From the Spirit" but some songs, according to Paul are just "work songs" you record for the current album and then forget.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Don't Put Away the Butterfly Net Just Yet

Tonight's message will begin after a brief word from our sponsor


Gay marriage is a joke on six thousand years of world history.  I don't believe the government has the right to impose its beliefs on birth control on catholic hospitals.  Courtrooms are free to put up whatever signs are concurrent with the cultural norms of society.  And Prayer is hopelessly embedded in the very workings of govenment itself (which right there makes an excellent argument or it's elimination)  But they have the perfect right.  People have the right to erect crosses in public.  Students have the right to witness for their faith in schools as much as they do any other "free time" conversation.  Small churches should not be "zoned out" by big business misusing eminent domain laws.  Homosexuality is a fundamentally worse "sin" than ANY form of hetrosexual "intercourse" whether Neil Savedra will admit this or not.  When it comes to the subject of abortion, I say go with whatever saves lives.  If liberalized laws reduce the number of abortions performed then I am for them.


According to Randi Rhodes, the reason why LA governor Bobby Gendell said that the republicans were acting stupidly was not because he wanted the Republicans to give up the idea of being only the party of the millionaires and the ignorant bigots- - but rather it was just the rhetoric of the speakers Gendell wanted changed, so that they could begin winning elections.  People like Randi would fancy a Republican party that is all aging white people, and that people who watch FOX news are all retired people with nothing better to do with their lives.  Somehow I doubt these premises since Paul Ryan is a young , vigorous, fast talking son of a bitch, and there are a whole crop from that “Children of the Jesus Generation” coming up.  If I or anyone thought Gendell was seeing the light somehow I was sadly mistaken.  He believes in cutting funding for hospitals that’s been in place since the Civil War, and of teaching creationism in the schools and firing teachers, and a host of the most right wing reactionary measures you can envision.  Newt Gingrich however seems to have pulled away from the hard right.  He recognizes that not having the young, or the poor, or the Latino or Asian or Black member in their ranks, will doom them to losing elections.  But the bottom line with Gendell is that he in fact IS the “government” who is issuing all these right wing edicts from on high, and is not at all adverse to government “involvement” in our personal affairs.  He just wants it to be a negative involvement.  It seems due to people like John Mc Cain that an immigration bill is going to be passed at last by this congress, and so soon.  Perhaps they’ll say more on the news.


In case you haven't gotten the word, I have abandoned my pitching of the concept of "Hyperspace" as such.  Because my current "model" of the way light and matter works will "allow" for hyper light speeds without hyperspace.  Hence we see the return of things like "the event horizon" that I had dropped from my lexicon for several years.  However a bit of the mathematical model, alias Cartesian model or Analytical Geometry model, which ever term you like best- - - this along with the root x and y equation still remains.  What we are talking about is a real where matter has LESS mass than the Ether that surrounds it- - as opposed to having MORE mass, as ordenary matter does.  And there is some indication that this idea of the "event horizon" being geometrically associated with a directionally sensitive hyperbola - - may indeed not be off the mark, along with the notion of what is considered INSIDE and what is considered OUTSIDE being now reversed.  If all this sounds too strange to you, just remember that the whole "strings" theory of the creation and make-up of matter took a long time to catch on.  And critics told them, "In order to have real credibility you need an iron clad mathematical formula to go with it".  And when they came up with formulas suddenly the entire scientific community embraced them as Geniouses and suddenly they had academic respectability.  I think I have the math end of it already covered.  It's just one's mental geometric perception - - that part of the brain associated with the "rectalinear cortex" where the challenge lies.  The best way I can think to portray it as picture a hyperbola like a space craft traveling too fast to come into a proper orbit, and it zooms past a planet in classic hyperbolic path.  Now picture FOUR of them coming from the four cadxinal directions each zooming just around this planet and them exiting in their respective directions.  Now picture yourself as the DOT or planet.  Now meditate on this.  This is the ONE PLACE where you are NOT.  In fact- - as I have said before- - going back to the Hour Glass analogy - - the whole rotational axis shifts - - once you are able to transverse to the opposite side of the hour glass from where you are.  From a Karmic point of view you could be said to have entered the realm of the "underworld' people theorize about or the "realm of the dead" where the Beings there posses a form of Anti-life and anti-karma.  And as you would invision - - High pressure and Low pressure on the meteriological isobar charts - - would be reversed - - and High pressure would be not sinking air but rising air and Lows would be sinking air and not rising air.  Something like that.


It was Breakfast with the Beatles on at nine.  They had the extended version of “Can you Take Me Back Where I Came From” and also “Heart of the Country”, which are two Paul songs where he uses his “Blind Owl” voice.  They also had that “Boy-yoy-yoy” song by Ringo that you rarely heard played.  They played the Stockholm version of “Money”, which is a song that should be on Anthology, but I don’t remember hearing it there.  We had spaghetti for lunch, with salad with thousand island dressing, and garlic bread, and no soup.  They made it all the way around the room for seconds on the spaghetti I was grateful for.  Pink alias Syd Barret had a fruitful conversation on Sunday.  Among the things that were discussed - that now apparently every song John Lennon song that I had attributed to "Pink" from July 1963 to November 1964 was in fact Yours Truly, plus the two Larry Williams songs "Dizzy Miss Lizzy" and "Bad Boy".  Pink tells me that HE actually copied ME initially in his style.  I have in the past enumerated these songs I suspect Lennon of "having help" on.  Pink also told me that there are five Punk Rock groups that are - - from the "Agathenian" race.  Romulans refer to Silver not as "Argentum" but "Agastine".  but the "st" gets changed to a "th".   It was Black Bart who first spoke of this "Silvery" group.  There is a short lived proto punk group from December of 1966 that Black Bart identified as Agathenian".   Actually the first Agathenian group of note was the "Pretty Things", who weren't even popular in America.  But the five Punk groups from there are the Ramones, the Dead Kennedies, Devo, Black Flag, and the Sex Pistols.  But Pink reminds me - - virtually any other "punk" group I could think of would be from somewhere else.  Pink also confirmed for me the Aldeberan IV or - - as others reckon it "Aldeberan IX" influence in five Grunge Rock groups.  The five are in order of influence - The Stone Temple Pilots, Sound Garden, Pearl Jam, Smashing Pumpkins - - and probably Lincoln Park - - however you spell it.  Pink said also that I was probably channeling "Bo" when I typed that bitchy complains page.  Burt had a conversation with Pink about having talked to Bo and how Bo and I used to be close.  That was when Burt and Bo were on the 'Yellow Planet".  Pink also told me that Mal Evans is "on his way out" of his position of power, but this may be wishful thinking.  It was Kurt Cobain who told me quite a few years ago that "There is some rule about not going public about our girlfriends or letting outsiders know who we are dating.  It's kind of the culture around here of separating business with pleasure, and talking with you is considered "business".  John Lennon was in the room at the time I heard him say this but John didn't respond to the remark.  Mal Evans is still pushing to have Steely Dan replace Messers Springsteen and Seger, who share the "Tower" card in the ZAC tarrot deck.   Apprantly the home planet of Messers Springsteen and Seeger say they "want to do their own promoting, and dropping these two from the ZAC tarrot deck would further harmonious relations with the "Asberry Park group".  However Pink tells me it's quite the opposite and that the Asberry Park group actually LIKES the way we in the Federation has promoted those two groups giving them inter-steller publicity the Asberry Park group alone could not hope to give them.  I was going to talk to you more about Romulan linguistics and spelling, but figure you are already freaked out suficiently already.


It seems that I missed the SAG awards in the evening.  I’d heard them announced, but all I know is they weren’t on KNXT, or KABC because it had AFV, and they weren’t on FOX because the Sisters and this Oriental kid were on that.  I watched the President and Hillary on Sixty Minutes.  I was puzzled before they were on WHY they chose to go on the show, and after having seen the first long segment, I don’t have one bit better of an idea WHY they went on that show AFTER I had seen them because they SAID absolutely nothing.  It was a complete waste of both their time as far as I could tell, and accomplished nothing.  I was out during the middle segment but returned for the meaty Lance Armstrong segment, which was unquestionably the post productive segment of the three.  Lance not only verbally attacked and chided others for questioning his purity,  he threatened them- - and said he’d ruin them in court if they told the truth and even resorted to quazi Mafia type tacticts according to some.  But also he bullied his own team members into all of them “doping’ and using all that other stuff before a race, and if they didn’t then Armstrong despised them.  Next to Mitt Romney I can’t think of another individual whose opinion of I have- - has turned around so completely in the past year and a half.  He is truly a despicable individual.  He lied like a rug on Oprah and as far as I know has absolutely no intention of coming clean before the doping commission.  Oh, and Armstrong has used other legal guimics to protect himself, including possible bribery.  To my surprise CBS had another NCIS episode.  I watched the last few minutes of Bob’s Burgers, and I also watched the first two thirds of “Family Guy” probing the tired plot of getting drunk and marrying a hooker.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Holding a Mirror Up To Ourselves

According to Chris Matthews and his guests, there are republican thinkers who see the madness of all of these "birther" charges against Obama that one third of the Republican party membership still believes in.  They excerpted segments of Governor Jendell's speech last week saying "The Republicans should stop being the party of Stupid" and Haley Barber said that picking on Hillary was counter productive, and other areas of attack that the Republicans should abandon out of prudence.  It would seem that Haley Barber is against this idea of tampering with the electoral college system in at least four states, which they are planning on doing.  But in Virginia their own governor is against passage of a new law that would abolish population as the criteria for selecting state Electors.  On the other hand I believe in Kentucky they not only passed a bill to "abolish all gun regulation laws' but also to forbid local governments from passing ANY restrictions on the use or carrying of Firearms.  So that no local city can pass anordenance to forbid the carrying of guns into a bar or other public place.  The thing is that the Media has turned against the Republicans, in a way they never did during the Romney campaign last fall but only continued to prop him up.  On the Mc Laughlin group they were divided three to two on whether President Obama had avocated the shredding of the US Constitution in Monday's Inaugural address.  Pat Buchannon and that conservative lady brunette was claiming that Obama only wants to "put up" with the Constitution but would really ignore it.  And Pat had the enlightening "fact" for us that nowhere in the Constitution are equal rights for all mentioned.  Obviously Pat hasn't read the fourteenth amendment lately.  A lot of Republicans would like to expunge this hundred and fifty year old amendment, for a whole host of reasons I don't have the inclination to go into right now.

There has been continued talk of basic biological differences, structurally, between brains of conservatives and brains of liberals.  They will say "the areas of authoritative knowledge' are stronger in conservatives, and the area of tollerance and experimentation are more prominent in liberal brains.  I would not place a whole lot of stock in these assertions.  I said in that really long posting in early October of last year that as a realist alias objectivist- - that I believe things ARE what they are, and the sooner we realize that "Not everything in life depends (for its existence) on us to decide what we Think it is" - the better everyone will be.  Other times I have fingered Pastors of church for this "Point of view" smokescreen - type of talk.  And I'll be happy to tell you exactly what's wrong with this frame of rationalizing logic.  If it were indeed "Point of View" then I would easily be able to Walk Over to Where You Are now - - and look at it from your vantage point and to see what you just saw and we'd agree that we were seeing the same thing.  But alas - - as the axiom goes, "People are entitled to their own points of view - but NOT their own facts".  Pastors or tea baggers CANNOT possible defend their outrageous views unless they invent lies to cover up the truth, and then tell other Lies to cover up the fact that they lied before.  If you had to boil down their whole world view it would be something like "Maybe the world is going to end.  Personally I don't care.  But when and if it does I and my comrads want to be the ones with all the Power in keeping with their own version of the Golden Rule of "He who has the Gold makes the Rules".  They commit the classic sin of the Bible.  They TRUST in money and wealth and power.  They TRUST it the same way a liberal TRUSTS intelligence and clear, logical thinking.  Think about that one.  They don't believe in any system of pure Morality.  Morality is something they USE for their own agrandizement, or in other words - something to be Imposed on others to "Keep them in line" as it were.  Their whole Lives are seemingly dedicated NOT to actually bettering themselves or their human spirits - but rather of "Keeping all the other inferiors IN LINE".  Think about it, won't you?

Steve Jobs' ego survives even beyond the grave.  They have made what I call a "Walt Disney" calabre movie glorifying the life of Steve Jobs.  To do this they have to make Steve Wazniac, the partner with all the real brains and know-how - - appear somehow "out of it' and dressed in a shirt and tie, and discouraging the idea of ever selling a computer to the public.  Of course Steve Jobs really just wanted to find a way to make money.  In the early days according to Wazniac he was not even all that into this "Walt Disney" conception of finding out what the public needs and wants and 'making them happy".  Wazniac invented GUI or graphic user interface.  According to a friend here it was Atari who first adopted GUI and the Mouse into their Computers.  Of course many opporating systems can be divided into general categories.  There is the DOS like family of systems such as PC/M and OS 2 and DOS.  On the other side of the fence you have what the internet primarily uses which is UNIX and LINEX and HTML and all of that.  Another type of graphic system has evolved out of DOS - - vaguely and that is the Window-ization of all the common computer programs such as BASIC and C.  If you have studied Action Script videos, this is a program put out by Adobe, you know that Action Script uses many of the same idioms and conventions as Windows based user programming.  This is just a little background.

I have said before, holding the mirror up to myself, that I often float theories and then seem to discard them.  Of course I would like to be one hundred percent every word I have written down in these blogs, if for no other reason than I might be asked to defend them by one of you readers.  For instance I was attracted to the "Portal" theory of psychic phenominon in the very early days of my blogger history.  Perhaps some of this was based on various Movies I had seen.  Some of it was based on the transportation system of the 'Iconians" in the Star Trek series.  And then there is the "worm hole' phenominon where you have these strange "connections" between two points that often come and go at will and are like a valcano either stable or unstable, at least for the time being.  I have been back and forth in the existance of Black Holes.  As it stands now I have, for the time being Returned to the notion of "The Event Horizon", which is a concept I didn't want to touch with a ten foot pole two or three years ago, but now appears to make perfect sense to me.  The idea of the Karmic Funnel dates back in excess of thirty years, and I have defended it right along.  But some things I may get more "Into" in the year 2013 such as this idea of "Concave Space", where normal space in Convex Space.  I have put forth the idea of an "enforced zero" that isn't really Zero since space as we know it is not Empty, so logically "How can zero really be Zero".  But like Ferenheit thermometers, you can well go below zero with no problem.  Though the temperature reading has a minus in front of it, we know it's really still positive.  We speak of the "Negative refraction index" of objects made out of this kind of Matter.  But this isn't really classic "Negative matter' as scientists traditionally theorize it.  It's just "Less positive than the Enforced Zero we are all forced to live and breathe.  Capish?  So logically if something with no refraction of light whatsoever can be said to have - - no mass - - so to speak, then something with LESS mass than shall we say "Zero degrees ferenheit" could be said to have a lower mass, and as such the physical laws on light refraction would be preserved because the less dense material (less dense than Empty Space, I'll remind you!" would indeed cause light to refract more perpendicularly to the angular surface, once it per chance "Rose in temperature to Zero ferenheit" if it started off "Below Zero ferenheit" if you can follow this thermal analogy.  The concept of concaveness conotes and indeed implies the notion of exterior bounds enclosing some sort of vector negative space.  Because we are used to a spherical event horizon, so to speak.  But the "event horizon" on concave space would be almost too strange to describe.