No Sign but that of Jonah
A few night ago on television, on channel 40 I heard a pastor talking about that verse in the Bible where God is addressing Abraham and he says "I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you". I'd like to have a blessing like that over me. But the line is in reference to the Jews and notibly the nation of Isrial. The speaker was saying stuff like just as President HW Bush was about to sign some peace accord in December 1991 an especially fierce storm struck his residence in Kennybumport, Maine. Also just before 9 - 11 George W Bush was preparing to have a resolution brought before the UN on Sept 23rd. or something stating that the United States was officially in favor of a Palistinian state in the region. Of course 9 - 11 put an end to those plans. What happened was that as an outcome of 9 - 11 the United States saw Isrial's enemies as our own. It was stated that George Washington wanted the United States to be some sort of Garden of Eden type place and quoted the Bible in Micah about "Every man is secure under his own vine and fig tree". There was a recounting of how General Grant during the Civil War tried to institute policies against Jews in areas under militaary rule, and someone told President Lincoln about it and he put an immediate stop to it. Finally there was a recounting of how in the late 1800's the Russian Orthodox Church instituted policies against the Jews and they in turn were punished by God by being taken over by the Comunists and were themselves "forbidden". God says if you love God you love the things that he loves and hate the things that he hates. And among the things God loves are justice and truth.
So what do you think about all this? Is God a lover or morality and does he reward acts of morality and punish acts of immorality? Christians today would say "No". The reason why is because Marcion and people like him in the church stripped the church of anything 'Jewish" including all reverance for the Sabbath, and any notion that we were under "The Old Testament Covenant" and that today God deals with is "By mercy and by grace". I don't know about you but I regard mercy is given by someone who inherently deserves it. If Jesus Christ were to come to Adolph Hitler's jail call after the War (assuming Hitler hadn't blown his brains out already) and Jesus had led Hitler in the sinner's prayer, would that mean that God should then to show his "grace and mercy, not to mention sovreignty" should promote Hitler back to the status of Chancellor of Germany, which he had? No. We have said that despots oftel love capricious acts of "mercy" or "letting people off" just to throw fear into good people as to what he will do next. Some may claim "God blessed me last week and I know that I didn't deserve it. I guess he was just showing off his sovreignty". That's mighty convienient thinking.
But what is the truth? I belive I have come up with the answer. It's kind of the old wave theory or perhaps "tidal wave" theory. How does a tidal wave begin? First the ocean receeds like it never has before. I believe this happens with judgements too. There is something about the physical action of "waves" that causes certain things to happen. If you have a small action, either good or bad, you will get a small wave. If you have a large action, you'll generate a large wave. And large waves by their nature take more time to get going. Many will comment on how in the OT God was judgemental on even the smallest matters. God judged Moses for striking the rock rather than "speaking to it". God judged Akin who in time of War took contraband items of the enemy that God forbid him to have. He was judged for it. He was taken out from his family and executed. Note there was no sacrifice he could make or money he could pay to get out of it. Some people see the blood of Jesus as a magic potion and the sinner's prayer as some sort of an incantation, as magic words they can utter and if they say them "right" and if they have enough faith then the event will come to pass. This sounds a little like psychic mumbo-jumbo or witchcraft to me. Let me quote two sources- one from The Good Book and one from what Tabitha might call "The Dark Side" to make the point I am about to make". It is said Jesus atones for sins because he was perfect. And yet as we have said before since Jesus was supernatural and NOT a mortal he HAD to be perfect because under God's justice if he made one slip-up he'd be sumarily damned to Hell. On a Bewitched episode there is a crone of Cardor curse where a woman had to obtain a willing kiss from a mortal pure, and to her would pass the mortal's youth and to him would pass her true identity of being five hundred years old. Note that he had to be a mortal and not a witch. Now in the Book of Ruth in the Bible there is something called a "Kinsman redeemer". The nearest of kin still living has to step foreward volentarily and redeem the property. Since Jesus was supernatural and not mortal he could by no means qualify as "out nearest kinsman relative" and redeem us, assuming you even believed in all that. The idea of a magic substance (the blood of Christ) which according to Billy Graham hides the truth of our sin even from God so that not even God can know about it- - violates a lot of principles- - such as God's all knowing sovreignty. Just who in the church is entitled to have control over this magic substance, the Priests? Elsewhere it says God is not mocked. Whatever we sow we shall reep. Let us meditate on this now.
We have said that often you reep "In a different form than what was planted, and in a different season". How does the reeping occurr? People sometimes mistake signs. For instance I was a member of one church for years that was like a spurned woman. All of her suitors ended up abandoning her after a few years. She went through lover after lover looking for one that wasn't a flake. This church the first 25 years of its existance had pastor after pastor abandon them. Finally in 1990 there came a pastor who didn't abandon them. He's still there. But he is also a posessive self-obcessed Devil. It's just like a jinxed woman who when she meets a man who says he'll stick with her if he doesn't turn out to be Jack the ripper turns out to be posessive and controlling. A bully by nature. I'd like to answer the question about how God judges Good men and evil men. First of all you almost have to believe in reincarnation and that things are spread out over a period of time. It takes time for the waves of Good and waves of Evil to manifest themselves. Certain attrocities are so Evil that if Good appears to follow or even help the evil one, we have to examine why. The Orion Federation has long talked about something called the Rizzonian effect. This is where karma gets reversed and doing bad appears to cause rewards and doing good appears to incurr punnishment. This is not as unusual as it seems. Because the mere addition of good or incentive to an evil one is indeed part of their "Punishment" that they may do more evil and incurr more punnishment. This process may be said to be "Going over to the Dark Side". The Dark Side appears to be helping you but the fact that you have made a wrong decision is Itself just an aspect of your punishment of depravity. I'd like to compare this reverse karma phenominum to encrypted computer codes of 1 and 0 (binary) characters using the XOR code. This is the "exclusive OR" function. What this opperates as is a "Selective NOT" code. For instance if your karma code is 53 than the numbers in your code key add up to 53. What that means is that when you process numbers every number that's a Zero lets your true code or deserved karma come through. If you have zeros or ones they will all be in their correct places. However when you encounter a one - - for every One you encounter your true number reverses. Those numbers have "gone over to the Dark Side". A curse is thus opperative in your life. A curse is not an en-gram because it opperates around you and not in your head. If the blood of Christ could wipe out curses we'd be in a paradise now.
The biggest enormity of crime - one of them - as God sees it is being an anti-Semite. The church is the one that made amti-semitisum OK. This is with the help of Marcion. Marcion may not quite be the father of anti semitisum but he institutionalized it in the Catholic Church. How do you think God will judge the church the way it acted during the time of Hitler? Christians are inclined to dismiss cowardess as being a sin. God doesn't see things that way. Anybody who aids and abets Evil will be judged, according to the Bible.
One of the Orion Federation's naames for me is Jonah. Jesus Christ said "This is an evil and Godless generation and you shall see no sign but the sign of Jonah. You don't really need signs or circumstance to have a firm moral compus. Once I was traveling with Jim Klein and Pete Richards to Yousemite. I was afraid we were making too many side tours and wouldn't make it to the park in time. As it turned out I was right and it was a quarter to nine and we were still roaming around in the dark inside the park looking for a camp site. Jim Klein called me a Jonah. "You know what ------ you're a Jonah". Of course Jonah was dead three days and three nights, just as during my suicide attempt I was "out" over two and a half days. People say that the sign of Jonah is that he was dead three days and three nights in the belly of the whale and that Jesus was three days and three nights in the rock tomb. I won't argue with this only to say that when Jonah preached it was in Jonah's sight to people, ie. in Ninavah, who didn't deserve it. There is no indication in world history that Ninavah ever had a good side and they were soon taken over by Babylon. Could not the sign of Jonah be that he preached a message that people appeared to respond to, but in the end it didn't amount to a hill of beans. The church of course sees the Jew as evil. Anti-semitisum seems to go hand in hand with the Gospell. Accept Jesus and give ascent to anti-Semitisum. That seems to be the way.
My nightmare ticket for next year's election would be Hillary Clinton and Rudolph Juliani, and I know it isn't spelled that way. Juliani is a bully at heard with a fasciestic streek. Randy Rhodes says Juliani is her least favorite candidate. To revive an old joks, "I'll tell you who my second favorite candidate for President is. Rudolph Juliani". When asked what his first choice is, he responds, "Anybody that will run against him". Juliani has done things with the police dept. I don't even want to talk about. He cleaned up the streets of New York. I'll give him that. But that act alone does not qualify you to be President. It is said "The age of promotion of Mayors to President is long gone". Mayors no longer have the necessary experiance. Juliani doesn't know how to work with people and compromize and to get things done with congress.
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