I had a lot of trouble entering this blog. They refused my password several times. Perhaps I had caps lock on. Then they ran me through that type the letters thing. Of course Ronnie Reagan's book about his father if mis-characterized by the tea party set. Just because Ronnie would ask his father "are you all right?" (this was after his attempted assasenation) doesn't mean he thought he was incompetent. This whole issue the right brings up is scarcely a blip on the radar screen, and they are going to trash the whole book over it. The book praises Ronald Reagan and states what a basically nice guy he was and how he never said a mean word about anybody. This is in stark contrast to the tea party set which has vicious words to say about all their imagined enemies. It is quite clear that Ronald Reagan would be very troubled by the actions of the tea party crowd today that has moved in to dominate Washington and the media, and that he would not subscribe to their goals of "shutting government down" or whatever. Clearly President Bush was to the right of Ronald Reagan. We wern't involved in any wars while Reagan was in office. But now even George Bush is probably not far right enough for the tea party set. Ronald Reagan was a man who compromized and worked with the opposition. Also Ronald Reagan raised taxes eleven times according to some. He also granted amnesty to illegal aliens. He pulled our troops out of Lebanon. The tea party set just wants to re-write history and turn President Reagan's memory into some sort of political football.
There has been no lack of specific events on the radio to show that we are living in politically troubled times. Now Bernie Madoff is saying that it’s not entirely his fault that he ripped so many people off because “The banks must have known something was wrong but chose to do nothing about it”. There seems to be a lot of union busting going on in Wisconsin. The state legislature wants to make collective bargaining illegal. Talk about turning the clock back a hundred years. And now there are Union protesters who are fighting to preserve their rights but the Governor has called out the National Guard against them. I can’t believe this store hasn’t had more press. John Boehner has said that there were 250,000 new government jobs created “and if some of these jobs are lost through budget cuts than so be it”. The problem is that in actuality 309,000 government jobs have been CUT in the past year or two. These people on the right are just never satisfied and will make up anything. Because if jobs are created, isn’t that a good thing? Isn’t there a lot of work that needs to get done in terms of infra-structure and preserving fire, police, and paramedics and teachers and the like? Another state is trying to abolish or drastically modify child labor laws, many at odds with the federal government, saying that children as young as ten should be allowed to work in factories. Elsewhere another state of trying to pass a measure to legalizing the murder of abortion doctors. The wording is a little tricky. I guess it says that “any one who would harm a fetus has the right to be killed on the spot”. So in general these are toxic times for the overall health of American society. Loretta said that one preacher she knew said “I know Black people have souls and deserve to have salvation, but I would never eat dinner with a Black man”. I happened to think how that’s a step up from what Pastor Bill Halliday has said to me. He doesn’t seem to think that I either have a soul or need salvation but that in any rate am so psychologically messed up I need to “get fixed” by some secular therapist, because Jesus can’t help me. The Republicans have been in control of congress for six weeks and all that time have not offered one bill to create jobs despite their campaign slogan that “Jobs and growth are the most important things”. John Boehner wants to slash a hundred billion from the budget, and it’s all on the wrong things. So we abolish things likeinspection of water treatment plants and eliminates student grants, and deprive people of heating assistance in the winter and eliminate all funds for national endowment of the Arts. Meanwhile there is some defense boondoggle that John Boehner is all for that even the pentagon doesn’t want and Defense Secretary Gates has said to scrap. In short the whole tea party bunch running Washington now are pretty much “Out to Lunch”. If this economy tanks in the next year they will have a really hard time not taking responsibility for the economic downturn. President Obama will have an “out” he didn’t have last year. It would seem as though in many ways this economy is still contracting.
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