Monday, April 02, 2012


Apparently the Supreme Court wants to strip away more of our civil liberties.  Now apparently if you are arrested in some local record store and you're a youth for stealing a couple CD's it's in the economic interest of Prisons for Hire for you to do a year in jail or something for the crime rather than going to jouvenile hall as you would in the past.  Now we have privitized Prisons who work on profit and shun the idea of unoccupied cots.  They want to fill the place with bodies.  (no, not that kind)  Of course now these prizitized paramilitary outfits like Blackwter and Haliburten don't have to abide from the Military Code of Justice.  And people like George W Bush love that.  Bush politicized the CIA so that they are obliget to tell their President "what he wants to hear" rather than the observed truth of the situation.  Now people on the right have a new Story.  They say that all these Generals and such who told President Obama that they were "down" with defense cuts and that this is what they want, your garden variety peace dividend, now the Tea Party crowd is saying that President Obama put pressure on his own Generals to go along with the budget cuts.  I'm wondering why they think this.  I wonder if he has anything to do with the way the former occupent of the White House dealt with government officials.  The tea party people are concerned with new laws giving the President more emergency power and yet I can't help but wonder whether these people would feel the same way if President Bush were still in office.

Now the Supreme Court is saying that anybody pulled over can be strip searched and detained in jail for nothing.  Randy Rhodes told of a case where I guess a guy was driving and pulled over on a minor infraction and they ran warrents on everyone in the car and his girlfriend had an unpaid traffic fine, or so they thought.  But it was a clerical error.  She had in fact paid the fine.  But she was detained and strip searched.  And now the Supreme Court has given the thumbs up on this one.  They say everything is incremental.  Each erosion of our Maranda and other rights is not that much worse than the last one so people go along with it.  And by the way in this case, it's the Constitution itself that expressly directs how those in the "executive branch", who execute the laws, are supposed to act.  Congress didn't pass any law saying these kinds of searches were OK.  The police dreamed that up on their own.  Here are more details:

Justice Anthony M. Kennedy, joined by the court’s conservative wing, wrote that courts are in no position to second-guess the judgments of correctional officials who must consider not only the possibility of smuggled weapons and drugs but also public health and information about gang affiliations.  About 13 million people are admitted each year to the nation’s jails, Justice Kennedy wrote.  Under Monday’s ruling, he wrote, "every detainee who will be admitted to the general population may be required to undergo a close visual inspection while undressed."  Justice Stephen G. Breyer, writing for the four dissenters, said strip-searches were “a serious affront to human dignity and to individual privacy” and should be used only when there was good reason to do so.  The decision endorses a more recent trend, from appeals courts in Atlanta, San Franciscoand Philadelphia, in allowing searches no matter how minor the charge. Some potential examples cited by dissenting judges in the lower courts and by Justice Breyer on Monday included violating a leash law, driving without a license and failing to pay child support.

We have the soap opera case of Gina and John, which is on right now.  Stephano "god rid of" the old Hope and John and "brought back" the old John and "Gina", who were lovers in Europe during the nineties.  That was a long time ago.  Naturally they are like these Star People who only become material for short periods of time on their Planet, and the periods seem to be getting shorter and shorter.  Now John and Hope are concerned about how much time they have missed and what year it is and all.  And they like the people they replaces are "sensient human beings" with rights of a sort to live their own lives the way they want to, unmolested.  But of course after Stephano is through with them he'll get rid of them and bring back the other Hope and John.  You know "sensient human beings" to use a Captain Piccard expression - - - they have "certain inailiable rights, and among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.  All human souls are entitled to these rights.  Just because they don't know "how they got here" or "WHO  - - brought them here" is immitereal.  You know it's funny, they say that God has a claim over us because we are Sinners.  You know why it's funny?  Because he is supposedly a perfect God and therefore has perfect "Creations".  And he also created Satan, and also choriographed the whole garden of Eden and surpent thing like a dance director.  He was in full control of where and when and when the deed was done he was in full control over man's "punishment' or "destiny" if you will.  This is if you believe the Bible account.  We're giving license here.  So knowing all this, how in the name of great jumping Jehosaphat can you say that "sin" or whatever is Man's fault?  (think about it)

At this time I'd like to endulge in another copyright infraction.  It's a song I haven't heard in a long time and got curious.  So are certain people only pawns in other people's games?  Was that other Zimmerman who shot Trevon - - a pawn?  All the evidence indicates that to some extent he was- - yes.  He seemed to be specifically Protected by the Powers that Be, if not actually encouraged to do what he did, because those around him showed no moral indignation at his previous actions.  Think about it.  You know, Dylan said, "Don't follow leaders".  In another song Dylan said, "It is not It or He or Them that you belong to".  Dylan did not previously (prior to 1979) believe in men owning other men.  If you pro slavery people are looking to the Bible - - there is a passage in Revelation about the ruler of Babylon or whatever shipping cargo of the souls of men.  The line seems to indicate that such a thing should not be.  That's my take on it.  Nobody has to "Serve the Massa".  This is 21st Century america- - - not ancient Babylon.  Things have hopefully advanced a little.  Let us look at some of the lyrics now.

A South politician preaches to the poor white man
"You got more than blacks, don't complain
You're better than them, you been born with white skin" they explain
And the Negro's name
Is used it is plain
For the politician's gain
As he rises to fame
And the poor white remains
On the caboose of the train
But it ain't him to blame
He's only a pawn in their game.

Well that posting we did about "Cletus the Fetus" went into this whole dumb Bubah thing where the poor whites are exploited by the powerful and racist for their own gain.  And these are the sort of things they tell them, then as now.  It isn't new.  And it's no less insidious today.

The deputy sheriffs, the soldiers, the governors get paid
And the marshals and cops get the same
But the poor white man's used in the hands of them all like a tool
He's taught in his school
From the start by the rule
That the laws are with him
To protect his white skin
To keep up his hate
So he never thinks straight
'Bout the shape that he's in
But it ain't him to blame
He's only a pawn in their game.

They want to use the educational system to brainwash the ignorant and reinforce those traits which are the very ones that will prove to be the most Destructive.  Think about it.  "The laws are with you.  The police are your friends.  Particularly if you want to help in bagging us a Koon.  You know what they say.  Wolves are bold in a pack but cowards when faces one on one.  This is why they maintain a constant five to one, or worse ratio of liberals to Conservatives on FOX.  And I've seen some debates where other things are done to "Rig the Jandak table" as they'd say on Deep Space Nine.

From the powerty shacks, he looks from the cracks to the tracks
And the hoof beats pound in his brain
And he's taught how to walk in a pack
Shoot in the back
With his fist in a clinch
To hang and to lynch
To hide 'neath the hood
To kill with no pain
Like a dog on a chain
He ain't got no name
But it ain't him to blame
He's only a pawn in their game.

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