Friday, February 16, 2007


Well, today is judgement day for the Iraq war. The House votes on that anti war resolution they have been laboring over all these weeks. But I fear it won't be a veto proof percentage of two thirds. I guess that won't matter. The senate is finally going to get around to discussing the same resolution. We need to resolve to be less prejucided as a society. Now we're wonderinf if we can ever have a woman president. People like Rush Limbaugh point to that TV series where a woman starts a world war over "having a bad day" or "feeling insulted" as proof that women lead with their emotions. They may base their whole futures over some thoughtless remark someone said to them in the hallway en rout to their office. Rush Limbaugh has talked a lot about PMS. I think we're going to have to elect a woman President sometime to prove to ourselves we're over these stereotypes. Remember it's women who hate woman bosses more than men. The fact is a lot of women "see themselves as being led by a man". They regard it as the normal state of affairs. I think there are probably a lot of cases where a woman boss would be fairer than a man. It's pointed out that there is an "old boys network" but there is no "old girls network". How would you like to have Victor Kiriacus as your boss, you soap fans? In another candidate, Berock O Bama we have the prejudice against both Islam and blacks. The media would have us to believe Blacks don't even like O Bama because he's not black enough. That's a problem a lot of us have. Now they are raising the issue of some Indonesian school O Bama was educated in. Many cringe in horror that some new member of congress would want to be sworn in using the Koran rather than the Bible. These are issues we'll have to deal with. It could be the whole institution of marriage as we know it will soon become a thing of the past. We have had one batchelor President, James Buchannon. People are accusing him of being gay now. People are coming to accept these "life partnerships" among gay couples. It may be these government recognized entities will supersede marriage in the future. Marriage as we know it may become just a religious anachronisum. We have never had a "Native American" as President. I'm wearing my Florida State shirt today. Did you know that Florida tribe was never militarily defeated by the US Government. I am actually a little bit Cherokee on my mother's side. I guess that makes me related to Jimi Hendrix. The Cherokee symbolizes in their person military defeat and humiliation and everything shameful about this country.

Mit Romney declared for President the other day. If he loses because "People will never elect a Mormon for President" then we can just flush all the progress we've made in this area since 1960 when Kennedy ran, down the toilet, because we will have learned nothing. In 1960 decent Americans honistly thought we could never elect a Catholic for President. Mormons are decent people who don't wear their religion on their sleves. I eat accross the table from a Mormon and I didn't know it for a long time. I have never "grilled her" on her faith. Some say that Mormons never have sex before they're married. That myth was shattered for me back in the early 1970s. People say Mormons are just "wierd" or "Un American", but in fact they are among the nations most patriotic Americans. I think the rest of us would do well to emulate the ethics and life style of the Mormons we see around us.

Of course there are those religions that people say are unredeemable, such as Satanists and Witches or Wiccans. I've read the Satanic Bible. There isn't much in there that an enlightened feminist or someone into modern assirtiveness training psychology wouldn't agree with. I want to talk a little about the Orion Federation. That name Orion may be for the benifit of us earth people since the dominent race are Dardanians from Bela Tagis IV. By way of review "Orion" is linked to Osirus in Egyptian mythology, or Lord of the Dead. This is a place where being dead or alive carries no distinction. People are against Astrology but the Church accepted and used Astrology right up to the 1600's. I find it odd that people would insist on knowing what "fource" a planet is exerting. Is it magnetic or what? But of their own god they never ask such materialistic questions. We believe and Einstein teaches that everything is predestined, and there are things that are related to other things so if you see one of them happening you can inferr that the other one is. We believe there is a reality of the sixth or psychic dimension. We have used the analogy of the apple and if you do a "dimension" slice off the very bottom you get five bumps or islands, and yet they are all connected to the same apple. Of course Orion alludes to the Hunter. In the Bible it says that Nimrod was a mighty hunter before the Lord. We believe he was hunting apes. It was the Ape who killed Abel and committed the first murder of a man on earth after he was driven out of venus. We believe if there is any holy day of the week, it is Friday. That's when Zachery was born. We believe that Venus traces out the pattern of a pentagram in the sky every eight years. The Chinese believe there are five cardinal elements - fire becomes earth becomes metal becomes water becomes wood becomes fire - for a grand total of 60 Chinese signs. According to the soap opera "Passions", the Catholic Church believes it is immoral to sacrifice one innocent soul for the welfare of another. If God wants a "sacrifice" for our sins, why didn't he start with the Ape, whom everyone says is the most like man? Instead what do you see? Bulls and Rams. Taurus the Bull was the first sign of spring four and five thousand years ago. This was followed by Aries the Ram. Bulls and Rams no doubt provided food after men came here from Venus, where you didn't have to know how to farm. This may be why the Bible says, "The ground will fail to yield up its strength for you". Is says "You are cursed from the land". It could be that Bulls and Rams saved mankind from starvation. Of course that phraise "before the Lord" (whom I take to be Jehovah) is used elsewhere in the Bible where it says that Seven of Michelle's sons "hung before the Lord". This appears to be a case where Jehovah actually accepted a human sacrifice for atonement of sin. It's believe David had violated some military treaty and because of that five sons of Saul had to suffer, and David always hated Michelle, his daughter, so decided to pick on her. Allright, enough of that.

There are the "terrible five" religions that many "Christians" believe are quintessential evil. They are Unitarians, Christian Scientists, Seventh Day Adventists, Jehovah's Witnesses, and Mormons. Yet I fail to see how the Apostles Creed, which we all believe, would preclude any one of these five. In the Federation there is a campaign now saying that Christianity was started by two mythological people named "Paul" and "John" and the Beatle association is taken as offencive to some. "Paul" was a man who lived the turn of the first century and was a man who was arrested and eventually executed and on his way to Rome where he was destined to die he wrote letters. Some of these are under the name Paul, and others are under the name Ignatius, which are of a later date. The identity of John is Justin Martyr, who wrote the Gospell of John and together, Paul and John initiated the foundation of Christian theology. After the Catholic Church was Marcionized about AD 140 it became anti-semetic, which of course is another prejudice we could discuss.

I’ve complained about conservatives like Rush that don’t take many phone calls but Randy Rhodes doesn’t take that many. Today the topic was the Iraq war. I was flabberghasted to learn that you have to have a sixty percent vote in the Senate to even start debating a bill. I was also surprised to learn that this Iraq War has never been debated in congress so they have never given an honist airing of the merits of the war. Dymler Chrysler is laying off another twelve thousand people. They’re scaling back due to failure to keep up with the public’s changing tastes in cars. What Randy has suggested is that these Chrysler employees could be put to use producing armored Jeeps for the military. The issue was raised is that Bush is going to war with Iran because of this shoulder mounted weapon they’ve imported into Iraq that’s injuring our soldiers. But if our soldiers had the armor they needed that issue would be less of a problem. Randy didn’t like the way Bush handled himself in the press conference yesterday. As we have pointed out apparently over ten percent of the deaths of our soldiers are caused by Shiites and the rest from Sunis. It’s also been suggested that if we left Iraq altogether that the Sunis and Shiites in concert would kick out Al Qaida, which doesn’t represent either of their views. Randy said that when it comes to our military being fit, that none of the troops there would meet the standards we formerly required for combat, which includes getting the proper amount of rest between deployments. Of course the riff-raff element has increased by 65%. We have relaxed requirements that recruits not be violent felons who shouldn’t even own a gun. We also have relaxed medical standards such as people on Prozac or need it be admitted, as well as ADHD people and those with asthma and high blood pressure and those who can’t pass a basic intelligence test.

Thom Hartman thinks we should repeal the Taft-Hartley act. This is the bill passed in 1946 or something that requires a “cooling off period” putting people back to work. Personally I am against government workers having the right to strike. As Ken Galliger says, government jobs are so cushy anyhow with benefits up the wazoo and being paid way more than they’re worth, they least they can do is not form a union. Unions are by nature things that compete on the open market with others. Most government workers do “essential” jobs. Reagan fired the air traffic controllers in 1981. I wouldn’t have done that – on the grounds of public safety. It seems that non government union jobs only comprise eight percent of all jobs now and und union jobs in general have shrunk dramatically since 1981. There is no doubt that Ronald Reagan was a major buster and discourager of labor unions. It can’t be overemphised that that “giant sucking sound” of jobs flowing elsewhere soon became a reality after NAFTA passed. What we really need is a protectionist Democrat in the White House. When is the last time we had one? Clinton wasn’t that big a protector of labor.

Anna Nicole Smith never ceases to be in the news. Her mother wants her buried in Texas by those relatives and Howard K Stern wants to burry her next to her son. It is pointed out Nicole and her mother were rather estranged. Negative roomers swerl about Howard Stern himself, that he wasn’t really a loving husband. The media will print anything. Also there are doctors charged with prescribing methadone to Anna Nicole while she was pregnant. That would be a briech of ethics. Digital station 4.4 is obcessed with Anna Nicole in a major way. Maybe someone else famous will die soon and we can pick on them. Some of the green line grammar stuff is still out to lunch.

They’re saying those cameras mounted snapping people who run red lights have reduced traffic violations by 96%. That’s kind of hard to believe. Of course if those brethelizer ignition locks for first time drunks were installed on cars I think we would see a dramatic drop in drunken driving arrests. In England virtually everybody is under video surveillance. People like Larry Elder of course believe no measure is too extreme to hunt for potential urban bombers. I guess in the future technology will make us all more moral people, or at least properly conditioned. Now they are talking about how daylight saving time will throw off computers for three weeks. Today the sun was still in the sky after 5:30. It’s going to be trippy in three & a half weeks. It’s going to be darker in the mornings than it was on the shortest day of the year. Now they say they are working on machines that can read our minds by graphing brain scans. They say they want to use this technology for amputees and such, but we know the technology will spill into other areas. These are ethical questions that need to be debated.

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