Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Tonight will be another of those political circus republican debates. Those people exist in an unreal world. Randy Rhodes was wondering why the tea party people never got beaten up by police when they carried guns to political rallies and spoke of “second amendment solutions” and went around shooting congress-women. Police are dressed in riot gear in New York constantly expecting the worse. They beat people over the head and run over their legs with their motor bikes. Some protestors ask the police to join them, even as they are being beaten. Meanwhile Herman Cain has a little song for us all that goes something like this, along the lines of “Imagine”

Imagine there’s no pizza

I couldn’t if I tried

Just eating only tacos

And lots of Kentucky Fried

I hope my last posting, which has been up for a day and a half taught a few basic common sense principles about what human to human speaking, is wrong with Christianity. Right now even my link to Mormonism is weakened. Laurie took one remark of mine entirely the wrong way when I mentioned that I knew Yvon Steel and didn’t know, or had forgotten that she was a Mormon. A few weeks ago I prayed specifically for Seid’s health. And apparently now it has taken a turn for the worse. That’s God for you, as far as answering prayers. It was mid day I sent a prayer up to the Lord that I be worthy of the graciousness he has bestowed on me. That’s because things have been so calm lately. So after that I had one of the stormiest afternoons in a long time. The trouble with me and Christianity is that it’s like walking through a mine field. And you have to be pretty careful. I would hope sheer bigotry doesn’t determine whom the Republicans pick as their nominee. For their sakes I hope just once they are able to view things objectively. I guess some indendant agency yesterday ran a survey and concluded that President Barock Obama has gotten about the most antagonistic media coverage of any recent American president. Barock Obama has his own mine field to worry about. He’s still trying to play the “Mr. Reasonable’ and ‘Nice Guy” cards. I think he’s pretty much played those out, and now look to his hand for something else.

I watched most all of the debate beginning with the National Anthem as I was pouring coffee. Larry wanted his cup poured right then so I obliged him. Anyone who pays premium rates deserves service when they want it. Larry wants another cup at 7:30 and so I’m making more, even though I told him I was short for the week. Tonight's debate was sponsored by CNN and it was held in Las Vegas and like with all the rest, the audience was virtually all tea party. As such and as with most other of these debates, problems or ordenary Americans were ignored and labor rights or occupational safety or the environment weren't touched on even a little. At no time has Herman Cane said what he would do about Social Security. Almost not addressed at all were investigating Wall Street or saying that we have relaxed too many regulations, and these are the basic cause of the problems. Turning banks into gambling houses seems not to bother this crowd one bit. Only Ron Paul dared to touch on this topic, even a little. As such these debates are freak circuses bearing almost no relation to the lives or ordenary Americans.

Herman Cain is a pathological liar. There’s no getting around it. He goes on with this apples and oranges nonsense not realizing it’s all money to the people paying the 17% sales tax. Others accused Cain of it being a “value added tax every step of the production process”. Everyone agrees that once congress institutes a new tax that it won’t ever be repealed but most likely increased, now that there is a governmental foot in the door. Others such as Romney pointed out there was no allowances for family and child expenses and Santaurum was the first to bring in the idea of family and faith, which Latinos support. I would have raised this point even sooner, if I were there. Cain is also attackable on the whole bank bail out issue. He keeps flip flopping. If Bush does it it’s OK but if Obama continues the same policy then Cain has his doubts. Ron Paul aptly pointed out that rather than bail out the banks, why not bail out the mortgage holders so that they can keep their homes and prices not be driven down further, and neighborhoods go to seed with boarded up houses driving down prices further. Cain was also challenged mainly by Rick Perry on his idea of an electrified barbed wire fence for nearly three thousand miles of mainly desert. For one thing can you imagine the enormous energy loss as all that voltage gets disapated? It would take thirteen years to build and Rick Perry points out correctly that the same or better results can be accomplished by having surveillance drones and other electronic monitoring along with boots on the ground. Ron Paul wants to take troops from the Pakistani border and transfer them to the Mexican border, which makes sense. Rick Perry may not know a lot but I believe he knows Something about this border issue having had eleven years experience. Romney wants to take away the twin magnets of free health services and college education, and also institute employer sanctions, which Thom Hartman also advocates. Good point. Michelle Bachman’s position on foreign wars seems strange. She was against our activities in Libya where we didn’t have boots on the ground, and yet a government was successfully overturned. But she is FOR opening up a fifth front, if you will, in Iran by going to war with that nation as her “first priority”. Iran could get messy if it wasn’t done right and I don’t trust Bachman NOT to mess it up Ron Paul says it comes down to money. Newt Gingrich says it all comes down to National Security. I believe it comes down to expedience. What works and what doesn’t. If our military is dysfunctional we’ll waste a lot of a valuable national resource, both of men and of money. John Huntsman was given the axe and was not in this debate. As to Yucca Mountain, I am in favor of having one big safe site that will be secure for the next ten thousand years. From a pure common sense bases it’s a whole lot ecologically safer than having it the way it is now, scattered dangerously all around the country. In terms of natural gas, I believe it’s use should be increased and substituted for oil. But only if we don’t have to resort to increased “fracking” to do it, because the dangers of that are more than evident. In my opinion we need to institute a one percent stock transfer tax we can reduce to a half percent after a time. I would wave capital taxes on Real property, but not on securities for reasons I’ve given in the past. I would get rid of the President’s health care program in its entirety in the most expeditious manner possible after becoming President. I do not favor any constitutional amendment either on the following three subjects: Banning abortions nation wide, banning gay marriage nation wide, or banning the notion of these “anchor babies” born on our side of the border. There are other ways of handling these problems. I would however favor a provision overturning all federal prohibition of marijuana laws. All these stances operate on tenth amendment states rights principles.

If you practice my method

Just as hard as you can

You’re gona get a reputation
As a Flag-waving man

I’ve got such a sure fire way of remembering semaphore or flag signal letters that you’ll be dreaming about this stuff. You’ll wake up at night thinking about this stuff. Last night I had trouble getting to sleep, probably from too much coffee and two few cigarettes. And as you know when I haven’t had cigarettes I tend to get a little OCD. So in a future post I will be doing "Semaphore Made Easy". I didn't want to post it tonight because you people have enough on your plate already. Maybe later on we’ll do aids in doing Morse Code, but that’ harder. I don't know why it's not centered right.

Monday, October 17, 2011



This is Monday morning. Many might suggest that I confine my topics to things that you can see, smell and touch - - - like newly minted money. Herman Kane knows all about that. The trouble is that Cain presently ranks fifth among Republicans in campaign funding behind Rick Perry, Mitt Romney, Ron Paul, and Michelle Bachman, in that order. I will say that Cain has better credentials as an American black man than does Barock Obama, who is about as "American" as Sean Lennon. While Cain had roots among actual black people here in American, Barock Obama let a highly elitist life as a child traveling to various private schools all over the world, not to mention, scarcely knowing his father. So he earns "points" with me as far as having genuine Black credentials. However Cain should be willing to "give back" a little to the country wherein he was able to prosper. In the Bible, in 2nd Samuel, I believe, there is the story of Nabal, whose vice was being a tight wad, and like all Bible stories, he paid the price for that. He's the guy who got married to Jennifer Horton's daughter. Basically, in terms of having a steady source of campaign revenue, Mitt Romney appears to be the man. I would like at this time just like to mention that sometimes "unexplainable" events occur to people that seem to be the result of some sovreign invisable force. You will remember after I had that dream where I declared "I'm in Hell" - - I was walking around in a blue funk for a while. Was "God" sending me a message? Can parts of the brain "rescue" other parts of the brain? I don't know. The human brain is complex and when it is diseased- - sometimes the patient exhibits actions which appear, for lack of a better term - - Demonic.

In terms of Afghanistan the news is that we will be far from having withdrawn all of our troops there by 2014 when the President says. This weekend is the tenth anniversary of the commencement of that war. Now we have around a hundred thousand there and nearly two thousand have died, and of course the death rate curve is accelerating. All to kill only a few thousand soldiers on the other side. Pakistan is this war’s “Cambodia” providing a safe haven for their troops, a luxury our side doesn’t have. At one time in the piece they said there may be less than fifty hard core Al Qaeda in the whole country. Another way in which our country is firing off a cannon to kill a fly is this whole bit with an aledged Iranian assenation of some Saudi ambassador and setting off a bomb. Pat Buchannon thinks the whole theory is bogus reasoning that Iran would not want to risk outright war with the US on such a small trigger issue. They say that Iranian assasins don’t make these sort of mistakes but know what they are doing. We of course have these “emergency measures” like the Patriot Act that are still in force. Many Republicans are also against our plans to clear out of Iraq altogether. People look at our foreign policy and they see war madness and spending money as though we were not running a 35% annual deficit each year. So on the news every day is Vetterans Day. The physical and psychological cost to those troops returning is ignored. And rather than all this allaying our national fears, these only seem to increase every day. I think we need a Presidential Candidate with a different world view. Republicans seem to have declared war not only on the 47% who pay no income taxes, but on virtually every other first world nation in the world, saying whatever opinions they have of us they are wrong, and we should scorn whatever input they offer us. The only government they seem to warm up to is China.

It makes sense to have “been around the block a few times”. If I were to visit myself from the past before I became a Christian I would say something like “It’s worse and more corrupt than you can imagine”. Herman Cain is deluding himself that there are “build in tax costs to everything we buy at the store”. But if we learned one thing from Proposition 13 in 1978 it’s that corporations don’t give back profits to their renters out of the goodness of their hearts because their taxes are lower. Price is determined by market forces. Rick Perry’s wife thinks that being fired from a job is the same as quitting a job. Everybody whose been fired knows that’s not true. There is this boxer who was wrongly convicted of killing a 92 year old lady in Buffalo or something. He was in prison for over twenty years, when the police had in their files the confessions of the guilty subjects, but they suppressed the evidence. Under Christian reasoning we are expected all to embrace, it doesn’t matter WHO pays for a crime, just as long as SOMEBODY does. I advise everybody to read my “Sermon on the Mount” from January of 2011 in the Psychic Balance bllog. There are a lot of anti Christian analogies. There is the barbershop analogy. There is the fighting Viet Nam GI analogy. Neither story was original with me and the fighting GI is an analogy of talk show host Michael Jackson. The Wizzard of Oz could be interperated to be an anti Christian analogy, about a cowardly “Lion” and a scare crow, who is smart but has a boring job. Of course we all know about the drug use referenced, even playing drugs off against each other. And most Christians would probably flunk the famous “auto race” test. The stipulations are this: You have to travel a sixty mile course in less than an hour to win and get a prize or whatever. The question is that if you traveled thirty miles of the course and discovered your GPS said you had averaged thirty miles an hour so far, how fast would you have to travel to make up the distance the rest of the race? Most Christians would say “ninety”, but the right answer is “You couldn’t; the race is over.” Jesus’ suffering had an eighteen hour expiration date all totaled. POW’s suffer for years. Teenage girls raped by their fathers endure it for years. That boxer witnessed his father beat his mother to death and then witnessed his brother being killed in a fight. The answer of Christians to all this is one of two falsehoods. They will either say, “It’s in the past. It’s irrelevant; forget it happened”. In this line of reasoning all the lessons of life "that you learned in the flesh" don't count for anything. Only what your pastor tells you can be trusted". Or - - the other extreme of “Yes, it’s significant. In fact it’s left you so emotionally shattered you are now no longer qualified to be a Christians. You are damaged goods.” People talk about Faith. Picture two little boys. One of them says, “Did you know that I have a two headed lizard in my back yard?” and the other little boy says, “Fine. Let’s go over to your place and you can show it to me”. The second little boy would be accused by Christian teachers as “Making a statement lacking in faith”. Were the first little boy to accuse the 2nd little boy of “Not believing him” it would be a distraction of the conversation to the main question of the day. You know the Niagara falls analogy where the question is posed “Do you believe I can wheel someone across on a rope in a wheel barrel?” The stipulation is that he did it once with an equal weight of bricks. If someone says “Yes I believe you can do it”. But CAN isn’t certainty. Maybe the changes are seventy or even eighty percent chance of success. Would you get on a jet liner that you knew there were odds of one in five that the plane would crash and kill every passenger aboard? Of course you wouldn’t. Neil Savedra teaches that if you want to “do just enough to get by” you are being a tightwad and a tempter of fate and a lot of other things against God.” So after Herman Kane’s tax plan goes into effect you will owe 24.2% in federal taxes counting FICA. You have your eight percent sales tax on top of that. Now it’s close to 33%. Now slap on that another ten percent of the gross, and come up with about 43% of your money gone before you have spent a dime. So the answer to Michelle Bachman’s question is that you get to keep 57% of your pay. What Christians forget is that people are human beings and not sheep to be fleeced. You don’t “own” the souls of other people. There is an Ozzie and Harriet episode where Ozzie tells Ricky, “Now take what you would call a good strong front line football stance”. Ozzie wanted to demonstrate this whole “center of gravity” theory about how easy it is to knock someone over based on their distribution of weight. This is another anti Christian analogy. Because even in the Bible we are told in one place “Just stand”. Neil advises his people to anticipate where the devil will attack from and take a stand accordingly. Christians are always guilty of “fighting the last war” and spend their whole lives in a time warp.

Sixty Minutes had two full segments on Van Gogh. Van Gogh was a minister’s son, which was part of the problem right there. Vincent wanted at one time to be like his father. Of course he couldn’t. He had this temporal lobe insanity which is related to epilepsy or something. He could “feel the attacks coming on”. Of course mixing religion with insanity is like going around an oil refinery with a lit blow torch or throwing gasoline on smouldering embers. So many religious people are insane and I’d say the vast majority of insane people have some sort of religious quirk. Both categories are people that talk about “Hearing some voice” or mssage, but they are never able to tell you what it is, but only that it is somehow amazing beyond belief and they must base their lives on it. You have the brother shades of “Lost Weekend” who tried to make it better but he, too is helpless. You find him unable to live with roommates. And in the end he didn’t go all the way out to this wheat field he painted to kill himself, but rather the gun wound seemed to be the result or some sort of taunting or horseplay with teenagers, who got the gun from someone in Bill Cody’s wild west show playing in Paris. And you have his utter dysfunctionality with the opposite sex. It never dawns on people like Neil that if you had some “bad experience” with the opposite sex the solution is NOT to either turn gay or else live an a sexual life. Vincent told the police, “Don’t charge anybody else for this shooting”, which is a somewhat odd dying request. Of course now his art is famous even if Time Life has their own “psychotic” label to it.

In the morning I made coffee. I turned on the Jesus Christ show. Today Jesus appeared to relent on this “suffering is good” line he’s been doing and now says that God only makes reasonable requests of you and “Father Knows Best” because he can see into the future and unforeseen consequences of a premature blessing. You all remember that when the Cuban ambassador at the UN in 1962 told Stevenson “you will receive your answer in due course” Stevenson responded, “I’m prepared till Hell freezes over”. It’s kind of silly to say God has no sense of time. God created Time, didn’t he? [I'd like to reference Soren Kirkigard a bit. He said that many times people have a common assumption of things. For instance we assume the existance of Time. We humans believe in Time whether God believes in it or not. Dick Schimell, a Sunday school teacher said, "Mathmeticians assume things- - like the number one exists". Common assumptions enable communacation among human beings. Those who don't share the comon assumptions are at a disadvantage. Certainly Neil Savedra realizes that sometimes "tomorrow" or "bye and bye" have ways of never arriving. There is a line in a Dylan song that goes, "What makes you think he will haunt you? You can go back to him any time you want to" (tomorrow)] But of course chemists can create water in simple reactions in a test tube. But that doesn’t make them experts on skin diving in the Caribbean or what to do when you face a man eating shark. As the adage goes, any two teenagers can “create a baby” in the back seat of the car. But that doesn’t insure their being good parents. So it is with God. One of my adages is from the Queen song, "Take care of those you call your own". So many Christian preachers say "God is not trying to withhold good things from you". I think there are truck loads of evidence that suggest otherwise. Even Michelle Bachman said it, “The devil is in the details”. Or to put it more bluntly "talk is cheap". Or to quote Phil McGraw, "One must learn to anticipate all the possible consequences of an act in advance". Haven't you at times known someone was full of bullshit and that time would prove you right in the end. Like Ross Perot was proven right about NAFTA. But does anybody care? No. Because our collective memories are so short. So at times I wonder whether God has thought out the "conquences" of denying people's prayers. How many times has "God" been full of bullshit and proposed some pipe dream line "9 9 9"? Oh, but haven't you heard? God isn't trying to be a meany by taking poor people's money away from them. Some day in the great bye and bye they'd actually come back and thank Herman Cain for depriving them of their sustenance. This is how Neil Savedra reasoning. After this I switched to the Today show.

We had brain without the raisons for breakfast. We had a fried egg and a waffle. I left the table still kind of hungry. Loretta and I shared someone’s orange juice. Then it was Meet the Press where Herman Cain was on. It’s nauseating to eve4n contemplate what the consequences of his policies would be. Perry’s wife said it best when she said “When I hear 999 I want to dial 911”. Then they had a representative of Romney and a representative of Perry, who debated. Before nine I switched to the Beatles. They had Beatles animals which included bull dogs, blackbirds, piggies, raccoons, kittens, monkeys, octopuses and birds. They didn’t play anything with Jimmy Mc Culloch in it. The closest they came was “Big Barn Bed” from Wings. I mentioned to Bill that they do have the lyrics in the album. The final song was “Let It Down” from All Things Must Pass. They played “We Got Married” and the Anthology demo of “No Reply”. They played “I Want To be Your Man” by the Rolling Stones, and also “You Know My Name”, edited version.

Saturday, October 15, 2011


Get ready to be drowned in more mythology than you can probably handle bur first we have a few items you can probably relate to much better under the classification of "destructive myths". As you know this morning we get the Saturday morning radio messages on KNX 1070 by both the Republicans and the Democrats. The President spent his time giving us a pep talk from an auto plant saying how the economy was moving again and auto workers were back at work, and how he hopes that Congress will still pass his jobs plan although they have given signals in no uncertain terms that they plan to reject all of it. The President points out that independent economists agree as do the American people that we need this jobs package to get people back to work and "jump start" the American economy and hire police, firemen, and teachers and all the rest who have been let go in this economic contraction chain reaction we have been in. It can be pointed out that jobs losses in the public sector have weighed against the over all jobs increase in the private sector so have dragged down the overall jobs figures. The Republican response an hour later has centered on the same old myths spread by the Right Wing we have been hearing these past three years that had their basic origens in the campaign John Mc Cain and Sarah Palin ran for President in 2008. In this mind set all government intervention is bad and business needs to be "freed up" so that the economy can grow. Excessive regulations are killing jobs, and the stimulus plans didn't work at all and therefore the current jobs plan on the table won't work, either. But if you ask these people themselves what the country "needs" it's for the "economy to undergo a major restructuring". And in this process we need to "pay the price" for all the Feds tinkering with the economy and plunge for perhaps years into a deeper and deeper recession. The code phrase here is "even if things get worse under a President Rick Perry - - It's all for our own good- - and to just kind of grin and bear it. We take refuge into these "Neil Savedra-isms" such that Evil is Good and without Evil you can't have good. Therefore when evil and sickness and deprevation comes we are to praise the Lord for his wisdom. After all this Evil that is to befall us is "All part of God's plan" for either America or our own lives. Many say that death is a bad thing but in the realm of Jesus funny land Death is a glorious, marvelous, redeeming thing. I would like to talk about a time when I was at Cypress doing Wordperfect in their computer lab. And one day I looked in the directory and saw all of the files gone, swept clean. I thought maybe someone had just "hidden the files" but they wouldn't erase them. Such it is with how people view Death. They don't want to face Death as the ultimate End but somehow people's souls must be "hidden" to a place "where we can't see them". This could conote that there is some Personage out there who "hides" the souls, to a Place where we know not, that maybe if we could find that "Place" we could somehow "find" the missing souls. Still in most all situations Death would appear to be the end. Lets hope 2012 isn't the "Death" of the US economy, as we have known it for 250 years. When Death becomes the realm only of psychics like Sylvia Brown, then you know you are getting pretty desperate. They have done experiments with people in darkened rooms staring at a stationary light for hours on end or something. Invariably the people begin to describe the light as moving this way or that way- - in all sorts of intricate trajectories. So it is when there is "Too much of nothing" the mind makes up the Void. (Selah)

If you are looking for hints as to source or inspiration, the following are but possabilities that all point to the same source. But personally I'm not even sure myself.

One reference used to be interpreted by me as a reference to the Manson Family and not to any Egyptian deity.

The first destination after taking flight, according ti Jim Morrison, is Aldebran VIII

If you have a prominent talent you'll devote your whole life to it.

Egypt has been of source of lore and mystery for a long time.

Don't write a song about something if your own life contradicts it.

This brings us to Osiris, Egyptian Lord of the Dead. Osiris was referred to in a TV program last night. According to standard myth- - Osiris was born of a union between the sky and the earth gods. Osiris had a twin sister named Isis, whom he took to wife and they begat Horus, the Egypt Sun god and the one they most worship. Mormonism borrows a little from this saying that just as Osirus had an evil brother named Set or Seth, so Jesus has an evil brother named Lucifer who became the Devil. Apparently Isis conceived Horus by making love to Osiris' corpse or somehow Osiris was brought back to life temporarily or something. Hence you have another of these Virgin mother myths with which the world is overrun. In the Bible in Luke it says "Jesus was the son, so people thought, of Joseph". I guess I'm wondering whether the words "so people thought" as old as the rest of the text? Suppose I told a story about someone who paid me for my labor in a giant one Kilo gold, so people thought, brick of metal. Suppose I then go on to talk about where the gold was mined in South Africa and how a particular slave died in the mining of that very gold. The whole rest of the story would be made irrelivent by the words "so people thought" in the sentense. People on the Christian right seem to miss these at one time subtle but glairing points in their own texts. Now we come to some say my own version of the myth. (Now I give you the supposed "facts" behind the myth) The Orion Federation was given that name as a tribute to the "relics on Reigel VII" or the "Orion ruins" as they are sometimes reffered to. These are relics on Reigel VII that have no Reigellian writing on them but are believed to date from the time of the building of the Pyramids in Egypt which we place around thirteen - - Thousand - - BC. We have discussed this period before. The Relics on Reigel VII have no Reigellian writing on them. Reigel is known as the "Amazon star". Here I would like to correct Wickipedia and perhaps my own material. They say that "Belletrix" or something is the Amazon star. They also say that Bellitrix is "gamma Orion" and yet we refer to gamma Orion (maybe I misread the symbols) as a less bright star above and a little to the left of Bellitrix. This star we have referred to was known originally as the "Deep Purple" planet and then as the "Colors" planet where they were joined by hangers on spirits of such groups as Pink Floyd, King Crimson, the Moody Blues, and Black Sabbath. This whole migration thing we discussed a couple weeks ago is an amazingly recent phenominon. Anyhow in our version - - the people of that culture did indeed have green skin, and are referred to as the Amazons, who were since relocated. (see previous) So in our version Osirus came to earth and founded Egypt. Osirus is called a "Westerner" because he is Lord of the Dead on the west side of the Nile, or more notibly "the blessed dead" who are counted worthy of Life. Osirus' greenness is also associated with the Nile and the growing of crops. Osirus is often associated with Orion. In many ways he is analogus to God and Horus or "the Sun god" is analagous to Christ. Anyhow the big battles seem to be between Horus and Set or Seth. Horus is the god of lower Egypt (tword the Medeteranian) and Seth is seen as the "god of the desert" or Upper Egypt. When the two became United it is unclear whether the two brothers, or rather brother and nephew became reunited to the good side. Here is another KEY CORRECTION we're making. When I talked about Rameses I - - I should have said "Amoche" or "Ahmoche". This was the pharoah of the eighteenth dynesty that drove the Shepherd Kings or Hyksos out. The Hyksos ruled extreme lower Egypt in the Nile delta region. These Hyksos adopted the enemy god Seth as their god. This is the god of the desert, where they ended up migrating. My version of the 18th Dynesty founding has Ahmose - - going by Rameses I - - is based on the version told to me by Jim Morrison. In Jim's version he called himself Rameses I. In that version he had a brother - - me, who died prematurely - - but in the Egyptian version Ahmose's brother died at a VERY young age and left the rulership to his brother Ahmose, as undisputed ruler. Ahmose means "child of the Moon" or something. Personally I like Jim Morrison's version better. So it could be that Abraham was origionally a worshiper of Seth, the desert god. In our version Abraham was the father of the Midianites, who were the Hyksos. But now the Dardanians, when they conquered the old Reigel Federation- - renamed it the Orion Federation and claimed the relics as their Own. According to the Federation- - there are a few Dardanians referred to in the Bible. According to them Noah was really Shem. And Shem traveled to a space ship to Earth and was the first Dardanian on earth. Shem has a son named - Melchizidek in the Bible. It is pointed out that Abraham paid tithes to this man so thus was superior to Abraham's god. (Seth?) Also in the Bible Samson was a Dardanian, and also Rahab the prostitute was a Dardanian loyalist. In our version a troop of Dardanians were cut off from their space pod or something and under pursuit. And Rahab lied to the authorities as to their whereabouts. So these Dardanians thanked her and promised her protection against the coming astroid shower which was about to bombard earth, and is what destroyed the walls of Jericho. All she had to do was hang a big red ribbon outside the wall. Some say that "orders of the Red Lion" are derivitives of Dardanian worship. According to the Federation, many people in that era were named Dardanus. There are a minority of people who believe that Howard, alias Ernest Hemingway, is an incarnation of Seth- - - and apparently the line "The desert world began to settle down" in "Band on the Run" referrs to Seth. It is said that Seth was just a tad hydro-phobiac or has a fear of water or oceans. One new source told me this mornings that these Sethites may be "lords of the Outer World" referring to Bela Tagis IV, alias the Dune Planet and that somehow the whole Paul Atraites thing and the mystery pond on the pole of the planet has some of mythic basis. It is said that the poles of Bela Tagis IV are "off limits" to the majority of the population. And here we come full circle saying that Howard may be "hiding out" by this secret group, the "Lords of the outer world" or surface world. Others have said that Howard is "hiding out" on one of the lesser known stars of the Romulan Federation. Some say, "if anybody needed protection from people after them, a cloaked planet might be a logical choice. Others have pointed to this whole "Sirius 0" gene or the "0" immunity factor. According to one course during my unconsciousness during my suicide attempt I visited the Des Rho regions where it was said "What you lacked by birth you have earned by deeds" and I was given the "B" immunity factor even though I didn't have it before. Some have said who ever is conceiling Howard are also conceiling San Giancana - - of Kennedy fame. As to this whole myth about Howard returning - -some say it is under say and by rule the child has to be Earth born and 2005 is as good a year as any, but these sources say that Mal Evans is completely wrong over who the exact child is. It is pointed out that Mal Evans is not is a position to know anything about Howard. You know- - whoever is first to pilot a "warp speed" space craft will be a famous man no matter who he is. No doubt a lot of famous "Super heroes" are destined to be born in the future. It might be pointed out the world has been markedly short on these lately.

The I Phone 4 S came out today. Some say the S is for Steve. It’s pretty impressive. And you can ask it voice questions and it will answer you by locating just what you are looking for. One guy said he's getting an I Phone because he's a Star Trek fan of talking computers. My Mom has a talking computer but I think they would be a bit unsetteling. This revision is faster and got a log of gadgets and an 8 mega-pixel camera, and it’s better than the tablet they showed later. Some wanted the official "I Phone 5". Apparently this phone still officially does not have 4 G capability. Lines were down for the I Phone 4 S at least in the C Net promo. However they say this phone has caused a world wide first sales phenominon. In case you are wondering- - no I still haven't heard any personal messages from Steve Jobs, going the way of most dead people.

Contrary to common myth, the economy is not headed into a double dip recession, as least as of now. The stock market is up, and never dipped that far. Also I have never recinded the "buy" signal I gave a month or so ago. As to these trade agreements that were signed with Columbia and South Korea, I don't place much stock in those. Apparently a "hospiss" section of the Obama Health Care bill was scrapped because it would be too expensive, by which older people could receive long term care. There is some "three percent small business tax" that it was said there is "bi partisan support for eliminating". This tax was established in the 1930's. But essentially this country will be operating without a President for the next fifteen months.

Friday, October 14, 2011


People like to talk about Hope as some virtue in and of itself. Dr. Levy is one of these people who says that hope and optimism are essential even in the most dire circumstances. But if you go into anything with a game plan and the other side has one, you will lose. People told me when I became a Born Again Christian, and Chuck Smith is famous for this, that you "shouldn't lean too strongly upon your own plans because God has his plan for us all if we will only trust him" and how it's all a matter of trusting in blind Fate. There is talk about "not getting out ahead of God". There is the line I like to use regarding God using a Beverly Hillbillies example where Jed asks Jethro to solve a delema they have and Jethro says "Don't worry Jed, I've got my giant brain and six years of education working on it' and then he assumes a pose like he's straining, or he's constipated or something, and Jed sees this and says "- -in the mean time here's what I think we'll do". This how it too often is with God. God doesn't seem to have a plan. What people in Born Again often boast about is how they did NOT have a plan for their own lives but God dropped good fortune in their laps. Most likely I suspect that they DID have a plan all along and that they are lying through their teeth, and as such render a grave disservice to all of their listeners. And yet there seems solid evidence that anything that is successful has a plan to it. Ted Armstrong points to aspects of nature and says "Not only to creatures have to do it perfectly, but they have to do it perfectly the first time". My problems with Christianity is that old adage about "You never get a second chance to make a first impression". But even these people who talk about the Cosmos on TV and how things "worked out exceedingly well" for conditions in the Universe for Life to thrive- - point to a Plan. The idea of not having a Plan comes from out President and his writings in his book "The Audacity of Hope". And I maintain that to have Hope without a plan is indeed an Audacious thing. For most people you'd think being on the job and having four years of incumbency would be a real father in your cap as far as a resume is concerned. But if anything this President actually appears LESS credible and less qualified than he did four years ago. People like Dr. Levy say "this president has absolutely no experience". This is an albitros you won't want around your neck.

These tea party people are so far to the right that in order to find people of equivelant distance the other way on the left side of the political spectrim you'd have to really reach. Perhaps Ted Kennedy or Willy Brown, or James Carvile, Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson. More likely it would be people from the past such as Henry Wallace, Alger Hiss, John Kenneth Galbreth, the early writings of Nelson Rockefeller, Helen Keller, Eugene Debbs, Margrete Sanger, and Madalane Murray O Hare. One viewing this election from any time other then the present would be hard pressed to see what the problem was in his being re elected. Four years ago the President had to grapple with the "Phone call at 3 AM of a national emergency". They doubted he was pro war or pro military enough. They thought he was really a Moslem or took his marching orders from leftists and was an economic socialist, and wasn't really born in this country. All of these problems have been disposed of. This president has been very pro business and cut taxes and the investment bankers' profits have skyrocketed under his administration. He has supported local governments such as aid to police and fire and health care workers and school teachers. He helped out labor in the auto bail out. Indeed he helped the bankers themselves by bailing them out, too. He has put through bills to increase the rights of consumers and passed laws to keep them from being dropped from their Health Care plans. In any other year each and every one of these things would have been a plus. Killing or apprehending so many Islamic terrorists would certainly be a plus. He's even suspended various EPA regulations to placate business. And yet the President is in such big trouble in the polls it is seriously doubted even if he should manage to squeak by next year - - with this congress it would be just as well as though he never ran. With this congress, after all, who would want the job? So that's where we stand. If Barry Goldwater had come up with any nine, nine, nine plan in 1964 the Republicans would have dropped his from consideration like a hot potato. You've got one candidate who put an innocent man to death and blocked his appeals. You have another with the nine, nine, nine plan. And you have another who drove five corporations into bankruptsy and proffited from each one of them. Romney treated those five corporations about as badly as Jesus treated the Jewish people. It was like he was running a chop shop. You have Michelle Bachman with her dingbat proclamations. None of these candidates would have a prayer in any other year except for this one. I'm sure Dr Levy wouldn't mind if any one of these candidates ran next year unopposed, which is pretty much what they've got with Obama anyhow. If any of these candidates were to run unopposed - they would still lose, to write in candidates like Mickey Mouse or Homer Simpson. All because the President didn't have a clue and didn't pave a Plan for four years.

Thursday, October 13, 2011


President Obama says it “Is not the end” as far as his famous Jobs bill is concerned that was going to turn around the economy, as well as his popularity numbers. He and I read the tea leaves different. To me it appears he’s had it- - zilch, kaput. The Republicans in the debate made it abundantly clear that they would accept No Part of this bill- - even a 2% payroll tax rate cut. So I don’t see where the President is coming from. To me the best thing he could do at this time is to announce that he would not seek another term as President in 2012. This announcement alone would make it a whole new ball game and more importantly- defuse and disarm his opponents. One way in which the tea leaves don’t augur well for him at all is that no big names are out there supporting him. Tell me, Where are all the hosts of Hollywood celebrities? You used to see them all the time such as Al Gore and the green movement. You’d see them out there with their red AIDS ribbons and their pink breast cancer ribbons. You would see the anti fur people out and the tree huggers who camp out in redwoods for weeks to keep them from being cut down. They’re nowhere. Where are the Rev. Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson? They are AWOL. The President has blown off so many people I guess it isn’t surprising that nobody is giving him moral support in his time of need. The media sure isn’t on his side. They are treating Herald Cain’s “nine, nine, nine” plan as though it were from a serious contender and many in the media are praising it. Keep in mind this whole plan assumes the complete elimination of Social Security payments. Period. Also all capital gains taxes are wiped out as well as all estate taxes are wiped out. I told you what the capital gains thing would do to the stock market. Unfortunately it seems the average voter in the rest of backwoods America has the brain sharpness of a 75 year old, the income of a wall street executive, and the educational background of Jethro Bodeine. Whatever happened to science, and history, and economics in our schools. These things seem to be completely eliminated otherwise the swill of the tea party would never have been accepted by so much of Americans, and its precepts never questioned from that point on. Do all these small business people who complain business is slow realize they hadn’t seen anything in terms of economic heartache if a Rick Perry or Herman Cain were sitting in the Oval Office? The out of control deflationary cycle would overwhelm them. And I guess even at that point they would still blame Obama.

Abdul Al Matali, the underwear Christmas bomber plead guilty in court yesterday as his trial was just getting underway. The evidence against him was piling up quickly and it seemed pointless to go on. Of course Matali was defiant in court as he openly declared his hatred of Americans and a desire to kill as many as possible. Obviously Al Qaeda’s best days are behind them. They are never going to pull off another stunt where they down two skyscrapers and kill three thousand people. Of course they needed a little help from the Bush Administration to do that. That’s why nothing remotely close to that will ever happen again. Abdul Al Matali is another name you can check off in the “Done” list if the government is keeping tabs, and I know it is. Actually I have absolutely no idea how powerful Al Qaeda still is. I don’t know what their recruitment activities are these days, or whether or not they are at all successful.

Dr. Conrad Murray is someone else who well might consider entering a Guilty plea along about now. The court evidence is piling up rapidly against him. They said his trial is being broadcast live on 5.2 and I keep forgetting to tune it in. Already the evidence against him is impressive. First of all he lied about making the 911 call whenhe did. Yesterday a medical official stated unequivocally that Michael Jackson could have been saved had he not just been left alone for 45 minutes or whatever. Of course there were no Michael Jackson finger prints on any of the key medical vials, only the doctor’s. Yesterday they said even if Jackson actually ingested the Propothol it would not have had the lethal effects it would have from injection. And clearly Jackson was already too doped up to inject himself. Well, other cases have appeared to be slam dunks before in recent high profile LA court history, like the OJ case. And we know what happened in that one. This doctor is one sick puppy and deserves to lose his Medical license.

Now other groups are getting into the act. There is a group called the 53% ers because they represent the 53% of the American people who actually Pay federal income tax, who regard the lower 47% of Americans as mainly freeloaders. Of course these consist of the poor and the minorities, and the elderly, and in so many cases they are urban. Also there are still some University campuses out there where it is still respectable to be a liberal. I would imagine the majority of intellectual Atheists are also liberals because they teach human responsability. And now we have added to these the "one percenters", who are from the one percent of the privileged rich who feel they need to "give back" something to the country that enabeled them to prosper. You know, people make mistake in life they have to own up to. President Obama should realize that his pushing Obama Care was the single biggest mistake he made in office. I am waiting for him to say these words. Some mistakes I made in my own life were a mixture of bad decision making and not knowing all of the facts. Was publishing my prophecy book a mistake? Maybe. Was getting married to Laura in 1981 a mistake? Maybe. In both cases I felt these moves were prudent and would make me a better Christian. But I'll tell you what a bigger mistake I made was and that was getting a divorce in mid 1985. Both she and I made mistakes but I probably made more. When I moved back into the BOSC house it was a summer of oppressive heat all through July and most of August. Relations with BOSC mates were pretty bad and at least two of them weren't there before, and really all three. I wasn't ready for any "new relationship" even of the four legged variety. Dan Di Marco gave his dog Lobo to Ron a year earlier and I ignored the dog. Ron wasn't even living there any more. But let's get back to politics. I think it was a mistake for the Democratic Convention not to allow Hillary's name to be placed in nomination. What were they afraid of? If they were afraid of "dividing their base" well guess what? What they feared most has come upon them. Nobody supports Obama these days. I haven't talked to anybody who supports Obama in a long time. About the only supporters of the President these days are First Lady Michelle, Ron Emanuel, Larry Summers, and Timothy Geitner, and that's about it. And if there should per chance be any supporters of the President it's really shallow, and I offer myself as Exhibit A. Contrast this with candidates like Rick Perry or Herman Cain. Backers of these candidates would go to the end of the earth to elect their candidates. You know some Christian pastors will bemoan the lack of "Sacrificial devotion" in their church, as if you could just congure it up. Such sacrificial devotion is the result of a lot of positive karma and earned reputation. Most people would not regard "character" as one of the President's positive attributes. They see him as an aimless flake. Perhaps this is why the celebrities are not rallying around in his support. It's because they themselves don't want to be associated with a sinking ship. Perhaps these celebreties have become "corporatized" and now realize that "going with the money" is their financially prudent course. If the President had taken my advised and said he would not run last July when I suggested it, just think of all the political heartache he could have saved himself in the past few months. These are times that try men's souls. One thing we on the responsable left should perhaps do is "ghettoize outselves" like people on the political right sure do. At least we would feel better about ourselves. We on the left in our effort to be fair, want to hear both sides of an argument. Whereas those on the Right live in their own political echo chamber where dissent is not allowed. But I am fresh out of ideas. I guess this whole political tradgity will unfold in the coming months in whatever manner in which the Almighty has decreed it.

OK now for a little trivial clarification on something I said. I said that Mal Evans banned the "Flaming Pie" album in 1998. Now that I remember it was in 1998 after Linda died. Linda told Mal that this particular album depressed her. When I was doing a Mc Cartney compilation I decided I needed ONE more song representing "Band on the Run". I had two. Mal Evans first suggested "1985" saying "It will make a great plug for your Prophecy book". In the book I state that the Rapture of the Church will occur in early August of 1985. I didn't like that. Then Mal said "Linda likes Bluebird" and I thought "well how can I fight that? Bluebird it is". But then as the album was released in the Federation the concencus grew that most people would rather see "No Words for my Love" in that slot and "Bluebird' taken out. And so that happened.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


President Obama’s jobs plan has died an ignominious death today when the Democratic Senate refused to even vote to bring this bill up for debate. All of the Republicans and two blue dog democrats did not even vote for discussion of this bill that’s so key to the success of the US economy. Mitch Mc Conell is living up to his promise to insure that President Obama fails. The senate is the easier of the two bodies since the house is full of tea party Republicans. But in the Senate you need a two thirds vote to even start debate, which I find unbelievable! It could be said that from this point onward we in the US have undergone a Silent Coup. It’s uncertain whether the democratic process will even still work in this land. Writers have feared about this happening and now it may be here. Of course you and I know that the Republicans only control one half of one third of Government, but this is enough. But the other problems we have is this “Red Shift” thing we have seen in electronic voting machines, and this is particularly notable in Ohio in 2004 because it may well have determined who won the presidential race. We know the Democrats won the popular vote in 2000 but doesn’t count. That election was decided in a ruling without legal precedent (and it was also decreed that THIS ruling could not be USED as legal precedent) by five anointed Kings who have not derived their power from the Constitution. Of course there are specific cases of malfeasance. Donald Siegelman went to bed thinking he’d won an election but the next morning thousands of Republican votes had suddenly “appeared”. Also Siegelman learned he was under indictment. Now the Republicans are systematically disallowing the Black and the poor and the urban and the elderly from voting. Of course all these groups vote democratic. We could pray for a turn around but if you want my “Theological position” on the matter, I don’t believe prayer will do any good one way or the other. Something is either going to happen or it isn’t. In my own life I have faced extraordinary hostility and opposition from certain key people. Some of the people who say to me “Why haven’t you been more successful" were themselves part of the problem - - and they know it. The government has all the tanks and guns and if they want to revert to killing a lot of protestors like they do in other countries there is really not much we can do to stop them. We really are, especially in this time, “living by the grace of God”.

Not everything observed about last night’s Republican economics debate was written down. For instance did you know that the Republicans are for repealing the payroll tax discount which is now 4.2% and raising it back up to 6.2% Romney was actually asked a question on this. After rambling for the longest time about “No stimulus plan of the President’s has worked” he finally got to the bottom of line saying that the cut was a temporary artificial creation of government and that employers don’t hire people based on the next two years. Since when? They rig their profit and loss figures by the quarter and try to manipulate those each time and are incapable of thinking much past the next six months or a year. Of course some say that that Solar energy company was one example of Presidential waste of an investment. Dr. Levy was more than happy to camp out on this example. But the thing is this President never personally drove five thriving companies into bankruptsy and profit from each one. First Romney would fire a bunch of employees to increase the quarterly figures I was just talking about. Then he would fire more as sales dropped and the corporation is clearly in trouble. Then the corporation would go into bankruptsey and Romney would escape in his Golden Parachute. Romney drove five companies and profited from each one, and 23% of his entire wealth comes from making innocent employees suffer. I imagine a lot of his money comes from lobbyists and some he inherited, and some probably actually came from companies that didn’t go belly up. But even in those companies he shipped a lot of US jobs over-seas. The idea of having this man as President should make anybody’s skin crawl. But back to energy- - Randy Rhodes refuted the idea that “none of these alternative fuels has panned out”. Randy is a personal friend of Willy Nelson and has written in his car powered by bio-diesel. And Willy drives his truck fueled by bio-diesel all over the land and is able to find a place to fill up. Solar is such a hot item now China and Germany are working overtime to invest in and develop it, and the US is finding itself lagging way behind. In all there are 2.7 million new Green energy jobs in the US. So these are ideas whose time has come. The electric car industry has really taken off in the United States this past year or so. Many think Herman Kane was speaking German with his “nine, nine, nine” plan. This debt commission or whatever ordered by congress said that corporate tax rates should fall to 26% but not 9%. At that rate and if we close all the tax loopholes we will be doing all right. I would like finally to take on this notion, this repeated Lie that the Presidential stimulus plan of 2009 “did no good” or even “made things worse. None of the bozos who say this will cite you any figures. Check the day the stimulus was passed. Compare how many jobs were gained or lost that month. What was the stock market doing that month? Are corporate profits up or down since then? What were the GNP figures doing that month? What was the investor confidence index that month verses now? Somebody out there believes these repeated Lies the republicans keep repeating. I would like to know who these brainwashed, uneducated idiots are anyhow. Some may ask me why I don’t fight harder to get MY views on politics out more. Well it’s like a military situation where an army Colonel knows he’s out-flanked on all sides and the smartest thing he can do right now is just to bide his time and wait for reinforcements.