Sunday, June 20, 2010

"I Know What It's Like To Be Dead"

Today is June 20, 2010 and it's Brian Wilson's birthday. How appropiate that the leader of a surf music band would be born the day before summer starts. This morning they had under discussion the orirgen of various Beatle songs. John Lennon has often said he regarded "Run for your Life" as a throw away song that was added in at the last moment. However historic fact proves him wrong because this was the first song that was rehearsed for Rubber Soul. In keeping with the theory that the most important songs get first run through, "There's a Place" was the first song recorded in that marathon session of February 11, 1963, and they did more takes of this song than just about any other recorded that day. I have thought of replacing on one of my Beatle compilation albums posted- - replacing that trial version of "Standing There" with "There's a Place". But the Federation takes exception to that saying they have problems with that song because Vee Jay Records, which is under the Neir Reigelians, still claims ownership of that song in that portion of the galaxy. Moving right along- - John Lennon appears to have thrown a hissy fit about his contributions to other member's songs. Lennon claims that Harrison regarded him as an elder figure "Because I'm five or six years older than George". Of course that is not correct. John is less than three years older than George. John claims to have done a little "bits" on "Tax Man" where George got stuck, and contributed "Declare the pennies on your eyes". On Eleanor Rigbee- - Pete Shotton said that John's contribution to that song was virtually nill. Later Paul modified that to say "John contributed about twenty percent". By process of elimination (because the other lyrics are accounted for) John is left with "- - writing the words to a sermon that no one will hear" and also "- - wiping the dirt from his hands as he walks from the grave, no one was saved". As you know John rebelled against Pete Shottons notion of tying Father Mc Kinsey and Eleanor Rigbee's lives today. John said "It just isn't what we are lyrically aiming at here". John regarded the tying together of the lives as- - alltogether too symetrical. George wrote "Ah, look at all the lonely people". John was getting bored and was preparing to leave the room and George said this line and John turns and points to George and says, "That's it". In terms of Yellow Submarine, some say that "yellow submarines" were nebutal capsules. I know there is some downer that's called yellow jackets. I thought nebutal capsules were blue and red. I remember taking nebutal, secconal, and butasol at my suicide attempt in May of 1972. In terms of "She Said" new evidence comes to light today. I always regarded the origen of the song was John and Peter Fonda were at this party and both stoned on Acid and were sharing experiances. It turns out that John didn't even know who Peter Fonda was but he kept saying to John "I know what it's like to be dead" and it kind of creaped John out and me would move away from Peter so as not to spoil his own pleasent psychedelic experiance, but that Peter kept following him. In terms of "And Your Bird Can Sing" this apparently refers to Phil Specter's wife, Ronnie Specter, the 1960's girl group singer. Apparently the song was a rebuke saying to Phil, "You will never manage the Beatles". In terms of Paperback Writer, I had the name wrong. I always thought it was "Neir" and not "Lear" who was a real author, apparently. "Neir" is a Reigelian word meaning "nether" or "distant". The Neir Reigelians were called that because they were the farthest away of anybody from the old Reigalian Federation, even though clossest to earth. Other Reigelian words are "Bashier" (a Star Trek character) and that word means eligant or graceful and if often used to described horses. Then there is "Riesen" (as in RISE-N) I thought this word meant some kind of grain, but it apparently means "blowing" or "rustling". On Reigel VI - - the wind seldom blows and the heat and humidity can be oppressive in the northern part of the planet. When the wind blows it's a sufficiently rare event that everybody trips out and says "Look, the wind is blowing".

I wanted to talk just a little about current politics. As you know President Obama gave his weekly address yesterday on the topic of getting a needed jobs bill passed that the Republicans were holding up. This bill did a lot of other constructive things besides extend unemployment though. The President is also upset because there are those hundred - plus appointments to key positions in government that need to be filled so that the work of government can proceed. These are qualified people who would win easily on an up or down vote. Few of the appointments are contraversial. And yet the Republicans are stonewalling. But then in the Republican rebuttal, the speaker spent most of HIS time talking about the oil slick, and how the President is not cleaning it up. He said that commerce was being hurt and jobs and resturant business were languishing. The Republicans don't want any drilling halted or anything which will slow down the economy. In like manner they are against "Cap and tax" because that will export jobs away from the US to China and other places. In this one area I must agree with the Republicans. I might add that even China is looking tword becoming energy "green". Also this oil slick is continuing to grow and has now made its way further down the coast of Florida to "Panama, Fla". I don't know if the slick has made St. Petersburg yet. The political news is like some kind of stalled weather front. The Federation has spoken about "the Texas group" (of spirits) that steered Katrina away from Texas, protecting it. This same group appears to be on its ascendency in control. This group is a sub group of Cassiopeans (which cover a vast array)

JUNE 19, 2010

You know I am reminded that as with today when you hear or read a letter from a loved one or a relative who is deceast, you get fresh insight into their lives that you didn’t have before. [Pete Richards] pointed this out himself. “I knew him better from this letter than I did when he was on the earth”. You know in “Oh God” George Burnes remarks “As to the present I’m very keen on that. Also I’m very much into what was. But as to what hasn’t happened yet, I haven’t a clue”. As for us and the origin of the Universe it’s safe to say that we are very keen on what is. And through the miracle of delayed light travel we can even grasp a present knowledge of what was. However some will place a higher value on what they think “was” than what presently “is”. Let me elaborate. Some teleological creationist of several centuries ago happened upon the image of some native savages coming upon a watch. We don’t know if it was a running watch or not, but this too would have added mystery. We are to conclude from this example that some force beyond ourselves created the Universe and that force is named “God”. Let’s just stop leaping to conclusions for one moment however. (I touched also upon this topic in a September of 2007 entry in Psychic Balance, so read that) Because first of all we can say “I couldn’t have made this and it has a curious fascination as though some force directed it”. But then we are left with the choice of “Is this force some unseen incoporial life form? Or is this perhaps some alien being from another planet who left this device here for us to find. Or (as if saving the most likely for last) Might this device have been made by a human being who was just recently here and mightn’t we encounter this human being and find that basically he is just like us?” I say this because in September of 2007 I did not know that in a couple years scientists will have discovered the formula to life and DNA with the help of computers (which they also created) and so at last we see that life is not beyond the grasp of mankind.” You know- - when a crime is committed police look for evidence of the crime, which can be seen, to deduce what cannot be seen, and that is the crime in progress and who committed it. We work on the assumption that a crime can actually be proved. If we doubt this basic axiom, we are in the wrong line of work. It would be an absurdity to come up with some obsessive belief based on one piece of evidence- - when others are waiting to be found. People said “They still haven’t found the missing link”. But meanwhile all sorts of “missing links” have been unearthed. There is the book out “Evidence that demands a verdict” and yet all of the evidence is not in. Neither the prosecution nor the defense has rested its case. Calling for a rendered verdict is altogether premature. I would rather call the book “Evidence that Suggests a Verdict”. Certain facts about the Bible are pointed out very aptly that many people including me didn’t know. But in some cases there are “suggestions” of evidence on both sides. That Italian guy might well say that the historic evidence “suggests” –rather loudly, I might add, that Jesus as we know Him never existed. But in 1993 there was one book I read that suggested that we were very close to “The Answer” concerning the life of Jesus. The author goes “It’s as though you walked into a room. The TV was still on, and you could smell the man’s cologne and there is a cigarette still smoldering in the ash tray. You might even feel the warmth on the couch where he sat. Yet in reality this whole line of reason is just artistry. It would suggest that if we run hard down the block we might just catch up with him. When in reality the evidence of his existence is so “absent” that people got all excited from a piece of furniture with a forged inscription perporting to be a man of the same name as his brother, James. If we can get that excited over something that amounts to nothing- - we are indeed desperate to find any evidence Jesus ever existed. Facts are known truths. Something doesn’t cease to be “true” simply because no human is aware of the fact of its existence. This line of reasoning would suggest that an all knowing Being would see things as “facts” that we human beings don’t. If things which have yet to actually happen are already known by such a being, such future events could be “facts” though they have yet to happen. (Selah)

I said something some of you may take issue with. I said that the Federation does not look for “pre-fab” human beings to fit together as cogs designed to run their machine, but that each human being is a free being. Certain detractors such as the Bajorans would indeed say that the Federation robs people of their culture and national pride. These detractors see the Federation as little better than the Borg who say, “resistance is futile, you will be assimilated”. Some like the Andromadans see the Federation is a little too much like the old Soviet Union in this respect. But the Federation do not see themselves this way. They see a future ruled by the Federation but they see this rather in the spirit of the Christian dominionists, who say that mankind itself will openly embrace the future.

Some may also be puzzled when I said that Tibettan Buddhism was something I found appealing even though it deals with death and the soul. Because I also said, “I do not welcome a religion (such as Christianity) whose only promise we can bank on is one of the afterlife. The two aren’t really contradictory. Because I remind you I have read my Bible and I know that humans are promised “the grave” when they die and the meek will inhered the earth- - and not heaven. Further there seems to not be one thing that we actually do in heaven once we get there. The place is one big void devoid of substance. And I al also aware of the reason why Christians even say “the only thing we can really bank on is the afterlife” is because they themselves do not believe in anything that can actually be shown or proven, so have to take refuge in a sphere that we know absolutely nothing about. It’s like men of old saying “the moon is made of green cheese”. For a long time men assumed we would never know otherwise since no one had been there- so their statements would never be refuted. In January of 1976 I was having suicidal thoughts. And yet nothing in my daily life would suggest that I should suddenly be so depressed. I had my new ten band radio I’d gotten for Christmas. I was progressing in my sound engineering class, though a bit dissatisfied with the slow pace. I had received the book “Evidence that Demands a Verdict” from [Pete Richards] that Christmas. Obviously that book did not give me “hope”. If you read a letter of mine to Doug Clark it is very nihilistic with reference to Mao Tse Tung and Communist rhetoric. To me revolution was romantic because it involved death. You who don’t know me might assume several things from all of this. One logical possibility is that I myself don’t even know why I was so depressed at this time. Perhaps it’s something that would be revealed in psycho-therapy. In Star Trek they discuss certain metaphysical particles and those of a certain time point, or are aligned a certain direction- - such that one upon examination can deduce which “particles” don’t belong there with the others. It is my contention that with first and early second century Church history- - certain “particles” or pieces of evidence don’t belong there but a police detective could examine them and deduce that they were moved there by others so that they would be found where someone wanted them found. Certain pieces of evidence “don’t fit” and a key example is the utter absence of any reference to Nero or the burning of Rome in the early Church writings. A police detective would conclude “This is just too major of a reality to be so utterly ignored”. People speak metaphorically of evidence “pointing” in a direction. May I suggest that the picture would make more sense if all the “pointers” were lined up properly so there were no obvious “photo shop edits” in the picture. Just think about it.

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