Friday, June 27, 2014

The Moral Cesspool that is Congress in 2014

Clearly there is a racial component to the constant and chronic obstructionism we’ve seen since Obama has been President.  Clearly we see an utter unwillingness of the public to come to grips with the fact that nineteen big corporations and donors amount to the lion’s share of money in politics.  Clearly the American people just don’t Care that lobbyists have taken over congress and that term limits will only make the situation much worse.  Mike Papentonio this morning in a thing I watched (“Ring of Fire”) pointed out that Newt Gingrich, when the Republicans came to power twenty years ago gutted the traditional government offices that used to check out legislation economically and report whether the lobbyists were telling the Truth about this proposed legislation.  We got a bit “I don’t care” as far as the danger of bypassing all of these government filters.  We’ll let the Lobbyists themselves “affirm” legislation and often they write every word of it to begin with tailor made to their needs.  And of course after serving a short while in congress as a “Reward for their service” to the lobbyists, they immediately go out and work for these same lobbyists at vastly increased pay, such that the fastest known way to get very rich in a really short amount of time is to run for congress.  And the Republicans now say that they aren’t going to have embarrassing political televised Debates like last time.  No.  Instead Sheldon Addelson is going to “check out” each prospective Candidate himself, as one by one these prospective candidates march up to “kiss his ring” hoping that they are extreme enough, to obtain his Blessing.  We know last time big money was working against itself because first Addelson pours tons of money into the Gingrich campaign, keeping him in the campaign, but then Addelson has to switch to Mitt Romney.  We know that the Republicans just passed an amendment to the Dodd Frank act saying that these “Investment Swaps” would be OK now and are exempt from regulation.  Such a bill of course would never make it through the Senate.  We know that in Florida they liberalized their gun laws even further allowing for “warning shots”.  Now this Black guy says on “The Big Picture” that this law was passed because “they” meaning those who defended that Black woman who fired a warning shot into the ceiling because her husband was tracking her down and backing her into a corner so she couldn’t retreat this “they” or “everybody” wanted that.  What I never heard out of this Black guy’s mouth is whether HE personally thought that black “battered wife” was justified.  You see a lot of this blame shifting.  For instance the whole Real Estate mortgage crisis of the last decade was supposedly because “Democratic congressmen came to President Bush and told him he had to liberalize lending regulations” as though it weren’t a campaign ploy on President Bush’s part to garner Latino votes in the 2004 campaign.  But the tea party says “The democrats are responsible”.  Now they are saying something even more fantastic.  The Democrats alone are responsible for the very existence of ISIS, which stands for Islamic Society in Iraq and Syria or something.  What the tea party is now claiming is that “Well Obama came to us and wanted arms for this extreme organization fighting Assad’s forces but when we didn’t give it- - the President somehow secretly funded ISIS in a massive way on his own”.   So they would have us to believe that the tea party has NEVER criticized the President for being “Soft on Syria” or even worse “losing Syria”.   We know better.  The tea party LIVES for the next war.  For this black fellow to dare to claim that congress- - after the saber ratteling speeches last week of Mc Conell, Mc Cain and Lindsey Graham pro war- - that somehow the republicans are the “party of peace” really is slipping through the looking glass.  They would shift the Blame for this whole crisis to a funding decision (nobody apparently knew about) to President Obama.  So now it’s Obama who is killing Christians in Syria or something.   Mike Papentonio is right about one thing.  The rhetoric has been really “dumbed down” and it’s all knee-jerk politics.  They claim to love Israel so much but often Israel has said “Stay out of our negotiations with other countries”.  Israel has said this on occasion to the tea party.  The tea party would not like Israel’s gun laws at all.  You have to be checked out by a doctor, and a psychiatrist, and the police and check around to people you know, and then they’ll let you have a gun, and like a motor vehicle, you have to register it- - and if it’s used in the commission in a crime, like your car in an accident- - then YOU are liable.  Also, each time you go to buy ammunition for that gun, you have to show your registration card.   But this Black guy once again says “Owning an automobile is not in the constitution”.   Which is about the dumbest thing I’ve heard anyone say.   And now they call Thad Cochrin – the segregationist- - the Liberal candidate in Mississippi.  Every day Hannity and Rush and FOX news gets more extreme, defending psychos such as Cliven Bundy.  Or they advocate the murder of abortion doctors, and when one is murdered- - they can’t wash their hands of it.  They have gone so far as to defend cop killers.  Eric Cantor is called the most vile names by Ted Nugent, and nobody on the right will say that Ted Nugent shouldn’t have said it.  And all the while they call themselves Christian.   Neil of KFI, who isn’t the Messiah, he just plays one on the Radio - - speaking for Jesus Christ- - putting the words in his mouth that “On certain occasions like this Iraq War we are in right now- - war is absolutely necessary”, and no Christian raises their voice to claim how utterly sick and morally depraved this is.   Instead Rush Limbaugh calls a woman discussing birth control - - Rush calls her “a slut”, repeatedly – on his show.    Every year the tea party right makes less and less sense- - but show not the slightest sign of going away.

We keep hearing how stupid Blacks are.  According to Rush Limbaugh, the NAACP turned down a huge check from the Koch Brothers to their group calling this money "tainted".  But had the NAACP accepted this money, the tea party right would have just as readily argued completely the other way that the tea party itself is tainted and inconsistent because they accept money from the Koch Brothers.  So there is no pleasing these people.  We hear that Blacks will never vote for a Republican.   I heard something about how “the liberals all decided to vote for the segregationist” in Tuesday’s Mississippi election.  There was, we hear, “extensive Democratic cross-over action of Blacks (of all people) voting for the institutional segregationist Thad Cochrin.  They said “Rush Limbaugh’s head must be exploding because Rush thinks it is horribly unfair for Negroes to impact the success of one of Rush’s plumb tea party candidates such as Mac Daniel.  And yet Rush himself sponsored “operation chaos” by which he instructed his people to vote for Hillary Clinton in the Texas primary, a move he no doubt regrets now.  And just as race has been an issue these past six years (Rush Limbaugh in January of 2009 even came out and said this, "If you think the election of a Black man as President means all of the nations racial problems are solved- - you are sorely mistaken".   This utterance of Rush was disturbingly prophetic, almost like he knew something)  - - so race as an issue these past six years, and now for the next six years, Gender is going to be an issue and we hear things like one person saying "No woman should run for political office without her husband's permission".   These people will excuse terrorist activities if the people doing them are Tea Party Christians, but if any Islamic group were doing the same thing or things less extreme- - the Tea Party would be all over the FOX news waves in an instant saying "Something needs to be done immediately".   I don't see how Harry Truman was so successful in 1948 arguing that the congress of that session ruled by Republicans were- - "A do nothing congress" and yet nobody who labels this a "do nothing congress" now will succeed at changing anybody's mind.  That year of 1948 aided people like Ronald Reagan - - citing some convincing economic statistics- - the Democrats took back congress that year, and Harry Truman was reelected President.  But we are not as liberal now as we were some sixty-six years ago.  Why is that?

I would like to refer to this over-used notion of "The Well Intentioned Mistake".   It's funny how years after a war is over such as Viet Nam we'll admit it was a mistake.  But seldom at the time.  Look at the Catholic Church.  How many "well intended mistakes has the Church made".   Well they said horrible things about the Jews and centuries later apologised.  They called Joan of Arc a heritic or worse, and hundreds and hundreds of years later- - apologised.  They did the same thing with Galilleo and Copernacus- - they were condemned as heritics for centuries but the Church finally admitted it was wrong.  So many now say "Well the war in Iraq was a well intended mistake" as though "In the honest oppinion of our leaders, evidence pointed to danger if we didn't act".  Right wingers say this all the time.  I'd even imagine my parents would like to use this crap about "The well intended mistake" on me.  The trouble is you'll never get them to admit they're not perfect.  By doctrine the Catholic Pope is infallible.   This of course engenders certain logical problems.  Jesus Christ himself said "There are some standing here today, who will not taste of death till they see me coming in Glory".   How many "Well intended mistakes" have been made predicting the end of the world?  How many cops in police shootings have gotten off any charges because of the "well intentioned mistake".   As such I think I would like to ban that phrase from our vocabularies, but then again, that's just me.  I can't make any mistakes and get away with it because Neil Savedra said on the radio that God was such a Holy entity that forgiving sins would "Not do justice to his Holiness".  Besides according to Neil, a sin out there floating around will cause damage, and because of the damage caused by your sin, another person will be caused to sin, and it goes on and on from there.  As you can see Neil Savedra is not the greatest optimist in the world.  They should put a sign over KFI radio station on Sunday mornings "Abandon all hope ye who listen Here"

There was a quote from Karl Rove that admitted that people in government not only live in, but Create their own "Alternative Reality".   And they LIKE to confuse the rest of us, who study it and try out to figure out what motivates us" or some such thing.  It appears to me the thing that motivates these people is pure Evil.  And if there is anything to the teachings of Jesus Christ, those who cheer on these people from the sidelines even are Just as Culpable as though they had done the deeds Themselves.

Critical mass public-awakening of Americans to US “leaders’” unlawful and lie-started Wars of Aggression raises several related and OBVIOUS issues that must be resolved if the 99% are to end the 1%’s War Crimes:
US corporate media was/is REQUIRED and criminally complicit to lie in omission and commission to “cover” these War Crimes from public recognition.
Both US political parties were/are REQUIRED and criminally complicit to lie and vote for these War Crimes.
“Developed” nations are criminally complicit in these War Crimes by direct participation and/or refusing to enforce war law to stop OBVIOUS unlawful and lie-started Wars of Aggression.

This article explains, documents, and proves:
How we know US wars are unlawful as objective fact
How we know US wars are started with lies known to be false as they are told as objective fact
Resolving criminal complicity to US War Crimes by US corporate media
Resolving criminal complicity to US War Crimes by US political “leadership”
Resolving criminal complicity to US War Crimes by Earth’s so-called “developed” nations

1. How we know US wars are unlawful as objective fact:

Current US wars, including any attack on Syria, Ukraine, and/or Iran, are Orwellian unlawful because US armed attacks, invasions, and occupations of foreign lands are unlawful Wars of Aggression. Two US treaties, the Kellogg-Briand Pact and UN Charter, make armed attacks on another nation unlawful unless in response to armed attack by that nation’s government. Under Article Six of the US Constitution, a treaty is our “supreme Law of the Land;” meaning that no order can compromise a US active treaty.

Current US wars and rhetoric for more wars continue a long history of lie-began US Wars of Aggressionsince the US invaded Mexico; despite Abraham Lincoln’s powerfully accurate rhetoric of President Polk’s lies to steal half of Mexico at the expense of US military and Mexican civilian lives. The most decorated US Marine general in his day also warned all Americans of this fact of lie-started wars for 1% plunder.

Such lie-began and unlawful US wars have killed ~30 million since WW2, arguably more than Hitler’s Nazis.

Because US wars clearly violate the limit of zero military armed attack on another nation, current US wars are not even close to lawful, and are unlawful Wars of Aggression. This is as clear as a baseball pitch being ten feet over the batter’s head not meeting the requirement to be called a “strike,” and not even close to any objective judgement as within the strike zone.

2. How we know US wars are started with lies known to be false as they are told as objective fact:

In addition to the illegality of US wars, we know from the disclosed evidence of our own government that all claims for current US wars were known to be lies as they were told to the American public and not “mistaken intelligence.” Read this and this for more complete documentation; here’s the summary for lies to initiate War Crimes on Iraq and Afghanistan:

There were four basic claims of fact presented by US political “leadership” to invade Iraq:

a. Iraq had Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD), a scary-sounding name for specific chemical and biological weapons.

b. The US intercepted aluminum tubes that could only be used to refine nuclear material; irrefutable evidence that Iraq had restarted a nuclear weapons program.

c. Saddam had attempted to purchase enriched uranium from Niger; more evidence that Iraq had reconstituted nuclear weapons development.

d. Saddam had links to Al Qaeda, the alleged terrorists who attacked the US on 9/11.

Abortion Protest Buffer Zones Voided by Court

Today is Friday June 27, 2014 and I did not type in Word yesterday, or post a blog for that matter.  But I did write Allan a letter discussing yesterday’s outing, and other updates, we’ll get to in due course.  The Supreme Court on Wednesday afternoon issued their long awaited ruling on cell phones and cops.  The Supreme Court justices agreed nine to nothing that when a policeman stops you they don’t have the right, ordinarily, to rummage through your cell phone just looking for “stuff” because cell phones contain your whole life, so it would be like rummaging through your desk in your home without a warrant.  The LAPD says “getting a warrant when we need it won’t be a problem”.   The Obama administration, curiously, had argued that your cell phone is fair game for the police, making me wonder just where President Obama comes down on civil liberties- - since he and Bush have had this aggressive NSA policy due to the Patriot Act.

However there are at least three Supreme Court rulings I take strong exception to.  They ruled that this “buffer zone” of a mere thirty five feet put in place by Massachusetts violates people’s right to “free speech”.  That is that women have to be subjected to hysterical people protesting against the practice of abortion and praying, carrying on, obstructing, or what have you.  To me rights to public access and freedom from harassment is at stake.  These protests aren’t going to be listened to by anybody, but women don’t need the added emotional stress and just might be going in for some other problem like endometriosis or something.  What is so hypocritical about this ruling is that for a political event- - they pen protestors off in protest zones maybe a block away from the event and the court sees no problem with doing that, and more often it’s much more important that these other protests actually be heard.

The Supreme Court also ruled, according to the Norman Goldman show, that these people that were living next to this abandoned industrial plant that was closed down in 1986 and got cancer- - that these people have no rights.  This is just another trend of the court to unreasonably side with businesses over the individual rights of the citizen, and here the issue is the same to lead a free and unmolested life- - in this case being free of cancer outbreaks.  They did not argue that the cancer outbreaks weren’t real or were not caused by the abandoned plant.  Rather the reason was (this is the height of stupidity) that “Well if these people are given the right to sue businesses, then people all over the place will want to sue businesses for damages, and we can’t set this type of precedent”.   The logic blows my mind.

The Supreme Court ruled against the Obama administration as far as letting congress know about recess appointments.  As you will remember that President Bush was famous for making all sorts of “recess appointments” during the summer when congress was not in session.  But this crop of Republicans is so dedicated to obstructing this president any way they can, that they would station one guy in the Capitol building- - and say that “technically’ they were not in recess.  Clearly this was not the Constitutional writers intended.  I think the court could quite reasonably that the intent of congress was to skirt the law, and that clearly, congress had NO INTENTION of meeting, to approve these appointments or any other work.  We know the five week vacation for congressmen is sacrosanct, and nothing but nothing, will “delay” something as important as Vacations.  Urgent bills- - they will put those on hold, but never vacations.

There is one more day when the Supreme Court could issue a rulings because Monday is June 30th and for all I know they may save their biggest zinger for that final day.  Meanwhile the Brian Stowe jury is in deliberation now.  Given recent trends, particularly here in California, the LA Dodger organization will get off with no liability at all.  This seems to be a trend over the past twenty years or so.  The violent weather in the rest of the country continues to headline the network news.  I’m thinking that all these people in the nation’s heartland should be grateful that at least they HAVE rain this year and that the drought is over.  I had a dream a few nights ago I was in a city called Situation, Florida- - with people I didn’t know.  And there are things in this dream I forget.  It was on the west coast of Florida- - and we were watching TV and they were saying that in California they were suffering through a horrible drought, and I remember thinking “I’m glad I don’t live in California”.   You would think that with all this unusual weather in the red states, that people would think twice about the global warming issue.  President Obama was in Miniapolis the other day- - and it seems the entire town is under water or something.  And it seems that if you just go into a hospital for another reason- - they will stick you on a cholesterol lowering Staten drug- - even though Judy’s father, Henry died - - or suffered severe brain damage, from Staten drugs.  Paul indicated doubt as to whether this was the cause, but I don’t doubt it for a minute.  And apparently there is no positive benefit from Staten drugs at all as to saving lives if you take them all the time or never take them.  Given the FDA’s response to other needed drugs they won’t approve, (and some organic substances are heavily frowned on by the Food Drug Administration) so given this fact, how did Staten drugs slip by their radar?

I always wondered what they did with the Griffith Park Observatory since shots of it don’t look much different than before.  According to Terry, they vastly improved the planetarium proper with high resolution photographic stuff that “is so realistic it makes you dizzy to watch it” and also Terry says they escavated a whole lower level to the demonstration hall.  I guess I’m puzzled how they could do this without upsetting the foundational integrity of the whole building but I guess there will be a whole lot more “stuff’ to look at now.  Paul had indicated Tuesday evening when I was at his house, that “You know I believe you are destined to come up with some discovery that nobody else had thought of, and just might change lives”.  My ego loves that sort of remark- - but I can’t help thinking that my stuff would more aptly be classed as Science Fiction rather than science.  But maybe today’s science fiction, or tomorrow’s common place.  I think of things like “unformatted space” and “hard determinism” that are controversial at best- - but they are things I picked up from reading.  The whole tinker toy thing with baryon holes in transported “binding energy that carried most of the mass” is also really “out there”.

Mike Deletori had died.  When Richard Moore told me I thought it was either a roomer or perhaps part of some joke.  Richard grew annoyed with me. But it seems Mike really has died, after a stay of a week or so in some hospital.  It’s always the way that you go into the hospital around here for some mystery symptom and end up dead.  Ricardo says “It’s better this way because he’s in a better place; he’s in heaven”.  That’s the last thing I think about when I hear someone around here dies.  I think about the loss- - of that person’s life- - existence- - and I think about their grieving family and what his or her loss means to people around here.  Maybe DNA in cells is real and can be studied- but you can’t make the same claims about this place called heaven.  I have gotten two cigarettes from Larry Barton this morning, and one from Richard.  So I have been lucky.  We had corn flakes for breakfast and then two pancakes, which were under gone and a lot smaller than last time.  We got a sausage link.  The coffee was good, though.

News-flash.  Indiana is the next state to turn queer.  Some judge there just legalized gay marriage from the bench, and I guess there is no way to fight it.  Meanwhile Charlie Wrangle won his election to a 22nd term in congress, by a slim margin of two thousand votes, yet he is still claiming victory.  Thad Cochrin, the animal husbandtry guy from Mississippi - - and I mean “husband’ in every sense of the word- - yes he won his challenge from this younger tea party candidate, and apparently in Texas some tea party candidate went down, which is good.   This seems to be the general pattern this season, with Eric Cantor being an unusual case on its own.

Tuesday morning after breakfast as I was wandering around the building looking for a cigarette I got a call on the office phone.  It was Judy saying that Mom had had what we thought could be a stroke.  She collapsed when her right leg went lame on the way down the hall back to her room after breakfast.  She complained of having trouble speaking and her right eye lid was drooping.  She was admitted to Saddleback hospital for tests.  But she passed all of those and these symptoms were caused by something else.  Later when Paul talked to her, Mom seemed to be in good spirits, and she could come home today after a night of observation in Keiser hospital.  This is the place Mom had been with diaria and had to wait in the “hallway” for service, for hours on end.  She had that “dificil” bacteria.  So obviously the visit of Tuesday night would be canceled.  At no time yesterday in the evening or otherwise, was there any conversation about this B 12 liquid capsule or the methylated folic acid.  I guess this was something Judy was going to get Mom to pay for the stuff for me, and it would not be appropriate to ask in these circumstances.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

The Gigantic Conspiracy of "Intelligent Design"

What would you say if I said that “Thom Hartman is more psychologically disposed to be a creationist than I am”.   One thing about me is that- - I look at something and like most people go for the immediate explanation.  For instance if I see a lot of right wing hysteria in the country my initial impulse is to say “Well there must be some issue or issues that is pushing or driving the public opinion on this one”.   But Thom Hartman says “This is not some adaption of some (politically) environmental issue that is in some way “reactive” to some stimulus.  As a scientist, this is the way they reason.  But Hartman sees “Intelligent design” in the current prevalence of the tea party and points to some unseen “master architect”.   That is this hysteria - - like creation - - did not just spontiously arise- - it was the result of some “Intelligent design process”.   So Hartman points to Jude Waninsky and Paul Warwick, and Lewis Powell - - as forerunners from 35 years ago - - .    If you look at an outboard motor you see intelligent design.  FORM of matter shows - - intelligence of design in many cases.  Some would argue that things were “created” in a form for a said “function”.   It helps if you have something created in a certain FORM that this form is that way to fulfill a function.  I have told you how you have causality in Citizens United leading to a 2010 congressional republican victory- - leading in turn to gerrymandering.   This in turn makes democratic recaptures of the House more difficult.  You see intelligent design in rich donors going after local offices like district attorneys and AG’s and you also see how criminal involvement such as Chris Christie and Scott Walker are involved with - - spurs their election which insures a further entrenchment of tea party power- - and packing the court with right wing Justices insures that if you DO cheat in a political campaign, you won’t have to account for it.  You see intelligent design in putting right wing talk show hosts irrespective of whether or not they are popular or advertisers flee these shows in droves.  Hence you see a situation on right wing stations like Clear channel that is immune to the normal market forces that would serve as a check to power of anyone else.  And - - many times you need a lot of things to take place simotaniously for something to work, like a well executed criminal conspiracy.  You need some Force to call the shots and to communicate with each of the component parts - - like a coach on a baseball team.  But suppose you have all the key links in an operation save for one.  Randy Rhodes has said “A military unit is only as strong as its weakest link”.  Suppose one decides they “Want to be a Christian”.  We aren’t debating the merits- but I’m just using this as an example.  Now hypothetically the guy could say “OK- - I’ve read Evidence that Demands a Verdict” on the Bible, I’ve cut out booze, I’ve cut out cigarettes- - - Sex?  Well - - I’m still praying about that one, but I accept Creationism- - and I’m ready to be a Christian.  I’m not doing it out of any false motive or purpose to manipulate”.    This guy - - still lacks one thing.  This is “Having been chosen by God to begin with”.  You can have all the right “design specifications” but the trouble is - - even if in your eyes you see no reason why you’re not qualified- - - if God has not also provided some Function - - for you - - as a Christian - - all you have is a design without a function - -  .  And I might remind you that cell DNA is not psychic.  Once you have a living cell – or “Once you have confirmation from God that yes you belong in the Christian church” then you can build on THAT.  But if you have no Cell to begin with- - there is no means of “replicating success”.   Because the first replication has not occurred yet.   So it’s not a question of “survival of the fittest” because there is not yet Life to begin with to either have a successful or unsuccessful “mutation” to carry on the analogy about God’s intervention in your life is some sort of “positive mutation” and if it’s truly from God, God will honor you for that.

I now have to be back solidly in the creationist camp, not that I was ever out of that camp.  But that “Cosmos” thing had raised a few doubts.  These issues were the first ones addressed in the movie.  Sure you can have natural selection, and survival of the fittest.  Darwin noted it with the many types of finches on the island, and different length beaks for various types of seeds, but most of Darwin’s work (time) was spent theorizing, and only four or so years were spent in actual research- - and he never returned to that island off the coast of Ecuador.  But there is this basic property called “Irreducable complexity” where they talked about flagellum - - and this mechanism that enables it- - and how so many cellular mechanisms - - like rhibosones used to replicate DNA are like machines or factories- - and so the machine design analogy- - so successful employed in the last movie- - was also employed in this one.  Of course the RNA kind of unzips the DNA and is the messenger that helps form the new DNA cell.  But the DNA is only instructions for the protein and not the protein itself.  Of course there are twenty two amino acids and each of these are highly complex.  It’s like its own alphabet and shaking out scrabble letters to form lines in Shakspherian plays like “To be or not to be - that is the question, whether it is nobler to - - “ ect.  It would be equivalent to hundreds and hundred pages of text to get the right building blocks to form these amino acids.  These chemical components don’t just come together spontaneously as though some “Chemical attraction” process is at work, any more than a woman has a magic vagina that can tell if the sex was from rape or from an ordinary encounter.  Clearly the DNA are instructions to build the amino acids and from thence, the highly complex proteins.  And in the construction of these complex protien, the cell searches out specific amino acids to be used at each step.  Keep in mind you can have all of the parts for something - like something as simple as a mouse trap.  But you still have to have at least some ability to be able to put the component parts together.  It must be done in steps, and in the right order.  The foundation must be secure before you construct the rest of the house.  You put in the electrical wiring in and such, before you slap on the plaster and seal up the walls.  But I wanted to talk about this idea of irreducible complexity.  To me this concept of "irreducable conplexity" is something Evolutionists can't get around.  Even Darwin foresaw a possibility that "If in the future things proved so complex - where my theory could not apply, than obviously my whole premise on evolution would be wrong".  Darwin said this himself.  Even a mouse trap has irreducable complexity- - of a certain small number of essential components necessary for it to work.  This flagellum motor has a minimum of fourteen components, and if any one component is missing, the flagellum won’t work, and it would be of no advantage for these bacteria to develop tails, that just hung limp.  The whole conceptual leap needs to be made all at once, and this takes intelligent design.  They said that information was like its own entity having neither mass nor energy.  People can intuitively tell which things are artifacts of man, done with intelligent design, and those processes of nature, following strict erosion laws or something.  Mt Rushmore was not created, we all can agree, by processes of erosion but lots of hard work.  Computer operating systems are not coded by mere chance, but lots of thought and planning.  And yet it’s considered “unscientific” to encounter anything in nature that appears to have been done by intelligent forces- - since Darwin came out with his publication.  It’s almost like it’s not “PC” to even broach the theory of some outside intelligent force.  After the movie and the questions it was nine o clock, and Paul took me home.

I would direct your attention to another intangible, other than "Information" or "intelligence", which has neither mass nor energy.  There is also "potential" or some might call oppertunity.  You used to hear in science class that a ten pound weight held over your head had more "potential" energy than a weight lying on the ground.  But does that weight held in the air really HAVE anything that the other does not?  No.  It has the Potential to fall thus involving kenitic energy.  In checkers you may have the potential a move if you want to take it, of quadruple jumping your opponent.  Or take to people in a small town in Missouri.  One is a brick layer and he will be for all his life.  The other dreams of being a DJ or a talk show host and shows little inclination to be anything else.  Like the two "dumb bells" so to speak,  one does not HAVE any special quality that the other lacks.  What it does HAVE is this intangible called Potential.  Potential is probability- - and one can argue in God's eyes - - he KNOWS the outcome in advance- so in his eyes- - only one of these HAS - - Potentiality - - - which ends up being realized.  But this is where the tea party robs the poor.  They rob the poor of that Potential.  It is said that with two floppy disks- - one is formatted but otherwise blank.  One is filled to the brim with information.  Both floppy disks have identical weight.  But when an electric circuit happens on ONE of them- - a Situation is now apparent.  But that Situation- - did not come about by Accident - - It Was Planned.   Which bits were either "Set" or "Clear" in advance, is how that circuit will react.  There is nothing about electrons running through the empty disk as opposed to the one with information.  The Difference is in the Situation these electrons encountered.  (Selah) 

 In other troubling news- - we heard about it all yesterday and it highlighted the evening news- - that two extremist, terrorist Al Qaeda groups are joining forces to develop some kind of new bomb – explosive device – that could be desguized as every day objects Americans would take on an international flight.  Of course this roomer will be enough to send the airport security people into a new frenzy of precautionary regulations.  Meanwhile the overall situation in the Mideast is only getting worse all the time.  Today the nail was driven in the coffin of any threat of rationalist reasoning for the United States getting involved at all because Meliki has come out and said no way if he going to allow Sunnis into some coalition government - - and seems to have made a choice and chosen affiliation with Iran over any shred of hope of looking to America as a vehicle for extrication from his problems.  Shiite clerics are saying that people need to join the Iraqi army now and defend their country.  Thom Hartman raises an interesting point about - - well if the United States drops a bomb on a Wedding party in Iraq you're going to get maybe five times the number of people Mad at you who were actually there, as the story continues to be retold.  Many Christians, or George Bush and Dick Chaney though,  don't really care about "appearences" or whether something is popular.  They view themselves as so God like that "consequences don't matter" and almost Welcome the idea of being Hated by more people.  This is why I always roll my eyes when I hear of Christians claiming to be victims of "Unreasoned hatred of other people against Christians".   These people DO something to Incite that hatred to begin with, and then feed OFF of that hatred- - as a justification for even more violence against them, often just as lacking in justification as the initial act of agression.  (Selah)

I had C-Span on and watched some of the IRS scandal hearings.  The lead republican spoke, and then democrat Cummings, who is a black, made a speech declaring that the entire committee proceedings were a gigantic waste of time.  They had three witnesses they were calling, a woman and two men, and all three were given a chance to give opening statements.  Then there was the telecommunications hearing.  First you have Time Warner merging with Comcast - - and that hearing was held.  Today it’s A T & T merging with Direct TV, and next week it might be T-Mobile merging with Sprint.  It was pointed out that one advantage of merging would be a more solid capital acquisition base- - and also people tend to like “one stop shopping” to have all their telecommunications services under one roof, and if you call for service, they will be able to have continuity in handling their problems.   Today is June 25, 2014 and it’s the fifth anniversary of Michael Jackson’s death.  His family lost their legal suit against the entertainment company, but Stu-baby is still holding out hope that the LA Dodgers get screwed for everything they’re worth in Brian Stowe’s lawsuit against the Dodger organization.  Of course Bones is a Giants fan.  There seems to be in my judgment, sufficient evidence of lack of security personnel, and also action should have been taken much earlier.  John Fugelsang is on right now live in the studio, and Fugelsang points out that if these Republicans were at all intellectually honest, they would be mad at these right wing political organizations getting tax exemptions (robbing Them of Their tax dollars) because an obviously political group gets an undeserved tax exemption.  But nobody is going to blame Louis Learner for THAT)

Monday, June 23, 2014

President Roosevelt's 1936 Democratic Acceptance Speech

We'll get to a substantial chunk of that eventually - but first here is all the other stuff
They finally had the June 23, 2014 “Ring of Fire” on.  The Republican 1972 platform endorsed the idea of gun regulation.  This platform also voted DOWN a balanced budget platform plank.  In 1977 the American Rifle Association underwent a major change in structure and even make-up of the organization.  It was no longer a gun use and safety organization, but now a shill for the firearms and ammunitions manufacturers.  Up until the seventies according to Papentonio, the Supreme Court had never actually started in a judicial opinion that the average American citizen had an inherent right to a firearm.  And when they finally did it was 2008 according to Mike, and Scelia even write that a man had the right to a gun to defend his house, but not to parade around in public to the local Chick Filet.  And for another Nixon connection, Justice Warren Burger said in 1990 that the gun lobby was working a gigantic fraud on the American people.  We would also remind you that not one time was the idea of an individual citizen on his own having the unqualified right to use of a firearm even argued about.  Every one of the arguments pertained to the power of State Militias.  But the tea party doesn’t know it’s history, so they really carry that name as a gigantic presumption on the American people.  One of the Mike Papentonio stories of June 15th centered around this climate of fear and “the other”, which can be used to psych up the unwashed red state yahoos out there into voting for “whatever measures are necessary” to protect them from “The other”, no matter who it is.

Hospitals are death traps and 440,000 people in hospitals die needless of medical or other hospital error.  They don’t have qualified nurses attending to patient now but 2nd or 3rd stringers while the head nurses are buried in paper work.  It didn’t used to be that insurance companies had the right to dictate that hospitals must cut corners and compromise patient’s welfare, in fact so I’m told, it used to be illegal for health care providers to make a profit.  In another area we are informed that there is 300 Billion dollars- - this year and every year, that could be collected by the IRS to go after tax cheats breaking the law, but both the Obama administration and the tea party don’t want to do it.  In fact the reason why the Republicans came up with that bogus Louis Learner story about IRS so called abuses, is because the IRS had decided at the beginning of 21013 that they were going to go after tax cheats with off shore accounts.   They will go after you and me.  And if you or I were in private business they would nab us for even failing to send in a proper “estimate” of our quarterly earnings.  But the big boys get away.

The Faith and Freedom Convention is in town.  Rand Paul spoke for eighteen minutes and I listened to the entire speech.  Faith without freedom is something other than genuine "Faith".  Think about it.  Conversely Freedom without virtue - - is saying "evil has license" or Neil of KFI might go so far as to say "Evil has - - Rights" at least when it comes to Satan.  I don't believe in compromising with Satan or negotiating with him or just "learning to live with it".  The only satisfactory solution is to Defeat Satan, and I believe that.  Governor Christie is Satan, and naturally he spend a large portion of his time up on stage to talk about his favorite topic- - himself.  Rand Paul for all I know besides being anti foreign intervention- - just might be pro gay marriage, for all I know.  He made a compelling argument for his own Christian constituancy for not going to War alleging that this Country - - the Obama Administration - - has given arms to those who seek to kill Christians, whereas Bashier Assad seems content to leave these ancient Christians alone.  You can easily tell which Faiths are truely as "ancient as they claim and I'll give you an example to demonstrate what I mean.  When I entered Criss business college in the fall of 1979 I only spaced once after a sentence.  From then on I spaced two after a period, and you can date all of my writings from this basic fact as pre or post Criss.  In the same manner- - all Churches after the Fourth century believed in the Trinity, that Jesus was God Incarnate and co equal with God.  This is something God condemned Satan for endeavoring to be, equal with God.  All churches prior to the Forth century did Not believe that Jesus was God.  So to say that "The Copts have an ancient tradition" is just shown to be a false statement.

My fear politically obviously is that no matter how bad things get for the political left, there seems to be no “turning point’ where things either “bottom out” or suddenly rich benefactors let loose of their purse strings, any more than Jerry Brown will restore the many cuts to the services of the poor, and there seem to be new cuts virtually every year.  We know Dr Levy’s not showing up was due to a budget cut made last year.  People are operating on this post hypnotic suggestion that if somehow they “orient their thoughts to conservatism” that all will be well and they will somehow discover that far right politics is wonderful, and the only way to live.  In that spirit I copied President Roosevelt’s 1936 democratic convention acceptance speech where he lays it all out, exactly the way things really are.  (Selah)  At this point I'd say if you believe in God you better pray to him really hard for Deliverance.  I have no problem with others being able to accomplish things I don't feel up to the task of doing myself.  I watched “Ring of Fire’ partly before and partly after lunch.   Of course I am still not entirely used to the idea that Randy Rhodes is “gone” seemingly for all times, just disappearing off the face of the earth, and Ed Schultz not having his daily live radio program.  We need to hope and pray that Stephanie Miller or someone else doesn’t suddenly decide to move to Costa Rica or something.  But in fact survey after survey had indicated if you take the L word label off of things, Americans agree with progressives on most all of the substantive issues, so by that reasoning, we should win.

In those days we feared fear. That was why we fought fear. And today, my friends, we have won against the most dangerous of our foes. We have conquered fear.
But I cannot, with candor, tell you that all is well with the world. Clouds of suspicion, tides of ill-will and intolerance gather darkly in many places. In our own land we enjoy indeed a fullness of life greater than that of most Nations. But the rush of modern civilization itself has raised for us new difficulties, new problems which must be solved if we are to preserve to the United States the political and economic freedom for which Washington and Jefferson planned and fought.
Philadelphia is a good city in which to write American history. This is fitting ground on which to reaffirm the faith of our fathers; to pledge ourselves to restore to the people a wider freedom; to give to 1936 as the founders gave to 1776—an American way of life.
That very word freedom, in itself and of necessity, suggests freedom from some restraining power. In 1776 we sought freedom from the tyranny of a political autocracy—from the eighteenth century royalists who held special privileges from the crown. It was to perpetuate their privilege that they governed without the consent of the governed; that they denied the right of free assembly and free speech; that they restricted the worship of God; that they put the average man's property and the average man's life in pawn to the mercenaries of dynastic power; that they regimented the people.
And so it was to win freedom from the tyranny of political autocracy that the American Revolution was fought. That victory gave the business of governing into the hands of the average man, who won the right with his neighbors to make and order his own destiny through his own Government. Political tyranny was wiped out at Philadelphia on July 4, 1776.
Since that struggle, however, man's inventive genius released new forces in our land which reordered the lives of our people.. The age of machinery, of railroads; of steam and electricity; the telegraph and the radio; mass production, mass distribution—all of these combined to bring forward a new civilization and with it a new problem for those who sought to remain free.
For out of this modern civilization economic royalists carved new dynasties. New kingdoms were built upon concentration of control over material things. Through new uses of corporations, banks and securities, new machinery of industry and agriculture, of labor and capital—all undreamed of by the fathers—the whole structure of modern life was impressed into this royal service.
There was no place among this royalty for our many thousands of small business men and merchants who sought to make a worthy use of the American system of initiative and profit. They were no more free than the worker or the farmer. Even honest and progressive-minded men of wealth, aware of their obligation to their generation, could never know just where they fitted into this dynastic scheme of things.
It was natural and perhaps human that the privileged princes of these new economic dynasties, thirsting for power, reached out for control over Government itself. They created a new despotism and wrapped it in the robes of legal sanction. In its service new mercenaries sought to regiment the people, their labor, and their property. And as a result the average man once more confronts the problem that faced the Minute Man.
The hours men and women worked, the wages they received, the conditions of their labor—these had passed beyond the control of the people, and were imposed by this new industrial dictatorship. The savings of the average family, the capital of the small business man, the investments set aside for old age—other people's money—these were tools which the new economic royalty used to dig itself in.
Those who tilled the soil no longer reaped the rewards which were their right. The small measure of their gains was decreed by men in distant cities.
Throughout the Nation, opportunity was limited by monopoly. Individual initiative was crushed in the cogs of a great machine. The field open for free business was more and more restricted. Private enterprise, indeed, became too private. It became privileged enterprise, not free enterprise.
An old English judge once said: "Necessitous men are not free men." Liberty requires opportunity to make a living—a living decent according to the standard of the time, a living which gives man not only enough to live by, but something to live for.
For too many of us the political equality we once had won was meaningless in the face of economic inequality. A small group had concentrated into their own hands an almost complete control over other people's property, other people's money, other people's labor—other people's lives. For too many of us life was no longer free; liberty no longer real; men could no longer follow the pursuit of happiness.
Against economic tyranny such as this, the American citizen could appeal only to the organized power of Government. The collapse of 1929 showed up the despotism for what it was. The election of 1932 was the people's mandate to end it. Under that mandate it is being ended.
The royalists of the economic order have conceded that political freedom was the business of the Government, but they have maintained that economic slavery was nobody's business. They granted that the Government could protect the citizen in his right to vote, but they denied that the Government could do anything to protect the citizen in his right to work and his right to live.
Today we stand committed to the proposition that freedom is no half-and-half affair. If the average citizen is guaranteed equal opportunity in the polling place, he must have equal opportunity in the market place.
These economic royalists complain that we seek to overthrow the institutions of America. What they really complain of is that we seek to take away their power. Our allegiance to American institutions requires the overthrow of this kind of power. In vain they seek to hide behind the Flag and the Constitution. In their blindness they forget what the Flag and the Constitution stand for. Now, as always, they stand for democracy, not tyranny; for freedom, not subjection; and against a dictatorship by mob rule and the over-privileged alike.
The brave and clear platform adopted by this Convention, to which I heartily subscribe, sets forth that Government in a modern civilization has certain inescapable obligations to its citizens, among which are protection of the family and the home, the establishment of a democracy of opportunity, and aid to those overtaken by disaster.
But the resolute enemy within our gates is ever ready to beat down our words unless in greater courage we will fight for them.
For more than three years we have fought for them. This Convention, in every word and deed, has pledged that that fight will go on.

The Mideast Situation Is Getting Worse

Stephanie Miller is saying that maybe why the media was so eager to have all those war hawks back on the Sunday news shows is because the media is thinking “Well we got it wrong on the war, so maybe if we get the really heavy hitters on the who were such serious “contenders” if you will, and they say that the war was a good thing then maybe we won’t look so bad”.  That’s something I didn’t think of.  I highly recommend all of my blog readers listen to Chris Matthews from last Friday night and this morning’s Stephanie Miller program.  Of course the big news is that Rand Paul is like me who believes we should just walk away from that whole situation and not do another thing.  Because as I told Paul “I can’t conceive of any material thing we could do that would help anything in that area but only make it worse”.   But of course I had Face the Nation yesterday afternoon around three.  There were technical problems like showing two commercials at once and having the pictures all out of sinc, so by the time I got to the second half of the show, I booted up the link just for the second half of the show and that worked much better.  But the situation as portrayed by Face the Nation is even more dire than even I imagined.  In the first place ISIS has captured for more cities, mostly along the Syrian borders and as such they are regarded as “smart to do this” because many people who were on a roll capturing one local after another would just keep going.  I’ve played enough games of Risk to know that this is not a wise way to proceed because you spread your manpower too thin.  But it would strengthen my idea, courtesy Joe Byden, of just consolidating the country into thirds and having an in place cease fire right where they are.  There was concern on the show expressed that ISIS would now go into Jordan and into Lebanon.  As such my philosophy is “containment”.  And we should strengthen Jordan in particular, and Lebanon, in order to protect Israel, which is the vital thing.  I am also pondering the Truth that perhaps my opinion on Libya and Syria was a little misinformed.   Qadafi was this terrorist who kills our servicemen in Germany and takes down the Pan Am Lockerbee Scotland flight- - but I hadn’t gotten the word that Qadafi is now a “good guy” and if you’re Pat Buchannon or Michelle Bachman- - now Quadafi needs to be protected.  I was told by the media that Bashier Al Assad was the mad man who wanted to take over the world and had killed 150,000 civilians.  Now according to these two guys on Face the Nation yesterday- - no, it’s Assad who is the “responsible’ guy and that ISIS was this powerful and dangerous insurgent organization who is seeking a vast “land base” in the area in order to plan terrorist acts against the United States.  We are informed that ISIS is heavily armed and also heavily financed by these stealth Westerners who go over there and offer their help.  So like, is this what Diocletian faced with the Christians in 305 AD?  I mean if we are to believe this Rogers guy, referred to as Chairman Rogers, Republican congressman from Michigan- - states that somehow the Al Qaida “messaging” is so perswasive that Europeans see the wisdom behind Al Qaeda and cant wait to enlist and help in any way they can.  Now you have this vast, heavily armed mass that’s controlled- - shades of Ghengis Khan or something.  They just seem unstoppable.  As to the matter of asking Meliki to step down- - this is easier said than done, and there seems no feasible way of doing it.  To get Meliki into power in the first place took from January of 2005 when the first Iraqi elections were held, to October of 2005 and that was with all sorts of help from NATO and such and negotiating and forming a workable coalition.  To suppose for a minute that Meliki is going to step down just because we want him to is really pie in the sky delusion.  It’s said on the show that if Meliki steps down at all, it will be because Shiite Clerics ask him to step down because we hear Iran itself is unhappy with Meliki these days.  But again I only know what the media lets us know.  I’m not psychic.  In fact you know perhaps my WORST record of psychic predictions concerns the course of Soap Opera plots- - because these people- - write scenarios that are implausible beyond belief and seem to be continually surprising me.  Thank God the real world usually isn’t like that.  But who would have predicted that we would NOW be debating whether to get back into the Iraq War, or the third war in Iraq in 25 years.  Rand Paul was on Meet the Press and I agree with his hands off policy on that, and I also admire his “enlightenment” on the idea of non violent convicted felons voting.  Because people shouldn’t be disenfranchised from voting for life because some silly drug conviction in their youth.  Henry Hyde, “It was an indiscretion of my youth”.   But as Stephanie Miller and the Mooks point out- - “It will be a strange Presidential Debate with Rand Paul staking out a position on Iraq to the left of Hillary Clinton, the democratic standard bearer”.  Indeed.   But as to the resumption of bombing- if we killed at least 120,00 Iraqi civilians during the war- - maybe this hardened their will.  Robert Kennedy in his book said “For a long time during the Berlin bombings in WW II, our bombs did not soften the resolve but only hardened it, and only twords the very end of the war- - did this will to keep fighting relent.”   This was the argument that Bobby Kennedy made against stepped up bombing in North Viet Nam.   And the Islamic community almost “feeds off violence” like mother’s milk.  Al Qaida wasn’t even in that theater of conflict will we declared war- - and bombed the hell out of their civilians.  So I guess I agree with Stephanie and the Mooks, that bombs are less than perfect “diplomatic implements”.  Mitch Mc Conell is disappointed that President Obama is not able to resolve a religious war in Iraq that’s been going on since the seventh century.  Yeah.  What incompetence!

I was visited by Stewart Sutcliffe during Sixty Minutes and his views on everything are so controversial I wasn’t going to air them.  But I figured since I have been complaining about not having enough conversational interaction with “the other side” I figure I owe Stu that.  The first segment was on the Coptic Church of Egypt.  In the first place claims of having roots back to the first century are bogus.  Bones pointed out that they weren’t just tattooing those little children with crosses on their arms, but were actually branding them.  Stu says “Brands are the signs of slave ownership and God regards it as an abomination to be “mutilated” like that on your body”.    Bones was also less than sympathetic about all of the forty church bombings by the Al Qaeda type group.  Personally I think the military were the good guys.  But Stewart points out that Copts are “an extremist organization themselves”.  And “When you come right down to it the Islamic community represent a truer representation of God than do these Christians.  And what do you think about the idea that they have these exorcisms during every service.  You wan’t sit there and tell me these are normal people”.   On the subject of drones Steward said that “For any planet under Romulan cloaking and that includes Sirius A and Aldeberan VIII, that drones are illegal anywhere on the planet”.  I mentioned “Aren’t there a whole lot of interesting geological formations on Aldeberan VIII?  Seems to me you could get amazing photographs of that planet”.  And Steward says “Not with drones you don’t.  If those things ever came around here, the law explicitly states that if you see a drone, any citizen has the right to shoot it down on sight”.   There is something a little “disturbing’ about these drones.  They’re almost like android insects, or something, that are intelligent and know where to fly all by themselves.   Then there was the blind pianist.  Here Stewart went into hyper critical mode.  “He’s really not as good as this obvious puff piece says he is.  He’s too heavy handed”.   I was puzzled at what he meant, and Stu went on.  “That is, there is an altogether lack of finesse and manuel dexterity on the keyboard, almost as if he were impaired by alcohol or something.  And that old clip they showed back in the forties- - the piano playing was way better not to mention the whole band was better”.  Then it was John Lennon’s turn in the hot seat.  Stu actually claims to have been THERE in the studio when that “Dave” guy – Beatle memorabilia collector was visiting with John Lennon at a New York studio in December 1971.  Stu says “John seemed a little schizophrenic”.  And I expressed puzzlement.  Stu went on “Yeah, he expressed joy at seeing Dave and everything, but he seemed very unimpressed by all the collectables Dave dumped out on the table, except for that bootleg album that John had the strangest amnesia about not even knowing the fifteen songs that were actually on the Decca tapes.  You can tell instantly, you know- - by the sound engeneering, even if you had no background”.  I said “Well the drumming, too, is very different”.  And Stu says “Exactly”.   Stu actually tried to track down John Lennon when he came out of his nine year “soul sleep” or hiatus or whatever in late 1971.  But Stu says “After hanging around John Lennon a little I felt that I really didn’t know him anymore, and felt he wasn’t the guy I wanted to be hanging around”.  So Stu went back to his Torranto band and picked up where he left off in 1962, and the band had all the same members in it.  Stu doesn’t like Yoco.  David was bewildered by Yoco who just grabbed that card out of his hand in signed it.  She seemed almost almost cold.  She didn’t make a good impression at all”.   After eight- - I went out and talked to Glen.