Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Travels of the Trumpster

First President Trump went to Saudi Arabia.  The thing that stood out here is Trump's strong siding on behalf of the Sunni Moslems against the Shiite Moslems.  Trump seemed to endorse all of the military escapades by Saudi Arabia against her neighbors, for instance in Yemen, where they are fighting for freedom but the Saudis want to deny them that.  Clearly with all of the weapons sales going on Trump is hoping for a major war in the Mideast.  The other thing Trump did was his kiss-ass performance refusing to call ISIS as radical Islamic terrorists, something he made such a big issue out of in the 2016 campaign.  It would seem that Trump in particular wants some attack against Iran.  They just reelected a moderate in that country who is democratically supported by its citizens.  Trump seems to have a thing against both free elections and moderate.  Trump didn't visit moderate Islamic nations such as Egypt, Jordan and Lebanon.  Trump loves these despotic dictators such as in the Philipines and in Turkey.  Why Trump is making such a big thing about being friendly with Turkey I don't know.  The Turkish government sure isn't friendly toward our citizens.  Then Trump moved on to Israel.  What stands out here is this clinging to the two state solution in Palestein.  Clearly the Palestinian situation has deteriorated so far that a two state solution is no longer in the picture.  What you have essentially are two prison camps.  One on the West Bank and hopefully geographically fragmented with all of the best land taken by Israel.  The other more glaring case is in Gaza.  Israel has bombed those people into near lifelessness.  It's a wonder they have the spirit to do anything.  They are a beaten down people who have been forgotten by the rest of the world.  What is necessary is for these Palestinians to be afforded the same civil rights as Israeli citizens.  But that's not going to happen.  It's like Jimmy Carter says in his book.  It's functional Aparteit.  They are a permanent class of second or third class citizens with no hope their situation will ever get better than it is right now without the United Nations stepping in.  The United Nations has pass numerous resolutions against Israel's actions and most all of them have been vetoed by the United States.  Today Trump visits the Vatican.  One can only wonder what sort of conversations President Trump had with Pope Francis.  I imagine they were very awkward.  Trump't trip won't get any easier when he goes to Brussels and has to tangle with all those trade people, and deal with the frustrations of NATO, an organization Trump criticized heavily in the Presidential campaign last year.

Donald Trump’s secret may be as simple according to Norman Goldman, as the knowledge that people are binary in their thinking and want basic, simple questions answered and once these are agreed to they have these people on the right locked in come hell or high water.  It’s like buying a car and all you want to know is “What is the monthly payment” and once they know that they don’t care about how much they pay or whether the car is really a good deal.  In this case Republicans have no appetite for nuance or shades of gray.  They also don’t care about the full spectrum of Presidential responsibilities.  All they want to know is whether he’s pro God and anti gay and anti minorities taking their pay checks and hiking their taxes.  They don’t care whether Trump is fundamentally emotionally immature or will get us into a war or even whether he’ll balloon the deficit or crash the economy.  It’s how Trump won.

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