Saturday, January 21, 2012



And now to Counter Romney's 59 Point Plan, here is our own Fifty-nine Point Plan.

You have questions.  Its electronic goods that will most be affected by the 15% terriff.  Many companies will “eat” some of the cost.  Electronics prices routinely drop anyhow.  Heating oil assistance programs will be maintained.  The drug pardon provision is only for those currently incarserated.  Others will not be affected.  There are no provisions for the banning of future enactments of drug laws.  But they will have to start fresh.  The line-item veto will save a lot of money.  Assumption of State government debts will help those states which were most compassionate during this past recession.  The one about clients is aimed at wooing and developing new, prospective clients, or trying to ‘hang on” to clients thinking of leaving.  This is “risk” that a company voluntarily assumes and is not part of normal operating expenses in servicing this client as a contractual obligation.  Eliminating mal practice insurance will “lower the market” of pay-outs considerably.  This reduction of suits will greately lower medical costs.  The minimum wage hike will most benefit workers in rural states that have been the most routinely abused.  The trader tax will vastly cut down on computer generated stock trading and save the rest of us money and preserve equity.  State marijuana laws will now be the supreme law there.

  1. The maximum income tax for all wages and salaries will be raised to 50%
  2. A flat 25% tax on all Capital Gains will be instituted.  A 25% tax credit for capital losses will be opperative for any party suffering said loss who earned less than an average of $125,000 over the past five years.
  3. Income derived from interests or dividends will be at 50%
  4. A 15% minimum Import terrif will be levied over and above any other taxes or fees that already exist, with the sole exception of prescription medications, which shall nave no terriff.
  5. All Federal marijuana laws will be abolished immediately.
  6. A general and complete pardon will be issued for any person incarserated for any period at all at the time of enactment of this provision, for possession or use of ANY illicit drugs, state or federal.
  7. Impeach Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas
  8. Do a full investigation of the causes leading up to and the events on the day of 9-11-2001
  9. Bring George Bush, Dick Chaney, Donald Rumsfelt, and any other relivent others up on charges of War Crimes for their actions while in office.
  10. Abolish all tax exemptions for Churches and other Religious Organizations
  11. A Constitutional Amendment saying that no artificially created legal entity shall be construed to have any of the rights of Persons in the US Constitution.
  12. A general amnesty for any Illegal Alians who’s lived in US in excess of seven years.
  13. Patents on any authorship, artistic property or product shall expire after fourteen years OR the death of the person holding the patent.  Whichever comes first.  The exception to this is corporate trademarks, which last the lifetime of the company or corporation, and may be sold.
  14. Immediate Withdrawal of all US troops from Afghanistan.
  15. Sever all diplomatic ties to Pakistan and end all foreign aid to them.  End all military arms sales to Saudi Arabia also.
  16. Vigerously prosecute all Wall Street and investment offenders of the previous decade that caused the recession
  17. Restore the provisions of the Glass-Stigell Act.  Prohibit banks from such financial speculation as was covered by this provision.  Proven fraud in loan ratings is a crime punishable by no less than twenty years inprisonment.  No lending institution shall ever profit from a "bad loan".
  18. Institute a one half percent on Sales Taxes for the construction and repair or roads and bridges.
  19. A one half percent Stock Trader fee on all transactions will be instituted.
  20. Repeal the Patriot Act
  21. Real preventative detention provisions of recent arms funding law.
  22. A general amnesty will be issued for all people incarserated under the provisions of this law, who have been denied Habious Corpus OR their Maranda rights.
  23. Institute an import ban on all Canadian oil from the Alberta tar sands.  No pipeline either through the US.
  24. No corporate or individual tax shall be levied on any income derived from alternative energy production and merchandizing.  These will include, solar power, wind power, geo-thermal, and tidal power.
  25. Media and commercial product testing of domestic dogs and cats will be banned throughout the nation, and in the States.
  26. A 200% surtax will be levied on all sales of animal fur products in the US over and above any other fees that presently exist.
  27. The 41 year Advertising ban on radio and television of cigarettes and other tobacco products will be eliminated.
  28. No legal suit against tobacco companies shall be deemed as Valid solely on the charge of false claims or inferences derived from radio or TV commercials.
  29. Daylight Savings Time shall begin nation wide on the first Sunday of April and end on the first Sunday following the first Monday of October (Columbus Day weekend).  After a five year trial period beginning in 2013 states may override these laws, if they choose to.
  30. Repeal of the Communacations Act of 1996 and a restoration of the “Fairness doctrine” and “Public Interest” provisions for the Media.
  31. The income cap on FICA withholding will be raised to 150,000 dollars annually
  32. The depreciation expense period on Corporate private jets will be extended to 25 years.
  33. No expenses incurred in developing of business client relationships or contacts will be allowed where there is no governing contract with said party, including trips, or nights on the town or any other perks.
  34. No depreciation or other investment expence will be allowed for Corporations with the intention of relocating out of the United States.
  35. A temporary 9.99% special low rate tax on corporate funds will be allowed if they “repatriate” those funds in this country.  This period will expire after 99 weeks.
  36. The NASA space budget shall be Quintuppled.  (increased 5 times)
  37. Stem cell and other medical research shall be Quintuppled (increased 5 times)
  38. No one shall act as lobbyist unless they have been out of government for at least seven consecutive years.
  39. The debts of all State Governments will be assumed by the United States that existed as of January 21, 2012.
  40. Medicare Pare D – the prescription drug provision will be repealed.
  41. Prices of prescription drugs will henceforth be competitive and indivuals and insurance companies have the right to seek the best drug price.  The 15% terrif will be waved in the case of prescription drugs from other countries.
  42. No banning of any herb commonly sold in health food stores on the grounds of medical ineffectiveness.
  43. Full Social Security retirement age will be raised to seventy with an actuarially reduced rate will be available at age 66.
  44. FICA taxes will be 50% restored to old rate at 5.2% but no FICA withholding shall be made after age sixty.  This provision shall be retroactive with suitable funds compensations.
  45. All Medical mal practice Insurance for doctors and hospitals will be disallowed.  From now on each person pays suits out of his own pocket.
  46. If an individual loses his claim in a mal practice suit after due trial by a lawfully constituted jury of his piers OR is the final jury award is less than 50% of the original mal practice suit as served to the Respondent, than the one suing shall be liable to 20% of what he initially sued for to be remunerate to doctor or hospital. A trial jury may ONLY increase an award above request upon exposure to NEW evidence not KNOWN at time of filing.
  47. A nation wide mandentory Death Penalty for anyone convicted of Arson where human lives are lost.
  48. No individual shall escape the due punishment for the crime of Murder on the grounds of being either medically Insane or mentally retarded.  (This is what’s known as the “shoot the rabid dog” provision)
  49. No person shall be denied the right to Vote on the grounds of having failed to regester to Vote or change in address,  who is eighteen years of age and not institutionalized or imprisoned, who offers proof of US citizenship by submission of an official State Drivers license or State ID card that is either Valid now or has at some time in the past been valid.
  50. No Corporation shall be allowed to contribute to any political campaign or initiative or referendum process either Federally, State, or Locally.  Violators of this law shall be manditorally sentenced incarceration for not less than five or more then ten years in a state or federal prison.
  51. All anti trust laws against companies and corporations presently on the books shall be riverously enforced.
  52. Overturn the Roe verses Wade Supreme Court Decision.
  53. The 2nd amendment of the US Constitution shall not be constrewed as to ban any firearms legislation on possession or use that any State or Local government may choose to enact.
  54. The Federal government shall make no law concerning the provisions of Marriages.
  55. The minimum wage law for the United States shall be $9.99 per hour.  But stte or local government entities may enact a higher rate at their discretion.
  56. No US troops shall be sent to fight on foreign soil for longer than sixty days without a former Congressional declaration of War as provided in the Constitution.
  57. Internet “neutrality” will be scrupulously maintained.
  58. Full diplomatic relations will Cuba will be reestablished.
  59. Constitutional amendment to provide for a Presidential line-item Veto.

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