Friday, August 07, 2015

Trump May Run As a Third Party

Let’s talk about last night’s debate even though I was forced to sit it out because I don’t have cable.  Thom Hartman alledges that FOX news “set up” Donald Trump to run for a third party by antagonizing him and stirring up his supporters into more of a frenzy than they already are, because statistically right wing outlets do better with a Democrat in the White House.  There’s showing it now that Trump was the only candidate who refused to pledge to support the Republican Candidate.  Trump said “I pledge to support the republican candidate if I’m that candidate”.   The FOX reporters were hard on Trump.  They mentioned the Bill Clinton phone call.  Some said “Trump is hedging his bets”, so he donates to democrats.  And Megan Kelly mentioned about Trump’s hostile references to women over the years speaking in sexually very off color terms.   Rand Paul and Chris Christie squared off on the fourth amendment, with Christie saying that Paul was soft on terrorism.  Christie wants to investigate every American whether they have probable cause or not.  Thom Hartman said “Rand Paul lost because he comes off as rather squirrely”.   Carly Feurina won the “kiddy table” debate because she referenced Bill Clinton’s phone call to Trump, and some say “Feurina and Rick Perry may be promoted to the adult table next time.  Bush and Walker were playing “not to lose” and I haven’t heard any quote from Jebbers.  Scott Walker said he would not allow an abortion even to save the life of the mother but that the life of the fetus is more important.  John Kesech talked about compassion for gay people- - and compassion is what the Republican party needs, and got applause.  Many people say Trump was on the defensive and that Trump is declaring war on Megan Kelly.  Pundits say “The winner of the debate was FOX news”.  FOX news reporters were especially hard on the debaters at the kiddy table early debate.  Lindsey Gram made some pretty solid statements in terms of having a hard line and pro war foreign policy.  This “No quarter – take no prisoners” foreign policy is something many including Trump and Shawn Hannity can agree on.  But there was a host of questions that apparently weren’t asked at all.  There was nothing on trade policies, or economic income equality, or global warming, or “Black lives matter”,   And there were no express question on election financing reform or Citizen’s United.  And apparently Donald Trump was shielded from questions about religion, as though his answer might not be pleasing to this right wing crowd.   Ben Carson and Huckibee complained that they hardly got time to say anything at all.  The decision was made to place the candidates with the higher poll numbers at the middle of the table and these would be Bush and Trump.

  One posting in Washington's blog was saying Israel has NEVER been a democracy, and it referenced another that I read going into the history of Israel calling itself “Jewish” but neither a “Republic” nor a “democracy” because they just don’t like those words and are incompatible with the Jewish notion of theocracy- - believe it or not.  I would add to these observations that they engaged in scare tactics in the last election stampeding conservatives to vote because they said "Arabs are being bussed in to vote".   If you're lucky enough to actually be an Israeli citizen it's OK if you're an Arab, I guess.  But nobody is talking about a "One state solution" because that would mean that all the occupied peoples on the West Bank and Gaza- - would be full fledged citizens and have the right to vote, and this would obviously be an intollerable state.   No candidate, even Netanyahu, wins a majority of the vote as it is- - and having Palestinians voting would insure that people like the current Prine Minister would never win another election, otherwise known as the Dick Chaney of the Mideast.  But it is odd you never hear the phrase "The Republic of Israel" and I'm wondering why.  Israel is also developing a concentration of wealth at the top problem and twenty families control half of the government.  There was another blog on how President Obama has crafted and orchestrated the hostility the whole world feels toward Russia now, and certainly since his reelection in 2012 the President has worked tirelessly to get people in this country to hate and distrust Russia.  And he has certainly succeeded.  But if I lived in Ukraine I’d just must to myself “Thank God it was Russia that Obama set his sights on and not us, because the President could have just as early found reasons to hate us”.  I imagine this is what people like Bones are saying.  One GW blog talked about Bernie Sanders and his scant references to the military and the DOD on his web sites.  Someone said “It’s as though 54% of the discretionary budget did not exist.”  OK.

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