Get ready to be drowned in more mythology than you can probably handle bur first we have a few items you can probably relate to much better under the classification of "destructive myths". As you know this morning we get the Saturday morning radio messages on KNX 1070 by both the Republicans and the Democrats. The President spent his time giving us a pep talk from an auto plant saying how the economy was moving again and auto workers were back at work, and how he hopes that Congress will still pass his jobs plan although they have given signals in no uncertain terms that they plan to reject all of it. The President points out that independent economists agree as do the American people that we need this jobs package to get people back to work and "jump start" the American economy and hire police, firemen, and teachers and all the rest who have been let go in this economic contraction chain reaction we have been in. It can be pointed out that jobs losses in the public sector have weighed against the over all jobs increase in the private sector so have dragged down the overall jobs figures. The Republican response an hour later has centered on the same old myths spread by the Right Wing we have been hearing these past three years that had their basic origens in the campaign John Mc Cain and Sarah Palin ran for President in 2008. In this mind set all government intervention is bad and business needs to be "freed up" so that the economy can grow. Excessive regulations are killing jobs, and the stimulus plans didn't work at all and therefore the current jobs plan on the table won't work, either. But if you ask these people themselves what the country "needs" it's for the "economy to undergo a major restructuring". And in this process we need to "pay the price" for all the Feds tinkering with the economy and plunge for perhaps years into a deeper and deeper recession. The code phrase here is "even if things get worse under a President Rick Perry - - It's all for our own good- - and to just kind of grin and bear it. We take refuge into these "Neil Savedra-isms" such that Evil is Good and without Evil you can't have good. Therefore when evil and sickness and deprevation comes we are to praise the Lord for his wisdom. After all this Evil that is to befall us is "All part of God's plan" for either America or our own lives. Many say that death is a bad thing but in the realm of Jesus funny land Death is a glorious, marvelous, redeeming thing. I would like to talk about a time when I was at Cypress doing Wordperfect in their computer lab. And one day I looked in the directory and saw all of the files gone, swept clean. I thought maybe someone had just "hidden the files" but they wouldn't erase them. Such it is with how people view Death. They don't want to face Death as the ultimate End but somehow people's souls must be "hidden" to a place "where we can't see them". This could conote that there is some Personage out there who "hides" the souls, to a Place where we know not, that maybe if we could find that "Place" we could somehow "find" the missing souls. Still in most all situations Death would appear to be the end. Lets hope 2012 isn't the "Death" of the US economy, as we have known it for 250 years. When Death becomes the realm only of psychics like Sylvia Brown, then you know you are getting pretty desperate. They have done experiments with people in darkened rooms staring at a stationary light for hours on end or something. Invariably the people begin to describe the light as moving this way or that way- - in all sorts of intricate trajectories. So it is when there is "Too much of nothing" the mind makes up the Void. (Selah)
If you are looking for hints as to source or inspiration, the following are but possabilities that all point to the same source. But personally I'm not even sure myself.
One reference used to be interpreted by me as a reference to the Manson Family and not to any Egyptian deity.
The first destination after taking flight, according ti Jim Morrison, is Aldebran VIII
If you have a prominent talent you'll devote your whole life to it.
Egypt has been of source of lore and mystery for a long time.
Don't write a song about something if your own life contradicts it.
This brings us to Osiris, Egyptian Lord of the Dead. Osiris was referred to in a TV program last night. According to standard myth- - Osiris was born of a union between the sky and the earth gods. Osiris had a twin sister named Isis, whom he took to wife and they begat Horus, the Egypt Sun god and the one they most worship. Mormonism borrows a little from this saying that just as Osirus had an evil brother named Set or Seth, so Jesus has an evil brother named Lucifer who became the Devil. Apparently Isis conceived Horus by making love to Osiris' corpse or somehow Osiris was brought back to life temporarily or something. Hence you have another of these Virgin mother myths with which the world is overrun. In the Bible in Luke it says "Jesus was the son, so people thought, of Joseph". I guess I'm wondering whether the words "so people thought" as old as the rest of the text? Suppose I told a story about someone who paid me for my labor in a giant one Kilo gold, so people thought, brick of metal. Suppose I then go on to talk about where the gold was mined in South Africa and how a particular slave died in the mining of that very gold. The whole rest of the story would be made irrelivent by the words "so people thought" in the sentense. People on the Christian right seem to miss these at one time subtle but glairing points in their own texts. Now we come to some say my own version of the myth. (Now I give you the supposed "facts" behind the myth) The Orion Federation was given that name as a tribute to the "relics on Reigel VII" or the "Orion ruins" as they are sometimes reffered to. These are relics on Reigel VII that have no Reigellian writing on them but are believed to date from the time of the building of the Pyramids in Egypt which we place around thirteen - - Thousand - - BC. We have discussed this period before. The Relics on Reigel VII have no Reigellian writing on them. Reigel is known as the "Amazon star". Here I would like to correct Wickipedia and perhaps my own material. They say that "Belletrix" or something is the Amazon star. They also say that Bellitrix is "gamma Orion" and yet we refer to gamma Orion (maybe I misread the symbols) as a less bright star above and a little to the left of Bellitrix. This star we have referred to was known originally as the "Deep Purple" planet and then as the "Colors" planet where they were joined by hangers on spirits of such groups as Pink Floyd, King Crimson, the Moody Blues, and Black Sabbath. This whole migration thing we discussed a couple weeks ago is an amazingly recent phenominon. Anyhow in our version - - the people of that culture did indeed have green skin, and are referred to as the Amazons, who were since relocated. (see previous) So in our version Osirus came to earth and founded Egypt. Osirus is called a "Westerner" because he is Lord of the Dead on the west side of the Nile, or more notibly "the blessed dead" who are counted worthy of Life. Osirus' greenness is also associated with the Nile and the growing of crops. Osirus is often associated with Orion. In many ways he is analogus to God and Horus or "the Sun god" is analagous to Christ. Anyhow the big battles seem to be between Horus and Set or Seth. Horus is the god of lower Egypt (tword the Medeteranian) and Seth is seen as the "god of the desert" or Upper Egypt. When the two became United it is unclear whether the two brothers, or rather brother and nephew became reunited to the good side. Here is another KEY CORRECTION we're making. When I talked about Rameses I - - I should have said "Amoche" or "Ahmoche". This was the pharoah of the eighteenth dynesty that drove the Shepherd Kings or Hyksos out. The Hyksos ruled extreme lower Egypt in the Nile delta region. These Hyksos adopted the enemy god Seth as their god. This is the god of the desert, where they ended up migrating. My version of the 18th Dynesty founding has Ahmose - - going by Rameses I - - is based on the version told to me by Jim Morrison. In Jim's version he called himself Rameses I. In that version he had a brother - - me, who died prematurely - - but in the Egyptian version Ahmose's brother died at a VERY young age and left the rulership to his brother Ahmose, as undisputed ruler. Ahmose means "child of the Moon" or something. Personally I like Jim Morrison's version better. So it could be that Abraham was origionally a worshiper of Seth, the desert god. In our version Abraham was the father of the Midianites, who were the Hyksos. But now the Dardanians, when they conquered the old Reigel Federation- - renamed it the Orion Federation and claimed the relics as their Own. According to the Federation- - there are a few Dardanians referred to in the Bible. According to them Noah was really Shem. And Shem traveled to a space ship to Earth and was the first Dardanian on earth. Shem has a son named - Melchizidek in the Bible. It is pointed out that Abraham paid tithes to this man so thus was superior to Abraham's god. (Seth?) Also in the Bible Samson was a Dardanian, and also Rahab the prostitute was a Dardanian loyalist. In our version a troop of Dardanians were cut off from their space pod or something and under pursuit. And Rahab lied to the authorities as to their whereabouts. So these Dardanians thanked her and promised her protection against the coming astroid shower which was about to bombard earth, and is what destroyed the walls of Jericho. All she had to do was hang a big red ribbon outside the wall. Some say that "orders of the Red Lion" are derivitives of Dardanian worship. According to the Federation, many people in that era were named Dardanus. There are a minority of people who believe that Howard, alias Ernest Hemingway, is an incarnation of Seth- - - and apparently the line "The desert world began to settle down" in "Band on the Run" referrs to Seth. It is said that Seth was just a tad hydro-phobiac or has a fear of water or oceans. One new source told me this mornings that these Sethites may be "lords of the Outer World" referring to Bela Tagis IV, alias the Dune Planet and that somehow the whole Paul Atraites thing and the mystery pond on the pole of the planet has some of mythic basis. It is said that the poles of Bela Tagis IV are "off limits" to the majority of the population. And here we come full circle saying that Howard may be "hiding out" by this secret group, the "Lords of the outer world" or surface world. Others have said that Howard is "hiding out" on one of the lesser known stars of the Romulan Federation. Some say, "if anybody needed protection from people after them, a cloaked planet might be a logical choice. Others have pointed to this whole "Sirius 0" gene or the "0" immunity factor. According to one course during my unconsciousness during my suicide attempt I visited the Des Rho regions where it was said "What you lacked by birth you have earned by deeds" and I was given the "B" immunity factor even though I didn't have it before. Some have said who ever is conceiling Howard are also conceiling San Giancana - - of Kennedy fame. As to this whole myth about Howard returning - -some say it is under say and by rule the child has to be Earth born and 2005 is as good a year as any, but these sources say that Mal Evans is completely wrong over who the exact child is. It is pointed out that Mal Evans is not is a position to know anything about Howard. You know- - whoever is first to pilot a "warp speed" space craft will be a famous man no matter who he is. No doubt a lot of famous "Super heroes" are destined to be born in the future. It might be pointed out the world has been markedly short on these lately.
The I Phone 4 S came out today. Some say the S is for Steve. It’s pretty impressive. And you can ask it voice questions and it will answer you by locating just what you are looking for. One guy said he's getting an I Phone because he's a Star Trek fan of talking computers. My Mom has a talking computer but I think they would be a bit unsetteling. This revision is faster and got a log of gadgets and an 8 mega-pixel camera, and it’s better than the tablet they showed later. Some wanted the official "I Phone 5". Apparently this phone still officially does not have 4 G capability. Lines were down for the I Phone 4 S at least in the C Net promo. However they say this phone has caused a world wide first sales phenominon. In case you are wondering- - no I still haven't heard any personal messages from Steve Jobs, going the way of most dead people.
Contrary to common myth, the economy is not headed into a double dip recession, as least as of now. The stock market is up, and never dipped that far. Also I have never recinded the "buy" signal I gave a month or so ago. As to these trade agreements that were signed with Columbia and South Korea, I don't place much stock in those. Apparently a "hospiss" section of the Obama Health Care bill was scrapped because it would be too expensive, by which older people could receive long term care. There is some "three percent small business tax" that it was said there is "bi partisan support for eliminating". This tax was established in the 1930's. But essentially this country will be operating without a President for the next fifteen months.
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