Sunday, February 18, 2007


Yesterday they had an episode on Smallville where Lex Luther was split in half due to some scientific accident and everybody got a preview of Lex's "evil half" before his time. Even after he was restored back to one person it would serve one well to look at the evil desires of that other half of your personality that had been surpressed all those years. We really don't know what desires of us would be unleashed if we were to be "Inverted and perverted" like the George Harrison song says. They say that man's mind consists of three parts. The Id, the Ego and the Superego. The Superego is usually on top controling everything and the Id is religated to the bottom, or the subcontious. What happens in the case of a witch, a Satanist, or a Born Again Christian is that the whole mental structure is flip flopped and the Id now reigns supreme with no restraints. On Friday night they had a thing on Simon the Magition who lived in New Testament times. He wanted to "buy the power of the Holy Spirit" with money so he could be worshipped as a God. Of course a lot of Christian's think they're God anyhow and expect everybody to embrace their condunct even if they are loud mouthed, condecending, and walk over everybody they come accross thinking the world owes them a living and undying respect that they never earned.

There have to be about four big things that exist that will insure that I never again take up Christian beliefs and "Jesus Christ" on the radio is responsible for several of them. Number one is the denial of ALL supernatural manifestations. Simon the Magition wanted Power to impress people and he had the ability to do trick meracles and he wanted more. But today's Christians will not even admit to their being a source of supernatural power, because they don't have any. Next is that there is this extreme moral resignation that "Evil must triumph if it's destined to". They are all too willing to just "give up on people" and call them names and crawl off in a corner and wait for Christmas or something. There is alltogether a lack of caring about others in today's Christians. Next is the notion that Christ wasn't human by his own words on the radio, but instead he knew that he was divine and knew his destiny from the cradle through early childhood onward. This is not the sort of existance or experiance that a human being has and no non mortal could relate to what us mortals actually go through. Then there is the notion enunciated in a promo yesterday that "Even the best and most moral of us are worse than Aldalph Hitler, in God's sight". I disagree with this assirtion so strenuously it isn't funny. It's kind of a fact that "if everything is a sin, then nothing is a sin". I don't think many of us, if given free reign of or Ids, would turn out to be Lex Luther. It's just an obsurd proposition that death and genocide are what turns most of us on.

As you know yesterday the US Senate boted 56 to 44 to support the house resolution, passed on Friday, against the Iraq War. Unfortunately they needed sixty votes to even bring the bill up for general debate. Apparently the way a filibuster works is that one senator can decree a bill unsuitable, and it takes sixty votes to shut him up and get on with business. They say seven republicans crossed over to vote for this anti war resolution. That's pretty good. Lieberman crossed the other way. I wouldn't come down too hard on Lieberman or he might join the Republicans and then they'd have their majority. It feels like the Republicans have a majority now because the minority seems to have a lot of power to obstruct bills in the senate. As to the War itself it's reported that the last two or three days things have been pretty quiet in Iraq. Apparently they are so afraid of the coming Surge of our troops they are all cowering in their boots from fear. You know my position. I was for the Surge before I was against it. But if by chance it actually works I say "Praise the Lord". We should all pray for the success of our elected officials. Of course it's pointed out that other "foreign" sources besides Iran are giving aid to insergents. Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and even Syria are supploying weapons, but Bush isn't complaining about them. Perhaps I should have waited on doing this blog till something "definitive" happened on the battle field. The point is even if the Surge works, and I'm praying that it does the trick, Congress STILL should have been allowed to be the decision maker as to whether to send the troops, and that's where the problem is.

I was going to talk about the period in my life twenty years ago when I had my own private "surge" of spirituality, cranking up the Holy Ghost one more time, before finally being beaten down and collapsing of exaustion like the Germans at the Battle of the Bulge. During June of 1987 after a beach party one night I dreamed I was back at the party and had decided to stay late rather than with the group that left relitively early (like twn o clock). And we are all cozy around the fire and everything and then people start saying critical remarks tword me and I asked someone why did they do that and they said "It's because you're a witch". A couple of months later maybe the end of August I had another dream I was at my parents house and books began catching on fire at their house- - and nobody was concerned about it but just continued to stand passively and watch the fires burn. Last night was another of these dreams were I was locked up in an insane assylum. And I was trying to figure what went wrong- why was I here. I got on this fixation of some game with dots, like moving dots in configurations like a game. And I said "We picked the wrong dimensions. In this dimension all the dots ended up in a circle and walled me in. This shouldn't have happened with the right board". The whole thing with Christianity and "things of the spirit" is that it is all about The Wall. The X is the sign of life and sharing. the O is the sign of restruction and limitation. So says Mark Campbell. Too many people are being either walled in or walled out. It shouldn't be a question of one man Becomming God and Lording it over everybody else. Even "God" himself doesn't work that way. Jung says "God" is the collective unconscious. We have touched on this before. They say there is wisdom in numbers. If there is any "God nature" in us, it's not because we have a "God shaped hole in our hearts" like Christians say. It's because we don't know what forces drove the world at the Big Bang or to what extent we are still "a part of" the Big Bang. I'm willing to conceed there are divine mysteries we don't understand and leave it at that.

Friday, February 16, 2007


Well, today is judgement day for the Iraq war. The House votes on that anti war resolution they have been laboring over all these weeks. But I fear it won't be a veto proof percentage of two thirds. I guess that won't matter. The senate is finally going to get around to discussing the same resolution. We need to resolve to be less prejucided as a society. Now we're wonderinf if we can ever have a woman president. People like Rush Limbaugh point to that TV series where a woman starts a world war over "having a bad day" or "feeling insulted" as proof that women lead with their emotions. They may base their whole futures over some thoughtless remark someone said to them in the hallway en rout to their office. Rush Limbaugh has talked a lot about PMS. I think we're going to have to elect a woman President sometime to prove to ourselves we're over these stereotypes. Remember it's women who hate woman bosses more than men. The fact is a lot of women "see themselves as being led by a man". They regard it as the normal state of affairs. I think there are probably a lot of cases where a woman boss would be fairer than a man. It's pointed out that there is an "old boys network" but there is no "old girls network". How would you like to have Victor Kiriacus as your boss, you soap fans? In another candidate, Berock O Bama we have the prejudice against both Islam and blacks. The media would have us to believe Blacks don't even like O Bama because he's not black enough. That's a problem a lot of us have. Now they are raising the issue of some Indonesian school O Bama was educated in. Many cringe in horror that some new member of congress would want to be sworn in using the Koran rather than the Bible. These are issues we'll have to deal with. It could be the whole institution of marriage as we know it will soon become a thing of the past. We have had one batchelor President, James Buchannon. People are accusing him of being gay now. People are coming to accept these "life partnerships" among gay couples. It may be these government recognized entities will supersede marriage in the future. Marriage as we know it may become just a religious anachronisum. We have never had a "Native American" as President. I'm wearing my Florida State shirt today. Did you know that Florida tribe was never militarily defeated by the US Government. I am actually a little bit Cherokee on my mother's side. I guess that makes me related to Jimi Hendrix. The Cherokee symbolizes in their person military defeat and humiliation and everything shameful about this country.

Mit Romney declared for President the other day. If he loses because "People will never elect a Mormon for President" then we can just flush all the progress we've made in this area since 1960 when Kennedy ran, down the toilet, because we will have learned nothing. In 1960 decent Americans honistly thought we could never elect a Catholic for President. Mormons are decent people who don't wear their religion on their sleves. I eat accross the table from a Mormon and I didn't know it for a long time. I have never "grilled her" on her faith. Some say that Mormons never have sex before they're married. That myth was shattered for me back in the early 1970s. People say Mormons are just "wierd" or "Un American", but in fact they are among the nations most patriotic Americans. I think the rest of us would do well to emulate the ethics and life style of the Mormons we see around us.

Of course there are those religions that people say are unredeemable, such as Satanists and Witches or Wiccans. I've read the Satanic Bible. There isn't much in there that an enlightened feminist or someone into modern assirtiveness training psychology wouldn't agree with. I want to talk a little about the Orion Federation. That name Orion may be for the benifit of us earth people since the dominent race are Dardanians from Bela Tagis IV. By way of review "Orion" is linked to Osirus in Egyptian mythology, or Lord of the Dead. This is a place where being dead or alive carries no distinction. People are against Astrology but the Church accepted and used Astrology right up to the 1600's. I find it odd that people would insist on knowing what "fource" a planet is exerting. Is it magnetic or what? But of their own god they never ask such materialistic questions. We believe and Einstein teaches that everything is predestined, and there are things that are related to other things so if you see one of them happening you can inferr that the other one is. We believe there is a reality of the sixth or psychic dimension. We have used the analogy of the apple and if you do a "dimension" slice off the very bottom you get five bumps or islands, and yet they are all connected to the same apple. Of course Orion alludes to the Hunter. In the Bible it says that Nimrod was a mighty hunter before the Lord. We believe he was hunting apes. It was the Ape who killed Abel and committed the first murder of a man on earth after he was driven out of venus. We believe if there is any holy day of the week, it is Friday. That's when Zachery was born. We believe that Venus traces out the pattern of a pentagram in the sky every eight years. The Chinese believe there are five cardinal elements - fire becomes earth becomes metal becomes water becomes wood becomes fire - for a grand total of 60 Chinese signs. According to the soap opera "Passions", the Catholic Church believes it is immoral to sacrifice one innocent soul for the welfare of another. If God wants a "sacrifice" for our sins, why didn't he start with the Ape, whom everyone says is the most like man? Instead what do you see? Bulls and Rams. Taurus the Bull was the first sign of spring four and five thousand years ago. This was followed by Aries the Ram. Bulls and Rams no doubt provided food after men came here from Venus, where you didn't have to know how to farm. This may be why the Bible says, "The ground will fail to yield up its strength for you". Is says "You are cursed from the land". It could be that Bulls and Rams saved mankind from starvation. Of course that phraise "before the Lord" (whom I take to be Jehovah) is used elsewhere in the Bible where it says that Seven of Michelle's sons "hung before the Lord". This appears to be a case where Jehovah actually accepted a human sacrifice for atonement of sin. It's believe David had violated some military treaty and because of that five sons of Saul had to suffer, and David always hated Michelle, his daughter, so decided to pick on her. Allright, enough of that.

There are the "terrible five" religions that many "Christians" believe are quintessential evil. They are Unitarians, Christian Scientists, Seventh Day Adventists, Jehovah's Witnesses, and Mormons. Yet I fail to see how the Apostles Creed, which we all believe, would preclude any one of these five. In the Federation there is a campaign now saying that Christianity was started by two mythological people named "Paul" and "John" and the Beatle association is taken as offencive to some. "Paul" was a man who lived the turn of the first century and was a man who was arrested and eventually executed and on his way to Rome where he was destined to die he wrote letters. Some of these are under the name Paul, and others are under the name Ignatius, which are of a later date. The identity of John is Justin Martyr, who wrote the Gospell of John and together, Paul and John initiated the foundation of Christian theology. After the Catholic Church was Marcionized about AD 140 it became anti-semetic, which of course is another prejudice we could discuss.

I’ve complained about conservatives like Rush that don’t take many phone calls but Randy Rhodes doesn’t take that many. Today the topic was the Iraq war. I was flabberghasted to learn that you have to have a sixty percent vote in the Senate to even start debating a bill. I was also surprised to learn that this Iraq War has never been debated in congress so they have never given an honist airing of the merits of the war. Dymler Chrysler is laying off another twelve thousand people. They’re scaling back due to failure to keep up with the public’s changing tastes in cars. What Randy has suggested is that these Chrysler employees could be put to use producing armored Jeeps for the military. The issue was raised is that Bush is going to war with Iran because of this shoulder mounted weapon they’ve imported into Iraq that’s injuring our soldiers. But if our soldiers had the armor they needed that issue would be less of a problem. Randy didn’t like the way Bush handled himself in the press conference yesterday. As we have pointed out apparently over ten percent of the deaths of our soldiers are caused by Shiites and the rest from Sunis. It’s also been suggested that if we left Iraq altogether that the Sunis and Shiites in concert would kick out Al Qaida, which doesn’t represent either of their views. Randy said that when it comes to our military being fit, that none of the troops there would meet the standards we formerly required for combat, which includes getting the proper amount of rest between deployments. Of course the riff-raff element has increased by 65%. We have relaxed requirements that recruits not be violent felons who shouldn’t even own a gun. We also have relaxed medical standards such as people on Prozac or need it be admitted, as well as ADHD people and those with asthma and high blood pressure and those who can’t pass a basic intelligence test.

Thom Hartman thinks we should repeal the Taft-Hartley act. This is the bill passed in 1946 or something that requires a “cooling off period” putting people back to work. Personally I am against government workers having the right to strike. As Ken Galliger says, government jobs are so cushy anyhow with benefits up the wazoo and being paid way more than they’re worth, they least they can do is not form a union. Unions are by nature things that compete on the open market with others. Most government workers do “essential” jobs. Reagan fired the air traffic controllers in 1981. I wouldn’t have done that – on the grounds of public safety. It seems that non government union jobs only comprise eight percent of all jobs now and und union jobs in general have shrunk dramatically since 1981. There is no doubt that Ronald Reagan was a major buster and discourager of labor unions. It can’t be overemphised that that “giant sucking sound” of jobs flowing elsewhere soon became a reality after NAFTA passed. What we really need is a protectionist Democrat in the White House. When is the last time we had one? Clinton wasn’t that big a protector of labor.

Anna Nicole Smith never ceases to be in the news. Her mother wants her buried in Texas by those relatives and Howard K Stern wants to burry her next to her son. It is pointed out Nicole and her mother were rather estranged. Negative roomers swerl about Howard Stern himself, that he wasn’t really a loving husband. The media will print anything. Also there are doctors charged with prescribing methadone to Anna Nicole while she was pregnant. That would be a briech of ethics. Digital station 4.4 is obcessed with Anna Nicole in a major way. Maybe someone else famous will die soon and we can pick on them. Some of the green line grammar stuff is still out to lunch.

They’re saying those cameras mounted snapping people who run red lights have reduced traffic violations by 96%. That’s kind of hard to believe. Of course if those brethelizer ignition locks for first time drunks were installed on cars I think we would see a dramatic drop in drunken driving arrests. In England virtually everybody is under video surveillance. People like Larry Elder of course believe no measure is too extreme to hunt for potential urban bombers. I guess in the future technology will make us all more moral people, or at least properly conditioned. Now they are talking about how daylight saving time will throw off computers for three weeks. Today the sun was still in the sky after 5:30. It’s going to be trippy in three & a half weeks. It’s going to be darker in the mornings than it was on the shortest day of the year. Now they say they are working on machines that can read our minds by graphing brain scans. They say they want to use this technology for amputees and such, but we know the technology will spill into other areas. These are ethical questions that need to be debated.

Monday, February 12, 2007


Perhaps this should be the last paragraph of this blog rather than the first, but I'm going to risk it. Have you seen these old movies, and I bet there are several of them, where someone becomes a hero and accomplishes a lot of brave or heroic, or perhaps even seemingly miraculas acts and tword the end of the movie some mysterious woman in a slinky dress appears and says, "You think you did all that stuff yourself? Well, you didn't. You had help." And then she would allude to some secretive mafia type organization, or perhaps some occultic organization that "greased the slide" so to speak. You know what my favorite line in the movie "Oh God" is? I don't agree with every theological statement in the movie but I have respect for the point of view. My favorite line in the movie is when God says to John Denver, "Remember: You have the advantage that comes from knowing". I think some of us can "know" things. We might call it psychic awareness or "God" or "The Dark Side" or perhaps even the "Orion Federation". There is some point in life where we have gotten a free pass to visit the higher realms and be aware of things that in the natural we wouldn't be aware of. Just today I was trying to get into a web site that wanted my whole identity and E mail address and stuff so they could send me an eternity of spam. Yet I've been to the web site before but I was "bounced" with a link inside, so that I bypassed their usual screening apperatus.

There was a substitute on KTLK for Randy Rhodes, who was apparently ailing today or something. He was kind of one of these hysterical Ken Galliger types, only of the left rather than the right. When I see a person like him I get uneasy because I'm thinking "What if he's faking it and in reality believes the opposit of what he's saying?" He was trashing "limozine liberals" and the Grammys and the Hollywood elete community in general. He seemed upset that the Dixie Chicks were honored with five Grammy awards last night. I don't see why? They've earned it. But his point, behind all the hysterics, was that "Where were all these people four years ago when the Dixie Chicks were banned by over 200 country radio stations for their statements about George Bush? I guess I don't care. But perhaps I should. Should you judge a person on how he acts "when the chips are down" or how he says he wishes he had acted later? Actually I have to agree that from a religious point of view it is how you act "When the chips are down" that is the true test of your character. Remember: God sees what you do when nobody is looking. You may recall I have related how Stewart Sutcliffe has often complained to me that the Beatles should never have fired drummer Pete Best just as they were on the verge of becomming famous. He had been with them through all the dark days at the Cavern club and in Hamburg, and had record with them on their German record. He had drummed on the four songs that impressed George Martin and EMI enough to want to sign them in the first place. More importantly, Pete was THERE when they desperately needed a drummer. But fashion often rules over deeds. It's kind of like a Christian evangelist bringing a lot of riff raff into the Church. People who are basically flakes and just in it for the glory and the fawning attention they receive. I guess that's what Hollywood awards are all about - fawning attention. I'm sure Anne Baxter's characters knows all about that. (as George Sanders would say) So now what's his name on KTLK is upset because the Dixie Chicks got five Grammys. But according to him the music they did five years ago was better than the album that got them the award. Of course Bob Dylan knows all about getting a Grammy for one of the worst songs lyrically he's ever done. Or is that it? Do you have to "Serve Somebody" to get ahead. Do you have to kiss Hollywood ass and play on their guilts? I don't know. They say to be the most successful invester if to buy stocks when the pit of your stomach is churning from anxiety. There is a Christian song that goes "When I was worthless Lord you bought me". I'd like to change that lyric to "I was actually worth something when I came to you but now if I try and leave you, what will the Devil do with the piece of garbage I've now become?"

Of course this whole bit about developing a spine and moral integrety and doing what is right and brave even "when you don't think anybody is looking" goes to this democratic congress. They were elected by the voters to end the war in Iraq. But now that they are in power they are lilly livered cowards. Today is Abraham Lincoln's birthday. What if Abraham Lincoln after he was voted into power on an anti slavery mandate said, "You know- - I've thought about it and if I were to military engage the Rebels at Ft. Sumpter some people might take it that I'm against slavery. And I wouldn't want to jeopardize the economy of the South because that just might turn out to affect us all". President Lincoln could have been a marvelous side stepper and excuse maker if he had wanted to be. Look at all the prancing and side stepping Hillary Clinton is doing". She says she wants to be like O Bama and the other democrats with her "Me, too" rhetoric. But she won't say she made a mistake voting for the war. The difference between Hillary and me is that I will admit I was lied to by the government. But I don't believe picking the best choice at the time is really a "mistake". I consider a mistake not doing something or doing the wrong thing when you knew the facts at the time but for whatever rationalistic reason chose to ignore them. I think getting rid of Saddam Hussein was a good thing. I cringe when I hear these democrats like John Kerry go "Oh for the good old days of Saddam Hussein. Things were a lot safer when he was in power than they are now". If I were a Shiite I would echo John Kennedy's words "I would not trade place with any other time. I welcome the challenges of today". Iran says it doesn't want to fan the flames of war. I don't know whether to believe them or not. But I'll tell you if I were president, I would at least dialog with them and see if we couldn't at least work out some kind of a deal to stop the killing in Iraq. But with Hillary I get the feeling she'll just say anything she thinks she needs to say for the fall election of 2008 against her probable candidate opponet, Rudy baby. The long and short of it is the democratic congressmen are a bunch of whimps for not cutting off funds for the war and Hillary is a whimp for not leading the effort. That's what we need to do. The guy this afternoon convinced me. We need to cut off funding for the Iraq war. Pure and simple. You know, I think one year is plenty of time to withdraw 90% of our troops and we could redeploy the other ten percent to the borders or to help the Kurds or something. That's my oppinion. What do you think?

You know, some Christians say "If we had lived in the time of Capernicus or Galilleo we would not have opposed those great men as the Church did". These people are great Monday morning quarterbackers. You know in reality today's Born Again Christians would be leading the pack. They say "If we lived in the time of Martin Luther we would not have approved of his anti semetic remarks". Well, that anti-semitisum grew to be accepted and the prejudice was nurished and it grew to lruition and bore the fruit of Naziisum. These Christians say "If we had lived back in the time of Paul we would have come down harder on Philemon than Paul did. Philemon was a slave owner who was "asked" to forgive a runaway slave. You know what I think? I think today's Christians would be screaming for vengance and retrobution against that runaway slave. Back then there did not be a kind word for the Jewish faith or nation of Isrial. But today Christians fawn over Isrial the way that Dennis Prager fawns over Christianity. They don't really care about it but it helps their image. Many people such as Dennis Prager speak of a generic "Brand X" religion. It doesn't matter WHAT religion you are. Just as long as youre religions. So if youre in a religion like Christianity that aids and abets anti Semitisum, that's still better than no religion at all. I don't true religion is about "posing". True religion is about Courage, as in Profiles in Courage, a series that was out when I was a teenager. Believe it or not some people are enough cosmically focused to view their actions of the moment less for their pragmatic value and more thinking "What will God think of this action at the Last Judgement". Oh. Here's one. Do you know why should should actively believe in the return of Christ? (or in the Shiite's case the return of the Immam Mahdi?) It's simple. If you believe your founder will return you will be true to his words and not screw around with his teachings, or become a "Dyspensationalist" and re-invent God in your own image as dyspensationalists do.

If any of you have had trouble following this blog it's merely because I was a little less restrained in letting my thought processes take me where they will. If I had to map out this whole Blog in outline form and then fill it all in with fleshed out detales the whole thing would probably take two or three times as long to write.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

No Sign but that of Jonah

A few night ago on television, on channel 40 I heard a pastor talking about that verse in the Bible where God is addressing Abraham and he says "I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you". I'd like to have a blessing like that over me. But the line is in reference to the Jews and notibly the nation of Isrial. The speaker was saying stuff like just as President HW Bush was about to sign some peace accord in December 1991 an especially fierce storm struck his residence in Kennybumport, Maine. Also just before 9 - 11 George W Bush was preparing to have a resolution brought before the UN on Sept 23rd. or something stating that the United States was officially in favor of a Palistinian state in the region. Of course 9 - 11 put an end to those plans. What happened was that as an outcome of 9 - 11 the United States saw Isrial's enemies as our own. It was stated that George Washington wanted the United States to be some sort of Garden of Eden type place and quoted the Bible in Micah about "Every man is secure under his own vine and fig tree". There was a recounting of how General Grant during the Civil War tried to institute policies against Jews in areas under militaary rule, and someone told President Lincoln about it and he put an immediate stop to it. Finally there was a recounting of how in the late 1800's the Russian Orthodox Church instituted policies against the Jews and they in turn were punished by God by being taken over by the Comunists and were themselves "forbidden". God says if you love God you love the things that he loves and hate the things that he hates. And among the things God loves are justice and truth.

So what do you think about all this? Is God a lover or morality and does he reward acts of morality and punish acts of immorality? Christians today would say "No". The reason why is because Marcion and people like him in the church stripped the church of anything 'Jewish" including all reverance for the Sabbath, and any notion that we were under "The Old Testament Covenant" and that today God deals with is "By mercy and by grace". I don't know about you but I regard mercy is given by someone who inherently deserves it. If Jesus Christ were to come to Adolph Hitler's jail call after the War (assuming Hitler hadn't blown his brains out already) and Jesus had led Hitler in the sinner's prayer, would that mean that God should then to show his "grace and mercy, not to mention sovreignty" should promote Hitler back to the status of Chancellor of Germany, which he had? No. We have said that despots oftel love capricious acts of "mercy" or "letting people off" just to throw fear into good people as to what he will do next. Some may claim "God blessed me last week and I know that I didn't deserve it. I guess he was just showing off his sovreignty". That's mighty convienient thinking.

But what is the truth? I belive I have come up with the answer. It's kind of the old wave theory or perhaps "tidal wave" theory. How does a tidal wave begin? First the ocean receeds like it never has before. I believe this happens with judgements too. There is something about the physical action of "waves" that causes certain things to happen. If you have a small action, either good or bad, you will get a small wave. If you have a large action, you'll generate a large wave. And large waves by their nature take more time to get going. Many will comment on how in the OT God was judgemental on even the smallest matters. God judged Moses for striking the rock rather than "speaking to it". God judged Akin who in time of War took contraband items of the enemy that God forbid him to have. He was judged for it. He was taken out from his family and executed. Note there was no sacrifice he could make or money he could pay to get out of it. Some people see the blood of Jesus as a magic potion and the sinner's prayer as some sort of an incantation, as magic words they can utter and if they say them "right" and if they have enough faith then the event will come to pass. This sounds a little like psychic mumbo-jumbo or witchcraft to me. Let me quote two sources- one from The Good Book and one from what Tabitha might call "The Dark Side" to make the point I am about to make". It is said Jesus atones for sins because he was perfect. And yet as we have said before since Jesus was supernatural and NOT a mortal he HAD to be perfect because under God's justice if he made one slip-up he'd be sumarily damned to Hell. On a Bewitched episode there is a crone of Cardor curse where a woman had to obtain a willing kiss from a mortal pure, and to her would pass the mortal's youth and to him would pass her true identity of being five hundred years old. Note that he had to be a mortal and not a witch. Now in the Book of Ruth in the Bible there is something called a "Kinsman redeemer". The nearest of kin still living has to step foreward volentarily and redeem the property. Since Jesus was supernatural and not mortal he could by no means qualify as "out nearest kinsman relative" and redeem us, assuming you even believed in all that. The idea of a magic substance (the blood of Christ) which according to Billy Graham hides the truth of our sin even from God so that not even God can know about it- - violates a lot of principles- - such as God's all knowing sovreignty. Just who in the church is entitled to have control over this magic substance, the Priests? Elsewhere it says God is not mocked. Whatever we sow we shall reep. Let us meditate on this now.

We have said that often you reep "In a different form than what was planted, and in a different season". How does the reeping occurr? People sometimes mistake signs. For instance I was a member of one church for years that was like a spurned woman. All of her suitors ended up abandoning her after a few years. She went through lover after lover looking for one that wasn't a flake. This church the first 25 years of its existance had pastor after pastor abandon them. Finally in 1990 there came a pastor who didn't abandon them. He's still there. But he is also a posessive self-obcessed Devil. It's just like a jinxed woman who when she meets a man who says he'll stick with her if he doesn't turn out to be Jack the ripper turns out to be posessive and controlling. A bully by nature. I'd like to answer the question about how God judges Good men and evil men. First of all you almost have to believe in reincarnation and that things are spread out over a period of time. It takes time for the waves of Good and waves of Evil to manifest themselves. Certain attrocities are so Evil that if Good appears to follow or even help the evil one, we have to examine why. The Orion Federation has long talked about something called the Rizzonian effect. This is where karma gets reversed and doing bad appears to cause rewards and doing good appears to incurr punnishment. This is not as unusual as it seems. Because the mere addition of good or incentive to an evil one is indeed part of their "Punishment" that they may do more evil and incurr more punnishment. This process may be said to be "Going over to the Dark Side". The Dark Side appears to be helping you but the fact that you have made a wrong decision is Itself just an aspect of your punishment of depravity. I'd like to compare this reverse karma phenominum to encrypted computer codes of 1 and 0 (binary) characters using the XOR code. This is the "exclusive OR" function. What this opperates as is a "Selective NOT" code. For instance if your karma code is 53 than the numbers in your code key add up to 53. What that means is that when you process numbers every number that's a Zero lets your true code or deserved karma come through. If you have zeros or ones they will all be in their correct places. However when you encounter a one - - for every One you encounter your true number reverses. Those numbers have "gone over to the Dark Side". A curse is thus opperative in your life. A curse is not an en-gram because it opperates around you and not in your head. If the blood of Christ could wipe out curses we'd be in a paradise now.

The biggest enormity of crime - one of them - as God sees it is being an anti-Semite. The church is the one that made amti-semitisum OK. This is with the help of Marcion. Marcion may not quite be the father of anti semitisum but he institutionalized it in the Catholic Church. How do you think God will judge the church the way it acted during the time of Hitler? Christians are inclined to dismiss cowardess as being a sin. God doesn't see things that way. Anybody who aids and abets Evil will be judged, according to the Bible.

One of the Orion Federation's naames for me is Jonah. Jesus Christ said "This is an evil and Godless generation and you shall see no sign but the sign of Jonah. You don't really need signs or circumstance to have a firm moral compus. Once I was traveling with Jim Klein and Pete Richards to Yousemite. I was afraid we were making too many side tours and wouldn't make it to the park in time. As it turned out I was right and it was a quarter to nine and we were still roaming around in the dark inside the park looking for a camp site. Jim Klein called me a Jonah. "You know what ------ you're a Jonah". Of course Jonah was dead three days and three nights, just as during my suicide attempt I was "out" over two and a half days. People say that the sign of Jonah is that he was dead three days and three nights in the belly of the whale and that Jesus was three days and three nights in the rock tomb. I won't argue with this only to say that when Jonah preached it was in Jonah's sight to people, ie. in Ninavah, who didn't deserve it. There is no indication in world history that Ninavah ever had a good side and they were soon taken over by Babylon. Could not the sign of Jonah be that he preached a message that people appeared to respond to, but in the end it didn't amount to a hill of beans. The church of course sees the Jew as evil. Anti-semitisum seems to go hand in hand with the Gospell. Accept Jesus and give ascent to anti-Semitisum. That seems to be the way.

My nightmare ticket for next year's election would be Hillary Clinton and Rudolph Juliani, and I know it isn't spelled that way. Juliani is a bully at heard with a fasciestic streek. Randy Rhodes says Juliani is her least favorite candidate. To revive an old joks, "I'll tell you who my second favorite candidate for President is. Rudolph Juliani". When asked what his first choice is, he responds, "Anybody that will run against him". Juliani has done things with the police dept. I don't even want to talk about. He cleaned up the streets of New York. I'll give him that. But that act alone does not qualify you to be President. It is said "The age of promotion of Mayors to President is long gone". Mayors no longer have the necessary experiance. Juliani doesn't know how to work with people and compromize and to get things done with congress.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007


First of all I'd like to apologise to anybody who bet money on the Bears based on what I said in my blog. Both Randy Rhodes and Ed Schultz were rooting for the bears and both hated this superbowl. I thought it was one of the most poorly played superbowls of all time. There was one 51 minute period where the Chicago offence only had the ball for about forty seconds. How would the worst defence that the Colts had shut down the Chicago offence the way it did? Randy thinks there were too many metaphores about "balls" like "losing your balls" "ball control" "ball handeling" or "slippery balls" aand she also said that Prince's guitar in shaddow looked like a giant penis. It's still inconceivable at this date that the Colt's won. It only goes to show that nobody can predict the future even when the outcome seems obvious. Even if I had been right I would have done comentary on humility. I never claimed that "God" told me the Bears would win. I came up with that on my own. It's a greater sin to claim God did something that God didn't do. Even if the bears had won that might not necessarily have been because of a "dyspensation from God" for the Beats to win. It might have just been good playing. The same thing goes for the Colts. Personally I thought the commentary was biased all the way through in favor of the Colts. There just seemed to be more Colts fans than Bears fans.

I'd like to talk about electronic theory a little. If you're looking for a lecture on capacitors, resisters, diods and coils, you've come to the wrong place. Search the dumpster of your local Good Guys for these. I'd like to get more abstract and I apologise in advance to those of you with an IQ over 150, because to these I'm likely to come off as either over simplistic, or just pretentious. I'd also like to apologise for readers of early drafts of this file because there was a glairing error in one part. So I've been silent but deadly and now is the time for me to let rip even if it gives you an unconfortable feeling. (OK no more metaphores) People get screwed up over the most obvious things, for instance talking about a "digital" antenna. You don't need a "digital" antenna to get digital TV; you need a digital tuner. An antenna just increases the gain. Of course unlike analog, digital is not subject to snow or static or double images you get on analog. If you want "analog" defined- - analog numbers are "real numbers" and they are characterized by decimal point figures that go off to infinity and never repeat. We are getting away from analog. Now they have digital radios which like I say are not subject to static or that other problem of FM, wave clipping, otherwise known as fuzz or distortion. "Overmodulation" is most comonly seem by an amplifyer turned up too high without enough power so you get "wave clipping". That is the tops of the waves are flat lines rather than normal spikes. This gives you that fuzz distortion. On FM overmodulation is also caused by the station not properly locking on to a frequency. You can best think of AM as "frequency modulation" and think of FM as "volume" modulation. What this means is that the FM waves ocelates between two frequencies that are 200 kilocycles (or kilohertz) apart, giving you about fifty or sixty decibles of dynamic range, of you're lucky. Dynamic range if the radio or decible count (done on a logarithmic scale) between the softest sound you can hear on that radio and the loudest sound. If you are not properly atuned to that proper 200 hilohertz bandwidth you get "wave clipping". You don't get distortion on AM because AM works on "frequency" varience or modulation. AM radio has an accompanying modulating wave from the primary wave that causes "beat" frequencies that make up the sound. This means that a 5000 sound is either 5000 cycles either above or below the primary wave. AM is deliberately dezigned to sound inferior. Just as the phone company deliberatly engeneers their sound on purpose to sound like crap. There is nothing inherently in the wires that makes it sound like that. Even a modist 35 kilobits per second computer will give you a vastly superior sound to a phone line. When you turn in an AM station the higher frequencies of the sound are off to the side of the signal so if you off-tune it a little sometimes you get better highs. If there's any wave clipping it affects only the high frequencies by not picking them off. It doesn't give you the sort of flattened, mutant waves you get by an ill tuned FM station. Just to review decibles is the SN ratio otherwise known as dynamic range. Ideal is eighty but FM is probably only 50 or 60 decibles.

I'd like to talk about waves. Last night a friend of mine was asking if a computer program can draw a parabolic curve. Parabolic curves of course are defined as the equal distance between a dot and a straight line. The figure is used in rising or falling missiles, but it's also used in focusing light in lenzes. It's also the shape of the reflecter in your auto headlights or a flashlight, ideally. A hyperbolic curve is based on the 90 degree angle rather than a 180 angle. Normally things that should be drawn on a logarithmic curve come out in a hyperbola when done on a straight numeric curve. Population growth is like this. Stock prices often graph out on a hyperbolic curve but in this case since you are actually measuring how much money people are making off their investment, you want a numeric scale rather than a logarithmic scale. This guy asked me if you had to get a "3D: card to see 3D on your computer. No you don't but you may need more memory. 3D is not a physical property of the screen but only in the software. It also seems to me there should be no distinction than, say, "color" vidio tape or "black and white" vidio tape. The tape shouldn't care. It's just a carrying medium. It's the coding that counts. People want to know about sine waves. Sine waves are pure sound. You can modulate them, but don't confuse this modulation with radio modulation. Sine waves are based on the trigometric sine figure graph. These are called circular trigometric readings because they graph out in a circle if you're doing program graphics like in BASIC based on turning objects. (3D graphics also incorporates trigometric readings) But if you measure out wave magnitude on a forward time basic you get a sine wave. You've all seen sine waves. They opperate on the one, two, three principle. One third the way up is half the square root of one. Half the way up or 45 degrees is half the square root of two. This is the median power of the wave. Half the time it's above this and half the time it's below this. .707 is a key figure to remember. 2/3rds the way up is half the square root of three in measuring power. The top of the wave is obviously half the square root of four. Waves obviously interract with each other and there are points of in phase strength of signal and out of phase weakness of signal. Digital does not change these machinations of wave interractions.

Leo Le Port was saying that a million or 1.3 megapizel picture consists of 480 by 640 pixels or something. His math is suspect. A million pixels is obviously a thousand by a thousand and if you can achieve that you are doing well. What Leo may be thinking of is 1.3 megabits. That's bits and not bytes. Bytes are still seen as consisting of eight bits. 1.3 megabytes may well be 640 by 480 pixels because there are three bytes per pixel. When there were 240 colors there was a one byte to one pixel corospondance. This allowed eight bits per byte. A two to one ratio would allow for 6500 colors and you'd think that would be enough but it isn't. Now you ned ten million or so colors. In a typical analog TV picture you have a hundred thousand variences. Analog does not per se transmit in pixels. A TV picture in analog is AM transmitted using about a 4.5 megahertz frequency varience. This means in the AM format you have 4.5 million variations in wave dynamic. But you have to devide six magahertz by sixty because there are sixty frames per second. This gives you the hundred thousand figure. TV works on a single sideband principle. The other side is surpressed. The sound is FM and at the top of the six magacycle band. When FM encounters phase interfearance it either has snow weakness or else wave clipping or fuzz distortion. When the AM picture wigs out with image phase interferance it behaves like a short wave AM signal does. It does not automatically black out. You get manifestations such as ghost images and also loss of shading. With waves it makes little difference where you "bounce" off the ionesphere, like in AM short wave, or "bounce" off physical objects like TV waves, which are about a meter accross so interact with objects. Vertical controls the number of lines per each 60th. of a second scan and horizontal controls the speed of the scan. TV unlike AM radio does not have a "default" of silence. Because the found is FM The picture is not a default black but gray. Snow comes black and also white. Perhaps this is due to TV being single side-band and not double. The "default" is gray, which means if you see black in the picture, it's modulate, and if you see white, it's modulated. The color in the picture comes from the other 1/60th. second of the picture. These "gaps" are filled in with color because a TV will repeat a 525 line picture twice each 30th. of a second tomake up an entire "frame". You know something? We've said enough.

Leo Le Port seemed to have a little bit of trouble a few months ago in talking about the relative strengths of waves. With optics and electronics it's the same. An object four feet away will only get a quarter the light or resolution as an object two feet away, and it could be yards, miles or anything we're talking about. Picture a "disons sphere" like they talk about in Startrek. This is an imaginary sphere where every surface is equal distant from the source. If this sphere were only half the radius than four times as much energy would hit the sphere. What this means is that a radio or TV (or digital) station has only a quarter the power fifty miles away as it does 25 miles away. Also the strength of signal varies with the length of the wave. Waves at one megahurt or 1000 kilihertz in the AM band have a hundred times as much inherent strength as 100 megahert waves do in the FM band. The higher the frequency the less the inherent strength. I did a BASIC program based on this formula. AM signals would be more powerful in the day time were it not for the curviture of the earth. Very long wave signals actually travel along the curviture of the earth. AM at night and short waves bounce off the ionesphere and so when you do your measurements of strength now the curviture of the earth is no longer a disatvantage. Gain is the amount of signal boosting your TV and antenna do. It says on the package there is such a thing as "too much gain" but I don't see it that way.

Calculus regards infinity as different from other math branches. Others will say that parrellel lines never meet but calculus regards infinity as a mesauragle fixed comodity and has equations based on this. Many other equations need to be repeated an infinite number of times like Base E or the golden mean progression to be completely accurate. There is the whole realm of hyperbolic trig functions we haven't even gone into where the functions of sine, cosine, and tangent seem to graph out into hyperbolas. In an artist drawing parrellel lines meet at infinity. The Federation has the "zero is infinity" principle. They call this the seventh dimension. A camera lens focused at infinity will focus down to an infinetessable point. Once again infinity is seen as an exact finite point of focus. Metaphysically what this means is that if you were aware of everything you would not be specifically aware of anything. You would be like in Nirvana. It is said the dead are not aware of nothing. This isn't just a double negative. To be aware of nothing you still have to be aware. If you're really dead, not even "non existance" exists, so you can't be in that state. Perhaps this is what they mean by Universal conscience. Everything in the universe is Aware.

Now they are saying that Bush may actually be sending fifty thousand more troops into Iraq and not 20,000. John Mc Cain has chided democrats almost goading them into cutting off funding of troops for real if that's what they want to do, rather than "not putting their money where there mouth is" and voting for a non binding resolution with no force of law. His point is well taken. If the democrats are going to be relivant in the next two years they have got to have "party discipline" and work together. I hope you have enjoyed the topics discussed today.