We all have faults as human beings. I believe even Jesus of Nazareth was not infallible. There were a lot of things he apparently didn’t know, so could not incorporate that knowledge into decisions he made. My primary fault is that basically I’m a lazy person. I haven’t had gainful employment in fifteen years. I don’t research things enough and don’t cite references and quotations in my blogs. Unlike George “
I think it’s important occasionally to see where you have been, what steps you have trod, and what you have accomplished, and possible mistakes that you’ve made. Also it helps to clarify something for your readers at a later date if you think you weren’t clear or perhaps misleading. I came across the claim that the Federation knows the future to exactitude provided you don’t go beyond the fourth dimension. This morning a representative amended to that to say “in theory we know the future to exactitude, but that isn’t to say everyone in the Federation knows this by any means”. That could be code-speak for “few or none know it”. Yesterday a Federation spokesman, I’m uncertain whether it was the same individual said “You know that idea for a cloaking device you have seems like a real loser to me. If that principle were valid, don’t you think we at the Federation would have found a way to do it by now, with vast resources far in excess of yours?” OK, he made his point. That whole idea for cloaking matter was entirely my idea and I never clamed it came from anywhere else. This morning I was looking for all the reference to the Jesus “dog biting an important person” example I could find. The original file was “Realprog” and it was August 14th 1995. I reprint the relivent portions and apparently quite a bit else from the period in “Escape from
Sometimes Randy Rhodes over-reaches. Some liberals say there is a massive right wing conspiracy to not teach progressive history in the schools, that is, the history of social and labor reform in this country. I think it was an under-stressed topic even when I was in school. Some would say "well they would never put Republican women in berkas because if you tried to pick one of them up you wouldn't know what you were getting. She went on to talk about requiring cosmetic surgery for women to make them "presentable" in case they ever want to be some executive's whore. (Shades of Clowie Lane) Also there is seemingly a rise in endentured servitude, which you thought went out in the 18th century. In this case some corporate over-lord has immigrents working for $3.50 an hour and they pay for the privelege because they don't get to keep their money but "owe their souls to the company store". They have to pay for their green cards and probably charged exorbenate fees for these. You might even accuse these people of kidnapping natives from another country and shipping them here, but Randy didn't go that far. Clearly right wingers like George Will love our lax immigration laws.
This is July 4, 2011. I had Stephanie Miller on but that was a rerun. I was on computer before breakfast and ran late getting down and had to get Rice Krispies from the kitchen. We had the usual orange juice, coffee, toast with butter and jelly, and a fried egg. I turned down Andrew’s orange juice because I was still worried about diaria. Oscar gave me a bigger capsule for disria than the usual small white ones, which others had complained was ineffective. I never had a problem with the white ones. I made coffee this morning but did not drink it all, and didn’t give any away either. Last night I sold nearly sixteen ounces of coffee to Janet for a quarter and she complained I was trying to short change her. I gave her the rest of the pot, which filled the cup almost all the way up. Dana’s cups were sixteen ounces. I think the bakery ones, which she had, might be twenty. Sixty Minutes had something about the murder in the South by a KKK member and the guilty man is still walking free in
In my many searches I came across the reference to the demon “Osmodeus”, which in fact was a reference to Stewart Sutcliffe. He claims that as one of his aliases. Also I talked about ‘Never having met the third Zachery, as if there were three”. The question is “How do I know there WAS a third Zachery. This is one of those classic cases of "over-extrapulation" I was talking about. Walk-ins so far as I know are rare. Usually when there IS some "personality change" it is explainable to environment, or age, or the medication the individual is taking. I ought to know that being in here. As for myself I never even thought there were Two Zacherys. That was Mal Evans' idea. He's convinced there was a "change" in late 1977 but nobody else has claimed that. So in keeping with that "theory" of his - I have inferred that if the 2nd Zachery abode in the body of Valerie Shoffner at least for a time. Walk-ins exhibit an amazing indifference to experiances of their own past, as if they had happened to some other person, and I observed a little of this. This would be the one known as the "fake" Brian Jones. But we're all not Raphael Hernandez. Unless you (or I) can come up with major evidence it's best just to drop it. And what I was trying to say in that one file is that Stewart said they (Valerie vs Zachery) were different people based on his own experience.
I went eight days without doing a blog from August 24th through September 1st of 2006. I wouldn’t have believed it but I found a direct reference in a word file from the period on the September first entry. I kept looking for more than one August 2006 link and didn’t find it. I was looking for some story I wrote about Howard and Pete that had aliases and I think was pretty fictionalized. I just wanted to check it over. But I never found it. There was stuff about Howard in early September of 2006 taken from the “Yorkshire” file from August 2004, and another paragraph or two from the “Standings” file and I don’t know when I wrote that and didn’t check. I wanted to add those two songs to the “Best of John Lennon” compilation that I had been meaning to do for a long time and from a week after I wrote it I debated whether I should have included them but finally have, when it dawned on me [after someone from the Federation visited to me yesterday] they should be the last two songs. That is in "The Last Hours of Ancient Religion" from January of 2010. I haven’t changed the Mc Cartney one yet. There is more stuff about my musical endeavors in August 1967. Also the compilation of songs in general in the “Kill Kill Kill” posting from Wheels of Vengeance from August of 2006, which seems to be the only listing for August 2006. I took some acedophelis, two little capsules, because I thought it would help my diaria. I’ve had two bouts of it today and had two yesterday, but none of them were really bad, like sitting on the toilet for twenty minutes at a stretch or anything. I consumed a lot of time and that itself made me agitated. I just need to chill out and turn my mind off for a while and learn how to relax. We had roast beef and mashed potatoes and gravy and mixed vegetables for dinner with lemon pudding for desert. Phyllis Green said that the fish we had was tainted and that was on Friday night, just before my problems began. Even Friday evening was “agitated” and over-reacted to stressful events, and I had chalked it up to too much sugar and caffeine, but that may not have been it at all. Janet confirmed she could have coffee tonight, and I just said I hoped I would even be up to fixing coffee tonight. I have this fear I might be boring in my blogs. Sometimes I read my own stuff and find it boring because it “states the obvious”, but that’s because I was already aware of them and have worked through them in my mind. But for others who haven’t worked through these problems, it could be fresh insight.
Today is the fortieth anniversary of the death of Jim Morrison, which I remember being on Thursday July 8th 1971. I guess he died in
Now they have developed a camera with “after the fact” focus readjustment. If something near is focused but the background is blurry, just click on it, and it will instantly come into focus, just as if you had taken it that way to begin with. Some hope this innovation will revise the sale of the specific point and shoot camera.
Some argue that elections for US congress are skewed heavily in favor of incumbents because of the vast franking privileges that sitting congressmen have for sending propaganda through the mail any time they wish. The Supreme Court has now taken exception to certain "matching funds" election laws where the government will kick in funds to a new guy, if he's shown he is capable or raising SOME funds on his own. This is one of those areas that calls for wisdom and discernment before any legal decisions are cast in concrete.
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