Clearly there is a racial
component to the constant and chronic obstructionism we’ve seen since Obama has
been President. Clearly we see an utter
unwillingness of the public to come to grips with the fact that nineteen big
corporations and donors amount to the lion’s share of money in politics. Clearly the American people just don’t Care
that lobbyists have taken over congress and that term limits will only make the
situation much worse. Mike Papentonio
this morning in a thing I watched (“Ring of Fire”) pointed out that Newt
Gingrich, when the Republicans came to power twenty years ago gutted the
traditional government offices that used to check out legislation economically
and report whether the lobbyists were telling the Truth about this proposed
legislation. We got a bit “I don’t care”
as far as the danger of bypassing all of these government filters. We’ll let the Lobbyists themselves “affirm”
legislation and often they write every word of it to begin with tailor made to
their needs. And of course after serving
a short while in congress as a “Reward for their service” to the lobbyists,
they immediately go out and work for these same lobbyists at vastly increased
pay, such that the fastest known way to get very rich in a really short amount of
time is to run for congress. And the
Republicans now say that they aren’t going to have embarrassing political
televised Debates like last time.
No. Instead Sheldon Addelson is
going to “check out” each prospective Candidate himself, as one by one these
prospective candidates march up to “kiss his ring” hoping that they are extreme
enough, to obtain his Blessing. We know
last time big money was working against itself because first Addelson pours
tons of money into the Gingrich campaign, keeping him in the campaign, but then
Addelson has to switch to Mitt Romney.
We know that the Republicans just passed an amendment to the Dodd Frank
act saying that these “Investment Swaps” would be OK now and are exempt from
regulation. Such a bill of course would
never make it through the Senate. We
know that in Florida they liberalized their gun laws even further allowing for “warning
shots”. Now this Black guy says on “The
Big Picture” that this law was passed because “they” meaning those who defended
that Black woman who fired a warning shot into the ceiling because her husband
was tracking her down and backing her into a corner so she couldn’t retreat
this “they” or “everybody” wanted that.
What I never heard out of this Black guy’s mouth is whether HE
personally thought that black “battered wife” was justified. You see a lot of this blame shifting. For instance the whole Real Estate mortgage
crisis of the last decade was supposedly because “Democratic congressmen came
to President Bush and told him he had to liberalize lending regulations” as
though it weren’t a campaign ploy on President Bush’s part to garner Latino
votes in the 2004 campaign. But the tea
party says “The democrats are responsible”.
Now they are saying something even more fantastic. The Democrats alone are responsible for the
very existence of ISIS, which stands for Islamic Society in Iraq and Syria or
something. What the tea party is now
claiming is that “Well Obama came to us and wanted arms for this extreme
organization fighting Assad’s forces but when we didn’t give it- - the
President somehow secretly funded ISIS in a massive way on his own”. So they would have us to believe that the
tea party has NEVER criticized the President for being “Soft on Syria” or even
worse “losing Syria”. We know
better. The tea party LIVES for the next
war. For this black fellow to dare to
claim that congress- - after the saber ratteling speeches last week of Mc
Conell, Mc Cain and Lindsey Graham pro war- - that somehow the republicans are
the “party of peace” really is slipping through the looking glass. They would shift the Blame for this whole
crisis to a funding decision (nobody apparently knew about) to President
Obama. So now it’s Obama who is killing
Christians in Syria or something. Mike
Papentonio is right about one thing. The
rhetoric has been really “dumbed down” and it’s all knee-jerk politics. They claim to love Israel so much but often
Israel has said “Stay out of our negotiations with other countries”. Israel has said this on occasion to the tea
party. The tea party would not like
Israel’s gun laws at all. You have to be
checked out by a doctor, and a psychiatrist, and the police and check around to
people you know, and then they’ll let you have a gun, and like a motor vehicle,
you have to register it- - and if it’s used in the commission in a crime, like
your car in an accident- - then YOU are liable.
Also, each time you go to buy ammunition for that gun, you have to show
your registration card. But this Black guy once again says “Owning an
automobile is not in the constitution”.
Which is about the dumbest thing I’ve heard anyone say. And now they call Thad Cochrin – the segregationist-
- the Liberal candidate in Mississippi. Every
day Hannity and Rush and FOX news gets more extreme, defending psychos such as
Cliven Bundy. Or they advocate the
murder of abortion doctors, and when one is murdered- - they can’t wash their
hands of it. They have gone so far as to
defend cop killers. Eric Cantor is
called the most vile names by Ted Nugent, and nobody on the right will say that
Ted Nugent shouldn’t have said it. And
all the while they call themselves Christian.
Neil of KFI, who isn’t the Messiah, he just plays one on the Radio - -
speaking for Jesus Christ- - putting the words in his mouth that “On certain
occasions like this Iraq War we are in right now- - war is absolutely necessary”,
and no Christian raises their voice to claim how utterly sick and morally
depraved this is. Instead Rush Limbaugh
calls a woman discussing birth control - - Rush calls her “a slut”, repeatedly –
on his show. Every year the tea party
right makes less and less sense- - but show not the slightest sign of going
We keep hearing how stupid Blacks are. According to Rush Limbaugh, the NAACP turned down a huge check from the Koch Brothers to their group calling this money "tainted". But had the NAACP accepted this money, the tea party right would have just as readily argued completely the other way that the tea party itself is tainted and inconsistent because they accept money from the Koch Brothers. So there is no pleasing these people. We hear that Blacks will never vote for a Republican. I heard something about how “the liberals all
decided to vote for the segregationist” in Tuesday’s Mississippi election. There was, we hear, “extensive Democratic
cross-over action of Blacks (of all people) voting for the institutional
segregationist Thad Cochrin. They said
“Rush Limbaugh’s head must be exploding because Rush thinks it is horribly
unfair for Negroes to impact the success of one of Rush’s plumb tea party
candidates such as Mac Daniel. And yet
Rush himself sponsored “operation chaos” by which he instructed his people to
vote for Hillary Clinton in the Texas primary, a move he no doubt regrets now. And just as race has been an issue these past six years (Rush Limbaugh in January of 2009 even came out and said this, "If you think the election of a Black man as President means all of the nations racial problems are solved- - you are sorely mistaken". This utterance of Rush was disturbingly prophetic, almost like he knew something) - - so race as an issue these past six years, and now for the next six years, Gender is going to be an issue and we hear things like one person saying "No woman should run for political office without her husband's permission". These people will excuse terrorist activities if the people doing them are Tea Party Christians, but if any Islamic group were doing the same thing or things less extreme- - the Tea Party would be all over the FOX news waves in an instant saying "Something needs to be done immediately". I don't see how Harry Truman was so successful in 1948 arguing that the congress of that session ruled by Republicans were- - "A do nothing congress" and yet nobody who labels this a "do nothing congress" now will succeed at changing anybody's mind. That year of 1948 aided people like Ronald Reagan - - citing some convincing economic statistics- - the Democrats took back congress that year, and Harry Truman was reelected President. But we are not as liberal now as we were some sixty-six years ago. Why is that?
I would like to refer to this over-used notion of "The Well Intentioned Mistake". It's funny how years after a war is over such as Viet Nam we'll admit it was a mistake. But seldom at the time. Look at the Catholic Church. How many "well intended mistakes has the Church made". Well they said horrible things about the Jews and centuries later apologised. They called Joan of Arc a heritic or worse, and hundreds and hundreds of years later- - apologised. They did the same thing with Galilleo and Copernacus- - they were condemned as heritics for centuries but the Church finally admitted it was wrong. So many now say "Well the war in Iraq was a well intended mistake" as though "In the honest oppinion of our leaders, evidence pointed to danger if we didn't act". Right wingers say this all the time. I'd even imagine my parents would like to use this crap about "The well intended mistake" on me. The trouble is you'll never get them to admit they're not perfect. By doctrine the Catholic Pope is infallible. This of course engenders certain logical problems. Jesus Christ himself said "There are some standing here today, who will not taste of death till they see me coming in Glory". How many "Well intended mistakes" have been made predicting the end of the world? How many cops in police shootings have gotten off any charges because of the "well intentioned mistake". As such I think I would like to ban that phrase from our vocabularies, but then again, that's just me. I can't make any mistakes and get away with it because Neil Savedra said on the radio that God was such a Holy entity that forgiving sins would "Not do justice to his Holiness". Besides according to Neil, a sin out there floating around will cause damage, and because of the damage caused by your sin, another person will be caused to sin, and it goes on and on from there. As you can see Neil Savedra is not the greatest optimist in the world. They should put a sign over KFI radio station on Sunday mornings "Abandon all hope ye who listen Here"
There was a quote from Karl Rove that admitted that people in government not only live in, but Create their own "Alternative Reality". And they LIKE to confuse the rest of us, who study it and try out to figure out what motivates us" or some such thing. It appears to me the thing that motivates these people is pure Evil. And if there is anything to the teachings of Jesus Christ, those who cheer on these people from the sidelines even are Just as Culpable as though they had done the deeds Themselves.
Critical mass public-awakening of Americans to US “leaders’” unlawful and lie-started Wars of Aggression raises several related and OBVIOUS issues that must be resolved if the 99% are to end the 1%’s War Crimes:
US corporate media was/is REQUIRED and criminally complicit to lie in omission and commission to “cover” these War Crimes from public recognition.
Both US political parties were/are REQUIRED and criminally complicit to lie and vote for these War Crimes.
“Developed” nations are criminally complicit in these War Crimes by direct participation and/or refusing to enforce war law to stop OBVIOUS unlawful and lie-started Wars of Aggression.
This article explains, documents, and proves:
How we know US wars are unlawful as objective fact
How we know US wars are started with lies known to be false as they are told as objective fact
Resolving criminal complicity to US War Crimes by US corporate media
Resolving criminal complicity to US War Crimes by US political “leadership”
Resolving criminal complicity to US War Crimes by Earth’s so-called “developed” nations
1. How we know US wars are unlawful as objective fact:
Current US wars, including any attack on Syria, Ukraine, and/or Iran, are Orwellian unlawful because US armed attacks, invasions, and occupations of foreign lands are unlawful Wars of Aggression. Two US treaties, the Kellogg-Briand Pact and UN Charter, make armed attacks on another nation unlawful unless in response to armed attack by that nation’s government. Under Article Six of the US Constitution, a treaty is our “supreme Law of the Land;” meaning that no order can compromise a US active treaty.
Current US wars and rhetoric for more wars continue a long history of lie-began US Wars of Aggressionsince the US invaded Mexico; despite Abraham Lincoln’s powerfully accurate rhetoric of President Polk’s lies to steal half of Mexico at the expense of US military and Mexican civilian lives. The most decorated US Marine general in his day also warned all Americans of this fact of lie-started wars for 1% plunder.
Such lie-began and unlawful US wars have killed ~30 million since WW2, arguably more than Hitler’s Nazis.
Because US wars clearly violate the limit of zero military armed attack on another nation, current US wars are not even close to lawful, and are unlawful Wars of Aggression. This is as clear as a baseball pitch being ten feet over the batter’s head not meeting the requirement to be called a “strike,” and not even close to any objective judgement as within the strike zone.
2. How we know US wars are started with lies known to be false as they are told as objective fact:
In addition to the illegality of US wars, we know from the disclosed evidence of our own government that all claims for current US wars were known to be lies as they were told to the American public and not “mistaken intelligence.” Read this and this for more complete documentation; here’s the summary for lies to initiate War Crimes on Iraq and Afghanistan:
There were four basic claims of fact presented by US political “leadership” to invade Iraq:
a. Iraq had Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD), a scary-sounding name for specific chemical and biological weapons.
b. The US intercepted aluminum tubes that could only be used to refine nuclear material; irrefutable evidence that Iraq had restarted a nuclear weapons program.
c. Saddam had attempted to purchase enriched uranium from Niger; more evidence that Iraq had reconstituted nuclear weapons development.
d. Saddam had links to Al Qaeda, the alleged terrorists who attacked the US on 9/11.
I would like to refer to this over-used notion of "The Well Intentioned Mistake". It's funny how years after a war is over such as Viet Nam we'll admit it was a mistake. But seldom at the time. Look at the Catholic Church. How many "well intended mistakes has the Church made". Well they said horrible things about the Jews and centuries later apologised. They called Joan of Arc a heritic or worse, and hundreds and hundreds of years later- - apologised. They did the same thing with Galilleo and Copernacus- - they were condemned as heritics for centuries but the Church finally admitted it was wrong. So many now say "Well the war in Iraq was a well intended mistake" as though "In the honest oppinion of our leaders, evidence pointed to danger if we didn't act". Right wingers say this all the time. I'd even imagine my parents would like to use this crap about "The well intended mistake" on me. The trouble is you'll never get them to admit they're not perfect. By doctrine the Catholic Pope is infallible. This of course engenders certain logical problems. Jesus Christ himself said "There are some standing here today, who will not taste of death till they see me coming in Glory". How many "Well intended mistakes" have been made predicting the end of the world? How many cops in police shootings have gotten off any charges because of the "well intentioned mistake". As such I think I would like to ban that phrase from our vocabularies, but then again, that's just me. I can't make any mistakes and get away with it because Neil Savedra said on the radio that God was such a Holy entity that forgiving sins would "Not do justice to his Holiness". Besides according to Neil, a sin out there floating around will cause damage, and because of the damage caused by your sin, another person will be caused to sin, and it goes on and on from there. As you can see Neil Savedra is not the greatest optimist in the world. They should put a sign over KFI radio station on Sunday mornings "Abandon all hope ye who listen Here"
There was a quote from Karl Rove that admitted that people in government not only live in, but Create their own "Alternative Reality". And they LIKE to confuse the rest of us, who study it and try out to figure out what motivates us" or some such thing. It appears to me the thing that motivates these people is pure Evil. And if there is anything to the teachings of Jesus Christ, those who cheer on these people from the sidelines even are Just as Culpable as though they had done the deeds Themselves.
Critical mass public-awakening of Americans to US “leaders’” unlawful and lie-started Wars of Aggression raises several related and OBVIOUS issues that must be resolved if the 99% are to end the 1%’s War Crimes:
US corporate media was/is REQUIRED and criminally complicit to lie in omission and commission to “cover” these War Crimes from public recognition.
Both US political parties were/are REQUIRED and criminally complicit to lie and vote for these War Crimes.
“Developed” nations are criminally complicit in these War Crimes by direct participation and/or refusing to enforce war law to stop OBVIOUS unlawful and lie-started Wars of Aggression.
This article explains, documents, and proves:
How we know US wars are unlawful as objective fact
How we know US wars are started with lies known to be false as they are told as objective fact
Resolving criminal complicity to US War Crimes by US corporate media
Resolving criminal complicity to US War Crimes by US political “leadership”
Resolving criminal complicity to US War Crimes by Earth’s so-called “developed” nations
1. How we know US wars are unlawful as objective fact:
Current US wars, including any attack on Syria, Ukraine, and/or Iran, are Orwellian unlawful because US armed attacks, invasions, and occupations of foreign lands are unlawful Wars of Aggression. Two US treaties, the Kellogg-Briand Pact and UN Charter, make armed attacks on another nation unlawful unless in response to armed attack by that nation’s government. Under Article Six of the US Constitution, a treaty is our “supreme Law of the Land;” meaning that no order can compromise a US active treaty.
Current US wars and rhetoric for more wars continue a long history of lie-began US Wars of Aggressionsince the US invaded Mexico; despite Abraham Lincoln’s powerfully accurate rhetoric of President Polk’s lies to steal half of Mexico at the expense of US military and Mexican civilian lives. The most decorated US Marine general in his day also warned all Americans of this fact of lie-started wars for 1% plunder.
Such lie-began and unlawful US wars have killed ~30 million since WW2, arguably more than Hitler’s Nazis.
Because US wars clearly violate the limit of zero military armed attack on another nation, current US wars are not even close to lawful, and are unlawful Wars of Aggression. This is as clear as a baseball pitch being ten feet over the batter’s head not meeting the requirement to be called a “strike,” and not even close to any objective judgement as within the strike zone.
2. How we know US wars are started with lies known to be false as they are told as objective fact:
In addition to the illegality of US wars, we know from the disclosed evidence of our own government that all claims for current US wars were known to be lies as they were told to the American public and not “mistaken intelligence.” Read this and this for more complete documentation; here’s the summary for lies to initiate War Crimes on Iraq and Afghanistan:
There were four basic claims of fact presented by US political “leadership” to invade Iraq:
a. Iraq had Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD), a scary-sounding name for specific chemical and biological weapons.
b. The US intercepted aluminum tubes that could only be used to refine nuclear material; irrefutable evidence that Iraq had restarted a nuclear weapons program.
c. Saddam had attempted to purchase enriched uranium from Niger; more evidence that Iraq had reconstituted nuclear weapons development.
d. Saddam had links to Al Qaeda, the alleged terrorists who attacked the US on 9/11.