Monday, January 23, 2012


Today is the start of the Year of the Dragon, and how fitting.  What Newt Gingrich has accomplished these past two weeks borders on the Impossible.  But he did it.  He went from in excess of twenty points down in South Caroling to winning over Romney 40% to 28%.  This still places the tally of those, even S C who did NOT vote for Gingrich at 60%.  Newt has yet to prove that he can win a majority of votes in any tate.  People thought Florida was safe Romney country, being a more moderate state than SC by far.  And yet Romney was ahead ten points in Florida a week ago and is trailing now.  They say that nation wide Newt only trails Romney by two or three percentage points?  How can this happen?  This is a man who less than one month ago did a virtual flame-out in Iowa due to negative advertising.  But it didn’t work in South Carolina.  No matter how many details we learn about Newt, it seems to not only no effect at all but produce the opposite effect from the one imagined.  It would seem that Republican’s hostility to the media borders on the delusional and mental unbalanced.  I bet medical experts have had people committed for exhiting these sorts of breaks with reality.  They speak of the “liberal media working to re-elect Obama”.  This was the knee jerk response to Newt when questioned about his second wife.  But of course these “good old American capitalists” whom they praise are the very corporatists who own the vast majority of the media.  Keep in mind ABC is the home of Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh.  It was ABC and not CNN who broke this story last Thursday.  And did you know that Gingrich had been having this affair with Colista since 1994?  At a prayer breakfast in late 1995 Newt went on a rant about family affairs and the need for God and prayer and said “You know,  I need to go to God to work on my own marriage”.  Keep in mind at this time he was a year into an affair that would go on another four years before he would finally get a Divorce.  And when he was confronted by Maryanne, his second wife, he did not say “Well I’m not in love with you; I’m in love with her now.  She’s the one I want to be with”.  No.  Instead he blamed his wife for “Not sharing me with her” and “Colista doesn’t have any problem with sharing me with you”.  How generous of her!  On the subject of being a lobbyist, the reason why what he did wasn’t labeled as “lobbyist” because when he began working as one it was Illegal for him to BE a lobbyist because he hadn’t been out of congress long enough.  And apparently he never advised against “the real estate bubble”.  It seems what he really said in that NY Times article he talked about was he wanted Republicans to vote against the Wall Street bail out because it was going to pass regardless, but they could make themselves look better politically by voting against it.  And unlike Romney, whose health care program was only for the uninsured in Massachusetts and just state wide, what Newt was for was for a far more global approach Republicans had been advocating since Nixon and was proposed by the Heritage Foundation.  And it would be universal and not targeted.  As Governor Christie says, “you know the laundry list of political baggage”.  I have noted how often Romney uses the phrase of “a need for Sobriety” when referring to Gingrich.  Is he implying that Newt either has now, or has had some sort of a drinking problem?
They used to say that figures don’t lie but liars figure.  But people are able to lie so successfully today because the American People are a bunch of ignorant “sheeple” who will believe anything the tea party tells them.  They are not only told what TO believe but even are told what things are even relivant to even think about or contemplate or investigate.  Many of the lies they are told would be simple enough to Google the answer to on their own, but they won’t do that.  So they are told Obama exploded the National Debt, but ignore the fact that President Bush kept two wars and Medicare part D off budget, so it wasn’t counted.  When President Obama decided to institute honest accounting practices, naturally the deficit went up.  There are so many lies about energy production to even list them briefly takes time.  First of all you know this Canadian pipeline to Texas - - is not our oil.  It is not “a means of getting domestic oil production so we don’t have to import oil from a foreign country” as the right never tires of saying.  It is a pipeline put in by another country using OUR space as a conduit- - and we refine it on its rout to China, because without our help the oil could not get to China.  So why would we want to use a third party to get oil to China and help them?  Why does John Huntsman want to help China and feel apparently more empathy for their economy than our own?  Tell me.  They will lie and say “production is way down because Obama shut down the oil wells and gas prices exploded”.  Dr. Levy’s tag line last spring was “Oil prices are almost to five dollars an hour and if they are that high next year, the President doesn’t stand a chance or getting reelection.  And he shouldn’t”.  Of course last spring was the peak in oil prices.  Petrolium prices are speculation driven and they say that from 40% to 60% of the price of petroleum is due to speculation and not supply.  As a side note only rich people can afford to play the future’s market this way.  Ordenary people have so thin a capital margin that one minor setback for a wealthier person would completely wipe them out.  This is why I said low income people should be able to deduct a capital loss.  Futures prices are illusiary.  And it can come crashing down at any time.  In point of fact oil production in the United States right now is the highest it has been since 2003 during the beginning of the Iraq war.  People have spoken of using switch grass instead of corn for ethanol because it is twice as efficient a producer and easier to grow.  President Bush talked about switch grass in one of his speeches and was laughed at.  Our energy problem is solvable by coming up with alternative sources.  And this is just what we have been doing.  But here again the right wing is pretending that it isn’t happening.  But time is marching forward and we are developing alternative energy.
As to some of my motivations for certain provisions in the 59 points, the adage holds that the American people would rather be led by a President who is “strong and wrong” rather than weak and right.  Being right counts for little in this life.  Bearing this in mind- - you know there were Powerful people behind the spread of the Catholic Church.  The whole thing did not get going due to the actions of a poor carpenter in Nazareth.  I have said that medical mal practice insurance is inherently wrong.  It’s akin to the selling of indulgences in the Catholic Church during the Middle Ages.  People are NOT entitled to “sin insurance” for protection from the consequences of their future actions for a given period of time.  If they blow it they should be made to pay out of their own pocket.  It will hurt more that way.  The punishment then won’t be “just another cost of doing business”.  Capish?   Getting rid of drug price controles will increase competion and access to the people.  And as to the bit about the size of the claims, the moral there is “Don’t make a threat you don’t have the power to back up”.  It’s kind of like, “never point a gun at someone unless it’s loaded and you fully intend to use it”.  The court system is too clogged up with rubbish.  People on both sides of the bench refuse to take responsibility for their own actions.  And by the way- - unlike John Huntsman and Herman Cain and others- - I believe at being able to look at yourself morally in the mirror each morning.  I’m not ready to let China continue to bully us around economically.  I am prepared to call their bluff.  If they refuse to fund our debt because we block their goods I’ll just say “Well, we have your money already.  If you want it back, just come over here and try and get it”.  Most bonds can’t be cashed out immediately, at least not without incurring a financial penalty.  The Chinese aren’t stupid.  They know if the US goes down, they lose all our import goods - - at ANY price.  They don’t want to do that.  At the same time my proposals are the most strenuous deficet reduction measures you will see from anybody.  I'd rather "err" on the side of excess revenue rather than too little because as I have come to know personally lately, if you're broke all the time it can be very constricting, greately reducing your options in life.  We don't need to build a dirty oil popeline for another country to generate jobs.  It's not if there isn't enough "work to do" right here, and the government can cartainly institute a targeted jobs program for infrastructure or whatever.  But you will note there are few if any overt increases in expenditures in this plan.  This is by design.  I am certainly not advocating any new increases in "entitlement" programs, and this plan gives you the option of either retiring or not at age 66, and if you choose to work in your later years, you get a 5.2% boost in your salary due to your pay no longer being withheld.  They have actuarial tables for pro rating life expectancy.  If the measures on that list seem strange- - they aren’t.  People have lived in this Ronald Reagan fantasy world for so long they don’t know what America used to be like, if they were even alive then.  As I say this list merely “gets us back to Normal”.


Dr. Oz is having some of the most ridiculous bit of medical quackery I’ve ever seen on TV.  He is saying you can “sleep your way” to losing weight.  He says for every extra hour of sleep you get a night you lose fourteen pounds a year.  So that if you sleep six rather than eight hours per night you are gaining thirty pounds a year.  Believe me if losing weight were that simple they would have discovered it decades ago instead of my just learning this “discovery” today.  Then he talks about gastric bypass surgery.  This segment was strewn with misinformation.  One big thing is they have promoted the idea that this operation is some how a new breakthrough.  Not so.  One of Elvis’ aids had the operation forty years ago.  They remark that so few people get it.  It’s like Newt Gingrich.  It’s been around a long time but up till now few people have gone for it.  Do you ever wonder why?  But in addition to losing weight the most preposterous claims are made that it is a virtual cure for both diabetes and high blood pressure.  One woman who had the surgery five DAYS ago and has only lost a few pounds, claimed to have gone from a fasting blood sugar of 172 to a new level of 114, I kid you not.  Others have thrown away their blood pressure medication.  They do point out the “Side effect” of this operation is being mal nourished so life so “you have to take vitamin supplements”.  Of course these people got fat through lack of discipline, so what is the assurance that these people will follow their doctor’s nutritional instructions now?  And as you know countless doctors have been saying “Vitamins are no substitute for food” because food has properties vitamins cannot possibly contain.  Dr. Dean Edell even states that taking certain vitamins causes cancer.  And Dr Oz goes on to say that people with a body mass over thirty should get the operation.  Keep in mind normal body mass index is around 22 or 23.  So we are kind of saying anybody 30% overweight should get this operation.  And you thought it was just for the morbidly obese who weight 350 pounds or something.  There is a sucker born every minute and something is “true good to be true”, then it isn’t.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

(Using a Complicated Set of Criteria It's Take Too Long To Explain

The four asterisk songs are also on "The Psychidelic Album" compilation posted May of 2006.  We tried to generally stay clear of the Stones boxed set, however one song was released substantially differently on this set than most Americans are used to hearing it.  The American Stereo Album version.


You Can’t Catch Me
You Angel You
You Ain’t Going Nowhere
Wild Child
Who Killed Davie Moore? (Bootleg LIVE) **
We Could Be So Good Together
Waiting For the Sun *
Visions of Johanah
Unknown Soldier
Universal Mind (Absolutely Live) 
Under My Thumb
Turd on the Run
Too Much of Nothing
Tombstone Blues
Tiny Montgomery
This Wheel’s On Fire

CD Disk 2

The WASP (Texas Radio & the Big Beat)
The Movie (soundtrack album) **
The Jack of Hearts
Talking About You, Babe
Take It As It Comes
Sweet Black Angel
Strange Stray Cat
Strange Days
Stop Breaking Down **
Spanish Caravan
Soul Survivor ***
Something Happened to me Yesterday
Sitting On A Barbed Wire Fence  (Bootleg CD)
Slow Train Coming (Dylan and Dead)

CD Disk 3

Sister Morphine
Sing This All Together (See What Happens) Pt 2
She’s Your Lover Now
She Smiled Sweetly
She Said Yeah
Shelter From the Storm (Hard Rain LIVE) **
The Severed Garden (movie soundtrack) ***
She Belongs To Me
Shaman’s Blues
Senior (Street Legal) **
Road House Blues (studio original)
Ride On, Baby **
Rainy Day Women
Queen of the Highway
Queen Jane, Approximately (Dylan & the Dead)

CD Disk 4

Positively Fourth Street ***
Pledging My Time
Please Mrs Henry
Please Go Home
Please Crawl Out Your Window
People Are Strange
Parachute Woman
Paint It Black *
Out of Time
One Too Many Mornings (Hard Rain LIVE) **
On With the Show
Odds and Ends
Not to Touch the Earth (old CNET site – outtake)
My Wild Love **
My Obsession
My Eyes Have Seen You
Moving On (LIVE)


Monkey Man
Million Dollar Bash
Midnight Rambler **
Memphis Blues Again (orig studio version)
Meme From Turner
Maggie’s Farm (orig studio version)
Love Minus Zero – No Limit
Lost Little Girl
Let Me Die In My Footsteps *** (Bootleg Vol 1)
Lepordskin Pillbox Hat
La Merica
Knocking On Heaven’s Door (Dylan & the Dead)
John Westley Harding
John Brown (Whitmark tapes) **
John Birch Society Blues ***  (Live at Carnagee Hall)
Jigsaw Puzzle

CD Disk 6

It Talks A Lot to Laugh (Bootleg CD version)
Indian Summer
In The Citidel *
If You See Her, Say Hello (Studio Original)
If You Gotta Go, Go Now
Idiot Wind
I’m A Spy
I’m a King Bee
I’ll Keep It With Mine (Bootleg CD version)
I’ll Be Your Baby Tonight
I Wanna Be Your Lover
I Just Can’t Be Satisfied
I Got the Blues
I Don’t Know Why

CD Disk 7

I Don't Believe You (She Pretends Like - ) (Biograph LIVE) **
I Am Waiting
Hurricane Carter
How Come You’re So Hard?
Horse Latitudes
Highway 61
Grown Up Wrong
Got to Get Away
Fortune Teller  (phased cookies album)
Forever Young (Biograph Version)
Ezy Ride
End of the Night *
Down Along The Cove
Do The Hip Shake Thing

CD Disk 8

Do It (Listen to me Children)
Crystal Ship
Cry to Me
Crawling King Snake
Clothesline Saga
Casino Boogy
Cars Hiss By My Window
Call Letter Blues (Bootleg CD) **
Bye, Bye Johnny
Bob Dylan’s 115th Dream
Back Door Man (studio version)
Ballad of a Thin Man
All Over You (Whitmark Tapes) **
All Along the Watchtower
Alabama Song (Whiskey Bar)

On the initial posting just a half hour ago I left out an important track.  If you want to know what it was, I'll give you a hint.  The Who performed it on the CD expanded version of "Live at Leeds"

OK we just did a Stones extraction, and not from too much uric acid either.  The Disk on it just had too much playing time.  This song I always knew was last in the pecking order and I only included it as part of my "criteria".  It was on a vinyl compilation that may not even be on CD, but probably is.  And I'll give you a hint, the three songs that immediately precede it on that album, are still on this compilation.  One song got relocated just a little because we had the wrong title on it.

Now we've expanded from six to eight disks.  The ** songs are newly added, if we remembered to mark them all.  These disks are a little shorter.  The others were awfully long.

Saturday, January 21, 2012


Newt Gingrich has won South Carolina the same way George W Bush won the Presidency, by trailing his opponent.  In early trumpeted returns Newt Gingrich was at 33% to Romney’s 35% and yet the media can’t wait to herald this “turn around”.  It’s the year of the bigot.  We are alll awaiting Newt's victory speech.  He reminds me of one of these football teams that "backs into a play-off".  And if there was a Gingrich surge it’s due his unabashed appeal to the bigot element.  Chris Matthews on his show continued to fawn all over Newt Gingrich the way he has all along.  He switched his metaphor from boxing to cock fighting, which used to be legal in South Carolina.  So what he believes we need in this political campaign of a divided America is a fighting cock.  Of course knowing how Newt’s pecker has gotten him into so much trouble perhaps another image is in order.  The bigot mentality needs something to get fired up about and something to hate.  They seem far less concerned about actually running the country than they do beating that Nigger in the White House.  Of course the White Cock used to be the symbol of the Dixiecrat party of Strom Thermond.  And when Hewey Newton founded the Black Panthers in 1966 he made reference to the fact that white southern democrats has a Cock as their party logo, and so they decided they also needed an animal, hence the Black Panther.  Keep in mine SC didn’t get their reputation for candidate picker because of their judiciousness.  Indeed South Carolina is the state that George Bush won by spreading lies that John Mc Cain fathered a Black baby.  I must say that for a losing speech, Mitt Romney spoke spiritedly.  If he had spoken as well in the debate as he spoke just now, he might have won on Thursday.  Chris Matthews has done a marvelous rally campaign for Newt Gingrich on his program.  But he and you might just want to consider not just the positives but the negatives.  I’ll bet you dollars to donuts that if you were to conduct a poll of American voters who has the highest disapproval rating- - the candidate “They’d never vote for” that Newt Gingrich would win the thing hands down.  We know Newt is a Washington insider when we profess not to want one of those.  And as the ads appropriately remind us, Newt has more political baggage than an Airline.  If I were President Obama I might just say something like “I plan to personally carry this campaign into each and every one of the fifty states- - that is of course for South Carolina”.  And then I’d take the opportunity to light into South Carolina politics.  I wouldn’t go down there myself if I were the President.  I’d be too afraid of a political assasenation attempt.  This is just the sort of climate that breed it.

Nothing insults my intelligence more than the notion that Newt's advocacy of an "open marriage' with his second wife is "old news".  It's not old news to the 95.5% of the people that never heard it before.  There are probably who don't know the story of Newt's wives at all.  Maryanne, his second wife, was diagnosed with multiple sclurosis and the doctor advised Newt not to increase her stress by informing her of the Divorce, but Newt did it anyhow.  Newt can tell more lies in twenty seconds than about anyone else in America.  In his outburst at the beginning of Thursday's debate he attacked the media for "Making it impossible for anyone to govern in America".  I wonder if President Obama just might agree.  He then said that the media "brought his second wife into this campaign at the last minute".  Actually they wanted to question her because callers on conservative shows had been saying sleazy things about here- - even before all this.  She was already pegged as "The Enemy".  So she obliged them because she had every justification for wanting to get the Truth out there and define herself before the opposition defined her.  She was the one in fact pushing for a pre debate airing and even pressured ABC into showing it on Thursday.  Then there is this talk about "pain", which made me gag.  But let's get to the charges themselves.  They were having sex right in her bedroom and he'd talk on the phone in bed with his mistress telling his wife he loved her.  He said "I tried to make our marriage work".  Well if James Dobson or Pat Robertson haven't gone completely senile they might as "How is advocating an open marriage - trying to make a marriage Work".  But they say "Well, Newt was a Southern Gentleman because at least he asked permission to cheat on his wife".  I don't see how his tongue doesn't fall out in all the lies he must have told in Confession.  May I remind you that no Democratic President has ever been divorced.  And while we're on the subject of Ronald Reagan, Romney points out that the only time Reagan referred to newt in his memwires was to say that Newt once offered up an idea that the President rejected.  Yet as Newt would tell it, they were best buds. But just between you and me, if Newt can explode like this when someone dares speak the Truth- - what will he do as President while be confronted by a hostile foreign power, or for that matter, an uphill General Election campaign?

Rick Santorum would have been the only sane choice for Republicans.  Santorum wanted to give felons a chance to vote again after they had fully served their time.  Santorum is the one who mentioned the unfairness of longer black prison terms than Whites.  Santorum was the one who didn't get involved in the "cock fight" between Newt and Romney where both got pretty bloodied up.  Samtorum has the most solid conservative and "moral values" credentials of the three of them.  Samtorum pointed out that only he had proven himself in a northern state with heavy democratic registration.  Santorum was the one who took both Newt and Mitt apart in Thursday's debate on the whole Health Insurance issue.  Up undill today the best Newt had done in any primary race was fourth place.  Santorum proved he could beat Newt in a head to head contest.  But alas, South Carolina is not known for its clarity of thinking.

I would like to put in a little plug for the two postings previous to this.  My Fifty-nine points I regard as a must for every American to read, particularly if you want me to run for President.  There is in fact nothing extreme at all about these proposals.  They are all very moderate.  They only seem strange for people who's political memories began when Sarah Palin was nominated for Vice President.  All of the proposals are there for a reason and I gave serious thought which proposals to include and which not to include.  And the Das Kapital thing was newly tweaked mid day today.  I don't know who I was channeling.  Perhaps Burtrin Russel or somebody.  In terms of weather people are holding their breath in Southern California hoping that today's rain continues a while, because we people are really behind in our rainfall ammounts.  Of course the weather is strange from tornadoes at strange times of the year, from fire in Reno to snow in Seattle, which they aren't used to much of.   You know our political climate is so toxic that I once received a link that put forth the proposition that it was "suspicious" that scads of women have not come forward to say that they have had sex with Berock Obama.  But according to Dennis Prager, you judge a man's Presidential timber by measuring the size of his penis, perones disease or not.  I don't understand how these "good Christian people" of South Carolina can not only give Newt a pass, but almost view the affairs as a badge of pride.  Keep in mind Newt stood in judgement of Bill Clinton.  But the Clintons' marriage stayed together.  His- - didn't. 


And now to Counter Romney's 59 Point Plan, here is our own Fifty-nine Point Plan.

You have questions.  Its electronic goods that will most be affected by the 15% terriff.  Many companies will “eat” some of the cost.  Electronics prices routinely drop anyhow.  Heating oil assistance programs will be maintained.  The drug pardon provision is only for those currently incarserated.  Others will not be affected.  There are no provisions for the banning of future enactments of drug laws.  But they will have to start fresh.  The line-item veto will save a lot of money.  Assumption of State government debts will help those states which were most compassionate during this past recession.  The one about clients is aimed at wooing and developing new, prospective clients, or trying to ‘hang on” to clients thinking of leaving.  This is “risk” that a company voluntarily assumes and is not part of normal operating expenses in servicing this client as a contractual obligation.  Eliminating mal practice insurance will “lower the market” of pay-outs considerably.  This reduction of suits will greately lower medical costs.  The minimum wage hike will most benefit workers in rural states that have been the most routinely abused.  The trader tax will vastly cut down on computer generated stock trading and save the rest of us money and preserve equity.  State marijuana laws will now be the supreme law there.

  1. The maximum income tax for all wages and salaries will be raised to 50%
  2. A flat 25% tax on all Capital Gains will be instituted.  A 25% tax credit for capital losses will be opperative for any party suffering said loss who earned less than an average of $125,000 over the past five years.
  3. Income derived from interests or dividends will be at 50%
  4. A 15% minimum Import terrif will be levied over and above any other taxes or fees that already exist, with the sole exception of prescription medications, which shall nave no terriff.
  5. All Federal marijuana laws will be abolished immediately.
  6. A general and complete pardon will be issued for any person incarserated for any period at all at the time of enactment of this provision, for possession or use of ANY illicit drugs, state or federal.
  7. Impeach Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas
  8. Do a full investigation of the causes leading up to and the events on the day of 9-11-2001
  9. Bring George Bush, Dick Chaney, Donald Rumsfelt, and any other relivent others up on charges of War Crimes for their actions while in office.
  10. Abolish all tax exemptions for Churches and other Religious Organizations
  11. A Constitutional Amendment saying that no artificially created legal entity shall be construed to have any of the rights of Persons in the US Constitution.
  12. A general amnesty for any Illegal Alians who’s lived in US in excess of seven years.
  13. Patents on any authorship, artistic property or product shall expire after fourteen years OR the death of the person holding the patent.  Whichever comes first.  The exception to this is corporate trademarks, which last the lifetime of the company or corporation, and may be sold.
  14. Immediate Withdrawal of all US troops from Afghanistan.
  15. Sever all diplomatic ties to Pakistan and end all foreign aid to them.  End all military arms sales to Saudi Arabia also.
  16. Vigerously prosecute all Wall Street and investment offenders of the previous decade that caused the recession
  17. Restore the provisions of the Glass-Stigell Act.  Prohibit banks from such financial speculation as was covered by this provision.  Proven fraud in loan ratings is a crime punishable by no less than twenty years inprisonment.  No lending institution shall ever profit from a "bad loan".
  18. Institute a one half percent on Sales Taxes for the construction and repair or roads and bridges.
  19. A one half percent Stock Trader fee on all transactions will be instituted.
  20. Repeal the Patriot Act
  21. Real preventative detention provisions of recent arms funding law.
  22. A general amnesty will be issued for all people incarserated under the provisions of this law, who have been denied Habious Corpus OR their Maranda rights.
  23. Institute an import ban on all Canadian oil from the Alberta tar sands.  No pipeline either through the US.
  24. No corporate or individual tax shall be levied on any income derived from alternative energy production and merchandizing.  These will include, solar power, wind power, geo-thermal, and tidal power.
  25. Media and commercial product testing of domestic dogs and cats will be banned throughout the nation, and in the States.
  26. A 200% surtax will be levied on all sales of animal fur products in the US over and above any other fees that presently exist.
  27. The 41 year Advertising ban on radio and television of cigarettes and other tobacco products will be eliminated.
  28. No legal suit against tobacco companies shall be deemed as Valid solely on the charge of false claims or inferences derived from radio or TV commercials.
  29. Daylight Savings Time shall begin nation wide on the first Sunday of April and end on the first Sunday following the first Monday of October (Columbus Day weekend).  After a five year trial period beginning in 2013 states may override these laws, if they choose to.
  30. Repeal of the Communacations Act of 1996 and a restoration of the “Fairness doctrine” and “Public Interest” provisions for the Media.
  31. The income cap on FICA withholding will be raised to 150,000 dollars annually
  32. The depreciation expense period on Corporate private jets will be extended to 25 years.
  33. No expenses incurred in developing of business client relationships or contacts will be allowed where there is no governing contract with said party, including trips, or nights on the town or any other perks.
  34. No depreciation or other investment expence will be allowed for Corporations with the intention of relocating out of the United States.
  35. A temporary 9.99% special low rate tax on corporate funds will be allowed if they “repatriate” those funds in this country.  This period will expire after 99 weeks.
  36. The NASA space budget shall be Quintuppled.  (increased 5 times)
  37. Stem cell and other medical research shall be Quintuppled (increased 5 times)
  38. No one shall act as lobbyist unless they have been out of government for at least seven consecutive years.
  39. The debts of all State Governments will be assumed by the United States that existed as of January 21, 2012.
  40. Medicare Pare D – the prescription drug provision will be repealed.
  41. Prices of prescription drugs will henceforth be competitive and indivuals and insurance companies have the right to seek the best drug price.  The 15% terrif will be waved in the case of prescription drugs from other countries.
  42. No banning of any herb commonly sold in health food stores on the grounds of medical ineffectiveness.
  43. Full Social Security retirement age will be raised to seventy with an actuarially reduced rate will be available at age 66.
  44. FICA taxes will be 50% restored to old rate at 5.2% but no FICA withholding shall be made after age sixty.  This provision shall be retroactive with suitable funds compensations.
  45. All Medical mal practice Insurance for doctors and hospitals will be disallowed.  From now on each person pays suits out of his own pocket.
  46. If an individual loses his claim in a mal practice suit after due trial by a lawfully constituted jury of his piers OR is the final jury award is less than 50% of the original mal practice suit as served to the Respondent, than the one suing shall be liable to 20% of what he initially sued for to be remunerate to doctor or hospital. A trial jury may ONLY increase an award above request upon exposure to NEW evidence not KNOWN at time of filing.
  47. A nation wide mandentory Death Penalty for anyone convicted of Arson where human lives are lost.
  48. No individual shall escape the due punishment for the crime of Murder on the grounds of being either medically Insane or mentally retarded.  (This is what’s known as the “shoot the rabid dog” provision)
  49. No person shall be denied the right to Vote on the grounds of having failed to regester to Vote or change in address,  who is eighteen years of age and not institutionalized or imprisoned, who offers proof of US citizenship by submission of an official State Drivers license or State ID card that is either Valid now or has at some time in the past been valid.
  50. No Corporation shall be allowed to contribute to any political campaign or initiative or referendum process either Federally, State, or Locally.  Violators of this law shall be manditorally sentenced incarceration for not less than five or more then ten years in a state or federal prison.
  51. All anti trust laws against companies and corporations presently on the books shall be riverously enforced.
  52. Overturn the Roe verses Wade Supreme Court Decision.
  53. The 2nd amendment of the US Constitution shall not be constrewed as to ban any firearms legislation on possession or use that any State or Local government may choose to enact.
  54. The Federal government shall make no law concerning the provisions of Marriages.
  55. The minimum wage law for the United States shall be $9.99 per hour.  But stte or local government entities may enact a higher rate at their discretion.
  56. No US troops shall be sent to fight on foreign soil for longer than sixty days without a former Congressional declaration of War as provided in the Constitution.
  57. Internet “neutrality” will be scrupulously maintained.
  58. Full diplomatic relations will Cuba will be reestablished.
  59. Constitutional amendment to provide for a Presidential line-item Veto.

Thursday, January 19, 2012


First of all my apologies to Pat Buchannon for failure to render this speech in the original German.  The evil among us have an inherent abhorrence of fair competition but rather seeks to fahion rules after his own liking, which are agreed to by nobody but him, and by which he protects himself from the reality of his own inadequecy.  His chief goal above all others is to control things and people he has no right to by means he could not earn on his own merit.  The thing fundamentally "wrong" or "immoral" from a "Christian" point of view about Capitalism is that you let another reap the rewards of your labor.  However this view is seen even in Christianity itself where Another, namely God, "owns' you and derives his profits from your labors and takes all the credit for it, and should you try to seek credit for your own works, you would be seen as arrogent and ego centric.  First of all a fundamental "meme" of being Alive is that any life seeks to perpetuate itself.  To do otherwise would be contrary to Nature herself.  As such it is fitting that a man try to better himself.  He does this by working and hopefully deriving a reward for his labor.  When a man does his own labor his reward is apparent.  But due to the complexity of society it is needful that man cooperate with others in a common project that the greater good of the community may be realized.  Any "corporation" ought to be a living organism of workers working together for the best product that the Group can turn out.  They corporately work together to achieve this end and as such each contributer or worker on the Whole ought to be remunerated for the portion of Work which which each worker contributes.  Those that demonstrate virtue by working harder or being better organizers and planners should have more influence than those less inclined to expend any effort.  The problem under Calitalism is that the worker has no part in the "profit" said work engenders.  Rather he who OWNS the time and labor of the workers incurrs such profit.  And he prides himself in his ability not in what He has done, but in the profit he has engendered for himself.  Another means employed in such exploitation is the devaluation of the personal worth and dignity of each individual  In the same way Christians pride themselves not on what THEY have contributed to the betterment of the world, but rather on the Blessings they personally have received.  In truth they are as one who would insist that others worship not a common creator, but rather worship HIS OWN blessings so that He may establish moral superiority over you.  The problem with Owning others who do the labor for you is that you assume they will always be there to do the work for you.  It is, in other words, an unjust "Entitlement".  What these Lords don't realize is that each step along the way in production Value is added to a raw material.  The person who digs the ore out of the ground adds Value to the iron.  The person who smelts it into Iron adds value.  He who fashions and shapes the iron adds Value to it.  And the person on the auto assembly line who fits the now car door on to the car adds Value to it.  Many Bourswsee believe that somehow the finished work appears out of thin air magically if they wave but a few pieces of paper printed with green ink on them.  These LORDS in time come to in fact value the Money they make more than the product their wage slaves make.  And so they "learn" that they can "cut corners" on product production and make more money.  Since they regard neither people nor honor, they give it scarcely a thought if they commit defacto fraud on the Person to whom they Market this product.  And then they go into financial derivitives and turn the market place into a gambling casino.  And they come to bet against the very people they should in fact be routing for.  But to them the idea of Risk itself becomes anathema to them.  So increasingly as they become more Risk adverse they find sleazier and sleazier ways of deriving their capital.  And in time they believe money can buy them things Money was never meant to buy, such as Morality and the right to be paid personal Homage by others.  Sometimes they will invent a god in their own likeness and say to the workers, "To fail to pay Homage to my God is even worse than paying personal homage to me".  And they come to view the poor as morally evil.  And so they begin to enact laws to oppress said poor.  But these laws aren't enough to suit them so they seek to pay others money to fashion laws more after their own liking to oppress the poor.  And that's pretty much where we are right now.  They live with their idols - - their flags and their Bibles and their favorite quotations from hundreds of years ago.  And they throw up walls around themselves to isolate themselves.  They become Xenophobic- - and the more walls and weapons they are able to produce for themselves the more fearful they become.  Facts are anathema to these people.  They will come up with slogans such as "facts without God - are dangerous things and should be banned".  As one of the Church Fathers (Clement of Alexandria) put it "Not all Truth is true, but only those Truths that bring glory to God", which they themselves invented as sort of a psychological dildo.  They fashion something as an extension of themselves to make up for something basic that they lack.  Some have said that the ninth circle of Hell is where the most morally depraved people go.  If this statement is true- - - than anyone apprised that he is indeed among this elite percentage - - should be more Afraid than he has ever been in his Life.  Five walls cannot hide him.  Six diggers cannot burry him.  And seven death are not enough to kill his now, all to late, revived Awareness of his own depravity.  Once he pleasured himself with others in the political echo chamber.  But now he will have to live in the knowledge that he lives in the psychic echo chamber of his own thoughts, his own deeds and an utter isolation of his own making.

We are doing a little web site purging of our own just like John Huntsman taking off the anti Romney stuff.  The individual in question has now changed his mind and is going for Santorum based on moral and credibility issues.  This is a big step twords sanity in my oppinion and it was something we could agree about at least a little.  Last night I had the debate on but got disgusted in the very little I saw.  I missed Gingrich's outburst at the beginning.  The crowd was on Gingrich's side.  There is so much ugliness in South Carolina the best we can do now it to put it out of our minds.

Governor Rick Perry today withdraw from the Presidential race two days before the election, which was something that surprised me.  Of course of any candidate he was the most forceful one talking about “The difference between venture capitalism and Vulture Capitalism”, a distinction that needs to be made.  Now Mitt Romney has a post box address in the Caamen Islands, like all those who want to sequester their money to avoid taxes.  Romney said that “he hardly gets anything for giving speeches”.  Well, to most people $374,000 is pretty high cotton, but this is the rarified world that Mitt Romney lives in.  To him it is only a sliver of his income.  Rick Perry endorsed Newt Gingrich as the most “conservative visionary”.  He spoke of “having our differences” and they certainly did on issues like marital infidelity.  He spoke of the virtues of forgiveness and it being a Christian value.  Randy Rhodes and others want to know about the 234 men that Rick Perry gave the ultimate penalty to.  So any of them get to repent, particularly those who might have been proved innocent with new DNA testing?  Of course Newt Gingrich was virtually guaranteed a win in South Carolina a month ago.  He had everything going for him.  It’s a tailor made Southern state where he and Romney can feel free to toss whatever racial barbs they wish.  South Carolina of course is where the Civil War started and they still fly the Confederate flag over the State Capitol building.  And the state’s two senators are Jim De Mint and Lindsey Graham.  You can’t do better than that.  So yesterday Newt was telling Santorum and Perry to get out of the race and rally behind him.  Santorum took offence at the remark calling Newt arrogant and presumptuous.  However Rick Perry decided to contribute his five percent or whatever vote he would have gotten.  So now there are only four candidates left for tonight.  Yesterday Rush Limbaugh was all for Romney but today Rush was all for Newt on his show.  It’s hard to keep up.  But the zinger where Newt is concerned is that his second wife will be interviewed on ABC “Night Line’ or whatever this evening.  In the interview Maryanne says that Newt’s Catholicism is bogus and he doesn’t really believe it.  But the big news of the day is that Maryanne said that Newt came to her and told her he wanted an open marriage.   He said to his wife, “The problem is I want you to share me with Colista.  Colista doesn’t have a problem with sharing me”.  This advocacy of an “open marriage” plums new lows for even a scum bag like Newt.   People like Rush Limbaugh who are devoid of morality anyhow aren’t bothered by it.  And others don’t see it as any real problem and shouldn’t alter the fact that he is now two percent of Mitt Romney in one poll.  However in other polls he is still down seven percentage points to Romney.  So now there is Santorum, whom we learn today actually won in Iowa by 34 votes.  But they lost the ballots for eight precincts so they say that “we will never know who the actual winner is”.  We just have to accept things like this.  From where I stand the Republican party is having a total moral melt-down.  They stand for nothing but are all like a bunch of doomed men on a sinking ship blaming each other.  Since South Carolina is 30% Black and Santorum was kind of pandering to Blacks the other night there just might be a bit of a Black “front lash” vote, crossing over to Santorum.

There are other issues to be concerned about, of course.  The Internet restriction bill or the PIPA and SOFA bills - - anti piracy something- - both bills appear to be going down to defeat and neither bill has the support of the President.  Meanwhile Rush Limbaugh is saying that there is some push polling done by the Obama staff trying out ploys for the State of the Union address.  One of these suggestions is that the Administration file charges against Wall Street and suggest that so many of these crooks deserve to be in jail.  That one would get my vote.  Rush Limbaugh countered that Senators Dodd and Frank ought to go to jail for “their part in the real estate collapse”.  Perhaps Rush should inform us all just what PART that is.  If Rush will remember, both the House and Senate were firmly in republican hands for most of the Bush administration, who was also a Republican.  So how could two democrats with no power be responsible for anything?  There is a lot of support in the country for Campaign contribution reform, and others would go farther in this issue than I would.  Jerry Brown wants California to go full speed on that high speed railroad because people are moving to the Central Valley for lower land prices and need places to live and transportation.  And it’s pointed out that neither expanding Freeways nor expanding LA International Airport are workable solutions.  We need to think ahead.  Unemployment claims for the week are once again down and are in fact the lowest since 2008, which is something to be really proud of.   Also we can be proud of the fact that OASDI funds never were allowed to invest in junk bonds as I’m sure Romney would have done were he President, since according to him it isn’t really a risk of someone else is the one who gets hurt.  So Social Security funds are safe.  Democrats point out the fact that one thing government unions are good for is safeguarding Pension funds for workers against whatever thievery the Republican non union people would have in mind.  Some public figure had the audacity to suggest that “teachers are being devalued in joining Unions because it means they will get lazy and not try as hard and so lower their standards of quality”.   And it seems that people are taking exception to a certain minimal standard of Medic-Aid will have to be uniform throughout the States in 2012 to conform to the Health Care bill.  Even though the US government pays the vast majority of the funds some object on principal to the States being compelled to provide ANY medical aid, if they choose not to.

You know, I don’t even know if I’ll watch tonight’s debate.  I think we all know pretty much what to expect by now.  Nobody is going to ask Newt about his proposal to his second wife for an “open marriage”.  Nobody is going to state the obvious fact of the glairing contradiction with “Christian family values” people like James Dobson talk about so much.  Nobody is going to ask the hard questions on anything.  We will no doubt here more “dog whistle” speeches, signaling to the racists in the crowd.  It was Lee Attwater who said that back in 1954 you could do a “Laura Schleshinger” and use the word “Nigger” every other word.  But by 1968 this kind of talk was now considered goche and the accepted expressions were “Forced Bussing” and “State’s Rights”.  Just last night you-know-who was telling me how many more Blacks commit crimes than Whites and that’s why so many are in prison, because they are raised without moral values.  I don’t know how Republicans can even say the word “moral values” at this point without their tongues falling out of their mouth.  And now a cigarette break.

This reality of oppressed peoples and races is something that no tea bagger wants to be honest about.  A component in this “minority” status is the idea of illigitamacy.  They would also make Bastard all religions that aren’t Christian.  Of course some of this is vaguely sublimated guilt or “guilt shifting” to get psychological.  Newt Gingrich is exhibit A in this hypocracy.  Santorum is in the running on the abortion issue.  Many minorities were sired by rape of a superior race over an inferior race.  Thomas Jefferson and many others sired Black children by their black slaves.  Indian women were rapes.  The Latino race to a lesser degree has been oppressed by the Norte Americanos.  They talk about six degrees of separation.  Some of those six degrees of separation between me and Jimi Hendrix may go through Cherokee blood since we both have Cherokee in our ancestry.  The Cherokee people, thanks to Andrew Jackson are certainly one of the more oppressed tribes.  I was talking to Judy about various socio economic factors and just plain poverty figuring into crime among the poor.  Judy points out that there are poor people who were quite moral.  Yet the overall thrust of her argument (what she says the other 97% of the time) is that the mere fact of being of low income is In Itself a means to impute some sort of “guilt”.  People talk about America being a land of religious liberty but they don’t mean it.  They mean it the small sliver of time that the patriotic music playing in the background and they are in fact doing some film promotion.  But the rest of the time they look down on those of other faiths, as well as women, and homosexuals and also minorities as somehow “not in our club”.  It’s like fundamentalists who are always building their own reputations by preaching “you know- I fear a few undesirables have slipped in among us”.  You always feel as though you have to walk on tip toes around these people.  Too much of Christian life consists of “sneaking around” because you know they are looking for the slightest excuse to finger you for something, and thus justify all the horrible things they’ve been saying about you for years.  In my own case as you know I have at times doubted my own paternity.  I learned my father has O blood, and independently I learned my mother has O blood.  And yet in summer of 1976 me and Pete Richards did our own blood tests in biology class, and we both tested out to be type A.  Assuming we performed the test right.  I have suspected attempts to conceil the date of my birth making it two months earlier than evidence indicates it was.  And then we have the personality changes in my Dad around late 1965 and 1966.  You have Judy’s remark in the car on the way home from a dinner at LB harbor with Fred and his son in July of 1998 to the effect that I was not entitled to all the love I USED to get from my Dad.  You’d have to hear the tone of her voice.  You have this whole “personality shut down” particularly where I am concerned.  (however also with others)   Christianity appeals to these perhaps subconscious anxieties in people in how it describes Christians as a “New Creation” with a clean slate.  But people like Neil Savedra say not to place too much stock in lines line this, or in lines about healing.  One woman on the radio, I’ve heard her give the same speech twice on call in radio shows saying the world was like a big mouth with all kinds of teeth.  There were gold teeth, and healthy teeth, and teeth with small cavities and teeth with major cavities, and all sorts of gum disease in places such that many teeth were on the verge of falling out.  This mouth image is a metaphor for the world at large.  When you go to the dentist he treats the whole mouth, because you are all part of one body.  Many people read such sentiments by St. Paul in Corinthians about “the body of Christ” which is the Church.  It’s too ad so few believe it.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


"Here at Eternity prep school we teach to the test.  So what we do is shoot up our students with Prozac and Zoloft in order that they don't have those "bad feelings" that are just - Baaahaadd !"

Everybody is talking about blacks getting food stamps and somehow it's all President Obama's fault.  As Randy Rhodes points out, when a bunch of rich corporatists get a government subsedy they high-five each other in triumph.  When a poor mother with hungry children applies for food stamps she goes sheepishly with her tail between her legs and head hung down in shame petetioning the state.  And yet now they have ATM debit card type food stamps where the bank gets a cut of everything that woman spends, so they aren't complaining.  She pays higher prices for food than she would under a total free market because farmers get money for NOT planting crops to keep their prices up.  So nobody is complaining except Gingrich.  Michelle Bachman got a government subsedy for each of the 23 children she adopted.  So who is she to talk?  Mitt Romney was saying that he pays "around" 15% of his income in taxes.  What Randy Rhodes wants to know is whether that figure is ABOVE or BELOW fifteen percent.  Of course you can't resist Newt's appeal that if only his tax plan were adopted then everybody would pay fifteen percent, even those who have to work for a living.  Those who earn around 90,000 a year already pay in excess of fifteen percent.  People talk about racial quotas and yet YALE, Harvard and other private Universities routinely give preference in admission to whether your father or grandfather attended the institution.  So race counts for white people, too.  Rush Limbaugh was his inarticulate self this morning. He opened by the show by admonishing one of his staff not to yawn.  Was this some cue he was about to bore us all?  He then goes on an incoherent and contradictory rant about how the Democrats are instituting their own "opporation chaos", which is what he coined as his own crusade to get his people go go out and vote for Hillary to prolong the nomination process.  So I am to take it that is Newt does well this Saturday it's all because liberals sabotaged the SC results.  Of course Rush has supported just about every "flavor of the month" to come down the pike.  First he supported Perry defending him against Cain.  Then he put in his lot with Cain.  They he fawned all over Newt Gingrich.  How he says that Romney is the inevitable candidate.  If these people weren't so fickle maybe we'd pay more attention to what they say.  Of course some say that Congressmen don't get that much pay since they earn less than $200,000 per year.  Because they fall below the magic $250,000 demarcation line does that make them "the enemy"?  Well, that is not their total remuneration.  They also have a million dollar expense account per year, plus a number of other priveleges.  OH yes, it's these little pesky details that liberals love to bring to light. Of course they are but "middle management".  It's the lobbyists who really run the show.  These people on the right have no credibility on just about anything and they lie about everything.  If this font is too big I'll shrink it.  I've deemed it OK.

A mailing was sent to me saying how the tea party protesters incurred no arrests and no expenses to the government, and there was no public urination or anything.  And this same mailing pointed out that Occupy Wall Street is supported to the communists and Hugo Chavez and Hammas and just about every other subversive group.  We won't do the pinochio test here.  But of course people on the lower end of the income spectrum would love to dress in fine suits and be escorted in air conditioned busses and have all expenses paid by rich people.  When Real people protest it's not always neat and clean.  But now Mitt Romney costs the government because those pensions of the people he threw out of work are partially insured by the federal government.  I guess they used to have a statute called "unjust enrichment" which they got rid of probably due to right wing pressure.  And as to this whole Marxist thing, it's been pointed out that Karl Marx made some quite perceptive observations of the dangers of Capitalism.  And the whole game of Monopoly was based on the premise of one player eventually owning everything.  If the game were introduced today it would be banned.  And also this whole idea of patents being immortal and surviving the inventer is a relatively new one.  Patents were issued to honor an inventor or author for his work.  But they used to run only fourteen years.  But if you as an artist or inventer are bought out by a corporation you no longer own your own work.  They do.  And corporations as you know live forever.  So all that time further creativity and inovativeness is styfled.

Stocks closed at their highest levels in months perhaps because European money is coming here to invest.  Also housing and other economic indicators continue to improve, while all the while interest rates staying at record lows.  Some have advocated the value added tax as a way of sneaking in Corporate taxes that aren't "officially counted".  So since we don't have a VAT, we can't be said to have the "second highest corporate taxes" after all.  It seems the way other countries impose a de-facto anti-terriff on us is that they wave this tax on foreign sales so that the export price is  some 18%  below the domestic consumption price.  Of course if the republicans were to go for any VAT it would have to be "revenue neutral".  What we want, though, is something that is revenue Positive to bring IN revenue to CUT the deficet.  Republicans in California are now saying to Jerry Brown "we don't need to raise taxes now because the economy is improving on its own".  Well you know, some people have a pipe dream of a flat tax rate of fifteen percent for everybody, rich and poor alike.  While this would be Fair-ER, it would deplete the United States of so much revenue that you'd have to do a Grover Norqist euthanasia job on the budget as a whole, which would now be so emaciated that it should be put out of its misery alltogether.

We have just a few brief cosmic notes here.  What we have referred to hitherto as Bajorans are actually Reigel seven Bajorans.  But back on the home planet they also did music, which sounds LESS "Bajoran" in terms of the sound than the stuff on Reigel VII.  There are a few tracks - "Sleepwalker", "Na - na - na - na It Was I" and also "I've Had It".  You may never have heard of any of those.  Also the Detroit Romulans did stuff besides Blue Cheer.  Back in the 'fifties Bobby Day was a Detroit Romulan with stuff like "Buzz - buzz - buzz" and also there was the Dave Clark V (long suspected, now confirmed) and also "Tequila" by the Champs.  And here is another confirmed roomer, the Shantees were originally Bajoran, the Reigel VII variety.  But early on when "Pipeline" showed promise they were bought out by the Sixers.

Now we come to the Canadian oil pipeline.  The Republicans can tell ten lies in fifteen seconds on this one.  First of all it is not OUR oil and not "domestic oil" and the Pipeline isn't even owned by us but will be owned by the Canadian oil company.  They are just using our land as a conduit to get their oil to China in the fastest possible way.  Whether we can even use any of it is up to question.  Now today President Obama says there is a legal snaffoo and Rush Limbaugh is making all these hissy fit noises about "Obama is a slave to his liberal base".  By the way Rush also said that "Obama says he's going to cut the budget and this will be announced, but we all "know" there will be no real cuts".  Rush says stuff like this just to cover his ass for being wrong about stuff.  But as to the whole oil pipeline, President Obama has objections because the state of Nebraska doesn't want the pipeline going through their state.  According to the debates, the Prime Minister of Canada is some kind of an arrogant asshole saying "I'm giving you in America a shot at this oil and if you don't take it, I'm just going to sell it to China.  Are you in America fools?"  I hope this was never actually spoken.  We know the tea party loves to faboricate things out of thin air.  But I would say to the Canadian company "Fine.  You want to sell the oil to China.  Let's see you try and get it there without our help.  Your own province, British Columbia has blocked your efforts.  So you people care just as much about ecology and states rights as we do".  The fact is that if the President were to override the wishes of a state, that in itself could and would cause major legal problems and hang ups.  The Republicans see this pipeline is some sort of holy grail to end all of our energy and economic problems.  They of course are known for their tunnel vision.  At the State of the Union Message I expect the President to spell all of this out clearly so even THEY can understand it.