Thursday, February 10, 2011



At ten o clock this morning Thom Hartman announced that Egyptian President Mubarek would be stepping down within the hour and was about to make an important speech. It has to be pushing ten or eleven o clock at night by the time this speech was made. They only acknowledged the speech had been made after the fact playing a taped translation of it. President Mubarek says he’s surrendering power and turning all of the responsibilities for running the nation over to Vice President Amon Sulliman. This apparently will not satisfy the crowd. Tomorrow they announced a ten million man march on the square right after prayer time. Are Coptic Christians and Moslems still cooperating with each other? Al Qaeda is keeping quiet about all of this still and they have to be wondering how they can gain power but haven’t figured out a way yet. Supposedly Al Qaeda hates the Moslem Brotherhood for going soft. To complicate matters further now all the government workers have gone on strike and joined the ranks of the protesters. In general the crowd is upper middle class younger people who are doctors and lawyers and government workers. There are roomers that Mubarek is ill with cancer or something and will be traveling to Germany for medical care. In the speech Mubarek said the blood of the martyrs was not shed in vain and he wants to work with them to accomplish their goals. Someone in the Army said “Tomorrow the protesters will achieve everything them want”. I don’t know what that means. Of course this whole thing was launched by some guy working for Google that posted an article on Facebook protesting the death of some protester kid. Randy Rhodes said that today was a day of endings but to my point of view it’s still a day of continued standstill. You never know if the Army has been playing possum or something and plans to massacre everybody tomorrow when they are all gathered together. I don’t know. If I were the protesters I wouldn’t push my luck since I have already obtained so many concessions and promises.

President Obama is not only working to re-inflate the corporate economic bubble and bring about an even worse crisis in 2013 or whenever, but now he’s pardoning big money people for their crimes saying he wont prosecute. Some conservatives will always find fault with Obama no matter how many concessions he makes to the right. They of course are saying that Health Care is a giant conspiracy to drive all the private insurance companies out of business despite the fact that they’ll have mandentory new customers. Now Thom Hartman has explained this one mystery plank of the right wing about “encouraging competition and allowing you to get coverage across state lines”. Apparently this is the farthest thing from giving consumers more power. Instead it’s what happened with the credit card companies all deciding to move to North Dakota because they had the laxest credit card regulations in the entire country and now the whole country has to lower themselves to the least common denominator. Randy Rhodes said that the Tea Party is divided and right wing talk radio is losing listeners. I don’t see it that way. I don’t there’s any doubt that the tea party was about anything

This font is nothing if not a mystery. Trying to alter it is gamey indeed. In my personal life stagnation has indeed arrived. The phone and internet bill is over a week late in arriving. The anti fungal nail cream I was using was working great for a while but about a week ago just stopped working and now I think I'm even seeing retrogression. I wish these nails would just grow faster. The fungus infected nails have virtually stopped growing. On top of everything else I have a cold as of today despite all the Vitamin C I've been taking, along with that Silver-biotic stuff. There is a lurking issue with family members I'm not entirely certain is solved. Perhaps I've only been kidding myself. I'm going to try and enlarge this font now

In other news Lindsey Lohan is headed back to prison for three years because of a necklace heist last week. And a congressman is forced to resign because he posted a shirtless photo on Craig's List to attract women. Jim Webb the democrat who squeaked into office in Virginia is now on his way out. This won't help the Democrat's senate chances in 2012. Of course Joe Lieberman last week announced he wasn't running. Maybe he decided that pandering to the far right was just too political for his tastes. In general it's much less likely now when you tune in C-Span that you'll actually see congress in session. I don't know what's going on there. They spend one day extolling Ronald Reagan. I have heard precious little in the way of actual debating of provisions of bills. We can hope the Patriot Act sunsets but that's wishful thinking.

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