Wednesday, October 24, 2012
More Exciting Adventures in the Land of Romnesia
The first six-pack of songs available in super high-fidelity 12 inch vinyl
Go Down (AC - DC)
Spanish Boots (from "Beck-O-La")
Am I Going Insane? (Black Sabbath)
Ogre Battle (Queen II)
Wang Dang Sweet Puntang (Ted Nugent)
My Life Is Alive (Gary Wright)
Take The Bullet Out (Obama speech early June 2007)
Let's look at the mystery behind the Romney numbers. Perhaps you've figured this out already but the reason why the national pools on Romney verses Obama is because Romney is often leading by twenty percentage points in the red South. But in the battle ground electoral map it's an entirely different story and President Obama is sitting pretty there. However we could have a reverse Al Gore scenario this time out where Romney wins the popular vote but Obama walks away with the electoral votes. They have run head to head polls between the President and Romney in many countries of the world, and the only country where Mitt Romney wins is Pakistan. This could be because Mitt Romney said he would not go into Pakistan, at least without permission, to get Osama Bin Laden. There was a CBS poll conducted showing that President Obama won the foreign affairs with Romney by some thirty points. And the Gender gap has now gone back up a little to thirteen percentage points nation-wide. But once women actually are in the secrecy of the voting booth we all suspect that figure will be much higher.
When it comes to other Romney gaffs we know that Iran in fact has an extensive frontage on the Ocean. After they do call it the Pursian Gulf and many battle confrontations have been there. As to our not having as many battle ships as World War I, those statistics aren't even accurate. We had a lot of "firgits" that weren't even battle grade ships. And the President was mocking of Mittens in the latest debate saying, "You know, Mitt, we have these things that go under the water now called submarines, and we have great big ships where planes land and take off. They're called aircraft carriers. And in 1916 we also had more horses and bayonettes in the military than we have now". As to the whole Libyan ambassador thing, that issue died a sudden death when it was revealed that indeed the anti Moslem Video did indeed play a role in the decision to take out the Ambassador. And we must remember that the Libyan people actually protested on behalf of the United States after the killing. How often does that happen? The Libyan nation is not "out of control" as people like Michelle Bachman would have us believe. Arab Spring was genuine democracy, and Romney admitted he, unlike Bachman, started off as a fan of Arab Spring. President Obama nailed Romney on the GM thing saying that Romney wanted General Motors to go bankrupt, and not get any Government air, but perhaps he would allow private funding. The problem of course is that no one in the private sector had any such funding. Now of course Mitt Romney is now stating that he will grant "No more Network Interviews" because obviously he was put on the defensive during this debate. Rush Limbaugh and others on the tea party right have referred to President Obama's performance as "Mean". And there is more yammering about how "women don't like that". But of course "Mean" is just another tea party code word for "victorious". Put that in your hash pipe and smoke it.
Another issue that the President could have raised but didn't was Romney's Federal Income Taxes for the past decade. This is still a mystery and a lot of questions we all have about Bain Capital would be solved is we could get a look at these taxes. The point is that we have enough evidence now to conclude that Mitt Romney is an out and out crook and probably a felon, who shouldn't be trusted to be elected as dog catcher. Romney and the Missus should thank their lucky stars that we are "deeming to give them a chance to produce exculpitory evidence". And this just might be achieved by Romney's releasing of his Federal Income taxes those ten years, so he can "expose us all as fools' and expose Senator Harry Reed as a liar, if in fact Romney actually believes Reed is a liar. Now there is a divorce case- - and you Staples people listen up here- - - where Romney could be indicted for giving a false deposition in a divorce case. Romney testified for a male friend against his own wife. There was a dispute as to just how much all that Staples stock was worth. As you know the past year Mittens has been touting Staples as one of his great victories in life. However back then, Romney was saying that Staples was way over-priced, and Romney won his case and the court agreed Staples stock was way over-priced affecting how much money the wife got, bilking her out of perhaps millions of dollars. So much for Mitt Romney being shivelrus to women. Now of course there is this Merdoch fellow running for office saying that "Rape is God's will". Someone should to new lyrics to "The Dangerous Type" by the Cars, saying "God's a lot like you - - the Dangerous type". My guess is after denying the woman the right to get an abortion for rape, Romney's plan might not even provide hospital coverage to help that victim of Rape give birth. Think about it. Mitt Romney really is a first rate douche bag!
Donald Trump has stated that "I have a deal for President Obama". If the President releases his college transcripts and records and applications, as well as all of the President's passports, then Donald Trump will five five million to the charity of President Obama's choice, be it disadvantaged people of Chicago or what. Right now the President is on his way to Los Angeles once again to tape a program with Jay Leno. But first the President will make campaign stops in battleground states Iowa and Colorado. Now there are charges that Barock and Michelle Obama were on the verge of getting a Divorce as some point along the way.
Many Christians believe there is divine symbology in numbers. Let's look at the number 35 for example. Five is the number of Grace. Grace for purposes of this piece means "enabelment" or if you will a Moving of God in our Lives. Thirty five would contain seven such enabelments. But what of the casting out nines numerology. Here we get 5 plus 3, which brings to 8, the number of Death, and as some point out, "the number of new beginnings". In terms of lunar cycles, 35 is about as close to a perfect (or nearly so) 38 as you can get without landing on it. In the last Venus cycle - - early spring was the period when John Paul II died, and we chose a new Pope, whom many predicted at the time would be a "temporary" or "place holding" Pope, to be succeeded in time, by another more Notable One. (Selah)
Burt Lombard produced this little record album, with the CD version containing Obama's speech given at that church where he introduces the Rev Jeremiah Wright as a good friend and mentor. Sticking by a friend is a good thing. Stabbing a loyal and lone time friend in the back is a bad thing. I hope we all can agree on that. I am predicting in accordance with others that this April around "late Aries" like April 15th thru 20th or so, will see some sort of traumatic and stunning event for Planet Earth. This is in part based on a haunting dream I had in early January of 1992. In 1978 there was as it were a Meitosis or division of the spiritual psyche of the nation like never before. This is why I consider 1978 so key because it "set certain things in motion". I see some kind of metaphysical "dividing" going on next year taking on manifestation in the physical world. I'll elaborate more on this in future postings, hopefully. This period in late 1977 for me signaled a lot of "faith reverses". Of course last week we celebrated the death of Ronnie Van Zant in that plane crash along with their current lead guitar player. This time 35 years ago I was at one prayer meeting praying for three pregnent women in the group, and one of them was Robin, who gave birth to a daughter born with no right hand. About this same time Pastor Mark's Saturday night group prayed for Don Lies because of his heart troubles. He died of another heart attack a few days later. It was a meeting of Mark's Saturday night group where I had a big blow up with Vince and Debby, who were substituting running the group that week, and at one point Vince said to me "I have every grounds for disowning you as a Christian right now". Of course there are three other words that Neil of KFI would substitute for the words "I forgive you" and these three words are "Go To Hell". One could say the same thing of Jesus of Nazareth in the Bible. Dennis Prager rightly teaches that Christian theology believes in forgiveness as "reconsiliation" but modern day Preachers don't teach this. Maurie Head sang in JC Superstar, "Listen Jesus do you care for your rate? Don't you see that we must keep in our place". This whole idea of "keeping in your place" seems to be a concept Jesuss, as a Jew, never grasped. He "supported the troops' all right. The Roman Troops. If you truely "feel our pain" it means you yourself have to step inside our shoes and inside our psyches to view the world exactly as We see it. Women, too, have "post traumatic stress sindrone". It's hard to forgive someone who's dragging you around with a chain around your neck. The whole idea of the day to day "pain of being a Jew" is something the New Testament writers have no concept of. Jesus will forgive a prostitute. But when someone offends Him personally, he makes sure you hear about it. (Selah)
If Chuck Smith listened to the opening track of Ziggy Stardust as I did that November, he too might have concluded that "Five Years" was all we had left. Only today if you see a comentater on FOX news you know "he IS lying". It was approaching mid November when I came up with "Ziggy's Air Command" as an accronym for the Z A C. Early December marks another "last". It was about the last time I went to the Melodyland book store to buy a couple of Christian books - on cults. Tword the end of the year relations with Jim Klein were getting frosty, for a number of reasons. This was the last period when I was still fellowshipping with John M's Bible group. The last event I attended there was a Christmas Eve gathering. There are movies taken by my Dad in January of 1978 (between rain storms - it was a sunny afternoon) with me and Pete Richard playing with Toby and John's dog Rufis. The last movies my Dad ever took with a film camera were Sunday April 20th just after church, of me and Pete Richard. The last time I ever attended a four year college was the first couple of months or so of the semester of February and March of 1978. I was attending three classes- - dropping out of the Hindu History class after I failed the - six week essay test or whatever because "I wasn't being creating enough". That ruling mystified me. The Oriental teacher (doing "Ethics" this semester) dropped me after four weeks or so because he saw I wasn't properly registered. I continued to attend the Criminal Justice class, at CSUF,, into April and then dropped out. Pastor Peacock's last Sunday at our Church was the first Sunday in February. His leaving triggered a massive division in my Parent's Church, which only in time led to the ultimate disaster. Relations between me and Pete Richards chilled in February of 1978 - and this rift only grew as the years passed. In late January Terry Kath of Chicago comitted suicide playing "Russian roulette with himself". Burt Lombard has talked to him recently. Now time really is short and I have to go. And now I'm back. I see the White House SS people haven't been in the room to search the place for weapons yet. I'm surprised. Back to what I was saying. Me and Pete Richards went to The Strand in Redando Beach to see a Christian band called "Sea Wind" and I believe I had Tom Collins's that evening. Alcohol wasn't one of the things Jim Klein, at least yet, considered vices. We got Bill T as a housemate sometime in March. At the end of February Pete Richards had "posed" out in the back yard pretending like he was working in the yard all afternoon when in fact I was the guy that had been doing that. It was Easter weekend when we all went to Melodyland to see Chuck's official "film" on the end of times. The leading theme of the movie was that it was highly unlikely the United States would ever sign a peace treaty with Egypt. It was early in April that Bill quit some sort of job he had with the government where he went to work in a suit, just to sit at home and listen to disco on his expensive stereo, and listen to tapes by this Dallas preacher that sounds like that guy who talked about "Frankly, our voting leverage goes up as the voting population goes down". Bill T let it be known that it was "OK" to be a religions "connisour" tasting a little of this and a little of that to determine for yourself which one suit your fancy. Another thing that became VERY thinkable with Bill- - that wasn't before as a Christian - - - was sex with girls. Bill didn't mind referring to women as sexual objects even though he was a Christian. In early April Pastor Mark chose me to be the youth representative on the Pastor Seeking committee. I turned the job down and passed it off to Pete Richards, who accepted and was quickly approved by the congragation. Needless to say that comittee outcome ended in disaster so I was spared that. I went on the one and only "Retreat" in the Mountains in a cabin owned by friends of Jim Klein. John, the pastor's son, noted all the couples that were getting together, and had me pegged to pair up with this hefty truck driver of a woman named Barbra. Of course 1978 was the year of the big rise of the Howard Jarvis tax revolt, and also the rise of the Moral Majority. It was also the last year of the People's Temple. But you take all of these things - body blows to my faith- - and they are just in less than a year period. Needless to say I "never looked at Christianity the same way again" or in the words of a married couple "me and God never got back what we once had". (Selah)
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