Thursday, December 03, 2009

Zephorah said to Moses, “You are a bloody man!” She didn’t like Moses serving a bloody god like Jehovah, who believed not only in animal sacrifice, but on occasion, human sacrifice, as in the case of Jeptha’s daughter, or the five sons of Michelle, one of the wives of Solomon. These five men “hung before the Lord” as some sort of atonement sacrifice, and not for deeds they themselves were guilty of. The Bible also speaks of “Meddeling to your own hurt”. This is what Judah did when it tried to intervene in foreign conflicts that were none of it’s business. Lately I have witnessed my own family having done this and “meddeling in my affairs” in areas they had no business doing. And yet the United States loves to do this. The USA is a Bloody Nation and loves to sacrifice lives- - particularly lives of the foreigners it invades. We wouldn’t want someone doing this with us. If you get in the middle of a family conflict be prepared to be seen as the villain by both sides. And Afghanistan is like a family conflict. On Star Trek they preached against going to a planet and taking sides in favor of one group of armed people against another, neither of which knew anything about Space Travel. Some might say that the Republican Party should be renamed the War Party. Their slogan is “Pick a War- - Any War”. Just fill in the blanks as to which group you’re going to hate today. Is it immigrants this week or gays. It isn’t Communists any longer. Oh yeah, today Islamists are the flavor of the day, fighting against “Islamo-Fasciests”. Of course in my life I fight against the “Christo-family oppression complex”. Try putting that on a campaign pin. Of course most Islamists are anything but fascist and often take exception to the sort of economic fascism the United States practices. Some like me would say, “If it’s oppressed women that you’re bothered about- - then send in agitation groups to insure women’s rights. Send in protests to engage in civil disobedience, which is admittably a dangerous practice in Islamic culture. A well timed protest movement, as Ghandi showed, can be as effective as war to bring Empires down. But really our Republican friends were not always the war party. The 1940 Campaign platform of Wendell Wilkie heralded equal rights for women, as well as opposition to World War II. Abraham Lincoln himself was selective about which wars he liked. For instance he wrote against the Mexican War. That war conveniently arranged it so we in Southern California didn’t have to speak Spanish. Nobody wants to roll back that clock. I don’t know what it is that Republicans are really looking for. When they are attracted to people like Sarah Palin - - one realizes that their irrationality knows no bounds, to elect a congenital liar like that.

They are discussing health care today in the Senate. Senator Bernie Sanders went off topic to put in a plug for not re-electing Ben Vernanky as Federal Reserve Chairman, though he really failed to come up with a substantive reason why he in particular should be singled out, as opposed to Larry Summers or Timothy Geitner or all of the other Wall Street sycophants that the President hangs around with these days. I think Senator Bernie Sanders’ time would be better used proposing trade legislation, and composing laws that don’t encouraging corporations relocating overseas, and that “Buy American” is entrenched in any bill affecting international commerce. Actually I think there just might yet be hope for this Democratic Health Bill. I’d like to see a real knock down drag out debate on the monitary and alledged savings aspects of this bill, and how it makes the system more efficient. I’d like to hear more about deficit reduction and are the figures the democrats are providing honest or not? Have the figures been jiggled so as not to be relevant to any reality? I think every American should be tuned into these debates on C-Span since this bill will so obviously be affecting their daily lives. You heard the breast cancer commission say that their recommendation about mammograms was not to be constrewed as any sort of proposed alteration in Medi-Care policy, even though Republicans were quick to pounce on this idea. I think we can all pretty much agree that the goal of national health care is to cover the most amount of people for the greatest number of services they actually will need regularly, and do it for the least possible per patient cost, and that this cost should ideally be less than they are paying right now. If the Democrats can deliver that then I’ll support the bill. History will not look too kindly on us if we once again “kick the can down the road” and go on as we are with insurance rates destined to double every ten years or so and bankrupting us all.

People speak of ideas warring against one another. I have proposed an idea where ideas are like things. But that the human spirit inhabits these ideas, so it might almost be said that the ideas themselves have Egoes. Ideas don’t know anything about time. Like that tsunami tribe in SE Asia, words like “wait” and “hope” and “patience” are not in their vocabulary. Ideas live in the perpetual state of “Now”, like Charles Manson preached. Ideas want to control space and when they do this they are freer to operate and to launch assaults against other ideas that inhabit the chessboard. People in this realm don’t really have “Time”. When a human being says “I need Time” he means “Not now”. And “Not Now” is as good as a “No” to an idea. In this realm of ideas- - everything with an ego is lost in the “Now”. They don’t have concepts like, first, second or last. Nobody in that realm Owns anything. They Control space. They have all of the Things they need and aren’t worry about their Things being stolen, because the Things that go along with the Idea are only suited to their owners. There are no concepts per se of any sectors of land they own - - and geometry of shapes doesn’t exist there, except perhaps as a form of artistic expression. In this realm nobody worries about tomorrow and they don’t wait till tomorrow for anything. Doubts don’t exist up there per se because everybody and everything is “self actualized”. The trouble is that people with Bad Karma are actualized in their Pain. People with good karma are actualized in their Pleasure. I hope this has clarified things for you. I don’t know what causes such sensient beings to reincarnate, and it might not even be up to them. Any more than a caterpillar sits down and plans out how he is going to emerge as a butterfly.

I would at this time like to clarify issues as to Einstein’s Special Theory of Relativity. Much of the problem is resolved when one contemplates that not everybody sees the exact same event as “simotanious”. Some see A happening before B and in turn before event C. Some see A, B, and C happening all at once. Others will see the same series of events in reverse order. Wickepedia had a chart involving this where the squares become oblique- -and the grid becomes skewed. If you are watching events A, B, and C, from a distance and are stationary, you may see the events as simotanious. But if your vector travel is headed “to the right” or closer to C than A, you will swear that the events on A occurred after events on B. So light from A had to travel faster because you as X were moving away. Newtonian vectors get neutralized under Einstain. And you will also swear that events on C occurred first, and before B. But you will reason to yourself that light from C didn’t have to come as far because you were moving. Yet you “see” that the distance between A and C are equal. And you say “C" came before A”. In like manner if you are at a train platform and suppose there is a train headed west - - and you are looking south. And the train is moving rapidly and from the center of this moving train a radio signal is generated so as to be seen by both the engine and the caboose, equal distances away. And to you on the train these events are simotanious. And when the signal hits these two end points, beacons crash and the person on the stationary train platform sees the caboose light before the engine light flash. Not for the reason you are thinking. But you believe that the caboose light really IS flashing sooner and the engine light really IS flashing later. Because the radio signal from the center of the train had to travel more distance, IF you are on the platform. If you are on the moving train you see the distances as equal and the signals arriving at the same time. Here is one more example. A space ship labeled B is moving half the speed of light twords planet C and away from planet A. If both of the planets A and C agree to flash a signal “at the same time” - -the light from planet A will have to travel faster to "chase down" the moving B ship - but the ship will see the light from A as having left later than from on C - since “everybody” sees light traveling the same speed – whichever thing you are going TWORD will always appear to be cheating and sending their signal SOONER so you’ll figure that factor in Calculating the Speed. But if you are on planet C looking at rocket ship B you will conclude that the light traveled a greater distance from A to B than from C to B but on the ship you see these distances as equal. If on the other hand rocket ship B flashes a signal simultaneously to planets A and C, remember the ship is headed from A to C, then if you’re on stationary planet D equal distant from A and C you will see the signal be generated and arrived at the same time but on the ship B, it will see C's light as having arrived sooner "because there was less distance to travel because C was seen to have moved in B's perception. What I am saying that Einstein says these events don’t APPEAR to not be simultaneous but in some way they really ARE not simotanious. As to the relativity of dialated or slowed down time, it is much as you and I suspected. EACH moving object perceives the OTHER as having slowed down time. They call this a Reciprocal Property. It’s what Wickipedia calls “counter intuitive” On the other hand in General relativity when gravity is the culprit slowing down time- - this is NON Reciprocal dialation of time. Capish?

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