Chris Matthews is calling this republican congress “chicken hawks”. They want to “bomb, bomb, bomb Iran” and yet there has been a war resolution the President has been trying to get passed against ISIS since last summer and congress has done nothing on that. It’s a truly queer situation. We don't have to "imagine" what Ted Cruz would do about ISIS. He and congress have already shown us. Nothing. Despite all of today's flowery rhetoric at today's NH convention, Ted Cruz is missing in action on this issue. So I say "Imagine" being the guy who's president when World War III begins and is the principal person responsible for wiping out half of humanity. Also the GW blog states that the patriot act is set to expire in a few weeks. It ought to be like a mortgage that’s finally paid off. I hear they used to have mortgage burning parties where now middle aged couples were free after thirty years. Now of course- - there is panic at the NSA because they don’t want their authority yanked or “sunsetted” in a few weeks. The thing is- some may say “Well we can give THIS President these broad rights to snoop because he’s “one of the good guys”. But we might well elect a president who is “Not one of the good guys”. Just think what would happen if we elected another Bush to the White House? Keep in mind Jeb’s record is just about as sleazy as his brother’s. If the Patriot was an “emergency measure” meant for the fall of 2001 when there were all these Anthrax laden letters floating around- - logically what we should do are two things – find out who sent these letters and then the Patriot Act will have served its function and we can let its provisions die a natural death. (Just like the Japanese internment camps were temporary) But congress has this screwball idea of renewing the Patriot Act authority and including it in some “American Freedom” bill. This idea is completely stupid. It reminds me of this so called “fiscal cliff” crisis we faced a few years ago where people who weigh in on the topic often didn’t know their ass from a hole in the ground. There WAS no “fiscal cliff”. This was just some invention of the lame stream media. The BEST thing we could have done then was absolutely nothing. We should have let all of the Bush tax rates sunset and go back to the Clinton rates, which seemed fine for us in the nineties. We have a similar type situation here where the prudent thing to do is what this congress is good at doing most of the time- - absolutely nothing. And I would say the same thing of the Trans Pacific Partnership. The wise thing to do is absolutely nothing. Don’t give me this “fast track” crap. Why is it when the WORST lasting legacy that Obama may give us in his eight years- - is the ONLY part of the President’s agenda that the Republicans are for. The TPP would surrender our sovereignty on things like product safety, safe conditions for workers, pollution regulations, and by the way “Any legal suit that could impact profits” is disallowed. Thus this bill takes away the power of our Courts, including the Supreme Court. Why suddenly is the Supreme Court so silent on this particular issue?
Rush Limbaugh and Shawn
Hannity both pointed out that Hillary Clinton has lied about how “all four of
her grandparents are immigrants’ when in reality only Hugh Rodem, her paternal
grandfather is from another country and came here as a child. Of course we know Hillary lied about her
Bosnia landing and immediately duck and covering because they were taking
sniper fire. Her meet and greets are
rehearsed ahead of time. She won’t even
talk to you if you pass her on the street, unless you’re part of the script. You can tell when Hillary is scripted because
she gets that sing-songy voice about her.
Washington’s blog has pointed out the E mail deletions and also
questions about security at the Libyan embassy in the middle of 2112. But most importantly she is a creature of
Wall Street, because Wall Street has sent the word they’d be perfectly happy
with either Hillary Clinton or Jeb Bush.
But what I find depressing is that she has no competitors. You’d think someone else would run against
her just to raise all of these issues- - and other issues you’ll no doubt think
of. But they don’t. Bobby Jendell turned a one billion dollar
surplus into a one and a half billion dollar deficit in the State of
Louisiana. Now he wants to strengthen
anti gay legislation, and the democrats are running this anti Jendell ad I
wonder what Ted Cruz learned at Harvard.
Rand Paul was a respectable opthamologist, so you can’t fault his work
This is after breakfast on Saturday April 18, 2015. We are coming up on a bunch of anniversaries in this period of time- most of them violent. Today is the Anniversary of the San Francisco earthquake in 1906. It’s also the anniversary of the battle of Lexington and Concord as well as the birth of the tea party in 2009. Tomorrow is the anniversary of Waco, where Janet Reno really was “over-bearing” and more notably the anniversary of the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995. And Monday the 20th is the anniversary of Colembine. This is the period known as “The second season” both in Ice Hockey and in NBA Basketball because the play-off “season” starts and that runs about two months, in both cases. I’m going to keep the wallpaper of “Watering Hole” right up until the time I get paid in two weeks on May first. President Obama talked about global warming in his Saturday address on KNX radio.
This is after breakfast on Saturday April 18, 2015. We are coming up on a bunch of anniversaries in this period of time- most of them violent. Today is the Anniversary of the San Francisco earthquake in 1906. It’s also the anniversary of the battle of Lexington and Concord as well as the birth of the tea party in 2009. Tomorrow is the anniversary of Waco, where Janet Reno really was “over-bearing” and more notably the anniversary of the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995. And Monday the 20th is the anniversary of Colembine. This is the period known as “The second season” both in Ice Hockey and in NBA Basketball because the play-off “season” starts and that runs about two months, in both cases. I’m going to keep the wallpaper of “Watering Hole” right up until the time I get paid in two weeks on May first. President Obama talked about global warming in his Saturday address on KNX radio.
One bill passed today
was the abolishment of the estate tax entirely.
This is a drastic move. It's pointed out that since this nation's founding, we have believed that each new generation "prove itself" with hard work and the like- and not have the landed gentry owning increasing ammounts of property in a country leaving the remainder increasingly impovrished. It might
as well be called the “welfare for the ultra rich” bill. This is because what se have now are rich
people awash in inherited money. Now none
of that swill go to the government, at least at the federal level. This will have a significant impact on our
deficit to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars. There are only the top .2% of one percent
that even qualified for ANY estate tax, so this is a really “targeted” relief
bill for the very rich.
Rachael Maddow is
interviewing Harry Reid wearing sun glasses because he is now blind in his
right eye “due to an injury” but they didn’t say what. This injury had nothing to do with the
decision not to run for Senate again since Reid says he had already come to
that decision before the incident. So
he’s wearing sun glasses. I’ve concluded
that I don’t have enough material for a blog post tonight. I may leave those “The Week” magazines in
that draw in Bill’s bookcase a while, and then mention it when he gets back.
Early June is going to complete an adverse seven year cycle- - that will be over according to the latest Federation statement. This means among other things that the Patriot Act will NOT be renewed but the republicans will let the June deadline slide without reaching agreement. We can hope. The word seems to be that a majority of this congress- including a lot of Republicans- - believe the Patriot Act treads too much on our civil liberties. The Federation is also confident that this Supreme Court WILL say that gender restrictions on marriages are unconstitutional and that ALL restrictions on gays - - or "sexual identification" will be barred. As Chris Matthews points out "This will be a period when people like Mike Huckibee and Ted Cruz will flower and polliferate. Some in the Federation are saying that the end of another "seven year curse" is what brought down the Berlin Wall in mid November of 1989. Things that are marked as doomed pursuits will thus fall of their own weight. (Selah) This will be a period when the full moon is approaching the "Al Qaeda home planet" in the constelation of Scorpio. On a personal level the Federation is predicting that I will received at last some "economic relief" for my many problems. I'll believe it when I see it.
Mike Huckibee has
formed an exploratory committee to see if he wants to run for President, which
means he will. I also heard that
Huckibee plans to announce next month. Mike Huckibee is forthrightly against a two state solution in Israel and the West Bank. OK, then all you need to do is to give the Palestinians the right to vote in national elections. Stop treating them as second class citizens and having an apartite type situation like you used to have in South Africa. Many of Huckibee's talking points in today's NH speech were identical to Shawn Hannity's talking points. He speaks of Saudi Arabia and Egypt and Jordan having a firmer alliance with Israel than the United States does. He gets asked a question about India, and goes off on a rant about Israeli sovreignty. The guy has Israel on the brain. Nevertheless, I
don’t find Huckibee quite as annoying at Ted Cruz - - and generally Huckibee is
just following the pack on most of these anti gay issues or how President Obama
is “not an American” and was raised at a Medrassa and indoctrinated in
Islam. Now that I think about it Huckibee IS pretty darn nutty! You’re going to continue to hear
this stuff on the right. Since I regard
Huckibee as less “dangerous” than Ted Cruz- - I would work to increase Huckibee
votes where he and Cruz were face to face. How ironic then when Huckibee says "The reason why I'm more qualified than the others is because America needs "the best quarterback for the team" who doesn't go around attacking all of his rivals for the job". (selah) Actually Chris Matthews and Ron
Reagan just mentioned this- - not just with Ted Cruz but also with major
players such as Scott Walker or Jeb Bush that Huckibee may cut them off at the
knees. So it’s said that Huckibee may
function as “King Maker” (one of those old fashioned phrases) You deal with
him. Also (unlike Christie) Huckibee is
wisely NOT talking about cutting Social Security or Medicare, which he
(correctly) regards as “A pact with the American people”. (Selah)
Rush Limbaugh actually worked to get out Hillary voters in Texas and
other states, if you’ll remember in “Operation Chaos” back in 2008. Remember that? Rush Limbaugh is also proud the he sabatoged
Hillary’s “Healthcare Bill road tour” in 1993.
Rush said he had more agents than Stephano Di Mira- - and always got
more of HIS fans out in the audience booing- - than any fans Hillary could
muster up- - even in cases where the rout was changed at the last minute to
prevent this.
Terry Hill came by this morning while I was
waiting for this room to be finished.
Terry tracked down my genealogy only a short ways. And even that involved a waiting period. Sabastian Hiss was born in Germany in 1831
and I guess he’s grandma’s grandfather.
Terry seemed surprised that he was German. On the male side only Charles Dutton’s
father, John, was tracked down and that stopped. I think this guy’s name used to be Miller
according to that thing Dee showed us, but I’ve never borrowed that whole
material. Of course I've let it slip having posts from Money Draw day and face the dreaded H's in money draw line, such as Loretta Hill, Brenda Hess, and Keith Haney, all of which are known for taking a lot of time in the office. Terry just confirmed what a
tedious job it is tracking down ancestors.
Rumor is that Mike Huckibee is in the race now. The substitution guy on WCPT mentioned this
tidbit. I did that photo of “Yes We
Scan” from GW’s blog. And in smaller
print it says “Deal With It”. One
Republican caller said something I agree with.
Barock Hussein Obama will have left his most damaging legacy in terms of
the Trans Pacific Partnership in terms of surrender of so many of our legal and
national sovereign rights. Nobody in the
clown car is even talking about this.
You’d think the three that have already declared- - - would. Gov Christie gave a speech before some New
Hampshire Republican Unity rally today.