Monday, November 18, 2019

Trump May Resign for Medical Reasons Very Soon

President Trump may resign for health reasons according to Stephanie.  They say there is evidence it could be today or tomorrow.  There is some limited allusion to this on Google.  But mostly they say that Trump will resign because of all of this impeachment stuff cascading in all around him.  But I darkly suspect this may be just a democratic pipe dream.  The rumor mill is working overtime perhaps because they secretly fear that no bad the mounting evidence against Trump there is, that he will survive all the charges and rise in the polls after his ordeal the way Clinton did after his impeachment.  But the evidence isn’t in yet either way as far as the polls are concerned.  There just might be something horribly medically wrong with Trump that could undo him.  Or maybe the medical grounds would just provide a fig leaf of an excuse to save face.  At lunch today Patty says the latest buzz among Republican web sites is that the democrats are only doing the impeachment thing to shake lose republican votes and undermine their confidence in the President.  This is what AOC said also.  It's a plausible theory but I'm not convinced myself.  Many fear the impeachment backlash.  More of the president's base will turn out to the polls to express their undying support of the President.  It's not an issue based on facts any more but the basest of emotional appeals of face saving.  Some people will go to any lengths not to admit they were wrong about a candidate.  He represents their racist, xenophobic and homophobic values and their deep seated fear of taking their guns away.  This thing just posted without my pushing the button.

.  I turned on Democracy Now.  Bolivia has just installed a fascist fundamentalist Christian dictatorship by unsavory means.  I don’t think it’s legal what they did in removing the entire cabinet and all.  Apparently this new regeims has the support of none of the population but some force is keeping them in power.  I would suppose this new regeime is friends with Trump, who never met a totalitarian he didn’t like.  They then had that Black guy in Texas who just had his Wednesday execution date lifted so friends of his can finger the guilty party and present evidence of his innocence.  Then it was Stephanie miller and the sound was staticky.  I have it on now.  We had corn flakes for  breakfast.  But as I was saying it's all a political divide.  It's God and Jesus and the white corporate fascists against us ordenary citizens of the world community, who just want to be decent human beings inhabiting the planet.

 .  I watched “God Friended Me”.  Today our hero was hooked up with a guy seven years ago who walked away from the “God account” because he would have had to give up love if he were to continue and “be a prophet”.  The God account wanted Miles to be a prophet and it seems asif Miles has the choice to now walk away from the God account.   I”ll have more to say about this later.  “Madam Secretary” is still on but I don’t know when   As a determinist deist I could see how "God" would at least "allow" or permit some flookish thing to happen like that.  It would be stretching coincidence to think such "God Friended Me" notices to come every week and help a different person out, but it's not out of the realm of possability.   So in this I disagree with Mile's father who says such a thing is "Definitely not God".  Everything is God; therefore this is God.  

As a prophet the question is what my own message would be.  The first message were I speaking for God is that the doctrine of Soul Sleep is reality.  None of us has gone to heaven when they did with the possibility of Elijah and St John the Divine.  But not the vast majority of us.  The majority of Biblical doctrine supports this "sleeping in the grave" style soul sleep.  Only a sliver of a minority supports "Going to heaven to live with Jesus for an eternity".   But my other points would involve the Passion of Christ and the formation of the Christian church to begin with.  There was a radio show called "remote viewing" where it was stated that you are more likely to be accurate in "viewing" future events- - events that haven't happened yet- - then viewing past ones where certain things are known and our brain uses these known facts to synthisize a mental image.  So the first thing I would say about the crucifixion of Christ is to erase from your mind all of the movies and sermons you've seen and start from a few knowable facts.  One of these facts may be that Jesus or Judas in my oppinion was crucified on November 24th AD 29 during a partial eclipse of the sun.  this explains the three hours of darkness.   Next we have the hint of the fig tree.  Fig trees lose their leaves in the fall and not in the spring.  We have the hint that it was cold in Jerusalem after midnight.  This is no earth shaker but it's another fact.  We also have the Barrabus thing.  Why would this participoant in a "riot" be mentioned in all four gospels?  At least one book says his name was Jesus.  So you have "Jesus so and so",which is what Barrabus means.  We have here a legal flook of a guy getting off.  One guy gets the cross and the other gets his freedom.  It's my assertion that the guy who got his freedom was the guy we know as Jesus Christ.  I believe he went first to Egypt and then to Rome.  Maybe he went to Egypt to visit with Philo of Alexandria.  I don't know.  There is even a story that "Barrabus" himself was crucified about thirty years later.  I can't help the fact that Jesus and Peter may be conflated at this point.  Anyhow this would be the subject of my Prophecy if I were allowed a platform for people to listen.  I've posted stuff in these blogs but I'm not sure how many readers I get. 

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