Thursday, April 09, 2015

150 Years Ago was a Good Start

Today is the 150th anniversary of Robert E Lee's surrender to U S Grant at Appamatix court house ending the civil war.  As such it is a day which Blacks should celebrate because it least it bought them some temporary equal rights.  There was this black man son of a doctor who lived in Ladera Heights.  But in Junior High school because of school boundary lines- - he found himself going to school with poorer Blacks.  This was in the late seventies – about the time Daryl Gates was making his rise to power.  As you know in grammar school- - I went to a school that had a higher percentage of Blacks- - - it was one of those brick buildings that was all paved in asphalt for the playground the way LA schools are.  I hung out with white kids who tended to be older, because my criteria was intelligence and who could I have a good conversation with.  And at age fourteen he took a ride with some kids into south central Los Angeles.  And the LAPD stopped the car and had them all out on the curb with their fingers interlaced behind their heads while the police searched the car.  And one of the teenagers protested and said “We didn’t do anything wrong; why are you hasseling us?” and the Police pulled a weapon out of the police car in the baggie wrapping and said “You see this .38 revolver that was used in a murder?  We just found it in your car”.  So they knew right then they’d better “styffle” and count their blessings.  They were let go.  Were it not for that vidwo of the South Carolina shooting- - that white officer would be a hero and by now would be raising a gigantic political slush fund.  In terms of the rat poison in prison story with the guy that shot the Eric Garner video, there is an alternate story about it.  There was one prisoner who raped a female guard and the other prisoners smashed some plate glass to rescue the woman from the rapist.  But somehow- - maybe they were “punished” for being “rats” and not allowing the rape to go forward.  The cops would shine bright lights into his house at night and otherwise hassle the guy.  There was a story in the media that drugs were planted on him or something.  And there is talk the guy made bail bond but the authorities still wouldn’t let him go because according to Hartman “They’ll hold you for as long as they want to”.   I would just tell you that I don’t believe White people- - or even rich people who might be shielded even if they are Black- - don’t truly understand the day to day life of people in the Black ghetto.  Some of it is human nature as far as the police are concerned.  “If you’re a hammer then everything looks like a nail”.   So the cops admittedly deal with a lot of the scum of society each day and they think everyone they encounter is like that.   Not all shooting stories are with Black victims- - but too high a percentage of them are to be just coincidental.

I'm convinced the Iran - Contra scandal isn't studied enough in schools - or even by us adults who lived through it.  As far as I know there HAS been no objective movie on the Presidency of Ronald Reagan showing the scandal step by step.   As you know it's the stated policy of the United States government not to trade for hostages with either money or arms.  Nobody has ever explained why THIS case had to be different.  It's like all of the basic motivation for this trade have been scrubbed from the record.  The Reagan administration destroyed a lot of documents.  These hostages were in Lebanon held by a group called "The Islamic Republic" or something, with Iranian ties.  So it started off as arms for hostages- - - but then this Mc Farlane guy left in late 1985 after the United States on several successive dates, sold Iran all sorts of varied weaponry, TOW missiles and otherwise.  Then North and Poindexter came on board and it was their idea to get the funding of the Contras in Nicaragua into the act.  Otherwise they might call it the 1980 election secret deal with Iran - - - scandal.  Netenyahoo’s biography was scrubbed of his early carrier as ambassador to the United Nations from Israel.  Wikipedia plainly states that the money for the TOW missiles to Iran was funneled through Israel.   So Netenyahoo would have been clearly aware of it.   Many times Wikipedia will moderate their remarks by saying "This version is according to President Reagan", which is fine.  But then how about going through and getting every elses' oppinions too?  They try to midigate it by saying “Oh it was the moderate faction of the Ayatrolah regime”.   I’m not buying that one for a minute, and even if this ‘moderate’ thing is true- - how is that different from now?  Clearly this whole ploy about "Oh I was selling them to the Moderates" is a crock- - because there WERE no "moderates" running Iran at the time.  But it helps build a cover story to steer away people from discovering the Truth about the September 1980 deal Bill Casey made with Iran to get Reagan elected by holding off release of the hostages.  In terms of Israel's moral credibility- - it's clear they have none- - then or now.  Just as right now- - Israel functioned as the lap dog doing the bidding of the Republican Party of this country.  One thing that is slowly dawning on me is the extent to which Israel - - has basically this parasitic relation to the United States, and without the US, Israel could not exist.  I guess to speak in Roe vs Wade abortion terms, "Israel is not a viable organism" that can susvive outside the presence of the United States.   Why Netenyahoo is urging more Jewish people to emigrate to Israel is strange if Israel is such a "dangerous and violent place" to be as we are led by the PR to think of it as- - as if "one good attack and we could be wiped out at any moment".  And the government funds Abortions in Israel which is really strange, for a country that claims to be under-populated.

Shawn Hannity condemns the current deal with Iran and speaks of "letting down our allies in the region".    These would be Saudi Arabia, ruled by a "minority of Solifi Muslims" and Jordan, Israel, and the unelected military junta that took control in Egypt.   All of these "Allies" Shawn would have us to believe- - hate Iran more than they do ISIS.  Nobody has ever really explained where ISIS is getting their "vast funding" from.  A lot of it comes from Saudi Arabia, however.  As such it would seem that the Saudis need to "come clean" on this issue.  We all agree that ISIS needs to be eliminated from the world scene.  If Iran is helping us do that- - my philosophy is to "take out one enemy at a time".  Once ISIS has been eliminated, then we can worry about Iran.  Some are worried that Iran will get a nuclear bomb in thirteen years.  To my way of thinking IF that is true, it is a whole lot better than "in a few months" which the Israeli prime minister has been saying- - literally for years.  How is Iran a BIGGER mennace now than it was under President Ronald Reagan?  Back then we supposedly made an arms for hostages deal.  Did we ever get the hostages released safe?  Nobody seems to know that.  All we know is that suddenly the plan was changed by Oliver North and suddenly we didn't seem to care about those hostages.  Why was it so fashionable to play diplomatic footsie with Iran back then, and now with even the prospect of a deal, it's a major disaster according to Hannity?   Wouldn't a nuclear bomb free Iran be better.  Wouldn't it be better to strengthen the hand of those fighting on the same side we are to combat and erridadicate ISIS?

Does Rand Paul’s web site really put “Edumacation”?  Everybody thinks Rand alias Randell Paul - is a phoney.  When you just hear him making speech he sounds a little like Don Knotts- - after he's had a confidence in speaking course or something.  He sounds whimpy.  He's going to have to face reporters who aren't already on his side, but he's not getting off to a very good start.  Rand Paul “shooshed” Savanna Guthrie – putting his fingers to her lips like with a little kid - - who was trying to pin him down on why he’s changed position on various issues.  It's a simple enough matter to find out whether Rand Paul has changed his position on issues.  Just dig up his old speeches from a few years ago.  If indeed Rand Paul has NOT changed his positions on anything, these old speech transcripts will prove it.  Stephanie played “mini Kiss’ and “mini Queen” alluding to Rand Paul’s diminutive size.   Well it's time to move on and look to the next Republican candidate to step up to the plate now that Rand Paul has struck out.  I guess that would be Marco Rubio.  Just a word to the wise here.  The Latino segment of the population is a large one, and for Rubio to have a prayer with this group, he's going to have to stop being hostile to Latinos as a group.

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