Monday, February 04, 2013

When the Music's Over - Turn Out the Lights

Stephanie Miller rightly remarked that the SF '49ers were robbed of a touchdown and a victory because there was what looked a major Holding violation interfering with a catch.  I noticed it at the time but somehow they explained it away and said something about a "five yards rule".  Of course you know which half of the stadium was blacked out, don't you?  It was the right half, and a lot of us would like to throw the power switch on the right half of the chambers in congress.  Apparently the power outage that delayed the game 35 minutes was due to a precautionary automatic shut-down.  Of course things happen that aren't fair.  For instance Stephanie Miller says that there were 1.4 million more votes cast for democratic house members than republicans - - but apparently their whole goal was to do just what they did in ramping up hysteria and fear about the economy in 2010 and then realigning the congressional districts to "lock in" and cement their Victory for years to come.  Of course many don't like the hold the National Rifle Association has over this country.  We can of course come up with alternative accronym meanings.  One they'd like us to adopt would be "No Real Alterntive".    A better one would be "No Real Accomidation".  How about "Neanderthol Reactionary Assholes".  But perhaps the best one is "No Responsible Adults".   Some may give up on politics asserting that addage about how insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.  Actually that one only applies with God, for reasons we have previously gone into.  Hillary Clinton was held back by the "glass ceiling' in her bid for President in 2008 however "now that ceiling has about ten million cracks in it".  That changes the picture.  Often there are changes in Circumstance you may not even be capable of being aware of.  Nobody would walk into a casino, after all, with ten million dollars and pin it all on one turn of the Roulette wheel and when they lose say, "Oh well, I knew it wouldn't work out anyhow.  I have thought about the whole idea of original though.  I have wondered how a reactionary right winger can for instance work in electronics and technology because they have to know all of these advanced formulas.  Well - - a Computer can do THAT.  And a computer doesn't even have to THINK.  It is just a piece of inanimate hardware that does as it's programmed to do.  It's the people who actually invent these formulas in the first place who do the real work.  They form a series of logical deductions from things they DO now- and from a long process derive the complex new mathematical formula they are trying to achieve.  People may feel like giving up on getting government to work but here in California we are an all Blue state and the reason why is that we voted in some "independant comission" to assess our congressional district boundaries, a proposition by the way that I didn't vote for.  My own congressman, Ed Royce (whom I also voted for) sent me a letter saying that the redistricting plan was ONE part of Governor Swartzenegger's 2005 "Reform Plan" that he was against because it would be bad for Republicans.  I wish I'd had the insight then to read between the lines.  Sometimes however I'm ahead of the learning curve.  For instance today a bunch of economists came out with the Analysis of the National Debt and the Economy and all of that- - and they came to the conclusion that the whole Debt aspect of the thing was "Not an urgent problem" and 'Not even a major factor at this time as to the overall health of the economy".  OK.  But they said "In twenty or thirty years it might be a different story".  OK.  On the other hand- - there are areas of human endeavor that ARE urgent now- - and among the foremost of these is Global Warming.  The weight of the evidence this is ALREADY a problem is undeniable- - - and the question is not whether we have "A problem" but rather- - whether it is already "Too Late" to take remedial action in time to avert it.

For paragraph two- - we're going to do something that involves exercising your brain muscles in a PX 90 fashion that may give you brain muscle ache with "confused muscle groups".  This, experts say, if the most efficient way of developing the intellect is through a series of Riddles, a method of learning that has been done since the Ancients.  For instance- - in the Zero Dark Thirty movie- - there is what I call "The God factor' introduced.  In Larry Elder's politics- - notably on Civil Rights - - this "God factor" is absent.   Mathematically I believe you can prove that the Universe as we know it DID have an origen and didn't go on forever in the past.  And this formula of mine is not even contingent of knowing the whole size and espansion rate of the Universe.  What if I were to tell you that God is Dead.  What if I told you that a Dead Entity can alter the course of what we'll stipulate as "The living' not just today, but for all Eternity- - in an ongoing way.  Suppose I told you that God is in essence "An Abberation".  Or more to the point he is a DEAD force that Caused an Abberation which is responsible for everything in the Universe we know about today.   We know two Alive entities can have an "Event" between them.  Can a Live entity and a Dead one also have "An Event"?  Yes.  How about two DEAD entities?  Yes.  Here too an event can occur between them.  Suppose I told you that the Universe can be traced to a methematical formula where an Event can be Inferred- - - yet at the same time time you can view this same Formula and show there was no time when a Special Event in fact occurred.  More riddles.  How can a DEAD entity affect the Living on an Eternal basics?  Let me ask you another question.  Was there ever a time when TIME as we know it did NOT go in a straight line?  Is there not a whole mathematical formula based on the occurance of "The Event"?  Suppose I told you that ignoring the National Debt was a sign of normallcy and that "all was well and as it should be"?  Suppose I told you that certain kinds of Growth were good and normal, and not an abberation?  Suppose I also told you that some people who would control the National Debt- - using geometric logic wish not only to wipe out the national debt- - but completely destroy the Country- - and the Whole World,  and they don't CARE and can prove in their own logic it's not even Relevent to ask "Do you care?".   Is a Dead entity morally responsible for its own Action?  The answer is NO.  No matter HOW POWERFUL or ETERNAL said action is.  Burt Lombard was in a rock group for albums three through seven of a certain Artist.  The opening track of the first album with Burt in it- - - alludes to something in the song title with No Material Existance that can be Investigated Scientifically.  Is it OK to believe in something for which there is NO imperical scientific existance of?  I told you I am not an Impericist- - I am a Realist.  And I believe certain things can be Logically Stipulated - - with absolutely no proof.  "What is the sound of one hand clapping?" could be an alternate title to this track.   Different things can constitute "Calibrations' or measurements.  You can calibrate things in terms of feet and inches, you can calibrate things in terms of energy or decibles, you can calibrate things in terms of degrees - - and you can calibrate things in terms of Events.  Track eight of this same album alludes to something eighteenth century Theologians already believe God has done.  I know that he HASN"T done this action  and that logically he CAN"T do it.   Have you ever wondered whether there is a period when Time did not go in a straight line?   Here is a final thought I'll leave you wish - - though it was the FIRST thought to hit when I thought of how to crack this tough nut.  Isn't it logical when you hire a person for a job to look both at his ability AND also how much he WANTS the job?  But how do you measure how much he WANTS the job?  How does God measure how much we Love or Worship him?  By how much we are willing to Sacrifice.  People have various ways of Proving how much they Want a job.  But there is another way - - a tea party way - - an abberated way of looking at the employment picture.  Suppose I told you that these people picked White people over Blacks - - NOT primarily because they themselves are white.  There is a Different quality and motivation that attracts them.  In fact, if this formula is true to itself- - they would Rather hire a NON qualified Black, than a highly qualified Black.  Now for a nugget I left out of the first draft.  Picture a reality where Two key events are necessary to come up with a conclusion or solution on whether to do an action.  Here is one.  Picture a world where in fact - - ONE of the NECESSARY two events needed for said action is NOT only - - Zero - - but is in fact Negative probability.  Picture a situation where even the GOOD or Positive side is Declining- - Prior to said Event happening.  Said- - Event with eternal ramifications.  Now picture this. If God decrees events from "The foundation of the earth:" how about "Before the cement of that foundation was even dry".  How do you graph "wet cement".  I could tell you, but I won't.  OK here is another question.  We know something can have Control over another.  But there is a more profound quality than Control and that is "Sequestration".   What Entity can be Created by "Sequestration" that can't come into being without it- - and is what these Tea Baggers seak?  It is indeed an "Out of Place" entity in this construct- - but they desire it none the less.  Well, as Anne Romney would say, "this is hard".   I may answer these riddles in a later writing.  Just keep in mind that with me nothing "Hypothetical" isn't really that hypothetical.  I have the Ace in the Hole to back it up.  (Selah)

Well, much as predicted it was a close Super Bowl XLVII but the Ravens, somewhat unexpectedly were the beneficiaries of that victory.   The players on both sides took the field at ten after three.  They had the Sandy Hook children’s choir singing “America the Beautiful” and then they honored an athlete, and then the military unit and the National Anthem.  I went out for a smoke.  The game kicked off just past three thirty and the Ravens got off to a roaring start.  By halftime the score was 21 to 6 with the ‘49ers managing only a couple of field goals.  Halftime had a sufficient amount of flair and glitz and I really should have taken pictures because by then the room was dim enough there was no danger of screen glair.  They the Ravens ran the ball back 109 yards, which was a National Football League record, and the score stood at 28 to 6.  But then the lights on the entire right half of the stadium went out.  There was a 35 minute delay in the game, and they kept giving us this bullshit about ten or fifteen minutes.  At first they thought it was a power surge but then they said the feed line into the entire stadium went dead.  (?)  We know little.  But when play resumed, well after six, the SF ‘49ers appeared to be changing the tide with rapid touchdown scoring.  They also made an impressive goal line stance against the Ravens at one point.  But the ‘49ers blew it making four attempts to get the ball in the end zone and failing.  The Ravens had enough points to spare by the end of the game they scored a safety on purpose running around in their own end zone in an attempt to run down the clock.  The ‘49ers knew they were screwed at that point and the Ravens won the game 34 to 31.  The game ran later into the evening than any other Super Bowl ending only at a quarter to eight PST.
Paul Harvey recited this thing about how on the eighth day of Creation, that God made the farmer, who has worked a standard forty hour week by Tuesday afternoon “and then he works another 72 more”.  How does THAT happen.  Granny Clampett had this saying of “A farmer works from sun to sun, but a doctor’s work is never done”.  Then there was a father telling his kid about where babies come from.  You see they have this planet, and it’s the land of Baudi Ababia, where the temperature seldom varies much from a constant 98 degrees any time of the year.  In this land there is a lot of hydrolic pumping action usually resulting in a real gusher.  The kid asks, “Oil?”  Well, let’s put it this way, sometimes they use this detergent foam to get rid of the excess detergent slime, and there is also this giant worm that appears from time to time and - - well I’ll tell you the rest when you’re older”.   The Romulans hate the term of “Mush” which is actually the Lanian word “Muchee”, which is pronounced “Moo-shay”.  The Romulans hate that French “ch” sound, and usually with ch words, the “h” is silent.   And of course sometimes the “g” sounds like an “h” with an “e” or an “I”.  But x’s are not pronounced like an “h” but only either a “z” or else a standard American “x” sound.  Capish?

Sunday, February 03, 2013

The Domain of Nuts (A Squerelly Point of View)

There is still a lot of undo concern about how this whole "Sequestering' business - a scheduled cut in spending- - is going to impact the Military. Apparently it's really support to be serious according to the top Military Brass on Meet the Press.  As though national security would itself be irreperably compromised.  Somehow I don't think so.  We still spend more on defense, do we not, than all the other world's nations defense expenditures combined, don't we?  They say America is only number one in three things now.  We are number one on the percentage of the populations that believes in Angels, we are number one in per capita Incersations of its citizens, and we are number one in national defense outlays.  But they keep telling us that officers won't get paid two days a week and that "readiness' opporations will be the first thing that gets cut.  I guess the question is whether the national debt matters at all or it doesn't?  If it does then everybody has to make some sacrifice, from the poor to the military to those who want research funds.  And yes, we have to at least run the risk these budget cuts will throw us back into recession, though personally I don't believe that will happen.  Senate Majority leader Harry Reed said today that in order to ease off on the defense budget cuts in March, "new venues of revenue will have to be found" and he even mentioned on picking up on Mitt Romney's notion of "getting the low hanging fruit" meaning obvious tax deductions and allowances.

In terms of super bowl picks, as you know I have been quiet on the subject.  It seems the majority of these "Animal" picks go for the '49ers.  Randy Rhodes things the '49ers will win it.  More people than not who have expressed their oppinion in public go for the '49ers.  As to the Federation - - we have more of a connection with the Baltimore Ravens team than the '49ers.  Stewart Sutcliffe is going for the Ravens.  The '49ers is backed by the "Del Phi" group, and they are considered a little Dangerous by the Federation because they are allied or used to be with the Ionians, whom everyone is afraid of.  And of course- - - returning to the moment for once- - - people who still believe in Prayer for your favorite team influencing the outcome.  It seems that 28% of the population believes that Prayer to the Deity of choice can and does influence the outcome of an athletic contest.  Which means that 72% of the population thinks this is nonesense.  I have to side with those who say the outcome has been pre-determined by the Almighty in advance and can't be altered for anything because in a four-dimensional time frame, the Results are already set in concrete.  But I'll be watching the game- even if I'm a little divided.  After all being from California I feel some obligation to go with my state.  Jim Morrison was a '49ers fan, as you perhaps may know from our writings.  This is a Halftime update and it seems that the Baltimore Ravens came to Play because they are leading the '49ers 21 to 7.

The squerels still come out at night and are alive and well on "KFI coast to coast".  This pre dawn jock is still going strong on KFI.  The last caller of the night he fielded was a guy who re trodded this vintage story held by psychics for over forty years that the Antichrist was born on February 4th of 1962 and proof that the end of the World is upon us is that the Mayan Calendar has already expired and also the numbers 2/4 add up to six, and also 2013 adds up to six, and also the antichrist will be fifty one as of tomorrow and 5 and 1 makes Six, so you've got your three sixes.  But of course there was a lot of talk about FEMA or the Federal Emergency Management Association or what have you.  I first heard of the term FEMA as some "evil entitu" set up by Richard Nixon in 1972 whose purpose, so I was led to believe, was to round up all suspects and put them in an internment camp out in the wilderness in Wyoming or somewhere out in the middle of nowhere, with electric barbed wire fences and guard towers and the whole bit.  Doug Clark talked a lot about FEMA in the early Seventies, and also that World War III book by Charles Taylor that I happened to buy on Flag Day of 1972 talks about FEMA, and seemed to quote a lot from the Torranto Daily Breeze.  I don't know if the guy is from Canada or what?  Of course the Obama administration is "out to fool us all" by releasing a photograph of the President firing a gun - - skeet shooting at Camp David.  Because "Despite the evidence, we all know the President really despizes gun owners".  And also there was some grand conspiracy to get rid of General Petrayas even while pretending to want to promote him by "Scheduling the news on him to break when it did".  These people believe the government is capable of "scheduling" when news events will hit the headlines - - any time they like, at the most auspitious timing.  Of course this crowd also believes that the government wouldn't be compiling all of this information on all of us at great expense to itself unless they were planning to incorporate in in some One World Government where everything about us is stored in "the cloud' on some vast National Computer Data Base.  Judy is suspicious of storing any Information from her computer in "The Cloud" because of these Privacy issues.  Personally I'm not a bit worried.  As the old expression goes "I have nothing to hide".  Well this is just your morning wake up call before the News Interview shows come on later today, and there you have your whole crop of an entirely different kind of nut, a political, tea party nut.  These shows appear hell bent on making sore that when it comes to the Far Right fringe that "Every Dog has his day".  And now here is something completely rediculous...

"Hey Jude" photograph framed with red border.
Here are thirty tracks in honor of Valentinian Gnosticism.  Ha!
John Lennon said he didn't want any 1994 songs included
One song on disk two is not in Alphabetical Order
Be sure and get RED, WHITE (our version) and BLUE (standard issue)

GET BACK (original album version)
THE LONG, WINDING ROAD (anthology version)
FOR YOU BLUE (original album version)
I DIG A PONY (original album version)
I GOT A FEELING (anthology)
TEDDY BOY (anthology)
LET IT BE (anthology version)
ALL THINGS MUST PASS  (GH demo version - Anthology)
OH, DARLING (anthology version)
DON'T LET ME DOWN (Let It Be - Naked)
DIG IT (original album version)
COME AND GET IT (Paul Mc Cartney demo version)

EARLY 1970
MAGGIE MAE  (original album)
THE END (ANTHOLOGY VERSION) including final note

Suggested photo front of "The Rest of the Beatles" (see previous) "disk 8 in that other boxed set- - Anthology Vol Two cover)

Saturday, February 02, 2013

Well Don't Gloat Too Much!

A basic false premise of Born Again Christianity is illustrated by the following dialog

In that nuggets commercial - - where the girls falsely claim they were raided by a nuggets thief - - Jack offers to get them more nuggets, and the girls loudly protest that they don't want any.  And if Jack were a born again preacher like Chuck Smith - - he would praise the two girls for ":having transcended their hunger.  But if the boys said "Give us nuggets" Jack might well say, "You know I could do that but I think you'll grow spiritually more if you react the same way as the girls did and refuse the nuggets, and you'll thank me for it later."

If there is one thing that really stuck in my craw on Saturday night's Mc Laughlin group it's the phrase of "Amnesty" connected with immigration.  They said that no Republican House member would ever go for an Immigration bill if Amnesty was involved, which to me kind of defeats the whole purpose of the thing to mainstream a large segment of society that would like forgiveness for a past wrong they may have comited.  To hear these Republicans they don't know what you're talking about because they think they're perfect.  May I remind you that these Rich Financiers who complain the most about how they are "abused" by the tax system- - received by some accounts Three Trillion dollars from the Federal government- - - which they haven't paid back yet.  Some people commit what I call "The sin of the bread man".  They will reason that if you see a guilty man being given amnesty- - than certainly you, an innocent man should receive it.  Somewhere along the way God gave me the insight that the Bread Man alias the king's baker in the story about Joseph- - was in fact the innocent of the two men and that the baker went on to be incarnated as Samson and then King David.  They may not have been perfect men but they had a pure heart when it came to facing their own sin and repentance.  Whereas in my version- - it's the wine man who was in fact guilty- - and was reincarnated as Britanicus, or Emperor Claudious son and Nero's half brother.  Nero's mother had him killed, by poisoning the wine he drank, though he was only fourteen.  Many people, and I suspect the Protigal son - - know how to "work the system".  There is a guy named Mike I know and I might forgive him his debt to me if he would but face it and admit it and just say "What do I have to do to settle up".  But he's forever trying to get one more perk- - like the Wall Street people as the economy was falling apart in 2008.  How can I make that last financial killing before the walls fall in?  Jesus told a parable about The Two Debtors, I suggest that the tea party republicans read.  One man was forgiven much- - but in return he would not countenance his brother, who needed forgiving little, even the slightest bit of "amnesty" or even a grace period.  So the minorities who have lived here twenty years and worked hard and reason to themselves "Surely I have earned the right by now to be called an American", but the rich Wall Street and tea party crowd, who have already been forgiven much and even now continue to get away with much mischief, will deny them the slightest bit of "grace".  I think you know how Jesus Christ feels about them.

Wouldn't you know it?  The Mc Laughlin group, the most conservative show on the main stream media had to pick on that little story the rest of the media had the good sense to ignore- - the one about how we may be at last in that long awaited double dip recession the right wingers have so longingly been predicting.  But one has to wonder why they are STILL predicting and still hoping for one.  I guess nobody told them the national election was last year, and the President has four more years in office.  But sill like an aging movie star hanging around the Studio hoping against hope she'll get one more starring role in a movie, so the "groupies" are still waiting for some sort of economic calamity to brighten their day.  They love to cite the bit about how we are going into debt and stimulating the hell out of this economy and still economic growth is so weak and not like the "good old days of robust growth" under Ronald Reagan.  I was waiting for the first hint of the problem being how "The president has raised and raised taxes on all sectors of the economy to heights never seen before in American history so no longer the economy is laboring."  After all this is what Judy believes and Judy is a Christian in good standing and therefore would never be taken in by a false belief.  After all the Bible says that "Being taken in by a false belief" is a sign your Christian faith is in jeopardy.  But as it was the best these people on Mc Laughlin could muster is just to say "We don't know what the hell is wrong with the US economy".  I appreciate an honest answer.  But that means that if the cause of our economic stagnation is of "idipathic origen" that means you can't rightly pin the blame on President Obama, can you?  I remember Bill Clinton's promise last summer in his convention speech that "You know we are in a recovery now - we just don't Feel it yet, but take my word for it, soon we Will begin to actually Feel as though we are truly in a recovery, just like we did in 1995.  Let's hope so.  But just to make it official, here is the actual news report I went into the vaults and dug out.

The economy in the U.S. unexpectedly came to a standstill in the fourth quarter as the biggest plunge in defense spending in 40 years swamped gains for consumers and businesses.   Gross domestic product dropped at a 0.1 percent annual rate, weaker than any economist forecast in a Bloomberg survey and the worst performance since the second quarter of 2009, when the world’s largest economy was still in the recession, Commerce Department figures showed today in Washington. A decline in government outlays and a smaller gain in stockpiles subtracted a combined 2.6 percentage points from growth.    Rising auto sales led the advance in consumer spending last quarter as a drop in fuel prices and the largest income gain in four years enabled the biggest part of the economy to overcome superstorm Sandy and Washington budget battles. Little inflation and a stop-and-go expansion are why Federal Reserve policy makers, who wrapped up a two-day meeting today, pressed on with plans to pump more money into financial markets.   “I’m not going to say growth is particularly strong, but this is not a recessionary signal by any means,” said Paul Edelstein, director of financial economics at IHS Global Insight in Lexington, Massachusetts, whose team projected a 0.3 percent gain, the lowest in the Bloomberg survey. “This really was a story about a payback in national defense spending. Consumer- spending growth picked up, fixed investment was fairly strong.”
Pat Buchannon was of more help in defending liberalism, or as I refer to it nowadays, "Sanity" in other areas.  Apparently some have called Chuck Hagel anti Semetic.  You know who is really anti-semetic don't you?  Those would be the Christians who are expecting Israel to incinerate itself in a Nuclear Haulocost in the Great Tribulation after the Christians have all been removed from the earth.  It's kind of akin to what Christians like Judy believe about ecology and safer forms of energy.  They say that "No matter what we do it won't have any impact on the Earth for another hundred years so what the hell is the point?"  Well the POINT is events like Hurricane Sandy that are happening NOW.  You have a really BAD hurricane so far north and so late into the fall.  But these people believe, like George Bush must have thought, "Hell I can make just as big a mess as I care to now, and leave it to posterity to clean up the mess".  This is just how Christians think.  Personally if I were God, which admittedly I am not', I would not take too kindly to this line of reasoning.  Pat was saying that Hagel is not anti semetic and that Chuck Schumer, who I always regarded as just another liberal, is in fact Jewish, or at least Yiddish, and if Schummer doesn't think Hagal is anti-semetic, then this is good enough for Pat.  The whole problem with the Surge of 2007 in Irag is that apparently twelve hundred troop's lives were lost and this constituted about a quarter of the entire losses in the whole eight year war in Iraq.  And as Pat points out, it was an ill advised War to begin with - - and to just focus in on one battle plan, and ignore the whole rest of the course of the War, and how we got into that war- - is tunnel vision at its worst.  This was a week when at least austensively, Eleanor Clift was the lone liberal of the group, though I must say for at least some of that time, Pat Buchannon was actually playing on our team.
There are a few of you out there who say you can prove that my version of matter that behaves as though it had negative mass CANNOT exist in the sense I describe it.  They would point out to the fact that I stipulate that both heavier than aether and lighter than aether matter- - both relate to the aether, ans as such, if heavier than aether generates positive gravity, then lighter than aether matter would have to generate similarly measurable phenomina in a common mode of transmission being the aether.  But there is one glitch in their reason as anyone who's had their blood pressure taken realizes.  Because you know that blood has to be a certain pressure to generate a blip in the stethascope to be actually heard as pulsations or waves.  Since lighter than aether matter is lighter and less dense than aether, it cannot possibly generate the force needed, try as it might, to generate ANY sort of waves, positive or negative.  But here is an interesting thought.  Is the possability of SIN is the price we pay for mere Existance, as I have postulated with heaver than ether matter- - - then it would follow that Existance would have an inherent MERIT and an intrinsic source of Power and virtue in that other world.  How interesting it is that in the karmic funnel as we portray it, you want to be anywhere BUT that big "newtron star hole" in the middle.  But you know that indeed that that very well you dread IS you.  It's your "price of existance".  But in that other world- - - you Exist anywhere "Outside the hyperbola".  And as we attempted to say before each Individuals "Hyperbola" or area where he exists- - - or more to the point the "Area where any given individual can't go - - can't venture - - outside his Event Horizon - - - we maintain THAT individual of a reading (fix on location) is different for Every Individual.  And we believe that the direction or whatever of this "area within the hyperbola - - of Non Existance- - is present even if two people are right in the room talking with each other with NO GAP in Distance at all, like a bunch of people gathered around a board playing Chinese checkers.  The concept of Distance- - - as a "problem to overcome" doesn't really Exist in that world.  But what DOES exist- as we alluded to previous is a "general non agreement" on What we See when we view the World, because over there two people right next to each other in truth "Live in a whole different world - -  with different circumstances" (Selah)

The Seventeen Club

This compilation can be purchassed without undu fears of overlapping with "The Blue Album". This title alludes to the 17.4 days of "missing time" in a Next Generation Startrek Episode. Seventeen point four years ago - Newt Gingrich and the Republicans were in their last gasp effort to try and shut down the United States government and ended up embarrassed by the whole thing.  The tide of events was swinging to the Democrats.  Chris Matthews pointed out that the questioning of Chuck Hagel was all for show since they'd already had their questions answered in advance and had already decided they were going to approve Hagel.  The questions were just some sort of "Inquisition" show case where questions were asked they really didn't want to hear any real answer to, but it was just for jackasses like John Mc Cain and Lindsey Graham to score political points in front of the media.  The trouble is that the outlandishness of their questions over-shadowed any answer that Hagal might provide them.  In the news there is violence in Egypt and in Turkey where a suicide bomber took out a few guards at a high security Embassy.  They are now saying it was "Al Qaeda spin off groups". I had some dream last night that various Christian fundamentalist groups were again amping up the end of the world stuff. If some of you are already "Beatled out" we understand.  So we have a little bullshit for you before we get into the Reorganized (once again) Beatles stuff the Federation is putting out.  Here is a generous excerpt of a letter I wrote to someone last night.

 I used to catch Tom Hartman on KPOJ before the station format change, occasionally.  I listen to Ed Schultz but sometimes I listen to whatever morning DJ is on KTLK from nine to twelve, and occasionally even tune in Rush Limbaugh to see what he is doing.  Sometimes I go off the rails completly and turn on the Price is Right.  Last night I dinally downloaded a link to Mike Meloy's live program, but it turned out to be really boring.  He was interviewing some woman on some health care polan.  So I listened to the pod cast from late August- - which is one of these rants where Meloy says the Military turns recruits into mindless programmed efficient killers.  I also looked at a lot of Linkin Park videos - - because they have good videos.  One day the player to the Monterey station where I usually catch Ed Schultz - - didn't download the play button one time so they referred me to Media Player.  They still have all the same screen savers but it almost seems as if some of them were "toned down" a bit from what they used to be.
Right now and today my blood sugar should be higher than normal.  First I had two complete pancake and scrambled egg breakfasts.  Then I went to the ATM and got a partry snack, and an eight pack of chocolate donuts.  I went with Sarah to Wall Mart for three cans of Master Chef coffee - - thus saving twelve dollars from what I would have paid next door.  That's nothing to sneeze at.  I also bought a big package of M & M peanut, which I ate, because Sarah was 37 minutes later than she said she would be back, and by now it had become quite warm in a jacket and the next seat up was shoved too far back and I was twisted like a sardine.  I had two helpings of dinner- - barbecue chicken and corn and yams, and bead pudding.  For lunch we had BLT sandwiches, which I noted they were more generous with the bacon than usual.  And tonight I exchanged some root beer candies of Glen for a cigarette.  I'd like to weigh myself now.
I wrote Dr. Levy a long letter last Saturday - - which is four long paragraphs pasted over from a blog done early last October.  Actually some of this material was edited down, but it's still long.  Maybe I mentioned this already.  My two main points were that God has no morals and doesn't care one way or the other about mankind - - and the other point was Soul Sleep - - we don't retain consciousness after death, and I cite numerous incidences from the Bible to illustrate this.  When Dr. Levy suggest the class write stuff- - I think he fancies exestentialist free verse poetrry of the stuff he likes.  Sometimes I darkly suspect that if We just parroted back HIS own thoughts, he'd be pleased.

The Federation has released a whole lot of Beatle albums under the series “The Seventeen Club”.  Each CD has seventeen Beatle songs.  Not all albums are covered.  The albums of Sgt Pepper, Magical Mystery Tour, Yellow Submarine, Let it Be, and Abbey Road are untouched.  As to the White Album, this series is the perfect complement, of sorts to the “Red, White, and Blue” series and the White album “The Whole Enchalada” has no overlap songs to anything in this eight disk compilation in a boxed set.  That is there are four compartments of CD jewel cases and each compartment contains two CD’s.  This compilation was released yesterday and the idea is that “People ought to be able to buy a whole Beatle album with all the songs recorded in that general period on the album.  There is some ingenious juggeling and the last disk is called “The Rest of the Beatle Songs” contains an “Ace in the Hole” song, we play a dirty trick on our fans by leaving out a big song they were expecting.  (included on disk 8)  There was talk of new mythical power in the number seventeen.  The price for this CD set is $136.00 in American dollars because there are a hundred and thirty six tracks on the entire boxed set.  Here we go.  By the way- - the front cover is surrounded by a black frame and the white print at the top is the term “The Seventeen Club”, which seems a little tacky, but that’s how they do it.  Of course there is the obligatory booklet with a lot of Beatle photos, hopefully ones you don’t have.

THE SEVENTEEN CLUB - Produced by Mal Evans and Syd Barrett


1.      I Saw her Standing There
2.      Misery
3.      From Me to You
4.      Anna
5.      Chains
6.      Boys
7.      Ask Me Why
8.      I’ll Get You In the End
9.      Please Please Me
10.  Thank You, Girl
11.  Love Me Do
12.  P S I Love You
13.  Baby, it’s You
14.  A Taste of Honey
15.  Do You Want to Know a Secret>
16.  There’s a Place
17.  Twist and Shout

1.      I Want to Hold Your Hand
2.      She Loves You
3.      This Boy
The Rest of this Album is the Fourteen regular songs on it


1.      A Hard Day’s Night
2.      I Should Have Known Better
3.      And I Love Her
4.      Happy Just to Dance With You
5.      If I Fell
6.      Tell Me Why
7.      Long, Tall Sally
8.      Can’t Buy Me Love
9.      Matchbox
10.  I’ll Cry Instead (American version)
11.  Things We Said Today
12.  Anytime At All
13.  You Can’t Do That
14.  When I Get Home
15.  I Call Your Name
16.  I’ll Be Back
17.  Slow Down


1.       Kansas City
2.      No Reply
3.      Baby’s In Black
4.      I’m A Loser
5.      Mr. Moonlight
6.      Rock and Roll Music
7.      I’ll Follow The Sun
8.      Eight Days a Week
9.      Words of Love
10.  Honey Don’t
11.  Every Little Thing
12.  I Don’t Want to Spoil the Party
13.  What You’re Doing
14.  Everybody’s Trying to Be My Baby
15.  She’s A Woman (American version)
16.  I Feel Fine
17.  Shout! (TV Special – on Anthology)


1.      Help (with James Bond intro)
2.      I Need You
3.      You’ve Got to Hide Your Love Away
4.      The Night Before
5.      Another Girl
6.      You’re Gona Lose that Girl
7.      Ticket To Ride (with un faded ending)
8.      Act Naturally
9.      I’m Really Down
10.  If You’ve Got Troubles
11.  It’s Only Love
12.  You Like Me Too Much
13.  Tell Me What You See
14.  Bad Boy
15.  I’ve Just Seen a Face
16.  Yes It Is
17.  Dizzy Miss Lizzy


1.      Drive My Car
2.      Norwegian Wood
3.      You Won’t See Me
4.      What Goes On?
5.      Think For Yourself
6.      Say the Word
7.      Michelle
8.      Twelve Bar Original (Anthology edit)
9.      Nowhere Man
10.  Girl
11.  I’m Looking Through You
12.  In My Life
13.  If I Needed Someone
14.  We Can Work It Out
15.  Wait
16.  Run For Your Live  (unfaded ending)
17.  Day Tripper


1.      Paperback Writer
2.      Rain (mono 45 version)
3.      Taxman (mono version)
4.      I’m Only Sleeping (Stereo American version)
5.      Eleanor Rigbee
6.      Love You To
7.      Here, There and Everywhere
8.      I’m Only Sleeping – Instrumental (Anthology)
9.      Yellow Submarine (mono version)
10.  She Said, She Said
11.  And Your Bird Can Sing
12.  For No One
13.  Good Day Sunshine
14.  Dr. Robert
15.  I Want to Tell You
16.  Got To Get You Into My Life (mono version
17.  Tomorrow Never Knows (mono version)


1.      How Do You Do It?
2.      Moonlight Bay – With TV Studio Bantor
3.      You Know What To Do (George Harrison demo track)
4.      Leave My Kitten Alone
5.      That Means A Lot (Anthology version)
6.      Yesterday (original version)
7.      I’m Looking Through You (anthology version)
8.      And Your Bird Can Sing (Anthology giggling version)
9.      Beatles 1966 Christmas release
10.  Strawberry Fields Forever (Version seven)  see footnote
11.  Only a Northern Song (Anthology version)
12.  Good Morning (Anthology version)
13.  You Know My Name - - (Anthology long edit)
14.  Beatles 1967 Christmas release
15.  The Inner Light
16.  Fool On The Hill (Anthology - first run-through)
17.  Across the Universe (Let It Be – Naked – version)

“Pink” favored the stripped down version.  As you know my favorite is a different version.  The only dinking around with the actual recorded music is in the end of Strawberry Fields- - where the flute playing is “warped out’ in the spirit of track seven of “Baxters” by the JA, where it sounds like the power is being turned off and on and the thing is very “snippit” sounding as well as warped out.  They did this to take your mind off the fact that the fade is a premature ending from what you normally expect.  Track seven is the version before the “drum beat” bit starts.