The second paragraph of this bog post will be about the physical or perhaps meta-physical nature of actual Things. The first part of this blog post is about the psychological nature of things. You've heard the expression "Things are not as they first seem". I would like to turn that around to say that sometimes things are Exactly as they seem. It's one of those expressions Christians love to use. Another one is "Don't compare yourself to others; you have your own destiny". I'm tempted to say that "this is a lie from the pit of hell" because comparrison of yourselves to others is a primal survival instinct. Speaking of primal survival instincts, there is a black and white kitty around here who is no longer a kitten so I guess he is a "jouvenile" now. But when he was small there were five kittens and the other four were captured and taken to the pound. He is the only survival because he was too quick. Imagine seeing your brothers and sisters captured like that at a young age. Certain "first impressions" of humans are strong ones. Even though the cat will meow for food and rub up against your legs and even roll around on the ground playful like- - - don't try to pet the cat or pick it up or you may have a nasty surprise. Sometimes first impressions are the cold Truth. I was only a few seconds into my relation with Jim Spencer when I realized this guy was "bad news" and that I was in real hot water with him and perhaps in physical danger. All of us have had an idea suggested to us that our first impression is "that is a really bad idea" and subsequent events only pile on the evidence that it was a bad idea. But sometimes your radar isn't working as it should. With me and Rev Bill Halliday my first phone call with him in July of 1991 was a disaster. It was a sign post not to touch this guy with a ten foot pole but leave him alone. But sometimes the rationalistic mind can do a number on your judgement process. It's like with battered wives. Their first impression of the boyfriend may well be "this guy is some kind of a creep" but the rational mind takes over and you think "Well maybe I'm just a worry wort" or "I'm sure we can make the relation work if I try hard enough". With the Jesus Movement and particularly with Chuck Smith and Calvary Chapel, my first impression was that I should recoil from it. I had an inherent distrust of people so self obsessed and narcistic personalities. But my rational mind played tricks on me. For one thing I already was a Christian. I had been baptized and went through confirmation class in the eighth grade, so my soul was never in any danger. But don't tell these people that. They want to one-up you and gain the advantage. What puzzled me was Calvary Christian's dislike of Black Sabbath music. This was definitely a group with a moral compass. I subsequently deduced that it was Black Sabbath's strong anti war stance that was a turn-off to these people. They are really into War and the End Times. We then come to President Trump. Once again my radar antenna wasn't picking up. I should have known that a guy who ran as a Birther in 2012 and makes his first speech in mid 2015 trashing Mexicans and calling them all gang members and drug dealers- - is a guy that couldn't be trusted. My dislike of President Trump has only increased and refined over the years- - like fine wine, to be a little sarcastic. Within the first eight or nine months after mid 2015 I pretty well got the idea what Trump was all about. Subsequent events have only compounded this obvious fact and every time Trump sinks to a new low I tell myself "He can't sink any lower", but then he does. In some cases first impressions reflect a personal vanity. When Walls and Bridges came out by John Lennon I fairly quickly formed a negative impression of the album. (I never bought it) I think a big reason was because I didn't see any "Me" on this album. I wanted Lennon to reflect my personal views of life and politics on this album and I didn't see it. The passing years have not eroded this impression.
Now we come to the dimensions of physical things, which are dimensions seven through ten. The first dimension is one of gravity and mass and also acceleration. I guess it's the presence of the Higgs bozon otherwise known as the "God Particle" that defines this dimension of matter. It's the mass and the materiality involved. Without the Higgs bozon, an object is not a part of this Universe. The Higgs bozon is what provides the "template" for this Universe, or any as far as we know. We then some to the next dimension which is Form. This is like the blueprint for any object. It's instructions on how to build it. The "material" is somehow assumed. We then come to the third dimension which is Function. From God's point of view- - - function precedes form. But if you're an Atheist then form precedes function. But from God's point of view you need to have a function for the object in mind before you build it. Some might even rename "function" as "Destiny" or if it's a living creature you could even rename it Karmic Destiny. We now come to the fourth in the row of this kind of dimension, which was formerly called "comonly held perception". But a better term is simply "Awareness". Without being Aware of something I guess all of the rest of this is a little pointless. You might even call this dimension one of "Essence" though I think Awareness is the better term. We come to the last dimension which is number eleven. It's the feng chue one. My version of "string theory" is not little bitty strings but great big ones that extend out from star to star. Some say that astrology is based on gravity. It isn't gravity but some sort of metaphysical or perhaps karmic energy because they are "strings" extending out to an object on earth that when "plucked" release energy. In other words, when these lines like in someone's horoscope are transversed, the event does not go unknoticed. This energy is manifested by some Event that occurs that would not have occurred otherwise. I would assume that all universes have these feng chue strings that when plucked or transversed, trigger events. You've wondered why some Events just trigger from out of nowhere. This is the reason why. Some may ask whether there is some fifth dimensional transfer from another universe going on here. I don't think so. I would say though that some say the Human Mind has the capacity to travel in the Fifth Dimension in Dreams. Dreams are like travel to a world that isn't. If you can imagine it, it exist somewhere, in Some universe. Just think about that. Everything that CAN happen HAS happened in Some universe. (Selah)
Thursday, December 05, 2019
Wednesday, December 04, 2019
Trekking Through the Multiverse
I would like to encourage the people who read the latest blog by stimulating your awareness of the eleven dimensions as I define them. Today is December 4th and I may wait till tomorrow to list the eleven dimensions and go through them perhaps in more detail than I have in a long while for the benefit of new readers. Meanwhile we can all reflect on today's first meeting of the House Judiciary committee. There were three democratically appointed "Harvard legal expects" and one appointed by a Republican, who said that the House hasn't made their impeachment case- - yet. This is hardly a flat-out NO and you have three "Yes" votes to counteract it. The highlight came when the woman quipped "Donald Trump may name his son Barron, but he lacks the royal power to actually MAKE him a Barron. The blow-back from this remark was strong. Speaking of blow-back, George Zimmerman won't shut up, will he? I wish someone would shut him up permanently. Right now we have three blasts from the recent past for you. I'll give you the eleven dimensions tomorrow. Just let me say that when you're dealing with the Fifth Dimension, it kind of takes a lot of purpose away for the existence of an INTELLIGENT God who "gets things right the first time" and appears purpose driven in everything He does. Even an untrained dog can be made to appear smarter than he is if you do enough edits of his actions till you get just what you want on film. (Selah)
Tomorrow just got here early. You know about the first three spacial dimensions of length and width and height. We aren't giving you poly-dimensional space because it is an unproven theory, though string theory appears to allow it by the number of "holes" in the strings. Dimensions of four, five or six or even higher are theoretically possible. I came up with a formula I haven't seen elsewhere for predicting the number of square or rectangular faces at ninety degree angles to each other on a shape of a given number of dimensions. For a three dimensional shape it's six sides, of course, just like dice. For a two dimensional form the number is not two. My formula says it's "one" because you've heard the addage haven't you. "No matter how thin the pancake, every pancake has two sides to it". But not a shape that is devoid of any thickness at all. There is only one possible side to that one. For four dimensions the number is eighteen. For five dimensions it is forty, and for six dimensions it's 75. To be honest I haven't calculated higher than that, but it could easily be done. Now we move to the fourth dimension, which is course it Time as we know it. In this case I need to add the words "as we know it" because in the Fifth dimension we have time as we DON"T know it. (Selah) Fourth dimensional time is longitudinal time. Fifth dimensional time if lateral or latitudenal time. This is any divergence from forward. You need to keep in mind that none of these lines ever cross each other because they all began at the Big Bang. Neither do they bend. This is the stuff of science fiction movies. I don't see how incorporating "bending" could accomplish anything. You get from line to line if you can by traversing "empty space". This is an impossible task as we know it. But we don't know everything yet. A long time ago I used to have a Sixth dimension. Then I dropped it because I didn't think it was possible. Now I've added it back in. I now refer to this as the Zero dimension because there is not space as we know it or gravity as we know it as you cross over to another parrellel universe. I have called it "Hyperspace" like the old Asteroid game. You never know where you are going to show up. You could go to space somewhere in THIS "time space continuoum" or else another Universe entirely, which is why some bright TV writer came up with the term of Multiverse. Some theological people say "God DIDN'T make multiple universes. God wouldn't do that. These are the same people who used to believe that the earth was the center of the universe. The Catholic Church has had numerous run-ins with these people. This paragraph is getting a little long, so I'm going to save discussion on dimensions seven through eleven for another day. I'll give you a hint. Dimension eleven involves Feng Chue, or at least my version of it.
Tomorrow just got here early. You know about the first three spacial dimensions of length and width and height. We aren't giving you poly-dimensional space because it is an unproven theory, though string theory appears to allow it by the number of "holes" in the strings. Dimensions of four, five or six or even higher are theoretically possible. I came up with a formula I haven't seen elsewhere for predicting the number of square or rectangular faces at ninety degree angles to each other on a shape of a given number of dimensions. For a three dimensional shape it's six sides, of course, just like dice. For a two dimensional form the number is not two. My formula says it's "one" because you've heard the addage haven't you. "No matter how thin the pancake, every pancake has two sides to it". But not a shape that is devoid of any thickness at all. There is only one possible side to that one. For four dimensions the number is eighteen. For five dimensions it is forty, and for six dimensions it's 75. To be honest I haven't calculated higher than that, but it could easily be done. Now we move to the fourth dimension, which is course it Time as we know it. In this case I need to add the words "as we know it" because in the Fifth dimension we have time as we DON"T know it. (Selah) Fourth dimensional time is longitudinal time. Fifth dimensional time if lateral or latitudenal time. This is any divergence from forward. You need to keep in mind that none of these lines ever cross each other because they all began at the Big Bang. Neither do they bend. This is the stuff of science fiction movies. I don't see how incorporating "bending" could accomplish anything. You get from line to line if you can by traversing "empty space". This is an impossible task as we know it. But we don't know everything yet. A long time ago I used to have a Sixth dimension. Then I dropped it because I didn't think it was possible. Now I've added it back in. I now refer to this as the Zero dimension because there is not space as we know it or gravity as we know it as you cross over to another parrellel universe. I have called it "Hyperspace" like the old Asteroid game. You never know where you are going to show up. You could go to space somewhere in THIS "time space continuoum" or else another Universe entirely, which is why some bright TV writer came up with the term of Multiverse. Some theological people say "God DIDN'T make multiple universes. God wouldn't do that. These are the same people who used to believe that the earth was the center of the universe. The Catholic Church has had numerous run-ins with these people. This paragraph is getting a little long, so I'm going to save discussion on dimensions seven through eleven for another day. I'll give you a hint. Dimension eleven involves Feng Chue, or at least my version of it.
Yesterday morning I was
successful in tracking down a lot of songs on rock compilations. I also found the re-issues of “Setting the
Bar Too Low” and “One Person Plus the Truth”.
Both are in karmic suicide. The
first is from early March of 2018 and the other is January first 2019. I also found that Jim Morrison conversation
I’d been looking for. I make refrence to
having it but I don’t relate the contents.
Here’s a thought about the Orion Federation. It hasn’t escaped my thought or theory that
perhaps the whole Orion Federation thing may exist in some parrellel
universe. If there were evidence for it
in this universe wewould have come across it with our powerful telescopes. Instead we have located planets in distant
stars and have also flagged various solar systems far away as possible presence
of life sources.
Last night was another drowsy evening. It was the ABC news again and then Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune. But I dozed off during “Wheel” and then had KTLA programming on and dozed through that. At nine I roused. “Arrow” was on. They talked about the “multi-verse”. Somehow “Star-Trekking Through-out the Multi-verse” just doesn’t have the same ring to it. I was taking off my socks and one of them disappeared. I was troubled and looked for it and couldn’t find it and got back dressed. I saw the missing sock folded under a shoe. It’s funny how objects can hide like that.
went to the library and got three more guitar CD’s for fifty cents. Maybe I should have gone and picked up Best
of Dark Horse 1976 to 1989, which I’ve been thinking of getting these past
thirty years but never got around to it.
I need to go to the store now.
Jimmy Carter is back in the hospital again for a urinary infection. It’s a running bet I guess whether Carter or
Justice Ginsberg will die first. I wish
long life to both of them.
Tuesday, December 03, 2019
Evil People
All the rest of this except for this paragraph was typed yesterday 12 - 02. You know what we need to do is to issue a "protocol" on how to interract with God. There are rules, you know. One of the big rules is "Not all truth is true but only those truths that give glory to God". Clement of Alexendria said that. It is a hard saying. Here is another one. If God offers you a deal "you can't refuse" you better take it. (Selah)
God wills it, evil people can sure rule the roost. Take Days of our Lives. Clyde Weston sure knows how to pull people’s
strings by bribing guards with booze. He
got the guard to let him into Will Horton’s call and he had a knife he put to
his neck while pelting him with accusing questions till another guy came in and
broke it up. Stephano may be dead but
his after-image is very much alive. The
ghost of Stephano lives, his essence.
This essence was programmed into the memory of Steven Johnson, who is
actually a much spliffier dresser now and looks sophisticated. Of
course he could strip Steve of his old memories by using an accelerated
de-milonization process. I think Tux was
subjected to that by the way he is so much more distant now. What if a criminal wanted to occupy the body
of an upstanding citizen. He might be
happy doing so- - - until this unsuspecting victim was senselessly murdered as
he walked down a narrow road at night.
After this I went for afternoon snacks.
I decided in getting two Oreos again and an iced tea. Cathy Larsen was saying something to me.
. I went for ten o clock snacks and there was a line. I had two Oreos and they sent us to the front room to get our coffee. We had to wait a while watching some movie on touring the major cities of Italy. But eventually we got our coffee though mine had both sugar and cream in it. It was in one of the old colored cups. I’m not sure what I did between then and lunch. Patty was not at lunch or at dinner. We had beef stew on a plate with corn bread. It had that preservative after-taste that’s at times been so bad that I didn’t eat the stew but today I did. We had peaches which were undergoing some sort of fermentation. We never got noon coffee. I had the Gary and Shannon show. Shannon didn’t do too well on her football picks. They say ever since that black cat ran across that field that teams with cat logos have lost. This includes the Lions, the Bengals, the Panthers and the Jaguires. Gary and Shannon were mocking the departure of that Montana governor from the democratic presidential race. He had a good platform on overcoming the odds. But they also have it in for Camile Harris. They don’t like her and took every opportunity to trash how she is doing in the polls and say she won’t make it to the Iowa caucus. We’ll see about that.
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