Tuesday, September 18, 2007

The South Wasn't Defeated in the War;
they were Overcome
-My Great Grandmother
"I Didn't Lose- - I Just Ran Out of Time"
Therapist: What does the expression
"The Nail that Sticks Out - Is the One that gets nailed down"
mean to you?
God: I'm not sure what you're driving at
Therapist: Does the expression remind you of your Son?
God: "Ummm - - ?"
Therapist: That was a rhetorical question.
God: "Whoever works for World Peace is my Son"
- - - - - - -
It's been a while since our last blog, not that you would know it by the news because we seem to continually get recycled news day after day. That Mukasey guy was picked by Bush as the next Attorney General. He worked for the mayor of New York as D A or something prosecuting terrorist cases. The only thing new now if that they are talking about the big cool-down in the eastern part of the nation, which has been dramatic, and also right here in S C where I am typing. They are even predicting a major September rain storm. Perhaps we could cue up "September in the Rain" by the Beatles. Around here rain storms in September are as rare as hen's teeth. Also in the news is Brittany Speers. She is under attack for public nudity or something and proving an adverse environment for her two young boys. Stewart Sutcliffe has taken to defending her and the Federation has suggested they will try and help her. Of course as you know the Federation is on a protect the Sharks campaign. Stewart is incensed that in China they have shark's fin soup for a hundred dollars a bowl where the treatment of the sharks is barberous. They cut off the fins of the shark while it's still alive and then throw it alive back in the water where it drowns, because you will know from the Kenny the shark cartoon, if a shark ever stops moving, he dies. Stewart has pronounced a coming divine judgement on Communist China sometime in the future. So far that hasn't happened.

In these days it's Justice, Bought and Paid for. The Los Angeles district attorney wants to get at least one conviction against celebreties. They screwed up in the Mac Martin case. They screwed up in the Twilight Zone helicopter deaths, they screwed up in the O J Simpson double murder case, they screwed up in the Michal Jackson sex case, they screwed up with Robert Blake, and it looks like they're in trouble getting a conviction with Phil Specter. The jury has been out eight days and that can't be a good sign. Normally the longer a murder jury is out the more likely it will vote to acquit. Even if it's a hung jury that will be a major loss for the L A County DA because they may not retry the case. Of course there is the OJ book that is out now to which Fred Goldman has publishing rights called "I Did It". Actually I like the title "How I Did It" myself. And now of course Simpson is arrested and in jail on an armed robbery charge for which he could get thirty years if convicted on all counts. That's a pretty good idea. They are inclined to deny him bail. After all O J is supposed to be broke. Of course OJ is an extreme flight risk and they have to be aware of this. Charges haven't been filed yet. For O J saying it's his property to begin with I say "If you had any problem you should have long since given it to the browns and the Goldmans". How can OJ make bail when he's supposed to be penniless and therefore unable to pay off the wrongful death legal judgement against him. I think we're all fed up with celebreties having bought and paid for justice, who hire all these same science and forensic people, who say anything the defense wants them to say.

Allan Greenspan is putting in his two cents when it comes to all the Presidents he's worked for. He said that Richard Nixon was the strangest. He would go on obscene rants and use words even a sailor wouldn't use. He went on diatribes against Slavs, Italians and Jews. Ford was the most moral president we've had. He was the least intelligent but the most moral saying "What economic policy is right for America?" Greenspan regarded Reagan as a genious in his own way. Clinton described the relation with Greenspan as "The Odd Couple". Greenspan spent a lot of time closely coordenating with Clinton. Greenspan said Hillary was well able to assume the office of President. Greenspan said the democrats deserved to win in 2006 because the Republicans betrayed their roots because they passed all these high deficet budgets. Greenspan said that we went to war in Iraq for Oil, and Rush Limbaugh is quick to agree with that. Rush doesn't like the expression "No blood for oil" because Rush says "Oil is the life's blood of this economy" and we need to "fight for the free flow of oil at market prices". Right now the "market price" is at an all time high of eighty bucks a barrel. Greenspan is blamed for the mortgage crisis but he left office a year & a half ago before it began. The crisis was caused by investor stupidity and there is no policy that can guard against that. Greenspan says he is long term gloomy about the economy and fears the return of inflation. Greenspan also said that short turm things will get worst before they get better. This author can only agree with that.

Bush's speech last Thursday night was nonsensical. He only told us what we were all expecting to hear. Basically he's going to hand off the whole Iraq mess to the next president. Conservatives like Larry Elder and Rush Limbaugh are saying we'll be in Iraq for the next ten years. It's funny how people who want peace in Iraq are NOT seen as Christian. The "Christian" view a la Fred Thompson and Rudy Giuliani seems to be "War now war forever". People like Larry Elder want this country in a perpetual state of war. I think such a state is mentally as well as physically unhealthy. Clearly the problems over in Iraq cannot be solved by further military action by the US, and that our presence in Iraq has exaserbated the situation over there. I don't see why we can't ever learn from our mistakes.

If you ask John Kerry too many questions
you get grabbed by police and tased.

He said, "Don't taze me, Bro"

People wonder what I think of Christianity. I do have a few questions. Ask your pastor this one: If Christianity is all about the abolition of Sin and Death in the world, then how come sin and death has continued in the world for the past two thousand years unabaited? Ask your pastor this one? Is the old testament law abolished or not? In an epistle to Timothy, Paul says "We know that the law is good" but in Galations, Paul says that "The law is dead". I maintain that the law can't be both "good" and "dead". I'll give you the analogy of a telephone line. Which would you least want to have? A good line, a bad line, or a Dead line? Some people say that "first use" of a word in the Bible is key to its understanding. Clearly Death is used in the context of "The wages of sin is death". So did the Law sin? Of course the first use of the word Love is Abraham loving his son Isac. What does the scripture "God so loved his only son that whoever believes in him might not die but have everlasting life" mean to you? Well on a Bewitched show there was a rich older man out with a young hotty brunette and one day he gave her a valuable piece of jewelery. And she asked him the occasion and he said, "Well you talked me out of living up to my pledge to give the poor children in India". "And this is my comission?" "Sort of", he says. Is God's love of the World so blinding that he's willing to sacrifice that of greater inherent value, just to impress this new "Object of his love", the World. As for me I would gladly go to hell if it meant God didn't have to sell out his morality by turning on his Son and having him killed. You don't do that to someone you love. It would seemed he loved the world More. I have one more observation to make. Many people have questions when they hear their pastor or some radio program and are told it's a sign of piety to shove your questions and doubts under the rug and pretend they don't exist and one day "It will all suddenly make sense". That's what they promise you. But when I was in business collage and some students had to repeat Accounting I it is because they didn't have a firm foundation. They didn't "get it". They didn't ask the right questions but played along and let it slide over their head. And one teacher says, "If they don't go back and redo the course, one of these days their knowledge is all going to come crashaing down on them like a house of cards". So it is when many poorly taught Christians.

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