Monday, November 25, 2019

Four Reasons to be an Atheist

I told a couple of people last week the best theory as to why there is apparently no stated "quid pro quo" that we can find that Trump said  to Putin.  It's because the relation didn't start this year or last year or in 2016.  It began at least ten years ago. Trump and Putin have had a longstanding  relationship for all this time.  If you were a judge or a jury trying a case you wouldn't look to the end of a relationship to find out how it began; you would trace the relationship back to beginning and did around there till you found something.  There no doubt were quid pro quo type statements but they were made a long time ago back in 2009 or whenever, to establish the relationship.  It's kind of like tracing out a church doctrine.  If you were to trace when Jesus as the sacrifical "Lamb of God" doctrine got started you would have to go to the people who believed in sacrificing animals in worship.  You would look to the Jewish Temple, which is the last place they want you to look.  You would look to the Jewish priests, who are the one group of people Jesus actually respected.  Even when he was being tried by the Jewish priests in the Bible's own words, Jesus did not revile the priests or call it some kind of a kangaroo court.  What I think happened is that we assume that Judas Iscariot who betrayed Jesus did so on kind of a whim or talked into it at the last minute.  What if Judas had been a thorn in Jesus side for some months forever talking about "The Law" and being Jewish and sacrifices and all.  Perhaps Judas betrayed Judas because he wanted to bring Jesus' ministry back to the Jewish Law.  What if there were a whole fifth collum in the ranks of the Jewish priests who secretly wanted to destroy Jesus' ministry from within.  Later on they still believed in their doctrine of trying to come up with a "sacrifice for all time" that would preserve spiritual Zionism and somehow rescue scripture that was going unfilled as far as God's promises to Israel concerning the Messiah are concerned.  You could have a Messiah but it needn't be one who is alive, you know.  A dead Messiah is easier to handle.  He doesn't talk back.  He never disagrees with any of your half baked schemes about setting up some kind of a new Organization to worship this Messiah that would be world wide.  And eventually just maybe God would return and set up Zion. 

There are four good reasons to be an Atheist.  They can be divided into two basic reasons.  One is that you can "stop looking for God because he doesn't exist.  He can't be found if he doesn't exist.  Also you don't have to say "God damn it" every time something doesn't go your way or you somehow think God has it in for you and are "Lashing out at him" as psychologists love to say.  You can't "lash out" against something or someone who couldn't care less what you think because in human terms, he doesn't even qualify as being Alive.  And if he isn't Alive he can't feel anything.  And the last thing you want to do is to have a one way conversation with yourself.  People are driven crazy that way.  But the other big reason for being an Atheist is accountability.  There is no one to tithe too, or give one tenth of your worldly goods to.  And there is no Church to interject themselves and say "God can't be reached right now but he sent me here as his representative to receive your gifts.  Next of all if you are a scientist you don't have to worry that "God is looking over your shoulder" forever fearful that you might discover some secret that would unmask him and somehow reveal that he's a fraud to begin with.  And people who unmask people in Ancient times are guilty of a horrible offence of blasphamy or something and are put to death.  Finally we have the idea that we don't have a national religion that requires the same object of worship in all Americans and if you somehow don't believe there is something horribly wrong with you.   Maybe we'll have a gay president before we ever have a Moslem, an Atheist or even a Jew.  Jews can be dangerous you know because they don't believe Jesus died on the cross for their sins.  Imagine a Atheist world.  The chances are if nobody else believed in God around you then you wouldn't either.  NOT believing would be Normal and believers would be looked on as odd.  But as it is there is social pressure all around us to at least fake like you're a Christian.  Think about it. 

Sunday, November 24, 2019

The Age of Anti Conspiracy

This is the season of the anti conspiracy people.  The word “conspiracy theory” is like poison to any call in person on a radio talk show.  Nobody wants to have even a taint of conspiracy theory.  This is unfortunate because there is a lot to get paranoid about these days.  We have the Kennedy assassination conspiracy of course.  That one is over fifty years old and some say “give me something more recent than that”.  There is the 9 – 11 conspiracy.  There are tons of entries on the internet with ample evidence there are more than irregularities in the events of 9 – 11 and I won’t even list them here.  But now there are people who don’t even believe that Russia sabotaged our presidential and other elections of 2016 and don’t seem particularly worried that it could happen again.  This is highly unfortunate.  We’re all a bunch of lemmings following our esteemed leader, Donald J. Trump over a cliff.  Any evidence you present to them is at most “a test of their faith” and they aren’t about to fail any “tests” of their undying loyalty.  Now the polls apparently show Trump with rising popularity numbers after all of the house hearings of the past two weeks.  The hearings are apparently backfiring, having the opposite effect of what perhaps some democrats were hoping for.  Now of course we’re getting ahead of ourselves because the House hasn’t yet even formulated Articles of Impeachment yet. I’d like to know how many articles they intend to have- - few or many.  That will take at least a month to do and this week is the Thanksgiving recess.  Hopefully they will get it done by Christmas.  But now Lindsay Graham and Mitch Mc Connell say that the trial itself will last only two weeks.  This is not even vaguely possible if they intend to present any evidence, on either the pro or the anti-Trump side.  Hopefully we will hear from some of these administration officials like John Boulton, who haven’t testified yet.  Hopefully we don’t have to wait till they put out their book several years from now when the damage is done.   Perhaps it’s a temptation to say “Well you knew this was going to happen; you knew there would be a backlash”.  I just didn’t think it would come this soon.   The smart thing seems to be to abort the senate trial before it can take place to minimize the damage.  Now we can get back to our orgy of Walt Disney movies. 

Arguments "from the lesser to the greater" are interesting.  We would not trust worship of an alien being from another galaxy or something even if he were vastly more intelligent and advanced than we are.  It would be BECAUSE he is so "advanced" (as he sees it) and "so far beyond us" in intelligence that we could not porribly hope to relate to him.  How much less could we relate to a being who supposedly lives OUTSIDE or our universe and created our universe perhaps with the carefree abandon that a seven year old does a painting he wants us to see?  We don't know HOW much thought he put into the Universe.  Perhaps it was quite a lot of thought.  But we would know that his reasoning would be entirely different from ours.  It could not possibly be called "human" reasoning.  To think humans are "at the top of the creation chain" is vanity on our part.  You would not lend someone you didn't know or trust a great deal of money and not care if you never saw it again.  But humans trust such an "Entity" with our very lives and all of our posessions.   Then there is the Neil Savedra argument.  He says he doesn't regard the "Second Coming" as very important because "Last Things" should be treated "Last" in our priorities.  Be this as it may- - - what about death.  Everybody dies.  But nobody has the vaguest idea about the after life.  Now tell me- - which is the greater leap in faith.  To believe that while we live there may be some sort of "space invasion" of the Messiah and his angels-- - - - or is it the existance of heaven which nobody has seen and there have been no reports of anybody coming back from the dead to tell us "it's allright".  once you die.  We then have theology, which is a train wreck of  confusion.  For instance- - - do we believe there is a connection between comitting "Sin" and bad things happening to us.  If we don't sin does that mean bad things don't happen to us.  You may say that is a silly question but if you think about it human oppinion is pretty divided on the subject.   We can argue also about whether we are expected to even have a relationship to God at all.  Some would say it's presumptious to think we can have a relationship with God.  If you took all of the theological differences even in the Bible, reconsiling them would be nearly impossible.  The old testament speaks of sin offering as being for the removal of curses.  People don't know that.  I can look at my life and say "I think I've been cursed" on a whole lot of matters.  Many say that we aren't even supposed to talk directly to Jesus but pray "To the father only in the NAME of the son".   Jesus doesn't do too much talking in the Book of Acts, for instance.  Then there is the whole question as to whether "the spiritual gifts" were just for that time to prove a "theological point" or does God still sanction "the spiritual gifts" for our time, too.  Then we have this new "Cyrus the Great" doctrine.   Donald Trump may not be a true Born Again Christian but he was "sent here by God- - -to liberate us from those socialist, atheist democrats".  Even if you had perfect theology up to now, how could you get past having to embrace the words and deeds of President Trump in order to be "one of them".  (Selah)  

Monday, November 18, 2019

Trump May Resign for Medical Reasons Very Soon

President Trump may resign for health reasons according to Stephanie.  They say there is evidence it could be today or tomorrow.  There is some limited allusion to this on Google.  But mostly they say that Trump will resign because of all of this impeachment stuff cascading in all around him.  But I darkly suspect this may be just a democratic pipe dream.  The rumor mill is working overtime perhaps because they secretly fear that no bad the mounting evidence against Trump there is, that he will survive all the charges and rise in the polls after his ordeal the way Clinton did after his impeachment.  But the evidence isn’t in yet either way as far as the polls are concerned.  There just might be something horribly medically wrong with Trump that could undo him.  Or maybe the medical grounds would just provide a fig leaf of an excuse to save face.  At lunch today Patty says the latest buzz among Republican web sites is that the democrats are only doing the impeachment thing to shake lose republican votes and undermine their confidence in the President.  This is what AOC said also.  It's a plausible theory but I'm not convinced myself.  Many fear the impeachment backlash.  More of the president's base will turn out to the polls to express their undying support of the President.  It's not an issue based on facts any more but the basest of emotional appeals of face saving.  Some people will go to any lengths not to admit they were wrong about a candidate.  He represents their racist, xenophobic and homophobic values and their deep seated fear of taking their guns away.  This thing just posted without my pushing the button.

.  I turned on Democracy Now.  Bolivia has just installed a fascist fundamentalist Christian dictatorship by unsavory means.  I don’t think it’s legal what they did in removing the entire cabinet and all.  Apparently this new regeims has the support of none of the population but some force is keeping them in power.  I would suppose this new regeime is friends with Trump, who never met a totalitarian he didn’t like.  They then had that Black guy in Texas who just had his Wednesday execution date lifted so friends of his can finger the guilty party and present evidence of his innocence.  Then it was Stephanie miller and the sound was staticky.  I have it on now.  We had corn flakes for  breakfast.  But as I was saying it's all a political divide.  It's God and Jesus and the white corporate fascists against us ordenary citizens of the world community, who just want to be decent human beings inhabiting the planet.

 .  I watched “God Friended Me”.  Today our hero was hooked up with a guy seven years ago who walked away from the “God account” because he would have had to give up love if he were to continue and “be a prophet”.  The God account wanted Miles to be a prophet and it seems asif Miles has the choice to now walk away from the God account.   I”ll have more to say about this later.  “Madam Secretary” is still on but I don’t know when   As a determinist deist I could see how "God" would at least "allow" or permit some flookish thing to happen like that.  It would be stretching coincidence to think such "God Friended Me" notices to come every week and help a different person out, but it's not out of the realm of possability.   So in this I disagree with Mile's father who says such a thing is "Definitely not God".  Everything is God; therefore this is God.  

As a prophet the question is what my own message would be.  The first message were I speaking for God is that the doctrine of Soul Sleep is reality.  None of us has gone to heaven when they did with the possibility of Elijah and St John the Divine.  But not the vast majority of us.  The majority of Biblical doctrine supports this "sleeping in the grave" style soul sleep.  Only a sliver of a minority supports "Going to heaven to live with Jesus for an eternity".   But my other points would involve the Passion of Christ and the formation of the Christian church to begin with.  There was a radio show called "remote viewing" where it was stated that you are more likely to be accurate in "viewing" future events- - events that haven't happened yet- - then viewing past ones where certain things are known and our brain uses these known facts to synthisize a mental image.  So the first thing I would say about the crucifixion of Christ is to erase from your mind all of the movies and sermons you've seen and start from a few knowable facts.  One of these facts may be that Jesus or Judas in my oppinion was crucified on November 24th AD 29 during a partial eclipse of the sun.  this explains the three hours of darkness.   Next we have the hint of the fig tree.  Fig trees lose their leaves in the fall and not in the spring.  We have the hint that it was cold in Jerusalem after midnight.  This is no earth shaker but it's another fact.  We also have the Barrabus thing.  Why would this participoant in a "riot" be mentioned in all four gospels?  At least one book says his name was Jesus.  So you have "Jesus so and so",which is what Barrabus means.  We have here a legal flook of a guy getting off.  One guy gets the cross and the other gets his freedom.  It's my assertion that the guy who got his freedom was the guy we know as Jesus Christ.  I believe he went first to Egypt and then to Rome.  Maybe he went to Egypt to visit with Philo of Alexandria.  I don't know.  There is even a story that "Barrabus" himself was crucified about thirty years later.  I can't help the fact that Jesus and Peter may be conflated at this point.  Anyhow this would be the subject of my Prophecy if I were allowed a platform for people to listen.  I've posted stuff in these blogs but I'm not sure how many readers I get. 

Saturday, November 09, 2019

November Fifth's Elections

Yesterday November 5th was a bad day for President.  Trump “personally lost the campaign in Kentucky” if you believe his words.  The democratic candidate for the governor of Kentucky won by four tenths of a percent, a real squeaker.  Trump campaigned as late as last night and if the Republican governor lost then what does it portend for Majority Leader Mc Connell?  Both Democracy Now and Stephanie made this a major news event they talked about.  So let’s all celebrate.  Trump is also in trouble because of that witness who reversed his testimony yesterday.  It was the ambassador to the European Economic Union who now says there was indeed quid pro quo.  He had his memory “refreshed” due to Taylor’s testimony.   Rick Unger had a poll out on Monday that stated that the President could pull off another victory in 2020 because the President is still holding his own in the battleground sates of Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania.  Biden is only leading by three points in these states.  Given the propensity to sampling error this makes it a toss up right there and maybe Trump will win these states again.  This assume that not one voter will be swayed by all the public impeachment hearings coming next week.  It also assumes that the stock market will continue to make new highs till election day a year from now.  Otherwise the President is trailing badly to the major democratic candidates in viewed in ordenary terms.  I wish there were a point when the democrats could feel confident and relax a little but that isn't going to happen.  

Michael Bloomberg, ex major of New York, is running for President next year.  They say he's four times as rich as President Trump.  He's famous for cutting the crime rate to to implementation of the stop and frisk policy.  This could lose him votes with Blacks.  They say he's big on climate control and ecology stuff.  He's obviously tough on firearms control.  Joe Biden is not upset by his entering the race but perhaps he should be.  He could muddle the political waters a bit.  

Monday, November 04, 2019

The Last Two Months

This is the first blog post I have done in nearly two months.  The whole bug spraying saga we've alluded to before takes up to October 11th but after that I came down with one of these multi week virus.  However the virus started later and ended sooner than the five week virus I got last year.  But it still made me mentally disorganized.  Let me walk you through the chronology of events before and on October 11th.   It started September 3rd when the original bug announcement was made.  I said I "fell off the wagon".   I had five 24 ounce beer cans in the space of a week.  I don't call that falling off the wagon.  All five beers were Tacate, in case you are curious.   It was the following Tuesday, which would have been the tenth in the afternoon where we were expected to separate out our "trash" or things we're going to get rid of.  Cathy Larson's room was invaded and all sorts of her stuff ended up in the trash bin.  I was luckier than that.  I just had a big trash bag.  This was a Tuesday afternoon.  That Thursday two days later in the late afternoon I became aware that they were clearing out people's rooms of all posessions.  This occurred with me on Saturday morning.  I also put more stuff in a trash bag I wanted thrown out, and it was.   That was Saturday September 14th.   The actual spraying was Wednesday September 18th.  We had to take a shower in public.  That was a little strange.  We were given new clothes because they were that paranoid.   I did not get to go back into my room till nine twenty in the evening.  The antenna reception never seemed the same after that. On Wednesday October 2nd I went with my brother to Wall Mart to get a shaver that I needed because the other one was barely working.  Also I didn't have any shaver because everything was taken.  I didn't have any checks to pay the rent and we had to go to the bank to get these too.  This next sentence is out of sequence. The next event of import wasn't till a week and a half later on Saturday September 28th.  This is the day the TV and the computer were taken away in case bugs got in the electronics.  There is one more incident.  On Monday September 16th just about all of our clothes were taken.  We did not get the clothes back till Saturday October 5th.   On September 30th, which was a Monday, we had our usual resident's council meeting.  We had stuff "explained" to us.   On Tuesday October 8th we got our TV's and computers back.  On Friday October 11th. we got the rest of our stuff back.  All of this probably means nothing to you but I just thought I would include it as a token of what's been going on the previous two months.  I honestly thought it would take longer to go through.