Friday, April 06, 2012


I guess were you to ask me what my oppinion of the Easter Story is, I'd say "I think it's a very good idea". Of course what I intend to do is in this post is to try and find out first what is conveyed in the "Easter Message' that's actually in the Bible, and then to comment on how we have fallen short of that.  If you want to read my take on NT Biblical Values it's in "Cosmic Tides" that now is headed up with "Not Thy will but Mine - God said Laughing".  It's a number of postings way down on February 22nd or something in green Italics.  You should go back and read that.  We are told in the Bible that it's a wonderful, uplifting time of great joy and victory.  We are told it's about a man who who overcame every kind of human and supernatural threat to him and yet he Overcame, just as Martin Luther King talks about.  We are told he was betrayed by one of his closest, most trusted friends.  But we are also taught that when you "leave vengeance to God" he will repay more than you dreamed imagine.  The perpetrator of this dastardly deed did everybody a favor by comitting suicide, so there was no being troubled by any debating as to whether we should ever Forgive such a man, even if he were to say that he had repented of it.  (It's funny how everybody wants to jump aboard the gravy train of a winner)  Not only that but his whole race was punished for the deed in the worst possible way by having both their land and culture all but wiped out in ways in which they still haven't recovered.  There is another theme that the Story as presented is son Wonderful it's "something you have to keep for yourself and not broadcast or share with others".  We are told that Jesus deliberately veiled his messages so that the "wrong people" would not be attracted to it.  Jesus seemed concerned about inadvertantly attracting the wrong people to his ministry.  So there is this underlying theme of screcy.  He told others not to tell anyone that he was the Son of God.  He even told demons not to repeat that he was the Son of God.  And finally there is the message that this is only a first step in an overall even more Wonderful plan that will be soon unfolded.

Let's now look at the right wing and see whether or not they uphold Christian values.  We are not to delight in vengeance or evil or gloat over tragedy.  How is it then that the Right last October voiced the charge that 'What would really make the Left's day is if someone got killed by a Cop".  I was shocked and sickened at this remark knowing that were that to happen, as I said at the time, it would be counted as "Blood Sport" Roman gladiator style, by the Right wing.  They are not entirely sure whether or not they are for or against the Wall Street bail out.  From what I've been able to glean, they are not so hot on 'billing the tax payers for it" but they are not at all averse to the Corporations and Brokerage Firms TAKING the money, and even Less concerned about what they did with it after they got it.  Not to stimulate the economy as they were entrusted by the government to do, but instead increase the Salaries of their C E O's and other rich fat cats.  They say they are against Obama Care even though this President, much against the advise of most liberals, picked a play right out of the Heritage Foundation by mandating private medical health insurance giving them free compulsary paying customers.  So they insurance companies CAN"T be against Obama Care.  I'm a little confused myself why the Republicans are so wrought up over it.  They keep saying "We have an alternate plan" but won't tell us what it is.  Franklin Roosevelt mocked the Republicans of his day by saying "Oh they say - - - we are for all these wonderful programs the President is for-  - - but elect us and we'll do them more efficiently in the Private sector - - -and it won't cost any tax payer a Dine!"   

But of course the Right and people like Rush Limbaugh love to set up straw men, an Imaginary President Obama who doesn't exist.  They call him a Socialist, and yet Wall Street never had a better friend in the White House than this President, as per his pro business cabinet appointments.  Indeed one charge by Thom Hartman is that "Obama is drinking the right wing Kool Aid and reinflating the wall street bubble setting up a double dip recession".  Rush Limbaugh claims that this whole George Zimmerman shooting thing is 'Just a political stunt without any basis in fact except things they make up and repeat and evidence they doctor and brainwash the American People that we still live in a racist society".  Rush went off on an extended rant about how the Media is trying to "keep alive this charge of racism because they know it's the only hope they've got of winning the fall election".  They miss the whole point.  This guy Zimmerman is basically a felon who should already be in jail.  And he has not even been Arrested yet.  Key witnesses like Trevon's girlfriend have not even been interviewed by law enforcement.  Yet Rush of course already has the answers.  You have friends who haven't seen Zimmerman in years now coming out of the closet to go on TV to "state the facts of the case".  But once the camera comes on they freeze up and say "This is not a court case.  I'm not here to answer these kinds of questions".  One thing Jesus hated more than any other segment of the population were Hypocrites.  These are people who say things like 'I'm a good Christian" that they do NOT believe one bit in their hearts, but they love to be posers.  Jesus reserves the hottest places in Hell for them.  Don't even get me started on the subject of paying taxes.  Jesus of course "palled around with tax collectors and sinners".  Jesus told Peter to out and find a fish with a coin in its mouth to pay their taxes.  At NO time did Jesus even vaguely hint that "Government is too big and it's costing the people too much money".

Finally we come to the conclusion.  Of course normally - - you know it's really nice for a story to HAVE a conclusion.  They talk about the Mount of Olives experiance, and the Good Friday experiance, but these are followed by the Easter experiance.  Someone forgot to tell the Author of Our Times, the final chapter.  We indeed seem to live in a world where it's always Gethsemine and never Easter.  We too have to say to the right "Not my will but yours.  Anything you say.  What bills do you want me to gut and compromise on today.  What bad bills would you like me to sign in the name of bartisanship?"  And that's where we are.  We can't really argue our side with any authority because these economic times have yanked the platform out from under us.  There we are under a pile of lumber picking out the splinters and the speaker from the other platform just keeps laughing and pointing.  And the future is not looking one bit better.  In fact, I think we've just SEEN the best economic quarter of the year and it's only to get more adverse from here.  Last night I was sitting around with Joe and Steve and Gloria and we were all saying how we feel economically trapped and that hone of our future plans for a better life may ever be realized.  For us, time stands still.  It would seem that mataphorically - - not to contradict Chancee Gardener or anything but "Out economic spring never got here".  That ice has been there so long it's beginning to grow mold.  I think someone must have altered the melting point of water or something.  It can't really still be this cold.  But it is.  Rush Limbaugh described next year as Tax Armageddon as an unimaginable host of new taxes go into effect nest year.  The Bush Tax cut eliminations are only 35% of the entire new tax bill.  But even that has a whole host of perks Bush put in for the typical American family that will be going away next year.  I guess it's nice that there is this nice pipe dream of promised government health care in 2014 but right now people who are unemployed have LOST the health care they had because they don't have a Job!  This economy is like a diabetic whose wounds and sores never heal.  Instead there is only the looming national debt out there which - - by the way hasn't gone away just because we aren't talking about it.  And there are no meracle cures just around the corner.  And that is where we are at today.


Some of this is being typed the next morning.  On the seven o clock news on Stephanie Miller they said that the unemployment rate was now 8.2%. Today’s unemployment figures were a disappointment in my opinion.  But it's worse.  According to Rush Limbaugh, whose credibility about the economy is as close to Zero as you can get, he says that it's because there are so many fewer jobs out there that the figure is even at 8.2% because if the figure were based on the employment economy of when Obama first got into office, in terms of the numbers of people actually employed, the figure would be 10.9% which is higher than anything known.  And only a hundred thousand new jobs were added which is the lowest figure since October.  Again as I said since we had out "employment spring" in the winter - we are now paying the price.  We are coming off that temporary High.  People are once again Leaving the employment market Faster than they are entering it- - even at this late date of 2012.  As you can plainly see the figure has kind of stalled out.  It went down from nine ti 8 ½ % really quickly at the beginning of the year.  But trying to get through that other half percent down to eight has proved a real bear.  The employment situation still doesn’t look that rosy.  They said unemployment claims had dropped to 365,000 per week or something.  (?)  Wait that sounds high.  Anyhow the figure where the economy remains absolutely static is 375 so we are just barely below that.  But jobs are opening up for older men in particular, and that’s fine with me.  The jobs ratio has “improved” to a state of 3.7 people applying for every one job that’s available.  Keep in mind the seasonal “spring serge” has already come- in the winter.  So there’s less to look forward to.

Frankly I am confused about Rush's next story.  It's about this famous black star, who is so rich she can do anything she wants to in ways of product endorsement.  She did an ad for Burger King promoting some new fried chicken strips wrapped in double tortillas.  Supposedly this is racially offensive for Black people.  What a minute.  Don't Black people love Popeye's chicken?  In fact I thought Popeye's chicken was a Black run business.  We don't need to waste time on minutia.  Now they have 'enhanced" that 9 - 11 tape of Zimmerman and concluded that the word in question is not "Koon" as I'm convinced it is every time I hear it, but rather "Punks".  I don't think so but it makes Rush feel safer- - even though Zimmerman's defenders were saying the word was "Goons" to begin with.  So now Rush can say "I just proved that one of Zimmerman's avid defenders is a flat out liar".

This whole thing with the New Orleans Saints and deliberate head injuries and "taking out" players- - seems to be a situation where even Rush Limbaugh sees a problem.  They are told to "end the carriers" of certain players often by specifically targeting an old injury of specific players. Of course just as an aside - most of the people you know who've been to New Orleans regard it as "A place I wouldn't want to spend much Time in" - - kind of like Calcutta India or some place.  Of course we know those other kinds of "Saints" also fight dirty.  You know the line "Never give the Devil an even break".  The code phrase here is "If you don't like the cut of the guy's suit- - you have permission to fight just as Dirty as you fancy".  (Selah)

They said something in this morning's news about Google having "magic glasses" out or something where you could - - see things and get special messages from their computer screen that were meant just for them?  Was I dreaming this?  As to the photograph, yes that really is green dye in the water providing a clue as to where this picture was taken, as well as three others in that row.  Of course back in the 'seventies, Boston, Chicago, and Kansas were known as entities other than just places on a map.
They say that more autistic children are born to older fathers because it seems that men themselves have “biological clocks” as their sperm mutate with age.  As the fathers get over fifty for example the risk is so high that chances of having an autistic child are twice as high.  I guess given today’s reality that means every man age fifty has a one in 44 chance of fathering an autistic child.  Of course we’ve known for five decades that women over 35 are more likely to give birth to mongolid children.  Yet the women choose to wait anyhow.   They may defer the risk but they also defer their chance of having their children grow up with a normal IQ.  It seems that in general the parents of mental patients is older than the average population and in the cases we’ve heard about of they’ve shown on TV, this seems to be the case.  Older parents.
Robberies of Pharmacies are up 88% since 2007 and this doesn’t surprise me a bit.  Of course they aren’t after the money but the actual drugs, such as pain medication.  And this makes all the sense in the world.  They want to legalize internet gambling here in California so that these outlets can be licensed and the state get needed revenue.  It’s funny how I’ve never heard one case of new gambling solving a budget crisis.  Sports betting is more problematical to legalize, the experts say because technically you need “permission” from the federal government to legalize that.  In my opinion the federal government should keep hands off of any regulation of either gambling, or for that matter, most drugs.  We’ll see.
This is Holy Thursday April 5, 2012.  It’s opening day for baseball.  The Dodgers are opening at Petco Stadium tonight in San Diego playing the Padres.  The incoming and outgoing Dodger owners were sitting next to each other talking.  One guy said when heard that Magic Johnson was now the owner of the Dodgers he went out and bought season tickets.  It’s always a time when even the lowliest team can fantasize that they will win all 162 of their games.
Franklin Roosevelt is one of these people who “had all the gold” because he used eminent domain to take it from the American people.  According to Judy he got it from then for twenty and then revalued it immediately at $35.00 an ounce.  The Supreme Court in a five to four upheld his conthiscatory action but Roosevelt attacked the Court in speeches anyhow.  But now of course we have no gold and no industry to bail us out.  So what do we do?  Oh, we have a lot of people who are so rich they don’t know what to do with their money - - but we have no labor unions and no industry and no regular, good paychecks going out providing steady income for people to invest and spend to stimulate the economy. 
On the soap opera Melanie was vindictive against whoever posted one remark out of dozens that she was a slut and a gold digger and a manipulator.  She used to be all of these things for a long time.  If it’s Gabriel who posted the remark- - she’s not going to take this “declaration of war” by Melanie lying down.  Personally, I am a thousand percent behind whatever retaliatory action Gabriel would choose to take against Melanie.  You know what they say - those who are always moralizing the most are the ones that turn out to be the biggest sluts and hypocrites.  Now Will is once again saying he’s gay but “not ready to date yet” whatever that means. 
I wanted to talk about the notion of - - "is there any way that's scientifically demonstrable where we can actually gain access to the Future - - events that haven't happened yet.  Some people would say a flat out "NO, simply because we have Free Will and the events Have Not Happened yet and therefore can't be known".  My metaphysics is different, as you know.  I have spoken of "The Super Self" that already "knows" the future, for the simple reason that "we've already lived it".  It's an intriguing concept based on a really STRICT interperation of Einstein's special theory of relativity.  As you know in fall of 2009 I "proved" the theory to be completely unworkable, yet this one intriguing deducable sidelight conclusion remains out there.  I use "super self" rather than Ubermann, simply because of its Nazi conotations.  Of all the prognostication methods for gleaning the future - - Neil of KFI states that "astrology is the worst predictor of the future".  No.  The WORSE predicter of future events are Dreams.  Of course as you know many classic Novels "resonate' with readers as saying truisms because they are so "believable" or intriguing or whatever.  John Lennon spoke of certain songs being "from the Spirit" - - rather than others which are "make-a-songs".  One man's gourmet cassarole is another man's Alpo.  That's the problem here.  What do you do with a song like "Woman", not the Peter and Gordon one, which is a good song - - but the Double Fantasy one?  One might argue that inspiration and imagination comes from "psychic impressions" but don't infer anything Supernatural here.  I'm using the word "psychic" in the strict Freudian sense referring to the Mind and how it works.  But returning to my first point, I think we've all had experiances where we just "knew" that a certain lucky event was about to occur- - - and also those times when they knew they were fresh out of "get out of jail free" cards.  Most times when you have a "bad dream" you're glad it's over when you wake up because you instantly know none of it was real.  Other less frequent times a dream will "stay with you' and kind of hang over you like a cloud.

Not So Sweet Dreams - 
Thursday morning April 5th.

But then I had a really uncomfortable dream.  I dreamed there was this one high school that was laid out like Magnolia – on the west side of Gilbert only it was further South in Garden Grove or something - - and the front of all those “quad” class rooms faces east rather than north.  These quads have the same distinct window pattern, of course, as at Savanna.  I was attending some morning adult classes here.  But then I was in this other College that was “way to the West” deep in Cypress.  Maybe it was Cerritos but most likely Katella and the College had to be as far as Valley View or something.  People from here attended the college but I only specifically remember talking to Glen there.  But the vibes of this campus were strange.  Everybody made these sexually crude remarks and often sexually inappropriate things like come up from behind you and grab you in the groin, and it didn’t make any difference whether it was a male or a female.  There were young elementary kids around there and even they were a little screwy in their interactions.  Conversation with authority figures like teachers was awkward because I’d try and say something intelligent and they would respond with some kind of a personal put down.  I had no complaints about the food, though.  I had a BBQ chicken and French Fries and a Carl’s style coke, all for under five dollars.  There was some literature class where we were doing Novels.  One Novel involved in passing a reference to some six phase radio transmitter or receiver or something.  There was reference to a “skip wave’ receiver.  But they also made reference to a “skip string” electric guitar.  And the teacher on one test asked us to explain how all these devices worked.  I felt the questions were entirely unfair.  Then we was some film clip from another novel excerpt.  There was one scene with two plump females engaging in catty conversation with each other.  In another scene a seminary student was dressed in a white suit and would quote the Bible or something - - but people would respond with a flippant put down and I felt bad for the guy.  Then the teacher asked “How is all of this psychological interplay relivent in terms of the underlying spirit of this novel”.  I went and told the teacher afterwards “I’ve taken a lot of challenging classes in college in my day, but none of them have been as impossibly taxing as yours”.  Going home I had to take the bus.  I think it was Katella.  It was about 11:30 and I wanted to get home by one for the soap opera.  It dawned on me that I had forgotten to check with Denise about the boxer shorts before I left.  But all of the students were headed west rather than tword the traffic light to the east.  And then they turned right, to the north.  I decided maybe I shouldn’t follow them.  I was walking absent mindedly down the street and suddenly it dawned on me that the sun was behind me and slightly to my left of the “seven o clock” position, and not all that high in the sky for mid day.  I was told that I was on Charlotte Street when I asked, and I remembered that there were some cockeyed angle streets in Cypress at one spot, at least in this dream.  Then when I got back to Katella or whatever I walked down the incline from the sidewalk to the street.  A whole lot of students were crossing in mid block, such as the cops had blocked off the street to allow the students to pass.  I knew that there were all sorts of shopping malls along this street as I made my way Eastward. 

Thursday, April 05, 2012


In one sense it's useless to even comment further about today's political climate.  To quote another Dylan song "I could go on but my words would soon turn into a meaningless rain".  And the truth is that one thing that's dawned on me more than once (I keep forgetting the lesson) is that as a person I have virtually no "social capital" or whatever.  Nobody is interested in my oppinions on either politics or religion, and only a select few for metaphysics.  I do have moral credibility.  People know me as a person as a word.  I am a lender as well as a borrower and people know that if I borrow something I'll pay up in a timely manner.  As such I have more "cradibility capital" and am able to borrow things in cases where others around here couldn't.  But I have no credibility or "pull" with any supernatural entity.   When push comes to shove, I'm not worth squat to them if they exist at all.  It dawned on me that perhaps I should pray to "an Unknown God" like Paul was telling the Athenians about.  Events of the last day or so have kind of hit me up sideways and threw me off my stride.  Looking to get a photo just now, someone has really messed around with the directories because I found myself in a super obscure tail of some directory structure with an obscure name.  In addition to those seven or so  events that qualify as official "Jinxes" many other events have occurred that could be called "concerns". For instance I'm expecting to have a Medical Appointment "sprung" on me in the next week or so and I'm not telling you by whom.  In addition to this my Doctor suggested I have new blood tests done and the blood guy most often shows up Friday mornings in the pre dawn hours getting you out of bed.  Any time that occurs- - you can't be sure what they are testing for.  But in terms of Mitt Romney the candidate to be of the Republican party, we know he has all the big moneyed interests squarely in his corner as well as the vast majority of the radio talk show media.  We know the climate of today is like no other, and could not even been foreseen as little as five years ago.  Romney has the Blair House and the Koch Brothers and Grover Norquist in his corner for sure - - and Karl Rove and the most of the Bush Family.  We know that like myself- - this economy is running day to day on a wing and a prayer and could falter at any time.  The economic base of this recovery is very thin and could go "just like that".  We know the economy is still contracting because we are forever looking for new programs to cut or to cut back further than the previous year.  We know the poisoned atnosphere of political prejudice and hate and bigotry that is rampant now.  Below are a bunch of paragraphs posted in no particular order- - I'll just hit them as I come accross them and am too lazy to arrange them in any logical order.

The night before last or Tuesday morning I had a dream I was at some ocean resort kind of like La Jolla with up style older buildings.  It was a west facing beach and kind of – not cold – kind of muggy and the sun was trying to come out behind some grayish clouds even though it was already 3:30 in the afternoon, or it was 4:30 I’m not sure.  Maybe it was a Daylight Saving Time thing.  I was looking at the rough seas and the big swells watching from a sidewalk some distance above the water.  The waves got higher and higher and then one big wave actually washed over the concrete wall and into the street.  I said ‘My God, the waves have breached the wall.  There was even bigger swells behind that and by now I was getting splashed and it was just sheer luck where I was standing it wasn’t worse than that.  Then one big wave to my north washed all the way across and was hitting the windows of the buildings across the street.  I was like telling chicken little going around to people telling them the sky was falling and thinking maybe I should run, but I didn’t know where.  They were completely unconcerned.  They said “Oh those big waves come by here every day at this time and everyone who lives here is used to it.  I remarked “Gee, I don’t know, these buildings around here look pretty old and weather beaten.  Are you sure they can withstand the onslaught of water?”  He said “Well, how do you think these buildings GOT that way?” and it made me thin.  That was logical.
Yesterday President Obama signed some “jobs bill” according to Bill Press this morning, which actually relaxes further- - Wall Street regulations that will employ more stock speculators.  The bill apparently makes Initial Public Offerings easier to do.  The President signed another key bill yesterday that got almost no news coverage in the “corporate media”.  This was the long awaited one where Congressmen cannot profit from stock purchases made based on inside information they have and legislation they are planning that affects them.  This need was so obvious I’m shocked that this law did not already exist long ago.  You’d think since it is “bar partisan” the Republicans would be happy at this sudden Presidential cooporation, but not on your life.  Of course then there are the three R’s, Republican, Ryan, and Romney and now they are one and the same because Romney is solidly behind the Paul Ryan budget which “doubles down” on last year’s end of the year negotiated budget cuts on the government “safety net” programs like student loans.  Last year the Ryan bill was not received well, but this year killing medicare as we know it has somehow become all right.  Romney has so much money behind him if this economy pauses between now and November, which I am convinced it will, Romney will profit.  I don’t see how any Mormon could possibly become president but this year - - ??
OK the masterbaters golf club out of Augusta is sticking to their all male member admission policy.  Some woman executive is sponsoring the Master’s Tournament from IBM and usually these people are given an honorary membership in the club.  But this year is problematical and all they can do is adopt that rather stiff tone of voice as they say that “Our membership is totally dictated by the vote of whom our members choose to admit.
It is now twenty after six or whatever and getting light.  Already we are on page three.  I feel so strange like I’ve lost my bearings or “off my game’ or “off my stride”.  It’s like suddenly all of the stars have changed.  Now they are talking about Rush Limbaugh calling the tune for the whole republican party.  Of course if the right says something about Obama it gets instant press in the corporate media.  But nobody on the left does squat to say anything to defend this President when he is unjustly attacked, and Randy’s callers were wondering why this is so.  You can't blame the "corporate media" as a blanket excuse for not even TRYING to defend our President.  Certainly in the old days under Johnson there were any number of Partisans whom Lyndon could call on to "get his word out".  The democrats had celebreties out and on stage all the time getting publicity for and defending the Democratic Party.
I just thought of an oddity.  In case blog readers are wondering the dreams about that other “San Bernardino life” - - the name Richard just came to me.  I was thinking “Maybe some people were calling me Ricky and I wasn’t used to a nickname or something”.  Then there is the Steely Dan song about “Ricky, don’t lose that number”, whose lyrics have always been a bit hard to decipher to me.  That song always reminds me of rainy weather because of when it was popular in late ’73 and early ’74.  Of course last night’s dream, speaking of strange, was like from some parrellel universe.  I didn’t post yesterday and I don’t plan on posting today.  The world as we know it is just too depressing.  They say “whatever will be will be”.  In my life it dawns on me how tenuous my “emotional support system” is; I’ll tell you that.  I have nobody who I can honestly say anything to and not fear some repercussions of one form or another.
Mitt Romney’s selection is considered such a fate accomple that the host was speculating on who he’d pick for Vice President.  “It might even come out today”, he said.  This extreme non productive non relivent to anything continuing attack against Obama is so tiresome and grating on the nerves I don’t know who can stand Romney.  And did I say - - he’s a Mormon.  One caller said “Cubans in Florida are the biggest racists of all.  They are racist against Blacks, and against non Cuban Latinos, and even other Black people from Cuba.  Religion wise the go to church every Sunday.  They talk the talk but they don’t walk the walk”.  That about says it all.  Anne Romney would have us believe that women of America are more worried about Obama socialism than they are their own reproductive rights.  Obviously the Republican is not a fan of women.  Are the tea party people on a husband's ability to "keep his woman in line" so they will not vote their own needs?  I really don't know the answer to this one.  I guess as I think about it, I can’t think of a single constituency out there that is really enthusiastic for the idea of a President Romney.
Perhaps this is a gag story but now there is a story between an interchange between Gloria Alred and Donald Trump.  Apparently Gloria was legally defending some winner of a beauty contest who was a trans sexual, post-op I imagine.  And someone got to remarking about genetailia and Gloria turned to Donald and said “Well, I wasn’t at the hospital when you came out of your mother’s womb; I don’t know what sort of genetalia you have”.  To which Donald Trump allegedly responded “Gloria, I believe you would really be impressed with the size of my penis”.  These kinds of stories would never, never make the air waves 25 years ago. 

Tuesday, April 03, 2012


Here we are in brown flagstone as promised.  I hit “update normal to match selection” in hopes of solving our ongoing font problem with this program.  The delusional hit parade goes on.  One wonders how the right wing can continue with this moral indignation charade against Trevon Martin and FOR George Zimmerman.  Why won’t they just let it go?  Rush Limbaugh this morning is making a lot of fantastic new claims about a lot of things.  He says the NBC “doctored” the 9 – 11 tape “to make it look like racial profiling”.  If this the one where Zimmerman says “fucking koons” or the other one where he says “They always get away”.  Is Rush or anybody going to claim that Zimmerman was not out to target Negroes?  The area was 25% black and so seeing a black teenager walking the streets would not be at all unusual, unless you’re Zimmerman.  Rush is also saying that the ABC video “newly enhanced” reveals welts on the back of Zimmerman’s head.  OK let’s get real for a minute.  My info has it that originally two ambulances were called for but the paramedic said ‘never mind, we only need one”, which was to cart off a dead person.  We all saw Zimmerman with his buzz cut whose “face doesn’t have a scar” to quote an old Ali saying.  He’s looking in the pink of health.  If he was suffering from any nose bleeds – his head would be back and not down, which would be the worst position.  Has Rush ever had a broken nose of seen somebody with one?  It’s not something you instantly get over.  Lacerations needing stitches are not things that heal in thirty minutes, I don’t care how many ORU layings on of hands you’ve had.  I mean if they have to “enhance” something to see it - - it means it’s not obvious.  How come Rush therefore says “ABC doctored their video”, meaning they hadn’t “enhanced” it yet, so you could see something that should have been obvious in the original?  Why is Rush continuing to beat this horse which never is going to cone in a winner?  But now the new line is that ‘President Obama is just another Chicago thug”.  Rush claimed Bill Clinton called the President this.  As though Rush and Bill were so tight that Rush would implicidely trust anything Bill said.  The implication is supposed to be that “If Bill Clinton said it then it just HAS to be true?”  Did he say this?  I highly doubt it.  And his “proof” of thuggery was Obama saying that the Court knows what they have to do as far as this ruling.  First Rush Limbaugh claimed to have “inside information on the preliminary vote held last Friday” that it went against Obama.  Then he backs off and does a 180 saying ‘Even if the vote went the other say, it’s not above Obama to exercise a little of his Chicago thuggary and “remind the court not to change their preliminary vote”.  Of course Rush knows that whatever the vote outcome it’s lose either way for the Republicans.  If Obama wins he can say “Well the court agreed with me”.  If Obama loses his case then the whole Issue is off the table as far as the November campaign is concerned and they can’t bring it up.  Think about it.

JASON SIMPSON son of Orenthol J Simpson, may be the killer of Nicole and Ron Brown.  The evidence is that Jason wrote in his diary, "I'm tired of waiting around.  I need to solve my problems with a knife" and the victims were killed with a knife.  The author believes he now has the knife in a box of Simpson's things.  The For Bronco has virtually no blood in it whereas the assailant would have had blood all over him.  Jason owned a knit cap like the killer wore.  The author says "I have no question but what that OJ was there but after the fact.  Stu Baby for one says, "The theory has real plausability and answers some lingering questions I've personally had about the case".  Stu Baby is known in the past as an avid OJ afficionado.

Mitt Romney has won Maryland winning 49% of the vote to Santorum's 30% or so and Newt was third and Ron Paul came in fourth.  Most polls say that Mitt Romney will have no problem taking Wisconsin. I imagine for his Victory speech (which should be quite soon) Mittens will talk about being the best candidate who presents a stark contrast to the President's disasterous economic policies.

Last night, Monday, I did that photo swerl thing from “Metro One”.  I tried a bunch of other guimicks first but none of them pleased me so I resorted to a guimic I haven’t used that many times- - but it always proves a winner when I do, but usually not so “tightly wound”.  As far as the NCAA final game is concerned, Kentucky was firmly in control over Kansas.  I looked at the score early in the 2nd half and it looked like Kansas had actually LOST two points as their score was not 41 to 27.  But then Kansas went on a 2nd half scoring binge as is their style.  But in the end the final score was 67 to 59 Kentucky.  One Kentucky gunman celebrated by shooting somebody.  This was at 8:42.  I decided to shave last evening while the shaver would still cut my four day’s growth since Thursday.  I did have Bones on and toggled back and forth between it and the game for a while.  At nine was ‘House”.  The thing is with House is he wasn’t acting that different from how he always acts.  He’s like Laura H.  He says sarcastic stuff that’s maybe off the wall but there might be some hidden relevance to it.  So that nurse saying “House is sick” is near meaningless.  He’s always “sick” if you know what I mean.  Others said “If he is, he’s faking it”.  And then they’re going to lie to that black guy to “have their way with him” giving him false hope a military report will be released in two days.  I went to bed a little after 9:30.  I didn’t even want to see how it ended.  On that program it usually isn’t good.

I slept well but had disorganized dreams about being late for school because I had to keep coming back home because I was forgetting things I needed.  I woke up late- - almost six thirty.  I did make a pot of coffee before breakfast and had about half of it after breakfast.  I had the Stephanie Miller show on.  We had oatmeal for breakfast and there was a pink sugar in the tray.  I got extra hashed browns from David S, which I just carried in my hands.  We had scrambled eggs with toast and butter but no jelly, and the Oriental lady gave me her eggs.  I really have to learn her name if we’re going to be table mates.  She’s actually been at that seat longer than Manfred was- - who has done a complete disappearing act and doesn’t seem to ever be coming back.  I made a deal with Richard Moore later on for two of his menthol cigarettes which he made reluctantly.  (Like an alter call- - the preacher doesn’t care if it’s “reluctant” just as long as you do it)  The rest of this won’t go out in blogger so CUT here. 

The previous posting is such a classic gem it’s a shame to subordenate it with anything for a while.  But life goes on only to get “curiouser and curiouser”.  The Wisconsin primary is today as well as Maryland and District of Columbia.  This should be a Mitt Romney trafecta, which will not convince the Christian right one bit that the other two candidates should consolidate behind Romney.  You-know-who reminded me that “Since Romney has gone right wing he hasn’t varied from his position now in over four years.  As such I feel that this whole etch-a-sketch analogy, while cleaver, is misplaced.  This is what Stewart was trying to tell me in his “Newyears preview update” three months ago.  He said “We can quivvle over whether certain people made unwise investments or gave Mitt Romney more power than they should have over their businesses.  But the thing to remember is that when Romney is President he’ll be just that.  The leader of the whole country.  He isn’t running for CEO and the specifications for the job are entirely different.  My fear is less about the past but I sense in Romney’s heart and from examining his associates – around him - - that his goal as President is indeed to fulfill all of his whacko right wing pledges that he made to the tea party during the fall”.  As I look at Romney now, he is in concrete up to his ass in commitments to the right and there is just no possible way he’ll able to hit the “Reset” button as people claim he’ll be able to during the fall campaign.  What you have seen up to now you’re stuck with during the fall.  If it means crashing the American economy and causing untold economic hardship in innocent Americans, then so be it.  That’s what you see and that’s what you’ll get.  No pipe dream about shaking an etch a sketch is going to shake the reality of what is coming under a Mitt Romney Presidency.

"Anybody for an Avatar - - going - - -going"

This is later after one and Nora yanked the phone cord out of the jack and the third light was flashing red frensiacly.  It's fixed now.  Some word translations are taken from the Dardanian, and are a bit more Cosmic than you think.  The word "Dan" isn't "Judge" as Gene Scott says.  The word actually means "Execution of an action" such as or-DAN-ation or subor-DAN-ation.  It means "to put into effect".  And the word Jor - - - you hear us talking about Bajorans a lot and wonder why we so seldomly talked about the home planet of Bajor, "Bay-zhor" phonetically.  Well in fact the term Bajoran may have been a name given them.  If you look up a word in the appropriate cosmic dictionary "Jor" other wise zhore - - - could mean a build up of sand like on a river bank or a beach or a sand bar.  More often the word "Jor" refers to "spreading' but not in a good sense.  It kind of means "To run", such as an ink stain that only spreads out when you try and wash it.  So the Bajorans are seen by some as a blight when they spread from their home planet.  Some deny this as the origen of the name, however.  Stu Baby alias you-know-who thought the whole "Temple Cult" system at Jerusalem was bogus and the Temple is illigitamate because King Herod an Edomite ("I-DO-ME-IN") in Federation speak, was a bogus king.  Bones sought the idea of a need for "purification".  The syobology is "crossing the Jordan" has been around for a long time as "entering the primised land".  Joshua speaks of "the toes of the priests carrying the Arc of the Covenent getting wet".  So I guess it's an open question whether "Crossing the Jordan" refers to taking a boat (which they didn't have) or else just wading through the river (even if it meant your whole body was under water)  So since the Temple was bogus and "The Egyptian" (as in "I called my son out of Egypt") wanted to purge if not destroy that Herod temple- - then all "business transactions" inside the Temple were also bogus.  There were the money changers who cheated you because you needed the temple sheckel and not the Roman denarius.  Then if you brought your own Sacrifice to offer the Priests would search untill they invariably found a blemish on your animal or bird.  And they would say "But you can buy one of ours with a kosher tag on its leg".  The idea Bones was trying to put forth was "coming to God with what you had or have".  And if you were dirty- - that's OK.  Just give your whole body to the Lord and he will wash it and make you Clean so you can now again dwell "In the cheerful confort of our eye" to quote Hamlet.  Too much of religion today is not about accepting you as you are but making you "prove something" before you're even allowed to pass the enterence gate.  (Selah)

Monday, April 02, 2012


Apparently the Supreme Court wants to strip away more of our civil liberties.  Now apparently if you are arrested in some local record store and you're a youth for stealing a couple CD's it's in the economic interest of Prisons for Hire for you to do a year in jail or something for the crime rather than going to jouvenile hall as you would in the past.  Now we have privitized Prisons who work on profit and shun the idea of unoccupied cots.  They want to fill the place with bodies.  (no, not that kind)  Of course now these prizitized paramilitary outfits like Blackwter and Haliburten don't have to abide from the Military Code of Justice.  And people like George W Bush love that.  Bush politicized the CIA so that they are obliget to tell their President "what he wants to hear" rather than the observed truth of the situation.  Now people on the right have a new Story.  They say that all these Generals and such who told President Obama that they were "down" with defense cuts and that this is what they want, your garden variety peace dividend, now the Tea Party crowd is saying that President Obama put pressure on his own Generals to go along with the budget cuts.  I'm wondering why they think this.  I wonder if he has anything to do with the way the former occupent of the White House dealt with government officials.  The tea party people are concerned with new laws giving the President more emergency power and yet I can't help but wonder whether these people would feel the same way if President Bush were still in office.

Now the Supreme Court is saying that anybody pulled over can be strip searched and detained in jail for nothing.  Randy Rhodes told of a case where I guess a guy was driving and pulled over on a minor infraction and they ran warrents on everyone in the car and his girlfriend had an unpaid traffic fine, or so they thought.  But it was a clerical error.  She had in fact paid the fine.  But she was detained and strip searched.  And now the Supreme Court has given the thumbs up on this one.  They say everything is incremental.  Each erosion of our Maranda and other rights is not that much worse than the last one so people go along with it.  And by the way in this case, it's the Constitution itself that expressly directs how those in the "executive branch", who execute the laws, are supposed to act.  Congress didn't pass any law saying these kinds of searches were OK.  The police dreamed that up on their own.  Here are more details:

Justice Anthony M. Kennedy, joined by the court’s conservative wing, wrote that courts are in no position to second-guess the judgments of correctional officials who must consider not only the possibility of smuggled weapons and drugs but also public health and information about gang affiliations.  About 13 million people are admitted each year to the nation’s jails, Justice Kennedy wrote.  Under Monday’s ruling, he wrote, "every detainee who will be admitted to the general population may be required to undergo a close visual inspection while undressed."  Justice Stephen G. Breyer, writing for the four dissenters, said strip-searches were “a serious affront to human dignity and to individual privacy” and should be used only when there was good reason to do so.  The decision endorses a more recent trend, from appeals courts in Atlanta, San Franciscoand Philadelphia, in allowing searches no matter how minor the charge. Some potential examples cited by dissenting judges in the lower courts and by Justice Breyer on Monday included violating a leash law, driving without a license and failing to pay child support.

We have the soap opera case of Gina and John, which is on right now.  Stephano "god rid of" the old Hope and John and "brought back" the old John and "Gina", who were lovers in Europe during the nineties.  That was a long time ago.  Naturally they are like these Star People who only become material for short periods of time on their Planet, and the periods seem to be getting shorter and shorter.  Now John and Hope are concerned about how much time they have missed and what year it is and all.  And they like the people they replaces are "sensient human beings" with rights of a sort to live their own lives the way they want to, unmolested.  But of course after Stephano is through with them he'll get rid of them and bring back the other Hope and John.  You know "sensient human beings" to use a Captain Piccard expression - - - they have "certain inailiable rights, and among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.  All human souls are entitled to these rights.  Just because they don't know "how they got here" or "WHO  - - brought them here" is immitereal.  You know it's funny, they say that God has a claim over us because we are Sinners.  You know why it's funny?  Because he is supposedly a perfect God and therefore has perfect "Creations".  And he also created Satan, and also choriographed the whole garden of Eden and surpent thing like a dance director.  He was in full control of where and when and when the deed was done he was in full control over man's "punishment' or "destiny" if you will.  This is if you believe the Bible account.  We're giving license here.  So knowing all this, how in the name of great jumping Jehosaphat can you say that "sin" or whatever is Man's fault?  (think about it)

At this time I'd like to endulge in another copyright infraction.  It's a song I haven't heard in a long time and got curious.  So are certain people only pawns in other people's games?  Was that other Zimmerman who shot Trevon - - a pawn?  All the evidence indicates that to some extent he was- - yes.  He seemed to be specifically Protected by the Powers that Be, if not actually encouraged to do what he did, because those around him showed no moral indignation at his previous actions.  Think about it.  You know, Dylan said, "Don't follow leaders".  In another song Dylan said, "It is not It or He or Them that you belong to".  Dylan did not previously (prior to 1979) believe in men owning other men.  If you pro slavery people are looking to the Bible - - there is a passage in Revelation about the ruler of Babylon or whatever shipping cargo of the souls of men.  The line seems to indicate that such a thing should not be.  That's my take on it.  Nobody has to "Serve the Massa".  This is 21st Century america- - - not ancient Babylon.  Things have hopefully advanced a little.  Let us look at some of the lyrics now.

A South politician preaches to the poor white man
"You got more than blacks, don't complain
You're better than them, you been born with white skin" they explain
And the Negro's name
Is used it is plain
For the politician's gain
As he rises to fame
And the poor white remains
On the caboose of the train
But it ain't him to blame
He's only a pawn in their game.

Well that posting we did about "Cletus the Fetus" went into this whole dumb Bubah thing where the poor whites are exploited by the powerful and racist for their own gain.  And these are the sort of things they tell them, then as now.  It isn't new.  And it's no less insidious today.

The deputy sheriffs, the soldiers, the governors get paid
And the marshals and cops get the same
But the poor white man's used in the hands of them all like a tool
He's taught in his school
From the start by the rule
That the laws are with him
To protect his white skin
To keep up his hate
So he never thinks straight
'Bout the shape that he's in
But it ain't him to blame
He's only a pawn in their game.

They want to use the educational system to brainwash the ignorant and reinforce those traits which are the very ones that will prove to be the most Destructive.  Think about it.  "The laws are with you.  The police are your friends.  Particularly if you want to help in bagging us a Koon.  You know what they say.  Wolves are bold in a pack but cowards when faces one on one.  This is why they maintain a constant five to one, or worse ratio of liberals to Conservatives on FOX.  And I've seen some debates where other things are done to "Rig the Jandak table" as they'd say on Deep Space Nine.

From the powerty shacks, he looks from the cracks to the tracks
And the hoof beats pound in his brain
And he's taught how to walk in a pack
Shoot in the back
With his fist in a clinch
To hang and to lynch
To hide 'neath the hood
To kill with no pain
Like a dog on a chain
He ain't got no name
But it ain't him to blame
He's only a pawn in their game.

"Intransigence has its place.  A lot of us would like to live a long, intransigent life where we never change our position on anything.  But I'm not concerned about that now.  Because I've been to the Mountain Top and seen the other side of this particular issue - - and I can say that we as a people will get to the Primised Land of government Medical Care"

I've had a change of heart in at least one sense.  Up till now had you asked me I would have said that I would have voted as a Supreme Court Justice to strike down Obama Care.  I would have done so on the grounds of it being Unconstitutional.  Yet if I'm going to be philosophically consisted with other positions I've taken- - such as Citizens United, I'd have to help to uphold the laws.  Courts have previously decided that Mc Cain - Feingold was unconstitutional.  However Thom Hartman points out that the mere act of a Supreme Court striking down a duly passed law as "Unconstitutional" is itself an unconstitutional act.  President Jefferson in response to Marsha's Marberry verses Madison ruling declared "If this ruling is allowed to stand, the Constitution itself will be as a thing of wax to be molded at will into whatever shape".  Hartman has rightly pointed out that the Courts are for decisions in cases brought before it and make sure the litigants are dealt with fairly according to the laws on the books.  In this vein I would not have voted for Roe vs Wade because this case was "prematurely filed" because the woman had not, and indeed DID not have an abortion.  As such there "was no case".  In this case too there "is no case" because no one has yet been harmed by a law which in fact has not gone into effect yet, much as many liberals were saying, but I wasn't listening.  It's like that California court in the sixties striking down Proposition 15 passed in 1964 which banned "pay TV".  There was at that time, believe it or not, a heavy commercial campaign AGAINST "pay TV" and the measure passed but the courts struck it down.  So I say to let the law go into effect and we'll take it one day at a time after a time.  And if anyone can show "injury" after that, then we'll see who has a case that they can pervail on.

Stewart Sutcliffe rarely changed his mind on anything.  Indeed one of the things I admire him for is his intransigence, the word Lisa Simpson most dreads having in a spelling bee.  But as you know last December Stewart was dropping hints he was having a change of heart on the whole Obama verses Romney thing.  Now Stewart is saying he was "brainwashed" on the whole Obama question.  That's a strong word.  Stewart is now all for Obama.  He is no longer saying that Obama has some "secret agenda".  Much of this derives from his belief that "President Obama does not have any Sutteran connection".  One of those Cosmic things.  Another issue on which Stu Baby had changed his mind was something he repeated a lot around mid 2005 that "Valerie Shoffner is NOT an incarnation of Brian Jones".  For a while there was what was known as "The impostor Brian Jones".  It's like that Hitchcock thing where the circus employer tells this down and out drunk, "Oh, if we hire you you won't be th3e REAL geek, you will be just a stand-in till the real geek gets back".  Of course soon after he was hired it became all to clear that this man now WAS the "real geek".  So it is with Brian Jones.  In the spirit of George Bush and Bin Laden they "gave up" trying to find the "real" Brian Jones and concluded that Valerie S was indeed an incarnated walk in of the "real" Brian Jones.  We had formerly said that "rememberences as animals are suspect".  Of course Bones knew Zachery (alias Brian) both as a cat, and previously as a dog.  But Bones now says "Perhaps I did not have a complete perception of the situation".  This admission is almost as "out of character" as Newt Gingrich alledged statement that "It looks like Mitt Romney is destined to become President".  I never heard a clip of that one.  If this is true about Brian then we suddenly know a lot of new stuff about him.  He's a KLOS fan and claims to know a lot of things about KLOS jocks, at least as of 2005.  He's not above hitchhiking with his girlfriend while not yet fourteen a couple of hundred miles away to attend a Rock Festival.  Sexually he is permiscouous, and seems to regard children as entities that need not be protected by marriage.  He may even say things like "My two sons are so good looking they're going to grow up to be real studs".  So did Brian Jones have an aversion to chicken?  Mark Campbell was most vocal is saying that Zachery has an aversion to chicken.  As to Mark Campbell himself- - - he tended to not want to eat the "home cooking" of other Bosc members, particularly cassaroles.  Yet he loved to mooch food such as pizza and dandwiches from Craigs Sandwith, and was not adverse to commercial food and commercial meats.

In keeping with my "change of heart" I plan to vote for Obama in the June Primary rather than attempt for the "lesser of an evil" such as Rick Santorum.  They are still playing that one Santorum tape about "Obama is just another government Nig-uhh- !  That gets clearer all the time.  That remark is a deal breaker for me.  I've lost all respect for him.  Santorum made that other remark about "Blu - - - " people.   -so was it "Blue people"?  They now have voice analis of that screaming during the Florida shooting and have scientifically proven it was not Zimmerman screaming as he alledges.  But these people will NEVER admit they lie about anything.  For a picture of Intransigence, put Rush Limbaugh as postor boy.  Now they are saying that "Blacks have a bounty on Zimmerman".  But nobody - - not even a literal, regards this "New Black Panther Party" as anything credible at all.  It isn't out side that has politicized this event.  Other than the one remark, the President hasn't brought it up.  But clearly the right has made it a big issue because now the N R A is saying "This event will be used as a wedge issue to get tougher gun restriction laws passed".  Of course there are the campaign posters with site cross hairs drown over the faces of various political candidates.  You have you-know-who saying 'I don't see what the big (shooting) deal is - - Trevon Martin started it".   This same individual was all over the "fact" that now the US has surpassed Japan as the highest corperate tax rate nation.  Of course that' bullshit, but naturally the right is going to repeat it.  Some people are such addictive liars, I don't why I even believe them if they say "The sun rose in the east this morning".

As to my own diet recomendations the idea like that Sixty Minutes doctor said that "sugar is bad in almost any ammount" is absurd.  One internet source said "You see that piece of pastry there.  It's tempting but if you eat it you know it's pure poison".  We don't need that kind of hyperbolic hysteria.  Now the recomendation is for only 120 caleries per day from "sugar", which would amount to LESS than one can of soda per day.  This is if you consumed NO other sugar during the day - - not in coffee or tea or on your cereal - - or hidden in other processed products you eat.  It's damn near impossible to do that, and it's not necessary.  They find the worst sugar junkey and say "You'll end up like this guy if you take that first bite of a sweet".  There are things I avoid.  For instance he said that fructose rather than dextrose was the problem.  This is the new processed corn syrup which is man made.  To say that "both types of sugar are equally dangerous' is false.  Cane growers have every right to complain.  We forget about all the cancer that you can get from contaminated meats- - and various dread bacteria and chemical contamination.  We have processed foods.  I don't eat twinkees or cheetos or chees-its, or those flavored "wafer" crackers- - - or BBQ or sour cream or or other flavored potato chips.  I much prefer plain.  I don't like non carbonated artificial juices.  Some now say that REAL fruit juice is bad for you because it has the fiber removed.  I just say away from the el fako fruit drinks.  However I like Coke, Pepsi, Root Beer, and lemon lime provided it isn't diet.  I don't drink these Diet products because those things ARE bad for you.  I prefer "real bread" rather than this squooshy stuff.  And also we could talk about people who used canned fruits instead of fresh, or who way overcook their vegetables.  You may have your own ideas.  I'm saying that the idea that "sugar is the cause of cancer" is silly.  Others say if you under cook meat that's bad, but if you overcook or char broil it- - the char broiling causes cancer.  I think both of these are utterly silly.  Some say that "anything with pasta in it is bad".  That is also silly.  People love to just run with an idea and go nuts- - - so they become almost as restrictive about foods as people who won't ban smoking but they'll restrict it to death.  I think there is enough room for sensible actions.  Get stuff with less added sugar and salt and processed chemicals.  Stay away from the artificial fructose corn syrup.  If you do this, you will do well.

Sunday, April 01, 2012


We'll get to the doctor's remarks in a moment but first I want to talk about this latest shooting in Oakland at a progressive Religious school where they teach Bible and other liberal arts courses such as nursing.  Apparently one student went brazerk and began firing and and six or seven fellow students are dead so far.  Of course you know Dan White had the Twinkee defence.  However, we do know that sugar makes kids hyperactive.  So much sugar, and particularly the wrong kind of sugar, certainly is not a good thing.  Because if a person is eating all that sugar, particularly children, it means they aren't getting other needed nutrients.  It also brings about bad eating habits in our children.  Many things are not bad when used properly - - for instance marriage, religion, guns - - governments.  Man has evolved for instance to trust sweet things because the saying goes "nothing in nature is poisonous if it is sweet to the taste".  Certainly sweetness is seen as a positive metaphore in the Bible.  In one case Johnathin and another were doing battle against the enemy but King Saul had imposed a fast in the land but Johnathin broke it and ate honey for renewed strength, and he was able to complete the battle.  But with our gun laws the climate in the land now is that "anyone should be allowed to own a gun because the more guns in private citizen's hands, the safer America will be".  And yet Cops will tell you - especially if you have a gun - - not to go out into a crime scene "looking for the bad guy yourself".  Another officer will see you waving a gun around and not know who you are or why you are there.  Sometimes innocent people can wander into bad situations.  Like wandering into a religious Cult by mistake.  People in this world still judge you by who you are rather than your character, which they don't know.  I'm just saying that too much sugar as a percentage of the total diet isn't a good thing.  Last night on Sixty Minutes they said that companies have taken out fat, which is natural, and replaced it with some sort of synthetic sweetener because fat among other things creates a feeling of satiety, or feeling full and satisfied.  You take the fat out of something and people will actually eat more.  Think about it.  Here's the article.  By the way I got tricky and altered this guy's photo from my original posting of yesterday.  I just felt like being cute.

© n/a
We physicians with all our training, knowledge and authority often acquire a rather large ego that tends to make it difficult to admit we are wrong. So, here it is. I freely admit to being wrong. As a heart surgeon with 25 years experience, having performed over 5,000 open-heart surgeries, today is my day to right the wrong with medical and scientific fact.  I trained for many years with other prominent physicians labelled "opinion makers." Bombarded with scientific literature, continually attending education seminars, we opinion makers insisted heart disease resulted from the simple fact of elevated blood cholesterol.  The only accepted therapy was prescribing medications to lower cholesterol and a diet that severely restricted fat intake. The latter of course we insisted would lower cholesterol and heart disease. Deviations from these recommendations were considered heresy and could quite possibly result in malpractice.  It Is Not Working!  These recommendations are no longer scientifically or morally defensible. The discovery a few years ago that inflammation in the artery wall is the real cause of heart disease is slowly leading to a paradigm shift in how heart disease and other chronic ailments will be treated.   The long-established dietary recommendations have created epidemics of obesity and diabetes, the consequences of which dwarf any historical plague in terms of mortality, human suffering and dire economic consequences.  Despite the fact that 25% of the population takes expensive statin medications and despite the fact we have reduced the fat content of our diets, more Americans will die this year of heart disease than ever before. Statistics from the American Heart Association show that 75 million Americans currently suffer from heart disease, 20 million have diabetes and 57 million have pre-diabetes. These disorders are affecting younger and younger people in greater numbers every year.  Simply stated, without inflammation being present in the body, there is no way that cholesterol would accumulate in the wall of the blood vessel and cause heart disease and strokes. Without inflammation, cholesterol would move freely throughout the body as nature intended. It is inflammation that causes cholesterol to become trapped.   Inflammation is not complicated -- it is quite simply your body's natural defence to a foreign invader such as a bacteria, toxin or virus. The cycle of inflammation is perfect in how it protects your body from these bacterial and viral invaders. However, if we chronically expose the body to injury by toxins or foods the human body was never designed to process,a condition occurs called chronic inflammation. Chronic inflammation is just as harmful as acute inflammation is beneficial.   What thoughtful person would willfully expose himself repeatedly to foods or other substances that are known to cause injury to the body? Well, smokers perhaps, but at least they made that choice willfully.  The rest of us have simply followed the recommended mainstream diet that is low in fat and high in polyunsaturated fats and carbohydrates, not knowing we were causing repeated injury to our blood vessels. This repeated injury creates chronic inflammation leading to heart disease, stroke, diabetes and obesity.  Let me repeat that: The injury and inflammation in our blood vessels is caused by the low fat diet recommended for years by mainstream medicine.   What are the biggest culprits of chronic inflammation? Quite simply, they are the overload of simple, highly processed carbohydrates (sugar, flour and all the products made from them) and the excess consumption of omega-6 vegetable oils like soybean, corn and sunflower that are found in many processed foods.  Take a moment to visualize rubbing a stiff brush repeatedly over soft skin until it becomes quite red and nearly bleeding. you kept this up several times a day, every day for five years. If you could tolerate this painful brushing, you would have a bleeding, swollen infected area that became worse with each repeated injury. This is a good way to visualize the inflammatory process that could be going on in your body right now.   Regardless of where the inflammatory process occurs, externally or internally, it is the same. I have peered inside thousands upon thousands of arteries. A diseased artery looks as if someone took a brush and scrubbed repeatedly against its wall. Several times a day, every day, the foods we eat create small injuries compounding into more injuries, causing the body to respond continuously and appropriately with inflammation. 

Nobody bothers to actually study cause and effect in so many areas.  If exporting American jobs were caused by taxes being too high, the economy should be going like gangbusters right now.  Many times people of the more right wing perswasion are absolutely correct however.  For instrance that the way to handle bullies is to stand up to them. Any intervention on a "well intensioned" parent to prevent his kid from taking, shall we say "pro-active" action against bullies, weakens the child's resolve and thusly strengthens the hand of the bully.  It's an old addage also that you have more power BEFORE you get married, if youre a woman, or joining a religious Cult, then you will ever have AFTER you join.  This is ironic because these two things Advertize that they will give you status and respectability, while in truth both take it away.  Today the adage "Ignorance is Strength" has gathered momentum.  It's right out of Orwell's "1984" of course.  It comes off as a varient of the adage of "What you don't know won't hurt you" which is one of the biggest all time classic lies.  It takes on forms such as Santorum's "college snobbery".  It seeks out the dumbest hicks and indoctrinates them and gives them something to hate and at least in theory "a reason for their pathetic lives" that they didn't have before,  so that the very poorest among us are exploited by the very richest.  Neil Savedra may have mixed in a little "dog whistle speech" in with his discourse on anger today.  Perhaps his remarks were innocent and perhaps I'm over-reacting.  Maybe.  But when someone talks about "righteous indignation boiling up so that you just have to do something" I have to question where, or more important WHO that is coming from.  I don't think anger is usually the answer.  Was for instance George Zimmerman really "Making a political statement" in shooting Trevon Martin about either restrictive gun laws, or perhaps the whole "Obama is just a government - - Negro" or whatever it is Santorum was trying to say.  Also Neil seemed to say that anger as a normal transient human emotion at life's frustrations is somehow "sinful".  This may come as a shock to Neil but not all sin is "transgression".  We are accountable to God for our transgressions but not necessarily all of our sins.  For instance under Neil's logic, the expert marine marksman and Don Knotts are equally "bad shots" because one can argue that neither is able to hit a target from an infinite distance away down to the last micro milimeter.  Hence under Neil's Marcionistic reasoning, both are sinners who have "fallen short".  The entire perceptual frame of Christians here is wrong.  Thom Hartman has pointed out that Communist China and some new "Government Emergency laws" play off the same delusion.  They have laws on the books which may never be enforced but knowing they CAN be is somehow supposed to make us ALL better citizens.  After all they would argue "You wouldn't want the Government to Compromize with Pure Rightiousness".  So the idea is to meditate on how unreachable the perfection of The Government alias "God" is and to never question its wisdom.  Why if they were to for instance, suspend an election, something which has "never been done before" we should not be alarmed because they argue "just because something has never been done before doesn't mean that the move is long overdue".  (Selah)

Here is some typical Tea Party rhetoric on energy by a guy hawking his book:  Congress has been urged—and sometimes threatened—by special interest groups to take a negative stance on energy production, but they have miserably failed to take proper action to increase our domestic production. In fact, as you read this book you must come to the realization that energy production has been fiercely stifled by "Government Bureaucracy, " and Congress has sat on its collective hands.  You, the reader, will be left to make your own conclusions as to why this set of facts and circumstances conflict many times with what we have been told by the news media—which is fed its information by Government Agencies and Departments.

It's people on the right rather than on the left which are most often guilty of "re working" Bible verses and quotations.  One commentator today was quoting from Psalm 8 and he described this psalm as "A brief psalm, but deciphering it is like having a box of your grandfathers old things all packed together in one box, and you have to fish through it and 'piece the clues together".   Let me make a long story short.  There were in ancient times a strain of "messiamic Jews" that may not have even been in the majority.  But they are into "typology".  Nothing in the Bible is as it seems.  For instance when it talks about how King Saul should utterly wipe out the Amalikites" according to Rev Chuck Smith "Amalikites" are a type of Flesh, and is one is able to somehow wipe out and transcend the Flesh then one can truely "move into the Spiritual, blessed Life with the Lord".  So in Chuck's view,  Salvation is synanomus to "complete mastry over the Flesh", which apparently he has achieved.  Some see everything in the Bible as though each and every song writer was historically aware of the Gospel Story.  So they fish out minutia and split sentenses and often change whole words and phrases to "make the scripture say what they want".  So they engage in what is known as "Endogesis" or "If it isn't there I'll find it somewhere - even if I die in the attempt".