Thursday, January 08, 2015

Bush and Bin Laden Were on the Same Side

There are times as a blogger where I feel I am but standing in someone else’s shadow.  Of course when it’s written text you can always hijack the text and maybe if you’re feeling generous, give them credit for it.  But you can’t do that with audio.  Maybe I could do a posting and just stick in a podcast link.  It would be a mighty short blog in that case.  Let’s discuss the main opening them of Thom Hartman’s program this morning Thursday January 8, 2015.  I of course recommend you try and get a hold of that podcast.  We hear about the Bush Crime Family all the time.  It goes back generations - - to the Civil War when one of the ancestor Bushes were selling cannons and cannon balls to both the North and the South.  This is the Prescott Bush side of the family.  But then there is the Walker side, and that would be Bush 41’s mother I guess.  And the Walkers were a banking family.  We know about Prescott Bush’s Nazi connections.  The first I ever heard of George HW Bush was in late 1975 when he had been appointed head of the CIA by Ford when William Colby left.  I didn’t know him by name, but only as someone who was considered dangerous by the Right Wing, which I was, and who had connections with Red China, and was part of the New World Order.   But as Thom Hartman explained today “It’s nice to have someone fill in all the details of a sketchy image you have in your mind.  It seems that there were two ships used to conduct the Bay of Pigs operation in Cuba, called the Houston, and the Barbra - -both owned by the Bush family.  We hear the Bush family owns Zapeta oil, which was guilty of slant drilling from Kweit into Iraq, and Kueit considered it great sport to steal as much Iraqi oil as they could.  It was this slant drilling that caused Saddam to want to “annex” Kweit, which it was his understanding he had the right to do.  But we left out the chapter about how Ronald Reagan double crossed Saddam, who was supposedly was our ally in the eighties.  We were instrumental in getting him in leadership in 1979 but then something happened.  Ronald Reagan had this deal with Iran he wanted to make where he got his election and Iran in turn got these TOW missiles, they used to pummel the Iraqi Republican Army, and Saddam was furious.  Of course one person who the Bushies were always loyal to was Bin Laden.  We supported him starting in 1979 in his fight against the invading Soviets.  And the Bush Crime Family pretty much remained loyal to Bin Laden all his life.  When we know that fifteen of the nineteen hijackers of 9 – 11 were Saudis - - - we also know that the Saudis didn’t like our American troops stationed on holy ground.  So they knock down two of our buildings and we punish anybody and everybody for that except the people that did it, and we reward them by getting our troops out of their country like they wanted to begin with.  Reagan backs out of Lebanon, and Bush backs out of Saudi Arabia, and they say the US never likes to lose face!

  But now let’s back up in time to set the scene.  You know about the idea Bush advocated how War is a way to get himself "political capital" and get himself reelected.  It was "the great mistake my father made".  It's funny how these people all claim to be Christians but Jesus said "Blessed are the peace makers for they shall be called Sons of God".  The Bush Crime family only seems to care about continual war. The allegation was made that Maggie Thatcher only fought the Fawklands War to boost her poll ratings in 1982 and it worked.  In the nineties Wolfiwitz or somebody made the statement that "What we need is some sort of Pearl Harbor type event to get us back into a Mideast War".  I would respond that how odd it is, that the absence of war is a "thing to be missed - and desired once again".  Bin Laden was feeling “useless” way out in Afghanistan in the nineties during the Clinton administration.  We know that Clinton bombed an asperin factory in Sudan - - and only AFTER the failure of this bombing did Gingrich and congress come up with the “wag the dog” scenario, that the President only tried to take out Bin Laden because of Monica Luinsky.  Clinton just installed a major new computer Early Warning system at the end of his term, that Bush had taken out because “he wanted his own system”, which was no system at all.  But then Bush W - - - 43 did Bin Laden a favor by paying them money if the Talliban would destroy the opium fields in Afghanistan.  After the 9 – 11 attack, the Talliban, still appreciative - - offered to hand Bin Laden over “to a neutral country”.   When you look at the whole pattern of our behavior twords Osama Bin Laden it is one of aiding and protecting him.  The military people say we could have gotten him at Tora Bora in late 2001 but we didn’t pursue it.  It would seem for all the world that Pakistin was protecting Bin Laden- - - and the nation of Pakistan served as kind of a sanctuary for the Talliban where all they had to do was slip across the border and be safe.  We’ve never had any reason to trust Pakistan.  When we did attack Bin Laden in Pakistan- - it was without that country’s permission.  Bush and Romney kept joking about not really caring whether they captured Bin Laden or not.  The entire attitude twords Bin Laden is to coddle him.  If all of this text seems long and gangly to you reading it- - - I admit it wouldn’t get a very high grade as a term paper for the simple reason that the organization is terrible.  But maybe if I were Albert Goldman or a really wood writer, I could weave the thing into a much more persuasive narrative.  The point of this narrative is that - - all of the Wars the United States gets involved in are for financial interest.  Thom Hartman says “Well if you confronted the tea party with this allegation, they’d probably admit it, but invoke the Gordon Gecko doctrine that greed is good, and it’s what everyone should be striving for.  To rephrase Romans 8:28 - - “All things work toward good to those whose supreme motive going through this world is Pure Greed”.  (Selah)

This is Thursday January 8, 2015 and it’s Elvis’ eightieth birthday, believe it or not.  There are a lot of rockers celebrating birthdays around now.  We are in Ocean.  Bones chimed in on this whole Islamic attack thing.   As you know there was that “assistant to Mal Evans” who got fired and then got rehired.  He was admonished by Bones not to engage in any disparaging depictions of the Prophet Mohamed.  The guy said “We wouldn’t do anything like that”.   Romulans are conditioned to revere their own leaders and icons from the past, and “It’s only fitting that we respect other leaders”.    Some highly inflammatory sketches  - - - skits, have surfaced concerning Bill Cosby and the whole sex and rape business.   What particularly set them off is Philicia Rashad’s defense of Cosby.   At one point she says “I would never attack these women – after all I am a woman”, and then they change the picture and reveal silicon breast implants and back up a little more and show her naked body with a penis and testicles.  And someone says “Well we know Cosby hasn’t had sex with you in all the time you’ve played his TV wife.  Guys like him only victimize white women anyhow”.  And there is talks about how all Blacks are sexually out of control and “All you people think all you need to do is show ‘em your big thing and they’ll fall right into bed with you”. And there is stuff about someone repeatedly saying “Hey Bill - - Ooma Goooma - - Ooma Gooma, Mr Cosby”.   And when Cosby is puzzled and a little offended the antagonist goes “Oh, I thought that was the Zulu word for friend.”  And then Nelson Mandella is tied into it “How’s your old friend Nelson Mendella the butcher and chief”.   There is stuff about “If it weren’t for the fact that you’re Black you’d be a nothing.  You keep talking about “Your race”.   You are the first of “Your race” to have a show like Leave It To Beaver that’s 25 years behind the times.”   These are Sirius A skits.

Bones today remarked how 'This whole gay thing on Days of our Lives seems to have metastasized into other relationships".   Bones seemed startled that the whole gay thing was still going on after a year and that the novelty hadn't worn off by now.  But Bones also remarked how Islamic terror has "metastasized" into democratic nations.  These people who attacked yesterday weren't lone wolves or suicide bomber nut jobs.  They were serious, well trained professionals.  Bones said "The fact that the problem has gotten worse with this incident- - is only symptomatic that the whole situation has been ignored far too long".  The US keeps sowing its wild oats, so to speak- - in starting war after war- - like a fire bug- - doing it seemingly for the thrill of it- - and then is surprised when one day it comes back to bite him in the ass.  It may be too late to have anything but some kind of an Armageddon knock drag out fight between Islam and Christianity to see which is the supreme religion of the world.  We did that in the fifteenth century in Constenople, and the Moslems won.  Thom Hartman pointed out that the Ottoman Empire, around for so many centuries, enforced a type of firm Order in the world back then, and would put down any extremist attempt to cease power, like we have been seeing today so much.  (Selah)

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