Thursday, January 19, 2012


First of all my apologies to Pat Buchannon for failure to render this speech in the original German.  The evil among us have an inherent abhorrence of fair competition but rather seeks to fahion rules after his own liking, which are agreed to by nobody but him, and by which he protects himself from the reality of his own inadequecy.  His chief goal above all others is to control things and people he has no right to by means he could not earn on his own merit.  The thing fundamentally "wrong" or "immoral" from a "Christian" point of view about Capitalism is that you let another reap the rewards of your labor.  However this view is seen even in Christianity itself where Another, namely God, "owns' you and derives his profits from your labors and takes all the credit for it, and should you try to seek credit for your own works, you would be seen as arrogent and ego centric.  First of all a fundamental "meme" of being Alive is that any life seeks to perpetuate itself.  To do otherwise would be contrary to Nature herself.  As such it is fitting that a man try to better himself.  He does this by working and hopefully deriving a reward for his labor.  When a man does his own labor his reward is apparent.  But due to the complexity of society it is needful that man cooperate with others in a common project that the greater good of the community may be realized.  Any "corporation" ought to be a living organism of workers working together for the best product that the Group can turn out.  They corporately work together to achieve this end and as such each contributer or worker on the Whole ought to be remunerated for the portion of Work which which each worker contributes.  Those that demonstrate virtue by working harder or being better organizers and planners should have more influence than those less inclined to expend any effort.  The problem under Calitalism is that the worker has no part in the "profit" said work engenders.  Rather he who OWNS the time and labor of the workers incurrs such profit.  And he prides himself in his ability not in what He has done, but in the profit he has engendered for himself.  Another means employed in such exploitation is the devaluation of the personal worth and dignity of each individual  In the same way Christians pride themselves not on what THEY have contributed to the betterment of the world, but rather on the Blessings they personally have received.  In truth they are as one who would insist that others worship not a common creator, but rather worship HIS OWN blessings so that He may establish moral superiority over you.  The problem with Owning others who do the labor for you is that you assume they will always be there to do the work for you.  It is, in other words, an unjust "Entitlement".  What these Lords don't realize is that each step along the way in production Value is added to a raw material.  The person who digs the ore out of the ground adds Value to the iron.  The person who smelts it into Iron adds value.  He who fashions and shapes the iron adds Value to it.  And the person on the auto assembly line who fits the now car door on to the car adds Value to it.  Many Bourswsee believe that somehow the finished work appears out of thin air magically if they wave but a few pieces of paper printed with green ink on them.  These LORDS in time come to in fact value the Money they make more than the product their wage slaves make.  And so they "learn" that they can "cut corners" on product production and make more money.  Since they regard neither people nor honor, they give it scarcely a thought if they commit defacto fraud on the Person to whom they Market this product.  And then they go into financial derivitives and turn the market place into a gambling casino.  And they come to bet against the very people they should in fact be routing for.  But to them the idea of Risk itself becomes anathema to them.  So increasingly as they become more Risk adverse they find sleazier and sleazier ways of deriving their capital.  And in time they believe money can buy them things Money was never meant to buy, such as Morality and the right to be paid personal Homage by others.  Sometimes they will invent a god in their own likeness and say to the workers, "To fail to pay Homage to my God is even worse than paying personal homage to me".  And they come to view the poor as morally evil.  And so they begin to enact laws to oppress said poor.  But these laws aren't enough to suit them so they seek to pay others money to fashion laws more after their own liking to oppress the poor.  And that's pretty much where we are right now.  They live with their idols - - their flags and their Bibles and their favorite quotations from hundreds of years ago.  And they throw up walls around themselves to isolate themselves.  They become Xenophobic- - and the more walls and weapons they are able to produce for themselves the more fearful they become.  Facts are anathema to these people.  They will come up with slogans such as "facts without God - are dangerous things and should be banned".  As one of the Church Fathers (Clement of Alexandria) put it "Not all Truth is true, but only those Truths that bring glory to God", which they themselves invented as sort of a psychological dildo.  They fashion something as an extension of themselves to make up for something basic that they lack.  Some have said that the ninth circle of Hell is where the most morally depraved people go.  If this statement is true- - - than anyone apprised that he is indeed among this elite percentage - - should be more Afraid than he has ever been in his Life.  Five walls cannot hide him.  Six diggers cannot burry him.  And seven death are not enough to kill his now, all to late, revived Awareness of his own depravity.  Once he pleasured himself with others in the political echo chamber.  But now he will have to live in the knowledge that he lives in the psychic echo chamber of his own thoughts, his own deeds and an utter isolation of his own making.

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