The conservative right was right about one thing. They said that the enemy would reach society by our school children and the corruption of our educational system. I had Mike Papentonio
on a few minutes ago- and he says that the Texas school system is considering the outright
banning of teaching “critical thinking skills” much as they tried to ban
evolution in Tennessee. Of course
critical thinking is using logic to analyze any statement and question and
evaluate authority. Because they fear in
doing this teachers would be fomenting student revolution and it wouldn’t stop
with academics, but they’d go on to question the church, the legal system, and
the whole bit. What Texas wants is
sheep-like, docile “empty skulls of mush” to fill with corporate
propaganda. Texas school book sales are
so large that the rest of the educational market usually follows their
suit. Of course now they have taken down
their web site as “evidence”. Augustine
just came around again with pest control to inject our drawers with
insecticide. Bobby Jendel is that
Louisiana republican governor was on one news program a month ago, who struck
me as being buddy-buddy with Mitt Romney that I was virtually sure he is the
one who was being introduced to the American public. Of course they know about dumbing down in
Louisiana. Of course we see this appealing to the brainless among us in these Christian movie blockbusters they put out now and then. In the movie "2016" it will be interesting to go back and look at this movie four years from now when it actually IS 2016, provided that Barock Obama is still president then- - and see how rediculus the claims and portrayals of this movie were and are. I have not seen this movie yet but it takes very little conjecture and imagination to forecast what is in this movie. You've heard the accusations against this President. Now they have a new one. They say that President Obama, before he married Michelle, was married to a man. Mike Papentonio says, "expect this one to be making the rounds in the news cycle. We have heard that Obama has FIMA troops setting up internment camps for the "re-education of tea party members", which by the way wouldn't be a bad idea. I have told you that if you want Judy's dire predictions of economic "Revolution' to actually come to pass, just elect Mitt Romney and this will greatly increase the liklihood of that coming to pass, because things will get so third worldish in this country it will become Inevitable. Host Mike says that it used to be "fun to bantor back and forth with these right wingers like Anne Coulter, but no more. Because now the commercial media accepts these people as normal and main streme. In an earlier era one listening to Michelle Bachman would say that she was in urgent need of psychiatric therapy. But no more. Anne Coulter is said to have claimed that "Timothy Mc Vey should have bombed the NY Times building in New York instead". And she called the nine - eleven widdows as "harpies" because they are disaffected with President Bush's war policies. And we know that War with Iran is the first thing on Mitt Romney's foreign policy agenda. I find it a little strange that nobody wants to touch Syria, which has an agressive, murderous despot leader who has killed so many innocent civilians- - and yet we want to start World War II with Iran, a nation which currently has no Nukes.
Of course don't expect religion to be safe from this dumbing down process. You know that if Mitt Romney ascends to the White House - two things will happen. Mormonism will undergo a quantom increase in status and respect, perhaps world wide. The press, including the Christian press will turn around on a dime on this issue. Dobson and Prager and Pat Robertson and all these others who say never marry outside your faith, will suddenly scrub all references adverse to Protestents and Mormons marrying. That will be a taboo reference in a Romney White House. But you know what I'm really wanting for. People will bring up the gold tablets and the urem and the thumin and all of that. I'm waiting for the first Mormon apologist to say "Well of course science can't substiantiate these things. We receive these matters by Faith. There are things in the Christian past we can't prove. There is virtually no evidence that the Christian Church or Jesus either one existed before the second century- - but we receive this teaching by Faith and nobody, not even the liberals, question it. And so this is how the world in time will come to accept President Romney's teaching on the early history of the North American continent." OK, this hasn't happened- - - yet. Of course air brushing one's past is a common trait for the inherently secretive, like Nancy Reagan. Nobody questions the enormous hold she held over her husband for their entire relation. From "turning him completely around politically" during those first crutial years- - to eventually running the White House during Reagan's second term. Mike Papentonio points out that Bullies are only brave around the weak. They shy away from the strong. Mike says it's no good to try and be a "nice guy" around bullies. The only language they understand is metal and a firm resolve. Don't give them an inch. His philosophy differs from my somewhat more tollerant philosophy in this respect. But in my own case I am in a position of weakness. I have a sister in law who is virtually "the head of the house" now Politically, since my Dad's passing five years ago. Judy's power has increased enormously during that time. Of course I have Dr. Levy as an authority figure, and this being a Christian facility and all. And you have the occasional ex friend who gets "co opted" knocking out another support. Many of the things Christians and psychics claim today- - the Church fathers were just too lacking in the mental capacity to even conceive of. They knew nothing of four-dimensional Time-Space. They knew almost nothing about "Dimensions' anyhow, and couldn't even tell you what an "uinknown dimension" was. Walter Martin, in seeking to prove he's logical and that "Nobody believes in ghosts who are invisable and can walk through walls" once said that when Jesus appeared to his desciples- - - he "switched dimensions on them". People back then believed that the Earth was on "pillars" and that it has "four corners" and yet today we still hear that the Bible is "scientifically accurate and has proved so in every area when challenged". I kid you not. Tertulian, a respected theologian in Catholocism, taught that the human soul was inexerably intwined with human genetics, as they understood it them. So far science has yet to come up with a "soul gene". There were skills in Greek rhetoric and logic that the average adult is completely unaware of today. Today networks in their attempt to be "balanced" so as Mike Papentonio says. They put four conservatives of Forrest Gump mental calibre, and bullies in numbers- - against one of him, and they call it a fair fight. Never mind "Outcome based education". The commercial media believes in "Outcome based argument", where of course a person's intelligence would give them an "unfair intellectual advantage" which has to be "balanced off". If you want to make sure that the things mentioned on this page continue to exist and get more pronounced, all you have to do is vote for Mitt Romney for President. It's not am America I would want to live in. Never mind about school children being able to write a coherent paragraph, the question is can Mitt Romney speak in so much as one coherent paragraph without making an ass of himself. I shudder to think of those poor Republicans that will be expected to make half hour speeches and somehow be able to put some kind of coherent thought-line together. Once the American people see how these people actually fold under pressure- - it should make their voting decision in November much easier.
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